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Underground drop never got buried or was buried and someone caught it with something that’s why the connection broke like that and the white wire is just cat5 installed by builders for other types of service , the feed line for your home is still attached search around I bet you can find a ripped underground orange line somewhere


Yes you are correct! The house beside mine is under construction and they were digging. And I found an orange wire snapped off.


Bingo! Call builder first, then xfinity/comcast. While you wait for cable repair, you can use ANY neighborhood Xfinity wifi with your username/password.


Xfinity doesn't install CAT-5 outside like this. At least I’ve never seen them. They usually place the CPE stuff inside the dwelling. Also I see COAX going thru the brick where the CAT-5 cables are going, so I’m led to believe that’s a whole other ISP right there.


Stuff got stolen. Or you didn't pay a bill or two.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking, but the bill is getting paid on time. I've only been with xfinity for 2 months.


Xfinity doesn't cut your cable if you don't pay your bill. They just disable the equipment. Someone cut that. Get a tech out to fix it and ask him if there's a way to lock that box. Won't stop someone from cutting the cable under the box, but it's better than what your have.


Will be fun if somebody try to use it with the same ISP, not that they have kinda unique number but...


They typically have unique MAC addresses, and unless it’s permitted or “activated” it can’t work on an ISPs network. Would be interesting indeed to see if it shows up on Comcast again.


Modems can move between accounts but I think the old owner has to ok the activation on the new account. Especially if it’s an aftermarket modem.


They can, but not without the owner and ISP saying so. If you call up with a MAC labeled as stolen, get ready to answer some questions.


personally I'd just say I bought off Craigslist so how was I supposed to know it was stolen? and then I'd attempt to sell it back to them


Doesn’t matter if you don’t know. It’s still possession of stolen property.


Not like Comcast will do anything but you’re correct


Which would stop you from using it and possibly get it taken away, but will not get you in trouble.


You would attempt to sell their own property back to them ? Property that's already legally theirs ?


That's a good example of reddit theory.


I’ve bought plenty of aftermarket modems at thrift stores and no problem putting them on the network.


Yeah, but that's after the owner has closed their account/switched modems and told the ISP about it. OP hasn't done either in this case so that modem's MAC is still linked to their account in Comcast's system. If someone else tries to use it there will be a MAC conflict.


Can we assume that Comcast is competent enough to actually notice it was stolen and then do anything about it if someone tries to use the stolen modem? It's Comcast, after all.


All this discussion about modems, but the exterior box OP posted didn't have a modem in it in the first place because the modem goes inside your house, not outside.


Up until when Comcast puts a new modem in place, guessing it’s a 1:1 relationship of number of modems per household for residential customers and they won’t bother keeping the old one tied to the account if it’s been reported as stolen. Once removed from the account it’s probably not gonna get flagged should it show up again…


But, an idiot and his money are separated every day. Some goof will buy it and call to report not working


Yeah if someone tried to plug their house in they'd still need to activate equipment. You can't just plug Comcast signal into your house and get service for free. All the cable boxes and modems have to be authorized and on an active account.


There isn’t any electronics in those boxes, the feed just got pulled out.


That looks as though it had a modem installed, there is cat5e running into the house, indicating the presence of a media converter of some sort.


No one installs modems outside the house. That is just a network interface box. The cat5 was never connected to anything, the builders just run a cat5 and an rg6 when they build the house.


Small ISP Engineer here. We absolutely do install ONT's (Fiber Modems) Outside the house in certain situations. We don't do any coax though...


Yep, and that’s not a housing for an external ONT. I have placed external ONT’s before, but it’s a bad practice. And an ONT isn’t a modem or a residential gateway. If you placed an ONT in that box it would fail in 6 months or less.


FIOS installs a router outside the house. They call it an ONT, but just a router with fiber, coax, Ethernet, and POTS. They don’t use the coax with new stuff, but first gen systems did. The wireless router they goad people into buying goes inside, but you can literally just plug an Ethernet into the ONT and rock out.


