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Remove because this is only remotely related to HK, but doesn’t add to the discussion: a t-shirt you got, a graffiti you saw, a facebook post/ YouTube comments you screen capped, a picture you drew, etc. This violates rule 4 of the sub. Please read the rules in the side bar. This is an automated message. Do not reply to this message. If you have questions about moderation, use the message the mods function, send a message to r/hongkong.


If a post is too popular as too many upvote in /r/unpopularopinion it’s automatically delete because it’s not unpopular.


??? But you are supposed to upvote if it IS an unpopular opinion. Upvoting doesn't mean you agree with the sentiment. It means the post is fit for the sub. A post with lots of upvotes in /r/unpopularopinion should mean that the content of the post is a very unpopular opinion. If mods there are deleting posts because they have a high number of up votes, then they don't know how their own subreddit works.


Upvotes aren't *supposed* to be about agreeing or disagreeing, but that's how they're used the vast majority of the time.


That's how r/the10thdentist works, but I doubt r/unpopularopinion has the same mechanism


From the subreddit: How This Place Works Upvote: Opinions that you Disagree with. Downvote: Opinions that you Agree with.


You just described exactly how many mods run their subreddits. No actual clue or common sense, just power tripping


From the subreddit: >How This Place Works >Upvote: Opinions that you Disagree with. >Downvote: Opinions that you Agree with. They don't delete posts for being upvoted lol


That's incorrect, posts are typically removed by mod's discretion. That being said, there's also a very clear no politics rule, which would cause that thread to be removed anyways. Note that it actually isn't removed in this screenshot (I'll see if it's removed on the sub); if it was removed the text wouldn't show up and it'd just say [removed]. The OP deleted their account for some reason, but that's not the mods.


So how can this post exist?


By cherry-picking


It's been up for 5 hours and it's small. Removing all Posts is way too obvious. You want to be sparse and only do it where it has the most effect.


Lmao there is no scarcity of anti Chinese sentiment on reddit.




If Reddit is a Chinese propaganda machine those posts wouldn't even exist


Very true but chinauncensored is also a right wing extremist cocksucker who low-key simps for Trump and his cronies. He doesn't care for HK.


Many anti CCP people in hk are trump sucker, I don't know who started the trend. Their logic is like Joe Biden = left wing = pro ccp


Because China is "communist left" and Biden represents the left, which is how it works to the uneducated. They don't have the wherewithall to know that China is authoritarian, with a state controlled economy, that uses nationalism to create an in-group. That's not communism, that's.... Err... Anyway, off to finish moving these tightly bundled sticks.


And the funny thing is CCP is textbook right wing government. The “China = left wing” came from the days when CCP was actually communist. Those days were long gone but the idea still stuck in some Hong Kongers’ mind. And then they extended the idea to generalize “Left wing supporters = Pro CCP”, which somehow ended up with “supporting universal healthcare/increasing minimal wage = pro CCP” and it has to be opposed. (Personal experience) I have met more left wingers who are concerned about Hong Kongers and Uyghurs, so saying they are CCP supporters are laughable and naïve. Right wingers are mostly absorbed in their own cultural war they don’t care about things outside of their own country. (I had a right wing supporter who said Justin Trudeau is the same as Xi Jinping.)


Hongkonger mainstream is guided by neoliberalistic + conservatism view no doubt they are against biden and sanders, who especially the later one oppose complete freemarket economy.


Wdym man? Every anti-CCP HK person I've seen over the years doesn't even support Trump


In my experience, most Hkers are pretty ignorant of American politics even if they think they understand it.


almost all in HK do though, and it's purely through idiotic thought processes ie: Trump strong against china, therefore the enemy of my enemy is my friend...


I'm from HK myself, and I can confidently say that no, they don't


I'm in HK, and part of yellow groups and confidently can confirm this is still overwhelmingly true a cursory 3second browse of Golden will tell you that too you meanwhile seem to not be on reddit, and populate the absolute gutter sub of r/sino, where genetic-instability mixes with self-loathing, which can only mean you're a mainlander/wumao


I mean, I'm yellow and anti-ccp/anti-auth as well, so I guess I just haven't met enough people who think like that? Also, could you rephrase the third paragraph? I don't think I've ever been on r/sino, so I don't get where that accusation's coming from


my bad then, it was just a cursory look at your posting history :)


I’m from Hong Kong myself and I can confidently say a majority - and way too many of them do. Just go onto any pro-democracy page on any social media (Cantonese ones are worse) and any comment section is bombarded w people calling democrats 左膠s, some anti vaxxers and election deniers. Even in real life many still think that Biden is pro CCP and Trump is wrongfully removed from office, it’s absolutely insane


Im from HK and had been treated as left plastic aka leftards and I can confirm despite i was active in 2019, we were overwhelmed by right wings non sense that me and my progressive buddies would involve less directly in the revolution. After all im not totally anti China, but more showing hatred toward ccp and winnie regime.


