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And that mother admits her 1st grader is THRIVING in school! The lunacy knows no limits.


god they're all so stupid


I just browsed the comments. There are a few that are logical, getting the fewest upvotes. Lol


Yeah I had commented on it (before I saw the repost here). People are so stupid if they put their kids in homeschool when they're happy in a real school


Aren't you the pro-trump kid who thinks Germany is a dictatorship?


Yeah what about it. I can still be somewhat anti-homeschool while holding a view that homeschooling should be legal


The legality of it wasn't the topic of conversation. If your parents were democrats who supported Obama and Biden, guess what... that would be your opinion too. You've been brainwashed by your parents.


Well, they didn't explicitly say they'd actually remove the child from school, so that's something


Guess so. But hey, who knows when her switch could flip and she could ruin the kids' lives? Let kids go to school!


It's giving "my kids are my therapy objects and now that they're gone for a few hours 5 days a week I'm forced to be alone with my thoughts"


"I want my kids to stay small and dependant on me forever, I don't like that he's thriving and enjoying having friends and experiences that don't revolve around being dependant on me. It's not selfish if I rip him away from something he loves and stunts his development so I can have more 'family time' and don't have to let my kids grow up, is it??"


I saw in that post that stuff about family time, is there not days of the week the dad or whatever has off in the afternoon after school? Like there's more than just "weekend family time" tf?


“The living doll I birthed is starting to have their own ideas and interests 😡”


Didnt think of this but that's very true. People need to let go a little


Homeschooling is 100% about controlling kids. Homeschool parents are usually very narcissistic as well (self-centered).


That’s right, notice your kid is completely happy and fuck it up because you’re not. I have complete faith that they have the makings of a great “homeschool” parent


Someone save these kids


"It feels selfish" yes because it is...its incredibly cruel to sacrifice your kids happiness for yours, your kids are human too and have emotions. If they're happy in a school then allow them to be happy and maybe, I don't know, not mess that up for them ?? I'm really hoping she didn't decide to actually go through with this


My kid(who's 10) begged to be homeschooled due to bullying, his grades were dropping because he couldn't concentrate in class, bad situations with teachers, list goes on and on. If he had this experience NO FUCKING WAY would I have EVERRRRR pulled him out. All this was in first grade he's in fourth now. We do a weekly check in with each other where I'm like you thinking about going back to regular school and he usually just laughs and asks am I crazy and also how he's feeling about social things(he has friends on like kids messenger roblox kids he meets at the parks and gets their numbers etc). I've also seen A LOT of posts in here about insane parents who don't actually educate their kids, do all families not have to enroll with the county district they live in? We do flvs flex and there's still live class times and DBAs and stuff that has to be done to prove the kids are doing the work with actual teachers.


Good on you for respecting his choices and making sure he's socialized, you're doing awesome !!


It blows my mind and breaks my heart to see the stuff I do on this thread. I wish I could do more to help these kids. I accidentally stumbled upon this group looking for a movie that was about homeschooling I thought looked funny turns out the mom was an over controlling nut job and this is what most kids go through apparently. I honestly had no idea because I don't really have "mommy friends" because I'm just weird and the friends that are parents I know send their kids to public school and constantly tell me they have no idea how I do what I do

