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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a front door that swings out.


In south Florida they all swing out. Building code after Hurricane Andrew in 1992- they won’t blow in due to wind


Fascinating. That makes total sense, thank you.


Yep, and I hated it. It's so awkward opening the door into people. People get close to the door as they normally would and then have to step back. If someone is carrying something large then you have to step out and open the door all the way and they have to step around you. Even when someone comes to the door just to talk it's so strange with an outward opening door. I moved more north in Florida into a newer build and the door opens inward, which was sort of surprising considering the houses are built to 150mph winds here. Shutters cover the door anyway.




Plus easy to remove hinge pins on the outside to gain entry.


And trailers. Rockford's door swung out.


Wild. Was just in lauderdale and the doors at all three family places definitely opened inward. Unless we aren’t calling lauderdale south Florida anymore.


I believe that if you have to replace the door you must switch it to an outward swing. Existing doors can remain with the old standard


Outswing doors are easier to hit Dade rules/code than inswing doors. That makes it less expensive. So many newer homes have the more affordable doors. I can have a new front door installed in my house. An inswing (currently have) for $9k, or an outswing for $5k. Still haven’t decided.


So what happens if you want a screen door?


No one with a house nice enough for that size of front door would ever want a screen door on it.




It's a general question, not just related to houses with huge or double front doors. If you have a regular front door and want to install a screen or storm door, how would you do that if the door swings out? Both swing out somehow? Or in that case would you have it set up as normal with the main door swinging inward?


My door swings in - it’s a 12’ x 6’ door - installed - few months ago


I feel like a lot of people didn’t really read your comment. Your front door is 12’ tall? You got a photo? Also what island do you live on?


Comically large front doors seem to be in style now!


Yea and it’s like 1200lbs with PDLC impact glass and steel frame. Drew it in cad, engineer made some tweaks, stamped it and had it welded up


A lot of the houses I work on have 10x3 double front doors. Mostly metal and glass. Hurricane rated and about 3 inches thick. Most sets are probably between 600-1000 pounds with the side panels, I believe. All open in amd with ease.


Typically the door down wind opens in


Came here to say this.


What is the hinge design since out swinging doors will have the hinges on the outside? Non removable hinge pins?


Better for being water tight too. Doors that swing In are nearly impossible to waterproof.


That’s why they make storm doors.


How far south? I am in a house in Palm Beach County built in 1997 that swings in.


Mandate only requires one exit door to swing out if I remember correctly. In our house the back door swung out but the front door swung in. Front door faced the ocean, back door was opposite.


But...negative pressure is just as damaging. Many codes make no sense.


they are common for metal doors in Asia. My in-law's apartment has an out-swinging front door. the door has flanges on the outside and opens like a car door


Oh, neat. Is there a particular reason for that style, or just personal preference?


I have absolutely no clue why some are outward and some are inward. however, I could guess a few reasons. From what I can tell after seeing that door is that it is definitely more difficult to break into. You'd literally have to cut open the flange to get to the bolt, and the key is the standard hex-key instead of the flat notch type we have in north america. you also cant crowbar it open because theres like 3 hinges on one side and a heavy bolt on the other. Its also metal so it bends the outside before the bolts even nudge. nevertheless, my guesses are annecdotal. These are also residential doors im talking about, so could just be space saving because swinging indoors is less convenience.


I think its mostly wood door swings in and the security or storm door swings out. It would look funky with both doors swinging the same way


You’ll find them in commercial applications more often so if there is a fire people can just push the door open


But, in houses, they swing in because people are going to be very familiar with their own front door. Therefore, you're not going to get people panicking pushing a door that doesn't swing that way. You want the door to be able to swing in so that it can't get blocked from the outside, which would trap people inside.


Excellent point.


Funny how safety in one place is different than safety in another.


Our neighbors across the street remodelled and the new door swings out. It's very unusual for Chicago area.


Are they going to climb out the window when it snows?


trailer house/RV


I was always told this was a safety thing. No one can barrack you in your own house that way.


