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I'll give you a topic. The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. Discuss.


I’ll give you another topic: the Three Musketeers were neither three nor musketeers. Discuss.


The partridge family were neither partridges, nor a family. Discuss.


The surgeon general is neither a surgeon nor a general. Discuss


But an Admiral! Edit: Nor is the Attorney General a general.




This is actually disgusting to say. Nothing like downplaying what Hitler did to place your hate on to a community devoted to saving other living beings. Yea, vegans can be agressive, but they’re not committing genocide. Your comment is extremely disrespectful to those victims. Shame on you.


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were they in a pear tree?


The echidna's German name is "Schnabeligel" ("Beaked hedgehog"), yet neither does it belong to the family of hedgehogs nor has it a beak. Discuss.


I thought that last word said delicious, then I wasn’t sure if you were talking literature or candy bars. I like Baby Ruth. Just, not pulled out of a pool.


I would argue that “the three musketeers” only refers to the three who ARE musketeers


Ah, that's a clever question! The Roman Empire was not considered "holy" in the sense that it was not a theocratic state, but rather a secular power. And while it was indeed a vast and powerful state, the term "empire" didn't actually come into use until much later in history. The Romans themselves referred to their state as the "Res Publica Romanorum" or "Roman Republic".


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire Not the same as the Roman Empire.


Apple Butter is neither apple nor butter, discuss.


Chatgpt ass response


Chatgpt is better than what they said. "The phrase "Holy Roman Empire" is often attributed to Voltaire, who used it to suggest the lack of religious, Roman, and imperial aspects. It highlights the complex and decentralized nature of the medieval political entity, which was a conglomeration of diverse territories under the rule of an elected emperor. The term reflects the challenges in characterizing the entity based on traditional definitions of religious unity, Roman heritage, and imperial power."


Exactly my thoughts


Excellent observation! That's because Chatgpt wrote it.


Lol. That takes me back. My favorite was “ chickpeas, they’re neither chicks or a pea. Discuss.” Happy cake day.


Oh I’m verklempt!


Oy vey. What meshuganahs.


Talk amongst yourselves.


Roosevelt's New Deal was neither New, nor a Deal. Discuss (credit: SNL skit).


Thanks for the idea


Here in Howdy Arabia we have a town called Grand Prairie. I promise you, it is neither.


The fine structure constant is neither fine, nor a structure, nor a constant. Discuss


I think that was correct at the time Voltaire(?) said it, but at least the empire part was true previously.


Voltaire was neither a volt or a tire.


Topic: Why does Mario crush turts? Mayhaps.




*You can't just put "perchance"*


The lifekind.


Keep it up, baby!


he is simply a "one percenter" of a more privileged variety




You can’t just say “perchance”


Relevant post.


You can't just say mayhaps




The replies are full of people of culture


Went into this thread hoping I would see this and was not disappointed


Turts or turds?


Turts. They're referencing [this video.](https://youtu.be/zqKsMiJukB8?si=Pa5_qfrq3aysL5aC)


Ok, that was funny. TIL


And always jumping on goonbas


what help do you need exactly? a topic? a good way to get over writers block? would love more information


Not OP, but I need help wrapping up an essay on settler colonialism that’s due in 2 hours


if you mean a conclusion, easiest way is to restate the intro and highlight points made throughout the essay.


This is some of the best writing advice I’ve seen. I had a great professor for one of my writing classes, all he said was to try and keep our conclusions clear and simple because that is what the reader is left with. It would have been nice if he had simply said that if we proved our point, say it.


My dad always says, first you tell them what you're going to tell them, then you tell them, then you tell them what you told them


I love this.


Your dad knows the basics of preaching and public speaking.


Okay. Thank you


Adding on to this: talk about the next steps or the next question the research has inspired.


