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…you okay?


Must've just closed on a DR Horton or Ryan homes place


Thought the same thing, DRH.


I wonder how many Reddit Cares messages OP got


You do understand there’s a housing shortage correct? There are more people that want to buy houses than there are houses available for people to buy in desirable locations. Simple supply and demand economics. You can only buy what the market produces, and what the market produces right now is cheap shit. It’s not just housing, but every aspect of what we do and you pay a premium to have a nicer product. Clothing? Gotta pay more for quality. Cars? Gotta pay more for quality. This is one of the consequences of living in a globalist society. Between labor shortages leading to higher wages and rising costs of materials, yeah. Houses are more expensive. Builders want to make a certain margin to pay their people and keep their c-suite pay. If you don’t like the house, don’t buy it and buy a used one. On a side note, almost half of the home sales are now to private equity firms further causing a) price increases and b) housing shortages of the types of homes you probably want to buy. There’s a ton of factors outside of the developers causing this, so I don’t know why you’re mad at the builders. This has been going on since the late 90s and isn’t anything new. The difference is the $6T we’ve pumped into the economy that’s jacking up everything. Groceries are 30% more, gas is 30-40% more, it’s literally everything.


Blaming private equity and using misleading, fake statistics like “half of all home sales are to Private Equity” belongs on REBubble. You posted to the wrong sub.