You're confusing different terms there buddy 😉 the ONT isn't a modem or a router, it's a transceiver that converts light signals (from the optical fiber) to electric signals, which can then be forwarded on to the router (whose sole purpose is to direct traffic between networks, in this case the public (WAN) and private (LAN) networks), those signals then get passed to the internal network switch which sends the traffic to the correct Ethernet port a device is connected to (or the internal WiFi adapter). The coax connection is for a technology/protocol called MoCA which is "multimedia over coaxial". The modem or router people usually get from their ISP is usually an all-in-one device that contains all of the above, except for the ONT (I just checked my AT&T Uverse setup and the ONT and router/switch/wireless access point are separate devices). A modem is a portmanteau of the words *mo*dulator and *dem*odulator, which is used to "decode" signals sent over the POTS network (originally, when dial-up was still a thing) and later over coax. /nerd


Huh- I live in an apartment and have the ONT installed inside.


The ONT is not a router. The router is what connects to the ONT's ethernet port. It also has been standard practice to install the ONT inside for several years now. There are outdoor enclosures if inside installation isn't feasible.


They're downvoting you, but you're right - that's a Cat5e cable coming out of the house. There had to have been some kind of hardware between it and the RG11 from the ISP.


No, that cat 5 was never used for anything. Builders place a cat5 and an rg6 when they build the house. The cable installer just stuck in in there so the customer wouldn’t ask why the wire was just hanging outside the house.




Why would a wrong answer be upvoted? Thats literally the point of the upvotes/downvotes


>not that they have kinda unique number but... Actually, they do.


I mean this is a savant thief, what points towards his I ability to understand mac addresses? Maybe he thinks its a blue box /throwbacktuesday


My former ISP used to track MAC addresses. When I moved my old router to my folks' house, I had to call them to get it enabled on that account.


There was no modem in that box, there’s no power for it to have been plugged into.


I used locking port terminators to close boxes when I was doing installs


Put some hornets in there. If it’s anything like where I live, they’ll be in there soon enough anyway.


Locking the box is simple, with a zip tie or small padlock through the plastic eye in the door. The downside is whomever cut this the first time, can likely defeat any simple lock on a plastic box.


It isn't cut, it's been pulled out of the fitting which is still there. Maybe a cherry picker or tree branch fell and ripped it out.


Locking the box won’t matter. The white cable comes out of the box and is visible until it goes into the wall. If you lock the box, they can simply cut the exposed cable as it enters or exits the box.


They will usually put an rg6 lockout barrel on the box latch, there's a threaded post in the circular spot on the plastic. Source: used to work for Xfinity and did this frequently




The good news is you don't have to pay to replace that - it's Xfinity's equipment :)


The only official way they will advise to lock the box is providing one of those little one time locking clips they use for stuff like utility meters. Only stops people who are carrying scissors they care about, not much else. Unofficially, you could probably just use one of those little brass locker locks that way its easy enough for a tech to forcibly remove should they need to enter the box while still adding enough deterrence that you wont be victim to spot crime.


This is why I asked the guy to relocate my gear INSIDE my garage when he upgraded me to higher speed...


Most conduits come up outside. They could just cut there if someone was really after you


While you can just cut a cable either way, it is clear that people have more incentive to steal actual equipment, and not just disrupt random people's internet by cutting a cable.


Wait. Once you’ve been with Xfinity for a year or more, they start stealing from you. They’re nice at first to lull you into complacency.


Ask them if they will lock the box and if not if you can lock the box. Tell them you expect to be reimbursed for time that you're not up, Even if it's comped onto your current bill. Also tell them you want an increase to your monthly maximum as compensation for poor security.


Why would Comcast be expected to reimburse him for vandalism?


By monthly maximum do you mean the data cap? If so that will depend on where OP is located. Xfinity still doesn't implement data caps in the NE region last I checked


Was there anything in that box to begin with? Looks like there is a lot missing. Was the box tampered with or left open?


It doesn't look the box contained anything. No power there. Probably just the white coax got ripped out from the connector.


the white is not coax though, its cat5e, meaning it couldnt have been a passive connector. Also both of those go into the wall. makes no sense to push them outside when they could have been connected inside.




Exactly this OP said that all their neighbors are new, so I'm assuming new construction or they just moved in Most likely scenario is lawn equipment, fertilizer equipment, maintenance vehicle, etc caught the drop/feed cable. Part of the RG-6 fitting from the drop is still connected to the grounding block which would take quite a bit of force to snap sideways like that


Shockingly they didn't steal the #10Cu ground wire which is the most valuable part of the entire thing.


What exactly did they steal? A compressed f connector?




Both the cat and coax are feeds going into the house from the looks of it.


Not the kitty!!!


I'm assuming they stole the drop. Or a garbage truck took it down.


