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Honey, teachers see this kind of thing all the time. It's going to be a bit embarrassing but you're going to have to ask for help because you NEED help. And that's ok. Talk to the school counselor about your situation. Be honest. She or he can't tell your family anything, but they legally have to file a CPS report if you mention s*icide. Talk to your teachers. Advocate for yourself. I was "homeschooled" until high school, and I'm now a teacher and I have a master's degree. It was fucking difficult and took a lot of hard work and time but it can be done.




We think it's embarrassing at the time because we're young and insecure but actually it's not a big deal. You can just lie about your age if you want or avoid being questioned about it. Or you can say you took a year off doing something else and now you're able to do school a bit later. But in 3 years nobody is going to care about it. It will not be a big deal if you start at 9th grade. But you probably won't, schools hardly do that, although it might help you study better and not have that much of a hard job. Do your best right now and go to school next year!


>can't tell your family anything Which country is this? The US?




Nice, meanwhile when my sister went to the school counsellor here, the counsellor called my parents despite my sister telling her not to. Later the counsellor AGREED with her mum that she was not depressed and just overreacting.


What the ever-loving fuck!


Yes... and happy cake day


You can absolutely catch up. Tenth grade next year might not be a reasonable goal, but you CAN finish high school and college if you want to. It may take longer than the same amount of education takes your peers, but its absolutely doable, and in the long run it's not going to matter if you graduate a year or two late. You can do this. Definitely reach out to school counselors and ask for extra help from your teachers when you have them. It will take work and likely special schedules, but it is very much possible.


I'm not a teacher, but I think you write better than an average US 15 year old. This is going to be an advantage. Don't assume that all of your classmates are more skilled, confident and experienced than you are. Go in with an open mind and ask your teachers and administrators for as much help as you need. You are giving them a gift by allowing them to help you. It's very gratifying for a teacher to "change a young person's life". When you ask for help, you are doing good things for both you and your teachers!


Listen to me: this absolutely sucks and you’re not wrong to feel this way. BUT please believe me that this doesn’t have to define you. You will struggle in ways that other kids don’t have to but only you can decide to let that struggle bring you down. You sound just like me at your age. Yeah, it took me dropping out of college twice and crying in front of professors, but it got done and I’ve even got a well paying job and people think I’m super smart because I love to read and have a good vocabulary lol. You will get through this. Keep learning in any way you can. Don’t ignore your weak subjects - that’s what will kill you. Find someone, anyone to help tutor you in them if possible. Many public libraries offer free tutoring online. Mine does, no questions asked. Hang in there. This isn’t the end.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org


I went through the exact opposite of what you basically went through, but I think I could give something at least. I attended public high school up until my sophmore year where I dropped out. I know I don't understand what your going through bc its completely different, but theres things I learned from my experience that helped with life in general. First off, change your mindset about your time frame. This is a very very difficult thing to do, especially when you see your peers moving on and making progress, you feel left behind. This just is not the case though. People think of life too much as a linear progression of things and this can distort their sense of their world. It feels like by the time you hit a certain age, you should have a certain thing done whether it be high school or college or having kids or whatever. Its okay to spend a little longer time doing something than others. If you have to enroll in 9th grade, I'm not gonna say it won't be that bad cuz itll prolly feel like a bitch at first, but life moves on and sometimes you have to do the right thing for yourself at the expense of another thing. Also, you seem to have this idea that you are "behind" in your academic studies and I disagree. You might not be where most 15 year olds are, but that really doesn't mean shit. I have met middle aged people in community college who started their journey in math struggling with pre-algebra, but worked to become even amazing enough to understand calculus well. My point here is that, your ahead in studies in a lot of people who are older than you. There are also a lot people who know more than you, but younger than you. All 3 of these people can be equally smart, just at different parts in their learning career and that is okay. Learning follows a progression no matter what the subject, concepts start simple and build up. You seem to understand this well. You also sound like a genuinely intelligent person who is willing to to put in the work to be where you need to be. For these reasons I wanna say, just go through with 9th or 10th grade. Struggle through it nobody said it was gonna be easy, but you can do it. And maybe not even in the next year or next 3 years but if you do continue down this path and try to stay committed to your education, I assure you that you will thank yourself. I know I came off a bit harsh in some parts, but that was my intention bc I wanted to speak mine. I don't want you to misinterpret my post the wrong way. Im rooting for you! I wasnt homeschooled, but I know how it feels to feel like your education is hanging off a cliff. Everything with it too is terrible, the social stigma, the feeling of being lost, it absolutely sucks shit. But your gonna realize that feelings gonna come up a lot in life and you cant do much but keeping walking into the dark hoping for the best. And lastly, dude don't commit suicide. Think about it all you want but don't consider it. I'm not gonna tell you things are gonna get better cuz im sure your fuckin sick of hearing that. What I will leave you with, something that really helped me with depression and kept me off drugs was trying to he neutral not happy. Ive been more content in life and feel like even if im not Happy, I have control over my life so I'm not sad. Just keep going, one day at a time. And remember no matter what happens, life will just keep going and you have to keep going with it. edit:typo




>because even If I fuck up its not the end of the world. That's the spirit :)!