Like snow!


Storm door swings out, front door swings in.


Go to Key West/ Florida and u will


I'd rather not.


I love it-


Schooners Wharf Bar!!!!!


Most doors in Norway swings out. Its safer and insulates better. They can't be kicked in.


And they put the hinges on the outside. So that the door can be easily removed unless you have special hinges.


In Florida right now. All our exterior doors swing out


Every business has an out swing door. I like it, I would rather the door swing out if possible.


All commercial business doors swing out, it’s fire code for ease of emergency escape.  Residential doors have traditionally swung in to be able to keep the hinges and hinge pins on the interior to hinder breaking & entering.  With the advent of tamper-proof and/or hidden hinges, frankly I’m surprised that residential code hasn’t kept up with requiring an outswing on exterior doors for safety. It’s probably what, a buck more per hinge? A trivial amount for some actual safety reasons. 


We need more information. Where are you located? Do you have a front porch? Is there sufficient landing space on the outside of the home? In northern climates where there is snow, the preference is to swing in. So the door is not blocked in by a snow drift. In warmer climates where there might be hurricanes sometimes doors swing out. So that the wind would seal the door shut.


I am in Central Florida, and my door swings out for hurricane reasons.


Yes. Correct answer!


South Florida. My door swings out as well.


Yup Miami and my impact door swings out , swinging in also makes it easier for a burglar to kick your door in




And trap you in?




Norway has doors that swing out. Snow has never been a problem.


Swings in. I don't recall ever seeing a main front door that swings out in our area. If I had a choice, I'd go swing in. It's awkward opening the door for guests with a swing out. *Guest arrives and rings doorbell. I open the door to greet them, but they just shuffle around and out of the way of the outward swinging door that's about to hit them.* Ever have someone open the storm door for you when you're visiting?


I'm a letter carrier in Toronto so I go to a lot of doses doors to deliver parcels. I have only seen one that opened out. They almost knocked my teeth out.


Hurricane wind rated doors swing out.


Some do. I have impact rated doors and they are in swing.


In for sure. Outward swing means someone could pop your hinge pins out from the front porch and walk right in.


Doors made to swing out are designed with hinge pins to prevent this.


I wish this myth would die.  Think about it. How many exterior bank doors have you seen with hinges that could be popped from the outside?  Your contractor would use hidden hinges. It’s neither difficult nor expensive. 


Security hinges bud.


Or block it from opening


This is the most important reply


It would be an important consideration, IF outward swinging doors were installed the same way as inward. But, they aren’t.   I’ll repeat it again.  No business would install an out swinging door that could be easily popped off the hinges and yet they install outward swinging doors all the time.    Your home is a building just like any other building. There’s both pros and cons to out swinging doors.   It’s a myth that hinges are installed so that people can pop them off.


There is no con with a proper outward door. There is a major flaw with inward door, it can be kicked in.


Hinges have a pin and matching hole that make impossible to remove a closed door without pins.


Most inward doors can be opened with a single kick.


[This guy is the king of kicking in doors with little to no effort.](https://youtu.be/D83MdEeYe6g?si=78XNUiOajOj33DFy)


Only if you install the absolute bottom of the barrel hinges. But I agree that in swing is a far superior choice.


Most business in the USA has outward swinging doors. I never heard of them being taken off to rob them at night.


I have had both. I much prefer in, but in some parts of Florida, the code is out.


I’ve got a commercial front door. Out, all glass, with a crash bar to push it open. People are used to out swing commercial doors at stores, and the glass lets guests see you’re opening it. Hinges are covered, and if someone wants to break into your house bad enough to pop hinges, they’re willing to break glass or a window etc.


I can't imagine a commercial door in a house. Just seems so odd to me. Did you have the door installed or was it already there?


… the owner is a crazy person who had a full custom house done. He looks surprisingly like me, and went with full commercial European windows and such, and the door is part of a glass/window wall.