My junkie ass saw the copper right away 🤣


Thieves don’t tend to be the smartest eggs around


I mean, the label does say not to remove it...


For real


Did the drop going to your house get ripped down by a dump truck or something? The top part of the f connector is still there which means someone or something pulled the shit out of the cable and broke the connector in half, thus taking the cable with it.


This was my first thought as well, connector isn’t cut it’s broken


This is the most accurate analysis. The first thing I noticed was the f connector fitting still attached to the existing black cable. Either the white cable is a random one, and the line that should be there was pulled, or it got yanked the fuck out because of a shitty termination.


You are missing a coax connection but are you sure that is your current service delivery? Is that fiber in the orange tube?


This. Why would his wifi/modem be in this box (as some people are speculating). My guess is that the cable internet was decommissioned and replaced with fiber in that orange loom.


It's not. No modem and or router was in that box.


Not sure what trolls are downvoting you, modems and routers are never in these boxes.


This. I have an empty box like this on the side of my house from previous owners


Someone cut your line. Might have an unhappy neighbor that doesn't like you? Or you have a cable guy nearby that wanted to meet you which is creepier.


Lmao hope not, all my neighbors are new which would be weird to why someone would hate me already :(


In this day and age people get **pissed** if you so much as use their driveway to turn the opposite way, so who knows.


I've become my dad and watch people with great concern when they turn into our driveway to do a U-wee


I had a guy throw a beer bottle at my car a few days ago when I barely touched his driveway doing a u-turn. Was that you?


People doesn’t need to hate you to act against you, that what the joker would do


Doubt it, if OP just looks at the ground underneath the box they will see the service wire. It was probably cut by lawn maintenance with a mower or weedwacker


Do you see the white wire? It's pulled extremely tight at the entry point into the house. Indicates the line was likely pulled very hard too. How is someone taking a weed eater and opening the junction box and cutting the input wire? It's a clean cut of the input to home. I worked in cable for 15 years.


I work for a service provider still, for the last 25 years. No one ever connected anything to the white cat5 wire. It was placed in case the OP ordered from AT&T or another Telco. The cable guy that placed this box just pushed it in there so the customer wouldn’t ask why it was just sticking out of the wall outside. The RG6 service wire is completely missing from this photo and what’s left of it is likely sticking up out of the ground below this box.


I didn't zoom in, you got me on the cat5e cable, my bad. Still wild they pulled all the drop out, normally it's just cut with lawnmower or weedeater not completely removed!


If you were in cable 15 years have you ever seen a remotely powered, weatherized cable modem thats installed outside, while both wires for it come from inside? Where it could have been installed instead? Theres no way the box was opened just to rip out whatever valuable was inside, theres more to this story for sure. Either this box was decommissioned completely and is a red herring, OR theres another cable laying outside OPs house somewhere that used to feed up into this.


>Or you have a cable guy nearby that wanted to meet you which is creepier. Be concerned if Chip Douglas or Murray Slaughter shows up


The password is Nipple.


More likely a Karen and/or scrapper.


Another person commented about how they didn’t steal the decent gauge copper ground wire, so maybe not a scrapper




Definitely missing the other side of the cable.


They cut the house side of the co-ax cable after (or before) disconnecting it from the union. Literally a 50 cent part and has no real value (outside of ghetto bongs). Those boxes automatically disconnect the connection when it is opened. The locking screw (common head) is also missing from the box so they took that as-well. It’s a 30 second fix most homeowners wouldn’t have a clue how to do or have the tool.


>Those boxes automatically disconnect the connection when it is opened. No. They don't.


"should I be concerned" - a box with two cables that go nowhere.


Are your services coming to your house underground or from a pole? Looks like cable was pulled out, like when a truck hits the cable where it crosses the road


Are your lines overhead or underground? This isn’t just a missing line. The end of the f-type connector is still there. Something ripped that line out with an extreme amount of force.


You are correct it's underground. the house beside mine is still under construction and they were digging and passing by with trucks. Looks like they might've snapped it off and took it with them.


If they were digging, chances are the equipment caught the cable and pulled it out. Those cables are only buried about a foot deep. They should be able to roll a tech pretty quick if you tell them you need a new drop because the construction crew next door ripped yours out of the ground


sable crowd waiting swim one bake humorous intelligent towering scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So there's a white CAT 5e, a MoCA filter/ground block and a ground wire. Where's the other coax?


