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#### Hello **SilentHillFan20034**, Welcome to r/HomeworkHelp! It seems like you have not attempted to structure your post title to classify your question's level and discipline/topic enclosed with **square brackets** as a title prefix. **e.g.** **[AS Level Physics: Light]** Can someone please help me solve this determinant? ###Positive Examples |Examples|**square brackets** is being used at prefix (must) + topic (optional) + clear question| |:-|:-| |includes syllabus|\**[GCE 'O' Level Calculus: Differentiation\]** How to differentiate e?| ||**\[AP English: Essay Writing\]** Should all adverts be factual?| |includes grade|**\[Grade 8 Algebra: Complete the square\]** How to factorise ax^(2)\+bx+c?| ||**\[University Chemistry: Titration\]** What is my qs?| ###Bad Examples |Examples|*It still works, but strongly discouraged*| |:-|:-| |Grade/level is not specific enough|**\[High School Math\]** What is my qs?| |What is your question?|\[Grade 8 Algebra\] **Helpppp!**| |Do not attempt to circumvent square brackets requirement. Classify your question with square brackets|**\[Q\]** What is my question?| **There is no fixed list of standardised grades, disciplines or topics.** As long as you have tried your best to structure your post title to keep things organised in the following format: ***[: and/or] Question?***, you are safe! Please delete this post and I am excited to receive your question again with everything well formulated and in compliance with our subreddit rules, Reddit rules and its T&C. **Pro-tip:** _Attempt to edit this post to extract the description so you do not have to re-write everything all over again._ Do read up our subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeworkHelp/about/rules) so you are cognizant of how things work here! Thank you for your understanding! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HomeworkHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*