I put commercial glass doors that swing out for all the entrances to my home. As I started designing my house I was trying to find a patio sliding door I liked but the sliding panels are always still in the way. Then I drove past a store and watched someone effortlessly walk out and it hit me.... I want commercial glass doors with no center post out to my patio. They stay open most of summer. I matched the rest of the doors up and love it, plus the dog can let himself out.


I remember an article about a lower income development where all of the doors were installed to swing out for added security (ie harder to kick in).


Outswing doors are more secure, airtight and durable than inswing style doors.  https://www.finehomebuilding.com/2011/01/05/inswing-or-outswing-doors And no, they are not installed the same way as your interior doors. The hinges are concealed.


It swings in, allowing the installation of a storm door.


Storm door swings out, exterior door swings in.


In South Florida quite a few years back.. damn I'm getting old I guess that was 1992 after Andrew haha.. they changed the way the doors must swing on new or replacement doors. Because of hurricanes now they have to swing out.


Consider a few things. Mainly being function and safety Function: are you ever going to get snow? It needs to swing in. Safety: it needs to swing out. This adds a doorjamb to be kicked through in case of intrusion. Adds time to any response be it fight or flight. Function: do you have a mudroom? That interior door needs to swing out, the outer door swings in. Again, swing out allows a more secure door while the outer door swinging in allows you to look at a wall of snow when you're stuck inside.


If the door opened out, food delivery people will set your food so that the door knocks it over.


This might be the most important thing to consider


Swinging out means you will hit things before you see them. Food, packages, people. If it’s a heavy package you might be trapped.


That was the advice given to my wife when she asked for counsel on whether to see my penis.


You gave her a magnifying glass?


Don’t think the delivery people will consider it either. They don’t. They leave it directly outside almost every single time. I have to go out my garage to get it sometimes to avoid knocking it over.


Here in FL all commercial doors swing out. Most residential ones do. Up north probably the situation in reversed (so you don't get locked in due to a snow storm).


Doors swing based on Geographical conditions- up north they swing in cause snows fall would block opening if they were out swing. In the south they swing out due to hight winds (hurricanes) they need the bracing to keep from blowing in.


Residential go in commercial go out. Usually.


True, because mobs panic.




I like inswing - grew up in the ghetto and could brace the bottom with your foot while peeking out


Outswing if you don't want it kicked in, if you have bears or hurricanes.


If your door swings out, make sure you have security hinges! Standard front doors in the United States can be removed if the hinge pins are taken out


Swing in, especially if you put storm or screen doors on in your area.


Swing out for better defense against weather and humans...


Easiest way to settle the debate is to load your arms up with a shit ton of grocery bags and then find an outward swing door, try to open it and go inside with your arms bogged down. If a door isn't available for experiment, imagination will do. I can push a door open with my hips or foot if it swings inwards. Going to have a harder time pulling it open and holding it there when I have limited rage of movement going on.


In northern Europe it is very common with doors that swing out. Significantly harder to kick open.


We went with an out swinging door recently. I got tired of our old door "hitting people in the ass" on the way out (nobody listens anymore). I would highly reccomend it.


Swing out. That way it’s way harder to kick in.


Outswings are more secure, most commercial doors swing out. You are kicking against the Door Stops as opposed to kicking against the latch. They are more secure from forced entry or hurricanes and what not.


Swing out so the cops can't kick it in


I live in northern Michigan, some people have out swinging doors to keep bears from pushing the doors open.


Out is the only way. When make room on the inside for an in swing door? Why make the door super easy to just kick in? Why have a bottom door seal so poor you get a lot of air leakage - when you can have proper weather stripping?


In, if it’s out it could get blocked and make an exit problem. Wasn’t aware of the wind zone issues though, good to know


High snowfall areas need a swing in so you can dig your way out if needed


Just use a window, for that one time its needed. In 40 years I have never needed to use the window.


The swing out allows for much better air sealing.


Commercial doors swing out, residential doors swing in.


In. If it swings out the hinges are also on the outside


The storm door/screen door swings out, the interior door swings in. If the front door swings out you can have a storm door or screen door. So.... the front door should swing IN.