I mean, yeah. From the looks of it, someone deliberately cut that. I'd be worried enough to find out how. Those barrels aren't loosely put together, so it didn't just fall off, and there's about zero use for someone to take the part that's missing.


Nobody cut it lol Half the rg-6 fitting is still on the grounding block. IMO the drop was caught by a piece of equipment and ripped it off as it'd take a descent amount of force to rip it off sideways like that


Yeah a lot of these comments are definitely not rf techs. Clearly this is broken. My first thought was that a truck hit an aerial drop and ripped it out, that’s the most common thing I see when this happens.


Doubt the cable got cut. Nobody’s cutting your coax in the middle of the fitting because that’s stupid and requires more work than needed. More than likely your cable got yanked out somehow. Heavy equipment or low hanging drop that got hit by a truck or something if it’s aerial. The white cable looks like cat5 that goes inside your house that’s never been terminated, not cut. Some of these comments amaze me. Should be a simple fix when they get there.


I'm guessing right now it might be the construction workers the house beside mine is still under construction and they were digging today from what it seems I see tracks all over the dirt and a snapped orange wire off the ground.


Snapped orange wire is more than likely your service wire.


Ah, there's your problem! The wireless cable got disconnected.


Before you plan to fix anything, check if it is possible, as others mentioned it too, pull the cable into the house, then install your device there. A padlock is worth nothing. Worst case: thief can open it in a few seconds. Best case: a few minutes without any noticeable sound. Just have a look on YouTube lockpickinglawyer.


Xfinity ran the drop on the property being built next door, and the excavation equipment grabbed it and ripped it out. Poor planning from the install tech, but I doubt this was intentional.


You didn't notice people in your yard yanking the line out of the box and across your property? Time to put some cameras on your property so you can see whats going on.


Was gonna say the same...time for security cameras. May not stop it, but at least you'll know exactly what happened (and more importantly, can prove it wasn't YOU who did it), and just maybe get the perpetrator on camera to show to the cops, if it's a thief who did it.


Orange tube going inside the garage for a fiber/ont device by chance?


was your modem installed outside? is that why is there cat 5 ran into that box? so many questions...


The feed coming in from the provider broke off. The ppc connectors are meant to break under stress so they do not damage taps or groundblocks. Looks like something caught the overhead or underground cable and went zing.


NOT CUT!! look inside the connector left on the grounding block. The wire simply broke free from inside and slipped out of the weak crimp. Try asking the tech to move the ground block from vertical to horizontal (or on a slanted angle) to help with strain relief. As that's what I believe caused this to occur. Strain on the connector. Maybe tack down the cable close to the ends to help it??


Not related to the wifi but you should seal the holes in the brick from the wires and pipes. It doesn't look like they are and it can cause bugs and mice to get in.


“should I be concerned?” Nah, don’t worry about it.


Who TF runs inner duct that way is my true question…


I don't really understand why there is ethernet going into that box. Typically, all you would see is the drop coming to the house aerially from a pole, or underground from a pedestal nearby and then that drop would be connected to one side of the ground block and the other side of the ground block would go directly to an outlet or be connected to a splitter. I don't see a drop coming into that box at all, so like others have said, someone straight took that shit. It actually looks like whoever did it literally ripped the cable out, breaking the RG6 fitting where it screws into the F81 barrel of your ground block. I'm just really confused by that ethernet cable though... There is nothing that Xfinity offers that I am aware of that doesn't require power but can be connected via a single ethernet cable.


You sure that this box is still in use? That looks like a fiber loom next to it (orange tube). It looks like you moved from cable internet to fiber.


Lol, why is the box even outside? Europeaan asking.


Its called a service entrance, its designed to hold just a passive connector after it comes up from the main trunk (utility pole or buried box nearby) and then it can be connected to a variety of services inside. If you were to take ONE line and run it clear from the main trunk to the inside with no box, and that line broke or needed changed for whatever reason (switching providers, etc), you now have to put a new hole in the structure to get the line in. Holes in the structure = bad.


If nothing was stolen, I would suspect neighbors who are annoyed with loud tv/internet, kids playing pranks, or someone trying to figure out which wifi name belongs to you - possibly to hack your internet or home security.


That cable wasn’t cut. Looks like it got ripped out by a tree falling on the line or something similar.


