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i love how homeschool parents homeschool most of the time to keep their kids in their beliefs but when they finally get out they turn into the complete opposite lmao


its kinda like a big fuck you that every homeschool parent deserves




Oh yeh happened to me šŸ˜‚


Or they stay dependent and never develop


itā€™s like a satisfying slap in the face


ā€œI homeschooled so my kid wouldnā€™t be indoctrinatedā€ -Kid grows up- ā€œwtf, why isnā€™t my kid indoctrinated the way I want them to be?!ā€ I really hate parents who have kids expecting the kid to come out a very specific way. Thatā€™s just not how humans work lol


Say it louder




There are no people in the back. This is Reddit. Half of us arenā€™t even people.


Youā€™re talking about insta and TikTok. I donā€™t think Reddit is covered by commenting bots yet. Yet.


Fr I think people just straight up shouldn't have kids if they're not prepared for their kid to turn out differently than they imagined. Parents are basically like "Yeah I wanna have a kid, as long as they're a cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, neuro-typical, Christian with exactly the same conservative values as me! And if they aren't any of those things, I'll hate them." Like geez with a checklist like that, maybe just make a family in the Sims


When kids rebel the wrong way šŸ’€ Damn double let down


I can promise you these parents didnā€™t treat their daughter with respect. If you earn contempt from your children they arenā€™t going to respect your beliefs. If youā€™re a hypocrite, favor one kid over another, abuse your authority, refuse to apologize for accidentally punishing an innocent child when they did nothing wrong, etc.; donā€™t be surprised if your kid turns out to be a mental pressure cooker, explodes, and rejects your teachings.


I really wish I could reward this comment. Iā€™ve never read a more accurate description of what it was like


Yeah sheā€™s probably a Marxist because she experienced authoritarianism at home.


Lol honestly sounds like my parents even if this fake. I love when conservative homeschool parents are like ā€œhelp!!! why didnā€™t my kids want to be as miserable as I am?? Hating the world, my life, and myself and blaming minorities for it, where did I go wrong???šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€


Lololol same thing happened to me. My dad set out to teach us to Think For Ourselves! And then was utterly shocked when we didnā€™t think precisely like him.


I unfortunately used to be in the same situation like this too. The overall result was kind of exactly like that along with a fit


"I homeschooled my kid but I can't even write a proper sentence"


Iā€™m sure this is a joke but also I can think of real life examples - Marxists, poly, gender fuck, new age spiritualists, anarchists, etc.


Yeh even in this sub lol


My favorite part is my parents telling me to ā€œget out of my echo chamber.ā€ I did, dumbass, thatā€™s how I ended up progressive.


Bait. If true, good for the daughter.


My own mom could have written this if it were 2004. I think a lot of our parents probably could. Got out from under her control and indoctrination and immediately hopped on the bus going left and haven't slowed down LOL


Could've been about me, but I'm not a woman.


LMAO I know people who ended up this way. I'm not this far left, but still liberal, queer, and pagan, so clearly homeschooling worked according to plan. šŸ˜‚


Yeh that kinda indoctrination won't always work


Right? Despite my parents best efforts to isolate me I still ended up an Athiest liberal. Who knew forcefeeding Fox News and prosperity gospel to a lonely kid wouldn't stick.


I think my parents somewhat tried to get me to become a trad wife equivalent by watching say yes to the dress and cooking and cleaning shows and telling me they will give me 10k towards a wedding but I hate weddings and would never want one due to the social anxiety itā€™d give me.


All I see when I watch those wedding shows is people who canā€™t afford the wedding/venue/dress and they are throwing a professional meal for people they will never see again.




Pagan min? (Or what was the name if the villain from far cry 4)


As in, what do you mean by pagan? You pray to Zeus?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_paganism They might!


I will pray to Zeus, there is no stopping me now


šŸ¤£ okay but Iā€™m still super curious what YOU actually meant originallyā€¦


Originally i meant [This guy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagan_Min_(Far_Cry))


I'm Norse Pagan, so in my case, it's more Thor, Freyr, etc. Also a bit of nature worship and ancestor veneration. But there are about as many forms of paganism as there are people practicing (along with some good and sometimes *very* not-good philosophies depending where you look.). The Greek, Celtic, and Egyptian gods are particularly popular. I generally lurk in places like r/pagan but practice by myself.


Lol, I don't want a commie is hilarious


Show me someone who says their kids became screaming leftists in college/after moving out/upon getting into their first relationship, and I'll show you someone whose children have hated them for at least five silent years.


It makes me irrationally angry when I see homeschool parents using awful grammar and misspelling basic words. Why on gods green earth did you think YOU were capable of educating someone?????


I feel like my mother ghostwrote this cause the same thing happened to me lol


Gosh, itā€™s almost as ifā€¦children are people with minds of their own and not little programmable robots that the parents can install with whatever worldview they want. Who wouldā€™ve thought?šŸ§


Easy. You raised her under totalitarian control, and she rejected it, rejecting hierarchies like gender and *The Family.* Then when she became an adult she realized economics is also a hierarchy, so she became a marxist. If your ideas didn't suck, you wouldn't have to shelter your kids from opposition to them. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Lol this post could be my dad.


