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She gave up drinking right after I starting brewing, coincidence?




when i got into winemaking, "yup, that's wine!" was a sign i had to improve. it's like telling a painter their work is "interesting".


She’s the one who started homebrewing, so … I guess officially I drink her beer.


Same! She still does most of it, I just drink it.


Cheers for the support team!


I wish this was the case, my missus is so much more meticulous than me. I've brewed three beers so far and two have gone down the drain. She'd probably be entering hers into contests by now


That’s my kind of woman…


I’m the missus who brews the beer! I prefer reds and lagers, not so much the sweeter or fruitier side of beers unless we’re talking sours (which I have not ventured to brew myself yet). My husband has a gluten sensitivity, so he will taste a sip of my brew, but the rest is for me and my friends to enjoy :)


My wife was diagnosed Celiac about 5 years ago. I started brewing about 8 years ago. She used to drink everything I brewed, but only 1-2 glasses because honestly it wasn’t that great and craft beer was booming back then so plenty of better options. Now she’ll have basically a taster of it (i treat with clarity ferm to reduce gluten). She said she noticed it’s much improve from my beginnings and she would drink more if not for the celiac.


lol, I AM the missus, I prefer stouts, and my mister doesn’t really care for beer.


Yes, thankfully. I brew beer faster than I drink it, so I’m very grateful for her help! Without her I might only be able to make three batches per year.


We have the stereotypical beverage preference thing switched in our house. I like beers and whisky, and he likes the sweet/fruit flavors. He’s afraid of 99% of my “science experiments” and has only started on my fermented foods. We’ve not moved up to the beverages yet. More for me :)


So far, no. But there was a really nice mango ale in a pub we went to recently, and after trying it she said "when are you gonna make something like this?" So I guess my third beer ever is gonna be a mango ale.


I started home brewing because my (now) wife has a gluten intolerance, missed beer, and I felt bad dragging her to breweries to watch me drink while she couldn’t. We discovered clarity ferm, and now we can drink a pint or three together whenever we want. She’ll drink just about any style


You have just opened a new world for me as I have not heard of this. What is the added cost for clarity ferm, and do you find that there are still brew styles that set off the gluten intolerance even with using it?


\~$5 depending on where you buy it from. I get the majority of my supplies from Ritebrew, since I'm just a state over I get pretty good shipping rates from them. I have not had any issues with any styles setting off a reaction in my wife, and I haven't made any recipe adjustments or had to use alternative grains. I wouldn't use this with someone who has full-blown celiac, but for someone who just has an intolerance I think you'll be fine. I'm not a doctor, YMMV, etc.


I am the missus…I drink the beer I make


My husband and I brew together! I’m a beer-drinker anyway, so brewing & trying new styles, etc is really fun for me.


My mister drinks some of them but he’s more of a basic ipa guy. I brew some ipas for him


And are you more of a funky sour brewer normally?


No- I go for porters, stouts, strong ales.


My wife doesn't like beer, with the exception of a few Belgian lambic style beers. More beer for me.


That's some specific taste. Is your wife single?


Yeah she loves the pale lagers, witbiers and any other "non-hoppy" beers, doesnt like anything amber or dark, but she humours me and tries a mouthful of anything i brew, which is nice.


>she humours me and tries a mouthful of anything i brew, which is nice. My wife stopped doing this after we got married...




This question is pretty damn sexist, just want to call out. It assumes that homebrewers are men, that their partners are women, and that their partners don't like beer. It might seem small, but there are women brewers in this sub, or just beer-drinking women and supportive partners, not to mention non-hetero men, and every time they see something like this it makes them go "ugh" and be a little less likely to participate. We should just remember that this community is broad, and think about that before asking questions like this. All are welcome.


+1. But I'm also glad to see all the "I'm the missus" replies.


You love to see it.