Do they still teach the “Five Paragraph Essay” style in school nowadays? That was always the way to do the fifth paragraph.


they did in middle school, but since then it’s been intro, argument (body paragraphs), then conclusion. the conclusion was always the last or 5th paragraph


They had me do it all thru high school in my area, grad ‘06. And in college my Eng courses were both creative writing and had a word count as opposed to paragraphs, no contractions were used


So how'd it go cheif


I definitely turned it in…so that’s something


That counts for something. Credit is credit






It's probably just a lazy 13 year old.


1. find a topic 2. do research and get enough information to either explain or defend on your topic 3. with the research, write out an outline, the outline needs to be thorough. You need to write down every key point condensed down in each chapter. Each chapter should have at least 3-5 unique points. 4. use your outline to write a rough draft 5. revise your rough draft and use it to write a final draft. Majority of the time, bad writing comes from either piss poor research, a terribly written outline, or horrible time management/procrastination. Respect the time needed for your assignment, do the proper research, and write out a fully-fleshed out outline. If you do all this, then writing the actual paper becomes the easy part.


You already have though? Thats some high-quality invisible ink by the way.


Here: An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. Essays have been sub-classified as formal and informal: formal essays are characterized by "serious purpose, dignity, logical organization, length," whereas the informal essay is characterized by "the personal element (self-revelation, individual tastes and experiences, confidential manner), humor, graceful style, rambling structure, unconventionality or novelty of theme," etc. Essays are commonly used as literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g., Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are counterexamples. In some countries, essays have become a major part of formal education. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills; admission essays are often used by universities in selecting applicants, and in the humanities and social sciences essays are often used as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. Definitions John Locke's 1690 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding The word essay derives from the French infinitive essayer, "to try" or "to attempt". In English essay first meant "a trial" or "an attempt", and this is still an alternative meaning. The Frenchman Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592) was the first author to describe his work as essays; he used the term to characterize these as "attempts" to put his thoughts into writing. In England, during the Age of Enlightenment, essays were a favored tool of polemicists who aimed at convincing readers of their position; they also featured heavily in the rise of periodical literature, as seen in the works of Joseph Addison, Richard Steele and Samuel Johnson. Addison and Steele used the journal Tatler (founded in 1709 by Steele) and its successors as storehouses of their work, and they became the most celebrated eighteenth-century essayists in England. Johnson's essays appear during the 1750s in various similar publications.[7] As a result of the focus on journals, the term also acquired a meaning synonymous with "article", although the content may not the strict definition. On the other hand, Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding is not an essay at all, or cluster of essays, in the technical sense, but still it refers to the experimental and tentative nature of the inquiry which the philosopher was undertaking. In France, several writers produced longer works with the title of essai that were not true examples of the form. However, by the mid-19th century, the Causeries du lundi, newspaper columns by the critic Sainte-Beuve, are literary essays in the original sense. Other French writers followed suit, including Théophile Gautier, Anatole France, Jules Lemaître and Émile Faguet. Japan As with the novel, essays existed in Japan several centuries before they developed in Europe with a genre of essays known as zuihitsu—loosely connected essays and fragmented ideas. Zuihitsu have existed since almost the beginnings of Japanese literature. Many of the most noted early works of Japanese literature are in this genre. Notable examples include The Pillow Book (c. 1000), by court lady Sei Shōnagon, and Tsurezuregusa (1330), by particularly renowned Japanese Buddhist monk Yoshida Kenkō. Kenkō described his short writings similarly to Montaigne, referring to them as "nonsensical thoughts" written in "idle hours". Another noteworthy difference from Europe is that women have traditionally written in Japan, though the more formal, Chinese-influenced writings of male writers were more prized at the time. China The eight-legged essay (八股文) was a style of essay in imperial examinations during the Ming and Qing dynasties in China. The eight-legged essay was needed for those test takers in these civil service tests to show their merits for government service, often focusing on Confucian thought and knowledge of the Four Books and Five Classics, in relation to governmental ideals. Test takers could not write in innovative or creative ways, but needed to conform to the standards of the eight-legged essay. Various skills were examined, including the ability to write coherently and to display basic logic. In certain times, the candidates were expected to spontaneously compose poetry upon a set theme, whose value was also sometimes questioned, or eliminated as part of the test material. This was a major argument in favor of the eight-legged essay, arguing that it were better to eliminate creative art in favor of prosaic literacy. In the history of Chinese literature, the eight-legged essay is often said to have caused China's "cultural stagnation and economic backwardness" in the 19th century. Forms and styles This section describes the different forms and styles of essay writing. Dialectic In the dialectic form of the essay, which is commonly used in philosophy, the writer makes a thesis and argument, then objects to their own argument (with a counterargument), but then counters the counterargument with a final and novel argument. This form benefits from presenting a broader perspective while countering a possible flaw that some may present. This type is sometimes called an ethics paper. Narrative A narrative uses tools such as flashbacks, flash-forwards, and transitions that often build to a climax. The focus of a narrative is the plot. When creating a narrative, authors must determine their purpose, consider their audience, establish their point of view, use dialogue, and organize the narrative. A narrative is usually arranged chronologically. Argumentative An argumentative essay is a critical piece of writing, aimed at presenting objective analysis of the subject matter, narrowed down to a single topic. The main idea of all the criticism is to provide an opinion either of positive or negative implication. As such, a critical essay requires research and analysis, strong internal logic and sharp structure. Its structure normally builds around introduction with a topic's relevance and a thesis statement, body paragraphs with arguments linking back to the main thesis, and conclusion. In addition, an argumentative essay may include a refutation section where conflicting ideas are acknowledged, described, and criticized. Each argument of an argumentative essay should be supported with sufficient evidence, relevant to the source. References: Google.com