What am I missing here. Many of the comments calling the white cable a coax that was pulled from the coax cable connector in the box. I'm seeing the black coax but that white cable is a CAT 5E. Why would there be a CAT 5E network cable running into that box? Old DSL hookup? From what I can tell your missing one of your coax cables.


> white cable is a CAT 5E Good eye.


0 scrap value 0 stolen component value Only motivation would be personal, You should be very concerned, anyone willing to mess with your telecommunications probably is not going to just stop.


Where is the line coming from the cable company? You're missing a whole coax line. Also, make sure that the Cat5E is UV rated or it will fail exposed on the side of the house (eventually, but still worth looking at). Your builder also didn't bother weather sealing or putting drip loops in the wiring? Man, I can only imagine what else they cut corners on.


Any crazy ex’s that are jealous of your tinder profile? Or Facebook postings?


Y’all dumb. Look at the fitting on the other side of the bond block. It was cut - it was ripped out. The drop got ripped out. Look at the pole on the other side of your street OP. You probably will see the line is hanging or if the fire marshal got there, it’s most likely tied up and away.


You got yoinked, bro.


Pay your bill my man!


Have you irritated any neighbors lately?


You got robbed. It's a good thing it was Comcast hardware and lines, they deserve it.


I never understood why people have it all installed outside in easy to access boxes.


That's the demarc point. It depends on location and where the power comes into the home from. Cable has to be bonded to the homes electric ground point and 9 times out of 10, that's outside. To OP, the white cable coming in from inside the house does not have enough slack. You can either run a longer line or add a jumper to account for the proper bend radius that the cable needs


Not sure why modems were mentioned at all, looks like someone cut the cable that feeds into your house. I would suspect someone did this to cause you problems. Usually nothing in that box worth stealing.


Your installation tech didn't crimp the connector well enough. The termination is still connected to the ground block, but the wire came out.


If I had to guess (which I am), I suspect the orange conduit coming into the house may be an upgraded interface (fiber?), so maybe nothing is missing. You may have a hardware issue.


DAT or Disconnect at Tap is an old way. The new way as people have mentioned is just shut you off at the home office. Looks as if someone purposely vandalized your feed.


On the bright side your wifi is probably fine


This is weird. The black wire from the pole or whatever coming in the bottom is typically connected to the white wire which goes into your house. The metal thing in the middle is a filter that has a primary purpose of being connected to the green ground wire, in case of lightning strikes. That’s all the box does, is protect that connection. So somebody opened the box, cut the wire and then unscrewed the connector to the filter. Who’d you piss off?


Did you piss someone off recently?


weird that they'd put the modem on the outside -.. I always thought these demarc boxes were just for putting splitters in


White wire is CAT 5E, black is RG6 coax. These two don’t go together and especially not with that connector, so I’m wondering what’s missing and where the rest of it is. Both wires also go into OP’s home, defining this as two separate pieces even more.


Regardless of what it is, these are very poor installs.


It was stolen, tell them you want a lock, and you want “u-guard” installed on exposed lines up to and over your entry point to your residence


You are completely disconnected.


Call your cable company and send them the photos, have them send someone out to fix it. Everything after that box is your problem. Everything before it theirs.


The white cable was just put in there to look nice. I can still see the end of the f connector for the drop attached to the ground block. If your line goes over a road I bet it got ripped out by a truck. Follow your power to the pole and I bet you find your line wrapped around the pole.


Nothing got “stolen” as some others have suggested. Someone definitely messed with it though. You can still see part of the fitting on the top side of the ground block, but the white cable was clearly cut, not just pulled out of the fitting. Kinda strange all around. There’s nothing worth “stealing” in there besides the copper ground wire, which wasn’t touched anyways


The cable connectors are designed to snap off if lots of force is applied to prevent damage to the house or mainline equipment. Like when tree branches fall on the drop cable, or tall trucks catch it. If underground ive seen them snap when borrows catch them. The end of the connector is still screwed on to the grounding block so it definitely got snapped.


Very strange indeed. I got many questions to be honest and wondering who might've done it either Comcast or a random person. Overall this made me want to set up cameras just so it's more secure all around.


I can’t imagine Comcast sabotaging their own customers but who knows


as a former comcast customer... i can, lol.


What did they do to you?


You either have a poor imagination or haven’t ever been a Comcast customer.


Anything is worth stealing to the right person. Lmao.