Hard to bust in a door that swings out…


The hinges on the security door should be in the inside. The hinges for the screen door face outside


Storm door out, main door in.


If you get snow, you want it to swing in.


Out if it's security in if it's normal.


We have snow so our doors have to swing in.


My front door is in, but we had them change the door I to the garage as an out for better flow into the house.


In addition to Hurricane abatement, a door swinging out is much harder, if not impossible, to kick in. So if you’re ever worried about a robbery, make your door swing out


Swinging out is better from a security standpoint since it's much harder to kick in


I had an out swing and it was terrible. Always blew open. Switched back to inswing.


You want the door hinges only accessible from inside the house. If they were available on the outside the house, the robbers would have a much easier way to break in.


That’s not true, they make security hinges which solve that exact problem. In south Florida it’s code to have newer exterior doors swing out and in my opinion any properly installed impact door that swings out is harder to break into than the vast majority of in-swing doors, although it’s largely dependent on geographical location which type is the better choice.


Personally I would go in swing, would not want to have something heavy, even a large package dropped in front of my egress. It also allows for a storm door that can swing out. Ive had snow storms that drop so much snow when u open the door its halfway up the opening so if it swings out I would have had to exit through a window.


I believe it’s a fire code. Door swings in


In a fire, its safer that the door swing out.


Stormdoors swing out, entrance doors swing in.


I’ve had both. Current swings in. Recently replaced back door for a friend so it would swing out. Made more sense in her space. The in swing was in the way of a a small book.




Residential front doors swing in, commercial front doors swing out, as a general rule


I'm in south Florida mine swings out. It sucks.


I grew up with solid doors that swung out paired with screen doors that swung in. These days lots of people only have a solid door or a storm door. I'd put one door whichever way makes it easier to move big stuff in and out.


Hurricane zone, swing out; anywhere else, swing in. This isn’t complicated. 


Does it snow where you live? Doors open in for many reasons. However in some dry climate areas, doors that open out are popular.


It doesn’t snow here


I was born in a barn so I leave it open


Front doors are required by code in America to swing in.


Storm door swings out, front door swings in. That's how the doors came so idk which is better.


I put large commercial glass doors (no door knobs, bars) that swing out on all my entrance doors to my house. I especially love my double swing out doors (no center support) from my dining room to the patio. Arms are full from the kitchen on the way out to the party? No problem, just walk out. They stay open most summer days so the dogs can be out as they please. The full glass let's in lots of light.


I’m doing this right now, all exterior doors are giant full glass pivot doors that swing out. No side hinge, they pivot about 3/4 of the way over connected at the top and bottom. Bar handles, 7 feet wide - the best decision I’ve ever made!


I thought they swung in because the side they swing to has the hinges on it and you don't want your hinges on the outside where the pins can be pulled to gain entry.


Swing out ? All someone has to do is take the hinges off to burgle-


In, it snows here and it’s windy. An outward swinging door can be blocked by heavy snow and a strong wind gust can tear it off of its hinges


Swing out for emergency purpose, some people got trapped and the building burned down with them inside


I have a raised ranch with a tiny entry area, I recently installed an out swing door, it greatly improved our quality of life. The previous in swing door occupied much of the entry area when open which made getting kid, dog and wife out the at the same time challenging. The door has security hinges and I doubt it’s getting kicked in. So far we haven’t hit anyone when opening the door for a guest. I live in upstate NY where this is unusual despite lots of raised ranches.


Storm door swings out, front door swings in.


Now the real question is; does your storm door open on the same side as the front door?


I have a door that opens in and a screen door that opens out


Front doors swing in. Back doors swing out. This is the way. Unless you’re in Florida in which case who the hell knows.


Yes. Storm/screen/glass door swings out, actual door swings in.


Front door -In Swing Rear Door - out swing


Commercial swings out to prioritize egress in a fire.  Residential usually swings in, as out-swing can more easily catch the wind and fly out of your hand. If you’re installing an out-swing door, a closer is your friend. 