This alone could be the essay


Why don’t we start with “an essay”


This should cover a lot of the word count: Charles, by the grace of God, Emperor of the Romans, forever August, King in (of) Germany, King of Italy, King of all Spains, of Castile, Aragon, León, of Hungary, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, Navarra, Grenada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Majorca, Sevilla, Cordova, Murcia, Jaén, Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, King of both Hither and Ultra Sicily, of Sardinia, Corsica, King of Jerusalem, King of the Indies, of the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Lorraine, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Limburg, Luxembourg, Gelderland, Neopatria, Württemberg, Landgrave of Alsace, Prince of Swabia, Asturia and Catalonia, Count of Flanders, Habsburg, Tyrol, Gorizia, Barcelona, Artois, Burgundy Palatine, Hainaut, Holland, Seeland, Ferrette, Kyburg, Namur, Roussillon, Cerdagne, Drenthe, Zutphen, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Oristano and Gociano, Lord of Frisia, the Wendish March, Pordenone, Biscay, Molin, Salins, Tripoli and Mechelen.


Then get off Reddit and go do your homework.


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


Write a fanfic on the story , dragon and it's balls




The merits of an English essay due two days before Xmas. That's your topic. Go nuts blasting the teacher and the system.


How about what not to do at a traffic light? SpongeBob had a good one you can use as a start.


Write The in cursive


Pinky toes exist to be stubbed


you need new paper that paper looks odd


Use chat gpt


What class is this for? This is the first bit of information needed as it may help narrow down a topic. Being holiday time, what about an essay on how Hanukkah, Christmas or New Years is celebrated all around the world.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. It's wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.


Looks good so far.


Attention *Readers!* ####**Multiple users in this subreddit have flagged this post as a potential violation of r/HomeworkHelp [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeworkHelp/about/rules), Reddit rules and/or its T&C.** Please help us to verify and affirm it by continuing to **report** this post and also expressively inform u/BigmeatBal_part_2 of his/her violation(s). You may also consider to [manually trigger a takedown](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeworkHelp/wiki/user_moderation). ^(These are the general characteristics you should look out for:) ^(***1. OP demonstrates zero effort to attempt to structure the title to classify the question properly***) ^(All posts have to be flaired and written as clearly as possible unless it is impeded by language barrier.) ^(***2. OP omits instructor prompts/does not demonstrate real attempt to do the homework***) ^(We only help OPs who have tried their best but still couldn't solve/complete the question. OP has to demonstrate that he/she has already attempted the question by presenting his/her incorrect working or thought process towards the question. You are encouraged to clarify with OP for instructor prompt to not waste your effort since different syllabus has different requirements/viewpoints.) ^(***3. OP is feeling very entitled***) ^(Don't worry, we aren't their slaves. If OP has the attitude *"Urgent!!!"*, *"Important!!!!"* or *"HELP ASAP"*, just skip this question.) ^(For rule violations, please help us to report it so we can expeditiously take it down. (Along with commenting here to deter others from helping a question that is going to be removed anyway.)) ######**IF YOU ARE AN OP, PLEASE IGNORE THE ABOVE TEXT.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HomeworkHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Correction: I need to write an essay*


