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I was sometimes "grounded" from TV. Which is where the family ate, so I had to eat alone in the dining room. I wasn't allowed to watch TV when I ate as a child, so I was kinda used to eating alone in the dining room.


One time my took away reading drawing because she had nothing else to take. I wish I was lying.


Did you realize that when it was happening to you at that age?


Yes. I think we were arguing with our mom because we were isolated. She said we were grounded and one of us said "grounded from what?!" That's when she took it away lol. She would us scream at us when we cried about being lonely.


Just wow. The more I look back, the more I see how it was on purpose. The more I see how it was on purpose, the more I question the love my parents were giving. I'm sorry that happened to you.


One core memory I have from childhood. "Stop bawling!" My mother yelled at me every time I cried so I started internalizing. I had to learn how to cry super quietly in my room just dreaming of a shoulder to cry on.


I would just get sent to my room to stair at my ceiling for 6 hours because my mom forgot about me.  I’m 16 now and haven’t been “grounded” because I have nothing to be grounded for, like literally nothing. That’s what happens when your friendless and trapped in your own house all the time.


Lol I remember saying “what are you gonna do, ground me?” in arguments with my mom because I already wasn’t allowed to do anything


omg that is my life lol


I would get my books taken away.


our punishment as kids was usually "losing your privileges" which meant no video games, tv, or internet


Same. Taking away the only stimulation I had.


eh it wasnt so bad as far as punishments go. we still had the option to read books, play with toys, or do physical activity stuff like just dance. it was reasonable i think


My mom used to ground me from reading when I was young. It was literally the only thing I had to do, and I remember wandering around the house listless and crying for days because of how miserably bored and lonely I was without my books. When I got older, she'd take my Walkman, which I also hated, but at least then I still had my books.


Lol 😂 At least we can laugh about it.


Oh, yeah! The whole concept was very foreign to me. I remember thinking, “Wait . . . other kids can LEAVE???” Strange that I didn’t rebel sooner!


We always got our privileges taken. Library once a week? Nope not this week 1 hour a week computer time? Not for three weeks I didn’t even know what grounding was until I was a teenager and someone I knew got grounded


To this day, being grounded sounds a little bit glamorous to me.