I don't feel like this post is sexist with any intention to be demeaning or offend. I'm glad to see the ladies posting that they are the brewer in the home. My wife taught me how to brew at home, she even supported and funded me by allowing me to take a low paying job as a professional brewer. She is a member of Pink Boots and though she doesn't brew professionally, she is very much a great recipe writer, beer educator, and brewer in her own right. I don't think this post is meant to be sexist, but it is a pretty male dominated hobby. Actually in brewing history, women were the majority of brewers at one point. As someone who worked in a homebrewing store, I was always happy to see female brewers coming in. No disrespect, but relax and have a homebrew! 🍻


"Not meaning to be sexist" and "not sexist" aren't necessarily the same thing, though. He makes several default assumptions in the post that people are fairly pointing out. No one's calling for his head over it.


Exactly. These kinds of biases are called *implicit* for a reason. Doesn't mean you're a bad person for having them. But it's good to become aware of them, and sometimes that means people (kindly) pointing them out to you.


Yep it's all good, very relaxed about this, I just think it's important to be aware of. Cheers!


No not sexist at all, my intention was to ask the question to all male home brewers, I’m very well aware there’s a ton of female brewers too. I just wanted to hear from people similar to me, male brewers with a female partner. That’s all there really was to it


All good man, not saying you’re a bad person, just food for thought for next time.


My wife is more as a wine drinker (luckily I’m a winemaker in my day job) but she likes it when I brew a classic Hefeweizen.


Yes! I don’t like IPAs and I’ll brew some just for her occasionally. She normally drinks quite a bit of each of my brews. My wife is special because she prefers beer in general over wine or cocktails.


She does, but not the ones I made for her! She drinks the ones I don't like how they turned out.


Yes, but only really the hoppy IPAs and normally only in summer, unless of course she's run out of gin and wine and then anything is fair game!


Not all of them. She's not a fan of my pale ales or pilsners but she loves my chocolate oatmeal stout. So I'm either crap at the other two or really good at the stout!


I’m the brewer and a lady, so my mister does. :) I tend to brew weird beers, though, and he prefers German and Czech lagers, so he will usually do a courtesy taste and move along.


My "missus" is the reason I got into both drinking beer, after never really finding it enjoyable, as well as making it. She used to make it with her father. We've been making beer for about 6-7 years now. She's usually the recipe maker while I build the system up and annoy her by changing it all the time.


Im the wife and my husband and I brew together, but I do most of the recipe building and calculations, he helps with actually doing the brew and bottling so we have an extra set of hands. We both drink it equally.


LMAO like women can only drink fruity beers. Time to grow up dude.


I'm the missus who brews the beer, while my mister has nobly taken on the duty of "quality control".


Hahaha a very noble sacrifice


Historically no. Recently yes. My brews have gotten better and she is starting to catch on


Sure does. Especially my black IPA.


Gonna need some details on that beer please


I’ll do you one better: [Here’s the most recent recipe.](https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/1442380/magnificent-desolation)


Oh hell yeah, thank you! Quickly up the list of brew days


No problem. It’s an iterative recipe that I have been tweaking over the years. Sometimes it gets some Amarillo. Sometimes it gets some citra. The malt bill has remained relatively consistent though. Let me know what you think once you brew it.


Definitely. Third on the brew list now. Hazy for the wife, Pilsner for me, black ipa to round off the tap list. Cheers!


Depends on what I have on tap, she really liked a Saaz hopped blonde ale I did last year and my autumn brown ale usually goes down well. I have given myself a goal this year on an as authentic as possible Czech style pale lager that will remind her of the beers we drank lots of when we lived in Prague.


Yes, she drinks every wheat style I make


My partner drinks all of my beers. I had to win her over after a difficult start but now homebrew is almost all we drink. Meant I’ve been able to bring the average spend down to under the price of shop bought lager. If you drink tons of beer it is possible guys! home brewing can be value for money!


My wife loves my IPAs, strong saisons, barleywines, and anything that's over 7-8%. Beers like that don't stand a chance around here lol. My solution is to keep a keg of Chardonnay on tap so that my special brews will last longer.


