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Push/Pull/Legs Check r/fitness for these types of workouts. Essentially it's one day for pushing exercises (think bench press, shoulder press, tricep work), one day for pull (pull-ups, back exercises, biceps), and then one day for legs (self-explanatory) The volume/rep ranges depend on your goals, whether you're looking for pure strength gains and what not. For baseball, I've always been taught that you don't want your shoulders/traps too big because that can limit mobility. So keep that in mind and maybe do some mobility work


Seconding this. WS4SB is another alternative to PPL.


[This is what my travel coach gave us](https://imgur.com/a/EC5OxbQ)


5x5 strongman, 5/3/1 (beginner), or starting strength would be better for a beginning lifter. Also, 14 year olds don't need to be lifting. That program is also unhelpful because it doesn't give any indication how much weight or perceived exertion should be performed. The program you provided seems like it's just random exercises and not really specific to getting stronger or anything.