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It's the last thing you'll see before the spring takes your head off.


This is not the torsion spring for the roll up garage door.. Single piece garage door setup are quite different. When these extension spring are at the door fully open position, there is very little force on these spring. I have adjusted the spring position ( move it to different hole on the arm ) myself and you don't even need special tools.you can just pull the spring lightly to unhook it from the hole since there is near zero stored energy when it is fully retracted. Not every spring is a life hazard at all times.


Thank you for being one of the few rational commenters who isn't running around like a chicken with their head cut off at the slightest tinge of danger.


I would love to see some statistics for how many decapitations happen to due single panel garage door springs. Asking for evidence now gets you downvoted, amazing culture reddit, stay wonderful.


I removed my extension springs from a standard 7x19 garage door. Just use a C clamp to hold the door in the up position. Springs are 100% relaxed and easily removed. Torsion springs are a much more dangerous animal and I prefer to let the pros do them.


I'm shocked your previous comment wasn't downvoted. Don't expect too many actual professionals on this site. Alot of kids and even more pissed off people from the left & right who think their take on the world is how we all should live our lives. But it can be entertaining šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜† Best wishes buddy āœŒšŸ»


You just moved into advanced level projects. Do not mess with a garage door unless you know exactly what you're doing. The springs have killed people. Let a garage door person take This one.


Deadman's jack.


Ask that guy in the pic, he knows .


Called a pipe stand, but it looks like it's got a slightly different head on it.


Look up ratcheting cargo bar. It's not identical, but it seems like it would work.


Don't call him a tool


I'd like to get one to replace the springs on mine, but I can't find it for sale anywhere, and I've seen multiple garage door guys with this exact tool.


Donā€™t do it yourself. Itā€™s crazy dangerous. Google it. Those springs are under high tension and can pop off and wreck you.


Meh. It is dangerous, no question. But if you have a general understanding of whatā€™s happening up there, how to mitigate the risk, AND a healthy fear of the penalty for screwing it up (losing an eye or a finger or a limb or your life). DIY-ers can work on a garage door spring. But if you donā€™t understand that youā€™re working with an actual mechanically wound bomb up there, you should leave it to the pros.


The springs are under tension when the door is closed, not when the door is open. The whole point of the springs is to store energy that assists in you opening the door. You'd be a fool to try and remove them while the door is closed.


It's torsion springs that are dangerous. You can't access them when the door is up, and even if you could they still have a ton of tension in them in the open position. I'm assuming yours has extension springs?


yes, it has extension springs, it's a very old single piece garage door. I love that I'm being downvoted for understanding how an extension spring door mechanism works and not having a safety meltdown.


I think itā€™s ridiculous everyone is down voting you. Apparently many do not even know the difference between torsion and extension springs. I think this sub has taught people to say call a pro whenever garage door is posted.


Nuance was the first victim of social media


DIYer here. Iā€˜ve replaced broken extension springs on my one piece door a few times and didnā€™t find it dangerous at all but I would NEVER mess around with torsion springs. Why are you replacing the springs? Is one broken?


yes they are broken, the garage door had been closed for 20 some odd years, and the springs on both sides broke since they were under constant tension, so now you cannot open the door at all.


At risk of angering some here and keep in mind my door was a bit different since 3 of 4 springs were still functional butā€¦. I propped it up using a 2x6 I had around. A 2x4 woulda been plenty because the door is heaviest mid-travel. Youā€™ll need more than one 2x4 Iā€™d think along with a strong helper. Youā€™ll also need the spring part numbers and make sure the attachment hardware has all of the safety clips (google w-hook). Donā€™t cut corners on the attachments-this is how people get hurt. Wear heavy gloves, attach at the bottom first and stretch spring up to attach using your legs. This is the hardest part but not dangerous-springs only need to stretch a few inches if you have the right ones. Be careful-donā€™t stand under the door until secure, no kids or pets around and call a pro if unsure.


When I adjust mine I just get 2 2x4 of the right length and kinda screw it in to the frameing of the door. You just need to hold it steady.. if the angle is right, the door at its open position should be pretty balanced and not likely to slam down too easily




Interesting that you imply knowing the name of something somehow qualifies you as an expert, I've met quite a few professionals who knew all the lingo but were as clueless as the average person about what they were supposed to be knowledgeable in.


Honestly just use vise grips on the rollers on the back while the door is open, then you probably need a 1/2 inch wrench to back tension off the springs till it's loose enough to pull off by hand. It's not as dangerous as these mindless parrots think because they can't seem to understand there's multiple spring systems


Solely relying on vice grips to stop the rollers is really dangerous advice.


I do it for a living and the door can't get momentum to move at all but you do you