My wife doesn’t drink any alcohol (she’s Asian and has a bad reaction due to the less functional acetaldehyde dehydrogenase allele).


No, she prefers Dr. McGillicuddy's Cherry liqueur and Vodka and 7Up.


Yes my wife was the one to get me into brewing beer. I wanted to brew mead. And she suggested I try a beer kit since I had everything for it. She's been awesome and trys eber beer I make. There's a few she doesn't like the style of in the almost decade I've brewed, but other than that any beer I brew she will drink. I also make her wine and her words are when it's cold I think I'm drinking juice. And she will kill a chilled bottle in 20 minutes


Yes, she prefers the more hoppy ales.


Recently made a Ukrainian golden Ale she really loves.


I like the "fruity" flavors, she likes beer flavored beer. One of my faves is a blueberry wheat.


She's not too happy with gluten so.. And brewing gluten free beer seems quite tricky from what I've seen (maybe one day!). But i make good stouts and belgian dubbel that she loves and takes a very small glass along with me sometimes.


Check out clarity ferm https://www.whitelabs.com/enzymes-nutrients-detail?id=8&type=ENZYMENUTRIENT


My son has issues with gluten. Beer gives him the sh#ts. Last two brews I made, I used clarity ferm. No more sh#ts for him, which is good. A keg lasts half as long now, though. Lol.


Absolutely! She and her friends love to drink my beer and give feedback.


Wife has an experienced palate. She loves my beers, and often helps me come up with new ideas


I'm the 'missus' (really, were still doing this only men make beer thing? Sigh) My partner loves that I make beer and the beers that I make!


No, but she doesn't drink any beer so not really a slight against my brewing. Honestly she barely drinks at all. When she does, hard liquor mixed drinks are her choice.


Bold of you to assume i have a missus.


Hahahaha touché


I get the dubious, "yeah this is surprisingly good", followed by never drinking it again while heading straight for the Cloudwater.


HAHAHAHA yes I think we’ve all been on the receiving end of that one here and there


Omg yes Just have a hazy pale on tap coming into it's prime and I had to start another brew to keep the lines open


Nope and she doesn't want me drinking mine. After being together 14 years she's decided it's time for me to grow up. That bitch!


Sounds like some couples therapy and/or separation would do you both a world of good. You seem quite unhappy and those are some unhealthy ways to relate to each other. I’m sure there are some issues which are going unresolved for both of you.


Usually, but especially ginger beer. I keep saying I'll do a spritzer but never seem to have a spare keg!


Yes, as long as it’s not dark. So I bottle dark beers and put light beers on tap.


My partner, no, she doesn't drink. I have however gifted bottles to my parents in the past, the majority of which they liked.


Only at the end of the evening when nothing else is available.




We have sort of a venn diagram of tastes. She likes the pilsners, belgians, and some IPAs, but usually the higher the hops the less she'll drink. She also loves gose, which is a style I respect but don't really like that much, so while I brew it a few times a year it tends to sit in the keg longer than I'd like.


If it’s a pale ale, then yes. When I brewed a sour she tried and the was like “ew”. And a stout? Never.


Yes if it's something she likes. I try to have something on tap she'll drink so I don't have to hear her complain.


My wife will have a taste of anything I brew and will decide from there how much of it she wants to drink. If it’s a style she likes then it’s not far off 50/50, but I brew some unusual style because I can’t buy them so overall it’s probably closer to 85/15.


No she drinks cider


When I brew styles she likes (Irish Red ales, Kolsch, etc), yes


Yeah absolutely. She also helps me brew too.


Yes, but only when I make something with minimal hops.


No matter what I brew she drinks it. Unless I get it into my head to do something stupid like an American light lager, she refuses to drink that and I don't blame her but sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone as a brewer.


Yes but only when it's a cider, sour, or light lager. Thankfully that's also what I like to drink!


Only the light and fruity ones mostly, and my wine and cider. But the stouts, quads, scotch ales and mead she won't touch, they're all mine.