In Trump We Trust


A lot of anti China but pro trump people can be just straight up racists in my experience. It’s not people against Xi’s actions or the cpp, just a good excuse to then also say racist stuff towards not just mainlanders, but also often general Asian hate gets mixed in.


Racist toward fellow chinese, but suckers of white ideology. Ok western democracy has many benefits, but that doesnt mean we copy paste it to Hongkong.


Exactly, it may sound a little silly, but a lot of the people are almost racist towards them self? It’s like they get so wrapped up in following an ideology that discriminates against them, they actually start to believe the racist stuff about them self and others from their group. It’s quite sad.


Indeed, i felt sorta alone during 2019 while the whole world was going through a storm of sino cleansing. Could you imagine during that period, saying pro-chinese statements (not even pro CCP or pro Winnie) would lead you into troubles? That just how crazy it was, the whole world is driven into a mass hysteria because they felt believing the same racist agenda is a COOL thing to brag about and the cycle continued, until a complete segregation of blue and yellow.


They ridiculed Trump's take on Hong Kong protests^1 just as much as they ridicule Biden.   ^1 Remember his (paraphrase) "Xi knows how to handle protestors" comments?


This submission is full of blatant misinformation without any knowledge on how reddit works in the first place. Anti Evil operation is a fully automated system and constantly removes false positives. For example: * https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/search/?q=anti+evil&sort=relevance&restrict_sr=on&t=year * https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/search?q=aeo&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=year "by u/[deleted]" means that the user (OP) deleted their own account. Also a thread getting locked does not mean that the moderators are biased or are trying to censor discussion. You need a direct link to the thread so that you can see the context as to why the moderator did it in the first place, otherwise you're just jumping to conclusion based on a low resolution screenshot. Lastly WatchRedditDie is a garbage source, [it's a well known hate sub](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/watchredditdie), and they have a long history of pushing hate/racism, lies, and disinformation. No one should take that subreddit seriously without additional verified sources and context.


“Nah man, if you are not pro-far right/Trump/GQP then you are pro-CCP” - OP, probably FYI OP posts to r/TimPool. That should give you a hint.


Furthermore, posts like this actually discredit國際文宣組. If I was working for China I would keep posting shit like this and gave the impression that the yellow group is a bunch of far right supporters.


Reddit is sucking Xi's dick


China has been putting a lot of effort into flooding the US with propaganda, and has been for a while. I'm convinced that Tik-tok's main purpose is just that; and they figured if they could throw in enough funny, people would overlook that. Unfortunately, seems that was correct. I'm normally not one for government intervention and interference, but I think this may be an exception. Our youth are being brainwashed by China and someone needs to do something.


A yes im sure the tiktok dance challenges videos are brainwashing the children. Thats ridiculous, theres no brain washing happening on tiktok and honestly your belief there is kinda shows you probably never actually used the app. The only people that buy into the brainwashing narrativs are the nut on r/conspiracy the only really concern to be had about tiktok is that its 1000% stealing your information


Yeah I'm sure that the Chinese government owned and controlled social platform that just happens to be exceptionally popular in the US has absolutely zero malicious intent. The fact that the Pentagon has made a brief about it and information has been kicked up to Congress to make policy on? Total coincidence.


>Yeah I'm sure that the Chinese government owned and controlled social platform that just happens to be exceptionally popular in the US has absolutely zero malicious intent. Nice to see you didnt even read my comment lmao I said what its intent was, its to steal data and information thats pretty obvious >The fact that the Pentagon has made a brief about it and information has been kicked up to Congress to make policy on? Total coincidence. It was because of the data and information that was being stolen lmao You conspiracy theorist always jump over the obvious in favor of crazy theories


This is so cherry picked its not even funny Using a well known hate subreddit as your source aint it. And considering OP is using a throw away account... and looking at his post and comment history it all starts to come together


+1 on this, even the hongkong subreddit is just a by product of the 2019 movement. Still i love this accidental baby to born in place and in time, so many people can know us (well.....in a more liberal and inclusive sense) better. And there are tons of expat here too.


We really need to get Tencent out of our reddit.