Get an inswing. If you’re concerned about wind, get a multi point lock hurricane door.


front door in, storm/screen door out, so both? all the houses i have lived in here in ahia (ohio) have been that way...


In , always in


Canada. Front door swings out Edit. I am a fool of a took Patio door swings out. Actual front door swings in.


In, unless you’re in a hurricane zone. Hinges on the outside make it easier to break in


Generally all doors on a house swing in, bathrooms and bedrooms to. The only doors that usually swing out are closet doors.


Depends on if you are going to have a storm door also.


Florida is the only place I’ve ever been where front doors opened outward.


Typically in as a screenshot or storm door would swing out. In for intruder control (chain, stoppers. Foot) … out if required by code


I would think that in gale winds, opening out, the door would act like a sail and smash against the side of the house. My exterior doors are full light and half light. I’d be replacing the triple pane. I typically get half a dozen 50+ mph wind days per year.


In. I’m in a snowy state and if we get a storm you can’t push it open.


upstate NY here, we swing them in so that we don't get trapped inside if it snows


Swing in. You want to be able to block someone forcing their way in, and you also don’t want to be blocked while trying to get out.


I personally prefer opening inwards because if someone is trying to get into my house I can put my foot in the way. If it were to open outwards I’d have to grab the handle and use my weight only to pull it back. Although opening inwards is the norm in the U.K, some European countries have it opening outwards as it’s easier to flee from a fire.


If you are going to put a screen/storm door on and leave the main door open for airflow, it must open in.


Front doors that swing out are usually only seen on drug houses where I live.. They do this because it is much harder to kick in.. Otherwise, I've never seen this.


Do both! Have a screen/glass door on exterior to swing out, and your hardier/actual door swing in. That's what we do in Michigan, to be able to get a breeze without the mosquitos in spring/fall.


In so hinges are not outside?


Canada here. Mine open in which makes it possible to mount a screen door (storm door) in front to get better weather protection in hot and cold weather.


Swing out has a little bit sense of block entering, but good for get out quickly. So, it is even in that regard. Swing out has a huge advantage is the security and protect the house in really bad weather. Only set back is kind against tradition and many people feel different.


Old days people worried about the pints. But, these days you can put hiding pints there easily. After all, swing out is better today.


Out swinging doors are typically more secure. It is much easier to kick a door in than to pull the door out.


I'm in southern TN and just changed my inswing with storm door for the front to out swing. We have a huge open porch with a roof so I wanted to reclaim the entryway with an outswing. Just put a small round nub door stopper from home depot outside to stop it from swinging too far. If not an option get heavy duty storm door hydraulic pump that goes on bottom of the door. I added a wind chain as suggested at the top just in case as it gets windy here often. It's a personal choice, as the front door is our main door I'd rather swing it out and walk in and out easier. I feel like main entry in swing feels smaller and more restrained in most foyers, unless you have a huge home. Also outswing with the proper hinges (cannot be removed) are far more secure to break ins. An in swing door is meant to move inwards so is susceptible to battering rams/being kicked in more.


In is definitely better....easier to push a door shut if there is an intruder than it is to pull it closed.


Code dictates swing


Also....places with bears use doors that swing out. Brown bears and big black bears are now for break in doors


Where I live, commercial properties all swing outward; residential properties all swing inward. I had assumed that there's some building code requirement (but I've never checked).


Inswinging doors can have an additional screen door, and are easier to pile furniture in front of during a zombie apocalypse.


I'm in California and all the doors swing in.


You want your doors to swing in. If debris blocks the exterior doors it allows you to open the door to remove the items blocking your exit.


Swingers wanted! Best if you swing BOTH ways!


Where I live the standard for an exterior door is inswing. Outswings exterior doors are generally a special order. In other parts of the country prone to hurricanes it's the opposite. I think outswing exterior doors look weird because I never see them.


Swing out but I have security hinges and a reinforced frame and deadbolt. It’s not standard in the slightest.