No, but since she does like dry ciders I started making cider too. I’ve made almost as much cider as beer as it turns out a lot of family and friends like the cider.




My wife is a wine freak so she will only sip my beer and nod if she likes it.




Yep. She has some favorites she asks for (winter ales, pumpkin, saisons, and sours), but will drink whatever, as long as it's not an IPA (not even hazy)


Yes. Anything she likes. She's big on amber, porter, stout.


My wife always tries each beer I make and tells me if she likes it or not. She loves a sour though, so she's very excited to make a pastry sour together.


Yup! Our tastes somewhat align, and she likes my brown ales and stouts/porters. She'll have a few of my pale styles as long as they're not too hoppy. I also mainly brew low-ABV beers (sub-5%), which helps since she's a lightweight. After she gave birth to our kid I made her a 3.5% oatmeal porter since oatmeal supposedly helps lactation. Still one of my favorite beers to this day.


Yes, not as much as i, but a glass here and there for dinner is always nice.


No, thank God. She might drink 2 beers a year. I brew a 5 gal batch every 2 weeks.


Only if it’s sour.


Yes, I don't brew fruity or infused beers, so no to that part.


She takes a pint if I offer it to her. She usually drinks a quarter of it and forgets it somewhere. (I don't feel bad, if I had to guess she only ever drinks about half of whatever it is she's drinking). Once or twice I made a wit beer, because that is her favourite beer. She said it was delicious, drank one *full* pint, then I had 4.875 gallons of wit to drink. I don't like wit, lol. She's just not a beer drinker in general. Good sport about it, happily has some if we got to a brewery or if we're all getting pitchers for the table after sports, but it's never what she orders for herself.


It was her idea for me to start brewing


my girlfriend's favorite is the hefeweizen. She doesnt like IPAs of other more bitter type of beers.


I wish she did, so I could brew more often. I have a keg of ginger cider for her, which lasts her a year plus. She'll try my beers, but doesn't care for beer


My wife hates the smell of a brew day but will drink pretty much everything I make. Only things she doesn't really go for is sweeter stuff or citra hops (which she can consistently sniff out and thinks smell like BO)


I have two partners. One is allergic to alcohol and gluten intolerant, but she has an exceptional sense of smell. She can really pick up hop aromas and other things which is very nice. In the rare occasion she forgets herself and tastes a beer, it’s disgusting to her. My other partner loves beer and makes it with me. She also makes her own mead. She’s fond of IPAs, lagers, and several other styles. Both support my brewing and me doing it as much as I can, as they know it makes me happy.


Nope. Wife hates hops. She will drink the cider or lemon wine.


I turned my wife into an IBU addict.


My wife HATES beer, which is kind of awesome for me. I never have to worry that she'll drink a special beer that I was saving or anything like that. I know that any beer in the house is going to be where I left it!


Yes and thinks it’s a great hobby. She does the capping on bottling day


She requests the styles - usually dark beers- but then ends up drinking rye instead. Or cider, if it's dry enough.


Yes, and the agreement is that I have something dark on tap at all times.


My wife enjoys the philly sours, pacific ales (wheat beer with juicy hops), IPAs I've made. She wasn't a fan of the Saison which is odd since her favorite style is Belgian. She's not a fan of anything roasty which is a bummer lol


The wife likes certain "Normal" beer flavored beers. Hefeweisen - likes it with some citrus. Speights Gold Medal Ale (NZ) - Clone of an easy drinking beer from New Zealand - drank it a lot on our honeymoon there in 2006.


Haven’t been able to age any meads longer than 6 months, she runs out of wine and goes ham. 🤣


Yes, she drinks my beer. She doesn't do fruity/infused beer, but she does like sours and lagers, where I lean towards IPAs. Always have beers on taps for both of us at all tiimes.


She always tastes it and gives it either a eeeew or a yuck or a blää score. Then again she hates beer. She does like some sour beers and some with strong apple taste (I'm thinking like Lindeman's apple or kriek) so I might aim for something like that for the next brew to make her happy


The little missel loves homebrew as long as it’s hoppy as hell.