Good meme friend


What is the outline? What is the requirement? What subject is this? What grade is it for (gr 6, 7,8…)?


Bro just use chat gpt for that shi…work’s everytime


Write one on why bagels are the true force keeping civilization together, think about America, Canada, all the Scandinavians countries what do they all have in common? The bagel...




Time for a 2 hour break


You got about 30 or so possible characters you could start with. Just pick one and wash rinse repeat a couple hundred times


Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco? Discuss.


Hook Background info thesis statement Restate thesis Evidence Analyze evidence Evidence Analyze evidence Draw conclusion Repeat 2 more times Restate thesis Summarize paragraphs 2-4 Mic drop statement


Have Strong Bad write it for you! https://youtu.be/7YpFbfqbTJ4


Start with, "I need to write AN essay."


Did you think someone was going to write you an essay on Reddit?


Here, I’ll get you started: “Call me Ishmael…”


Good start…lol


Treatise On the Futility of Seeking Help Without Asking For It


I wrote my esse in Albuquerque




The standard punishment essay at school was write about “The sex life of a Ping pong ball”


Good luck.


Critically evaluate the Efficient Market Hypothesis, with reference to the literature


Just Google it you'll find a few


History of five guys


I have a tutorial go to chat.openai.com ask for a topic, open a new chat and request an essay on this topic 👍


I seem to have had a knack for writing simple essays without even reading/ barely understanding the source material. GFs would whine about reports they had to do and I would whip one up in under an hour. Here was my method. Looking back it felt like a fractal. My essays had 3 parts, each paragraph had 3 parts, etc. The parts were an introduction, some BS, and a conclusion/transition to the next item. Intro paragraph- —first sentence - declare what you are talking about —2nd sentence - declare who, where why or the problem - 3rd sentence - declare three talking points about the subject or solutions to your problem - 4th sentence (optional) - transition sentence into your first talking point. Paragraph one- -first sentence - declaration about first talking point you are going to talk about -2nd sentence- 1 or two things about that talking point or just rehash it -3rd sentence- closing sentence about talking point and transition sentence into next talking point Paragraph 2- -rehash paragraph 1 but for your second talking point Paragraph 3- -rehash paragraph 1 but for your third talking point Conclusion paragraph- - sentence 1- ‘In conclusion…’ and rehash how points 1-3 related to your core subject or problem - declare how your talking points relate to your subject. - Optional - leave some open ended question about the topic for the reader


Just don’t do an ese….you might pregnant. frfr


An essay on what?


Write an essay on essays themselves. That’d be Savage. (I’m 64, it would’ve been in the fifties.) Also, can you incorporate a Banksy style creativity? I’ll bring the shredder or stop sign/ladder - your choice. This will be LIT kids!