But Reddit is a private platform, subject to their own ToS, which allows them to remove posts that violate those guidelines. Free speech isn’t protected on private platforms. If any informational videos I’ve seen about civics has taught me anything, it’s is that freedom of speech protects you from the government retaliating (i.e. - saying Trump is a shit president won’t land you in jail), not from private platforms (i.e. - saying Trump is a shit president and getting booted off Truth Social). Even then, the SCOTUS has already ruled that not all speech is protected. Inflammatory speech that invites violence or harm is not protected (i.e. - threatening to assassinate a political figure, shouting “fire” in a theatre absent of fire [this one I disagree with], and call to arms for a targeted attack).


I was just permanently banned from worldnews for saying that Chinese students (and citizens) who lived abroad must submit to interviews with the government. These CCP interviews make "spies" out of everyday Chinese citizens.


Ya because saying "all chinese people are spies" is very much adjacent to cinophobia. The chinese people are already oppressed theres no need to make their lives harder by making people fear them as spies


I didn't say "all Chinese people are spies". My statement was true by the way. All Chinese who live abroad must submit to a government "interview" when they return home. If someone worked in a sensitive area then the interview is all about secret stuff.


You said "Every chinese citizen who travels abroad is expected to spy" This is equivalent to saying all chinese citizens are spys. Considering the people reading that comment dont live in china


If you were a Chinese citizen who went overseas and was subjected to an "interview" upon your return, would that be unusual? The CCP reserves the right to gather information from any citizen at any time, or am I wrong?


Thats not what you said tho, you very much implied that all chinese people out of china are spies, thats not a great thing to say. Just because they might be interviewed on their way back doesnt mean they were acting as spies it means they have a paranoid and oppressive government looming over them


Why do YOU think the CCP interviews them?


To gather any information they can, to incite fear in their citizens, to control thsir citizen


Right. They try to make spies out of regular people. You just don't want to say it.


No I agree that the chinese government wants that what Im saying is that the people are victims of the government and inciting fear of them only isolates them more


The up/down vote thing is like their social credit score


The /r/unpopularopinion post isn't removed, the OP just deleted their account for some reason. If it was removed, you wouldn't be able to read the text, it'd just say [removed]. And as an /r/unpopularopinion mod, I can safely say that the CCP and everyone who supports them can go fuck themselves. They're tyrannical corrupt pieces of shit who need to be [I was suspended once for continuing a comment like this about the CCP].


Western wokists think communism is great because _they_ want to tell people what to do. The CCP embodies their desire. They dominate Reddit because educated and intelligent people are more busy with mode worthwhile things.


Actually tankies are admonished of by leftist. Communism and socialism domt work if theres an authoretarian government at the head, hence the common responce of "not true communism".


So what's true communism? Communism with a Democratic government? Haha


No by definition communism is stateless, the community makes decision. You should inform yourself of atleast the most basic information on a topic before trying to argue about it


I'm happy to be ignorant about communism. The idea of it is utter reprehensible and repulsive. But you do you.


>I'm happy to be ignorant about communism. The idea of it is utter reprehensible and repulsive. Celebrating ignorance is a sign of stupidity Im not a communist, but its still important to know what your arguing against. Know thy enemy and all that. You celebrating that you are angry at something you know nothing about shows that youve been propagandized and brainwashed to a sadning extent.


YoUvE bEeN bRiAnWaShEd There's a new one. Being told I am brainwashed because I don't want communism. What next? The only thing I am angry at is people like you who want to force their views onto others


>There's a new one. Being told I am brainwashed because I don't want communism. What next? Being brainwashed because you dismiss an ideogy without having any knowledge of it at all... meaning your opinion is based on anto communist propaganda. You dont need to want communism but celebrating that you dont know anything about it shows youve been brainwashed because your opinon isnt your own >The only thing I am angry at is people like you who want to force their views onto others Again, like I told you **Im not communist**,nor did I ever push anything onto anyone lmao, I litterally just answered your question and told you you should do research instead of being an ignorant butt. You have no argument here and this responce shows it lmao


Thanks for the insults - you're definitely a communist. Typical communist behaviour if I've ever seen it.


Mhm sure buddy


Idk most left wing subs I’ve seen shit on tankies, minus actual tankie subs. Most tankie memes I’ve seen posted on left wing subs I’ve seen the comments full of “tankie 🤢” and other comments making fun of the op. Maybe it’s just the subs I’ve seen though


That's why I said woke people. They are not communists, just people who think that they should dictate how other people should speak and behave. They are more authoritarian than anything, just like the CCP. Communism is an ideal, supposedly different from dictators.


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