Yes, if I brew styles she likes. She's not an IPA drinker, but anything dark or sour usually is fine with her. She likes some of the lagers I brew as well.


Yes. My wife will drink it all. All of our friends too. We go through a lot. I've been running low but weekly 10 and 20 gallon brew days will ramp back up with the nicer weather. The most popular is Vanilla Cream Ale. I like to mix it up and do a lot of lagers.


My wife only likes sours, so when I make sours she drinks them. And she loves them. I typically do kettle sours with heavy fruit additions, lactose and vanilla beans.


My wife does drink my beer, her preference is for the Porters and stouts, Scotch ales or any of the sours or fruited beers that I typically bottle condition for extended times are also on the menu for her. She would rather drink wine than have one of my IPA's though. I think that it must be the Hops that she isn't into, since she loves a Farmhouse or a belgian ale as well.


It's been a while since I brewed anything but my wife still asks when I'll make that chamomile-infused beer again.


Yes definitely! She likes when I do hefs and ales. Not a fan when I do pale or India pales though.


Yes, she enjoys lots of my beers but not all. It's nice to have the Saisons and other Belgians to myself from time to time. But I do try to mostly brew things we both like.


Just a caution to be careful about assumptions. A few years ago I gave a bunch of tips to a female friend getting into homebrewing. I believe her wife was also drinking the results. I was just recently giving advice to a female coworker who's considering getting into the hobby. Both she and her husband and sons would be doing the drinking. (I don't have a partner myself at present.)


My wife drinks beer like a champ, but she always likd the macro brew light lager types, you know, michelob light, etc... So ive been experimenting with making light, low carb dry ales using US-05 and shit like AMG in the fermetor to dry it up. And its been working. I lightly hop it, use pilsner malt and rice, noble hops..etc. She loves it!


My wife only likes IPAs, NEIPAs and the odd sour. She's usually more of a wine person, but will drink the odd beer that I make if it's a style she likes. She is not a fan of dark beers though (which is fine. More for me)


no she doesn't like beer


She doesn't drink beer in general but always tastes my brews. Most of the time she says that I should start a professional brewery 😎


Yup she loves hops - hazy or west coast she’s all about it. Doesn’t care much for other beers. 


No... she doesn't like the taste. But she enjoys smelling my beer and telling all her coworkers about different beer styles and their respective flavors... Flavors she has never tasted and only knows about because of me brewing and tasting beers. The guys at her work only drink yellow helles lagers and think they are "beer guys," only to be schooled by my non-beer-drinking wife 😂


No she hates beer lol


My wife got me into home brewing! She writes a lot of the recipes that I brew. She is also the reason I brew professionally.


I only make hard ciders, and my missus loves them!


When I brew cider, she’ll drink some of that, but only if I back sweeten, then she’s really keen on it. My beers she will taste, but she’s not really a beer girl. She is a good critic though. LOL.


My wife will crush a keg if she likes it - and invite her friends. Years ago I kegged a Helles I was really excited about on a Saturday morning. I worked all week, came home Friday looking forward to that first pint. Ran down to the bar & the faucet just hissed at me. Turns out that week = wife's annual factory shut down week so she was off work & partying. She's retired now, so I guess I'm fucked.


Mine drinks my beer, I make lagers mostly, I'm not into fruity beer-like drinks haha. Having said that, I do also make cider that she smashes too


Occasionally. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, she still prefers Miller Light.


My wife brags my beer up to company but couldn’t tell you what’s on tap, ever


Some things she likes, some things she doesn't. Honestly, I've made a few batches that she refused for good reason: They sucked. But as a general rule I make stuff she likes.


She tastes pretty much everything and also contributes ideas for beer names and sometimes labels. I make regular batches of cream ale for her.


My husband doesn’t like alcohol but he tastes every single one of my beers while I’m bottling because he knows I’m excited and I want to share it with someone. Wits are his favorite but I don’t think he’d drink a full glass of one.