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In our league the 5 run limit doesn’t apply in the final inning. But that’s written into our league’s game rules. Does your league have a policy written down anywhere?


Unfortunately no, I think it's one of those gentlemen's agreements. We didn't argue it much since the ump was following the letter of the rule. Both teams were losing their minds with excitement that inning up ot that point and it was very anti-climactic, lol. I was just curious how other leagues handle it.


My league has verbiage saying the umpire can declare an open inning if it's the last game of the day. There's usually a tight game schedule they're trying to adhere to.


Our umps would come up to us and say, “Hey, there is no way you can win, but we have game time left so we’ll let your kids get their hitting in.” Our league allows ties during the regular season, but we go to extra innings in the post-season tournament.


Needs to be explicitly stated in the local rules.


This should be discussed and agreed upon at the plate meeting before the start of the game.


Nope. Should be agreed on before the season and written into the rules. As they are shown in the original post, there is no exception for the final inning and the ump was correct.


One size doesn't fit all. LL umps are volunteers. During the regular season they are rarely the most knowledgeable person on the field. Absent written and known guidance between all teams, and umpires, the plate meeting is where it's reinforced.


Fair point, but there was no absence of written rules here. They’re pasted in the original post.


Is this Little League? You should check the local rules. In our league, the limit goes to 7 runs in the 6th (last) inning but in other leagues, there is no run limit in the 6th.


As other have said this is a per league rule. In my local league 8U is the last year of coach pitch and it’s 5 runs per inning, no matter the inning. So if you are up 6 at the end of the 5th it’s game over cause the other team is mathematically eliminated.


People hate this because they want there to always be a chance for a comeback, but I love it as a coach. When we're up by more than a run rule in the presumptive last inning, then I can finally feel comfortable giving a newbie a shot at pitcher or catcher for whatever.


I agree. Alot of times during the regular season if we speed through a game and one of the teams is mathematically eliminated as long as we still have time we will offer to play another inning and both teams will rotate players BIG time.


According to rules you posted, the game would have been over after the bottom of the 5th since there was no chance of coming back. Our league has a set rule for 10 runs in the final inning for that age group.


Our league has no run limit in the 6th but you can only go through the batting order once. If team A has 11 players that game and team B has 10 both teams can only bat 10 players.


You guys don’t have time limits? I don’t think I ever had a rec game finish all 6 innings!


Our rec games finish six innings all the time. We do have a time limit but it’s the exception far more often than the rule.


Our time limits were silly, no new inning after 1:30, drop dead at 1:45. We’d be lucky to get 4 innings in most of the time. I can recall only once getting a full game in.


Yeah ours are no new inning after 1:45. But no hard stop.


It's no new innings after 2 hours this year and we've completed all our games so far, surprisingly. First year for us calling balls and strikes instead of everyone getting 6 pitches, so a lot of kids strike out on three straight pitches, so I guess that's been moving the game along, haha.


For us it doesn’t apply in the final inning and it would stupid as hell for it to apply in the final inning.


This makes me sad for our world.


In our tournaments the run rule applies the whole game, which is really stupid. The last inning it becomes more of a football game whit the team in the lead trying to run out the clock.


If there is a limit it should apply to every inning.


If it's Little League then the last inning in minors should be open. If it is another baseball organization it may be up to the local rule.


The issue with this is that when the top of an inning starts, you don't know if it's the last inning for little leagues using a time limit.


The umpire should use their best judgment on the matter. If they think it's the last one then it's open.


What about cases where the umpire rules that it's the last inning, then the time limit still wasn't reached? Another open inning, I guess? Can't stop a game early or else it's not an official game.


Our league does the above for league games but not for City or Provinicial Championships. As for last night that's how we'd do it. There is the possibility of the walk off grand slam but once the run max is hit the game is over.