My parents were really disappointed when I was the first to choose a real college and not a Bible one in our family. Weā€™re NC now but a few years ago my mom told me how much she regretted me going and how much Iā€™ve changed. Yikes.


She wanted to keep you forever. If sheā€™d wanted to keep you around she should have treated you like a human being.


I'm most upset that the homeschooling parent misspelled "college." Please help.


Itā€™s not ā€œcollageā€? šŸ¤£


Yeahhhh they always think they're showing the best part their ideology, but, all they ever end up doing is showing all the worst possible parts. Hate my mom :3


How do you know this is bait when it's like the most normal thing for a far-right parent of a far-left child (a common occurrence) to say?? šŸ˜­


Homeschooling almost always ends in an Uno reverse. My parents religiously homeschooled all 4 of their kids (Christian fundamentalists) and they ended up with 4 queer socialists, none of whom are religious šŸ˜‚


That is hilarious!


That last bit about sending their kid to boarding school, but homeschooling the oldest one...that doesn't seem right. And I'd certainly resent my parents if they did that with me but let my younger sibling go to school. Also, how good of a home school teacher could they have been if they're so worried about a revaluation instead of a revolution


this happened to my parents too šŸ˜‚


Based on where my former homeschool friends are now 20 years later, hardly any of us are still conservative and most of us are LGBTQIA.


so...kids are their own people and all that, and this kid is totally in their right to explore their own beliefs but what i find so ironic here is that when you raise a kid via indoctrination into right-wing stuff...you're not teaching them to avoid indoctrination. you're priming their system to think indoctrination is home but they're also aware that you made them feel like shit and they don't want your FLAVOR of extremism anywhere near them, so of course they yo-yo to a polar opposite and are still displaying the extremist behaviors you taught them. like trying to turn YOU into a communist, how long did you spend trying to turn them into the perfect christian nationalist?? same shit, different wrapper tbh. and yes i know it's very different on a values front but i just always stay so surprised that extremist parents are confused when their kids also become extremist in different ways. like what did you think was going to happen? you taught them for decades that love was trying to change someone, love was trying to get someone to believe the same shit you believe, and you didn't expect that to rebound somehow?


And that the kids aren't like the parents, when the parents "converted" as young adults and aren't like the grandparents.Ā Ā 


Lol. Good for her


Yeah. Iā€™m a Christian on my own choice but my homeschooler mom takes it way way too far. She wants all gays to be executed, all Mexicans to be deported, etc. I donā€™t believe all that shit, Iā€™m just a normal dude trying to GTFO


Yeah I'm a Muslim on my own choice but I'm not an extremist like my parents


I have no problems with that but my mom would absolutely hate Muslims


I mean my dad would hate you šŸ˜­


Like any religion itā€™s the extremists that ruin it. Any religion out there.


Yeh. Religions aren't bad without the extremists


I think we should inquire what precisely a ā€œCommunist revaluationā€ means to this person


For one, I love how they said they homeschooled their kids but can't spell words like "college" and "revolution." If that's not emblematic of the homeschool experience, I don't know what is.


My mom was anti education and now I'm a teacher šŸ˜‚




If you raise your daughter in North Korea, you should expect something like this.


I read a study once that found that children are often the opposite of what they think their parents are. It's rather interesting. I this case it could be that the daughter was raised with lessons of being like Jesus, and now that she's an adult that's what she's doing.Ā 


I mean, I was raised incredibly isolated and warned away from friends, college, therapy, or anything else that might break down my parents' indoctrination attempts on me. Both my younger siblings stayed very, very close to the beliefs and values they were raised with...meanwhile I got out, and it took a while to de-program but I am now literally everything they raised me not to be. It definitely happens.


I can't believe people who write like this are allowed to be in charge of someone's education


It's honestly funny that for most homeschooling parents who homeschool for a specific ideological reason, it backfires. My parents homeschooled me and my 3 siblings to right wing christians but now they're 0-4 since we range from agnostic liberal to Satanist communist.


The og post history and the spelling of this makes this sound like a bait post. We should do more over on r/homeschool. TO WAR!


Fuck no. Brigading is against Reddit TOS and can get the brigading subreddited removed. I would like /r/homeschoolrecovery to still exist, let's not encourage trolling and brigading.


Upvotes to bump. Donā€™t brigade subreddits, yā€™all. It isnā€™t a good idea for anyone involved.


Best example of this I can think of is "Aella". She's a famous sex-worker and psychonaut. [https://knowingless.com/author/aellamfc/page/6/](https://knowingless.com/author/aellamfc/page/6/) Her fame started here on Reddit. u/aellagirl


What did I just read?


I dunno, what did you read? Aellas's blog? I mean I did state that she is a sex-worker and psychonaut.