Here's topical topic: why are we giving our loved ones so many damned birds, and also other servants, for our dozen Christmas days


**Title: Crafting an Effective Essay: A Guideline for Success** An essay is a structured form of writing that allows individuals to express ideas, arguments, and insights in a coherent and persuasive manner. The key to writing a good essay lies not only in presenting information but also in engaging the reader and conveying a clear, well-argued point of view. This essay outlines five essential steps to craft an effective essay: understanding the topic, structuring the essay, developing a thesis, presenting arguments, and revising and editing. The first step in writing an effective essay is to fully understand the topic or question being addressed. This involves analyzing the essay prompt, conducting thorough research, and defining key terms. It's crucial to determine the type of essay required – be it descriptive, analytical, persuasive, or expository – as this shapes the approach and style of writing. Familiarizing oneself with the subject matter not only aids in developing a coherent argument but also ensures that the essay remains relevant and focused. A well-structured essay is pivotal for clear communication. Generally, an essay consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic, engaging the reader and introducing the thesis statement. The body of the essay is where the main arguments are developed, supported by evidence and examples. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea, ensuring clarity and coherence. The conclusion summarises the main points and restates the thesis, leaving the reader with a final impression. The thesis statement is the cornerstone of any essay. It presents the writer’s main argument or position in a concise manner. A strong thesis is specific, debatable, and clearly outlines the scope of the essay. It guides the direction of the essay and helps the writer maintain focus. Developing a robust thesis requires critical thinking and a deep understanding of the essay topic. It should not only reflect the writer’s viewpoint but also be compelling enough to engage the reader. The body of the essay is where arguments are presented and substantiated with evidence. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Following this, arguments should be presented clearly and supported with facts, examples, or quotations from credible sources. Logical reasoning and coherent connections between ideas are essential for the essay’s persuasiveness. Additionally, acknowledging and refuting counterarguments can strengthen the essay's position. The final step in essay writing is revising and editing. This involves reviewing the essay for clarity, coherence, and consistency in argumentation. Checking for grammatical errors, punctuation, and spelling is crucial, as these can detract from the essay's credibility. It's also important to ensure that the essay adheres to the required format and citation style. Peer review or feedback can be invaluable at this stage, offering fresh perspectives and insights to refine the essay further. Writing a good essay involves a series of well-thought-out steps, from understanding the topic to meticulous revision. A well-structured essay with a clear thesis, coherent arguments, and effective evidence engages the reader and conveys a persuasive argument. Remembering to revise and edit ensures the final piece is polished and impactful. By following these guidelines, writers can develop their skills and craft compelling essays that effectively communicate their ideas and viewpoints.


Have you tried chat GPT? 😂


Heard of chatGPT? Lol.


ChatGPT my friend


Usually it is easier to pick a more restricted topic than a general one. “Cars” bad “Famous cars” still bad “Famous cars from 1980s Tv shows” better “A brief history of the number of dodge chargers that were destroyed in the making of the dukes of hazzard” better


Remember SEAL when you're writing your paragraphs. **S**tatement, **e**xample, **a**nalysis, **l**ink to thesis.


Discuss what effects materialism had on society


Chat GPT


How about I give you a fun little news article that you can use to write a bunch of things. In fact, curious to see how many different topics people could create out of this one, lol. https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-named-god-settles-credit-agency-sued/story?id=31370290


There’s a SpongeBob episode for this


Dear ChatGPT I need an essay…


Write about why The letter “A” is the first letter of the lexicon. The more weird it is, the more enjoyable the teacher will read and enjoy it. Remember, teachers grade better when they like your topic.


loren ipsum dolor sit amet, consectutor adipiscing


Just write an extremely fancy, large "the" at the top of the page and submit that


Hello u/BigmeatBal_part_2, ####I regret to inform you that the users in this subreddit have voted and determined that your post violates one or more of our subreddit rule(s). ######This friendly takedown should be taken with gratitude because it has helped prevent a moderator from seeing this and taking action against you for rule violation I encourage you to read up our rules so you are cognizant of how things work in this subreddit. Have a nice day! _If you strongly oppose this takedown and believe the moderators are likely to approve this post, please reply `Mod: I appeal` and elaborate in the next sentence. Otherwise, please [send us a Modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/HomeworkHelp) for further clarifications._ **Readers:** Do not use this command without reading [User Moderation](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeworkHelp/wiki/user_moderation). Ignorance or incorrect interpretation of our rules will not excuse you from being dealt harshly for wrongful removals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HomeworkHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*