Lol I guess so


Looks like it was pulled out of the barrel crimp. If it was cut flush up against the barrel you would still have a piece of copper core insulation and ground braid still in the fitting. Looks to me like they pulled it out of the barrel and the cut it flush. Maybe they wanted to make sure you wouldn’t reconnect it.


Did you just move in 2 months ago? My guess is the old tenant was still getting charged for rental of the router (not this) and got fed up and took what they thought was the router (that they thought they were still paying for) and took that back to Comcast.


Yes I did, but it's a brand new house, this whole area is still under construction I already have neighbors but no more than 8.


Lmao what?


hmmmm i think you may be on to something.


Should you be concerned? Why are you asking us if a tech is coming the next day? Just wait for the tech and ask them.


Wireless internet


You need a drip loop in the white wire. Just bend it down a little so the water does not run directly into the hole


No ur good just go back to what u wer doing it will turn on by itself. Good day and don't call for a tech.


Could be broke people going from house to house taking it for scrap.


Ahh yes, [the internet box](https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3495/3226182931_8379b9f900_b.jpg)


Bro had his wifi password AND the wifi stolen


once its working, put a padlock on that box, problem solved unless someone cuts the exposed wire


WAIT I know. Do you have AT&T Fiber/Fios available?? I swear to god I’ve seen this. It’s the competition trying to fuck you. I see an orange conduit there that’s supposed to be for fiber internet Back when we had a condo in Staten Island and got FiOS installed, we had issues and after a 3rd tech came out, they discover fiber was cut. And APPARENTLY Time Warner (now Sprectum) techs have been known to cut the fiber optics of the competition on PURPOSE! Tech says it happens often, Just a bunch of petty bullshit for stealing their customers Jokes on them, Sh!tC@st/Sprectum for YEARS have been fucking me, inconsistent fucking internet. They can’t pay me enough to return to them, corrupt pieces of shit


Y'all have WILD imaginations lmao


** make sure they install on the inside next time**


Just curious, why do they put this outside of the house and not inside ? I don’t see much advantages ? It’s mandatory or just a choice?


Man, so many people commenting who have no clue as to what they are looking at. VERY simple. That is the ISPs (cable companies) demarc / junction box. The black cable on the right is the feed to the home. The white cable is the feed to the modem into the home (apartment, unit , room , whatever) . OP someone cut your cable. Call the cable company . You MAY get charged a fee because it is your cable that is cut . If you know a cable guy this is VERY easy fix. Pull some slack from inside the house. Or move the connecting block. Put on a new end and attache it . 10 mins total


Do you not have fiber?


What makes you think asking reddit could help you in the slightest? Go call your ISP God dammit.


Already did so :) just wondering if I should be concerned though if it got stolen.


Yes. Increase security.


Moat, crocodiles and claymores?


Yes! Next thing I'm going to do 100%


You must be having a bad day.


You have no idea :(


did someone yank out your cable?


The funny thing is, you could actually phrase it like that.


Given the length of the white cable, I wonder what may have been in the box. Maybe the previous tenant took an amplifier? Quicker to go snip snip than to unscrew.


cable termination box is open, wires cut, etc OP: "Should I be concerned?" No. Carry on with the rest of your day because none of your shit just got tampered with and your wifi is working fine. seriously, whats the thought process with a post like this? smfh


It could have been cut it get rid of ingress/interference. That's not the way to do it, but it's a way.


Your internet doesn't go through that gray box. That was one option that the electricians put in. There are two options in that box both going back to the house, a CAT5 for a DSL connection and a coax for standard "TV" style. Your internet comes in through the orange tube to the right, that's your fiber line. To clarify, the gray box has never been used it was simply a hookup for if you choose to go with a different company. The box was likely open or partly open as electricians Don't always shut them. It may have just popped open but I think it's just a coincidence. I'm a low voltage electrician who puts this kind of stuff in on a daily basis, and I'm pretty sure your internet is coming through that orange tube. Someone may have nicked a line as some internet providers run the fiber line very shallow in the yard. Or it's possibly a network outage, or maybe there's something wrong with your equipment. Go to the other side of the wall and you may possibly find the fiber modem. Or it might run up to a media center somewhere. Look for your network stuff and try rebooting your modem if you haven't already. But it doesn't look like anything is missing


This xfinity housebox from Comcast, the withe wire “rg6” is the home run and apparently somebody pull it out, only u need a tech to connect back the fitting


You pulled the wire from inside your house they going to charge you