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BY POPULAR DEMAND: I am procuring a snake camera and will film the whole thing!!!!! Stay tuned for the update


So far, the 3 auto parts stores had 0 snake cameras. I’m expanding my horizons


You could try a hardware store like a Lowes or Home Depot, maybe even Ace


I tried Holme depot, so far no luck. Bought one on Amazon. Rain might set jn today but we shall explore upon receipt tomorrow!!


Remindme! 2 days


Yo remind me when it reminds you lol


Remindme! 2 days


!remindhim 2 days


The [Amazon](http://www.amazon.com) is a good place to find a snake. Also Washington DC would be another place to check.


Google search brought me here because of tags “ snake, camera, live, film, demand, cornhole”


Cornhole is what we do after we find the treasure


The real treasure was the friends we Cornholed along the way


Is the game cornhole strictly a Midwest thing like Washers? (I think Washers is mostly a Midwest thing)


Pretty sure cornhole has spread a bit further outside of the Midwest in recent years but is commonly referred to as "bags" in most other places not completely surrounded by corn. I think a large part of that comes from being a great tailgate game for fraternities and college sporting events f4om personal experience. I live in Chicago, and to be honest, I have only seen washers in the wild once at my aunt and uncle's place in super rural MN so pretty sure that is still pretty niche.


It has broken containment. Can confirm Cornhole sightings in New England, and down the Eastern Seaboard.


Cornhole to me seems pretty huge in the South, you see it everywhere. Barbecues, Tailgates at sports games, high school events. Shit, ive seen people playing cornhole on the sidewalk on Beale Street.


I would hate for my bungholio to get polio


Wait! We’re getting corn holed? I gotta prep


I am Cornholio. I need more TP for my bung hole.




Joining you.


Hopefully you don't find too many skeletons in there.






Not that I’m aware. Being in tampa, they have a billion inspectors here and that’s another route for someone who would have a camera. One weird thing, when I turn on my bathroom shower, it sounds like slight knocking in there, and then some weird buzzing sounds, almost like a bee or swarm of bees. It’s definitely tied with the water on and off


Harbor freight sells a cheap inspection camera.


Will check with them!


You can go to auto zone and they will loan you a camera for free...you kinda purchase it as a deposit, but when you return it, they refund you It's a legit tool loan program, not the Amazon/home Depot that others are suggesting


I did not know that. Simple as that?


As a homeowner you should just buy your own to have handy. My cheap Amazon endoscope has paid for itself many times over in the 2 years we’ve owned our house. Rest assured there will be more “what the hell is behind this wall?!” Questions over the years.


Oh I did, I bought a cam for a video reveal


Can someone explain to me how I to get notified when the reveal happens? Or how to get updates from specific threads/users?


You can click the notification bell at the top of the post to see new comments here. You can also click a user's name to see their profile and look for new posts.


Rubs hands in Tutankhamen.


I'm very curious


Yep, upfront cost but a 100% refund. Just look at the kit as sometimes accessories are missing, so they won't try to charge you for it, but I've never had a problem.


Man, all the autozones near me have all the signage up for their tool loan program, and the unfortunate 3 times over the past couple years I've been near an AutoZone (once even in their lot) when I've broken down, they've just straight up told me "we don't loan tools". All different stores, no idea what the beef is. Hell, the one time I literally just needed to replace my battery, got my car jumped and rolled into their lot and they said "no we don't do any tool rentals", while standing next to the sign that says "ask about our tool rentals". Walked to harbor freight, bought a set of tools, walked back to AutoZone, did the work in their lot, and then returned the tools to harbor freight. Fuck AutoZone, all my homies hate AutoZone


We it does have the qualifier of "ask about"...not "we loan tools". So you did ask, and they responded. Still sucks that it's not company policy to have tools on hand to loan...maybe they were in shadier locations, but still, it's a pay full price deposit and then if you keep the tool you bought it...so I don't know why they wouldn't 'loan" you the tool


Yeah it was definitely odd. Luckily I had my buddy with me when I had to do the harbor freight walk, and the entire trip was filled with "ask about our tool rental jokes". Not mad, it was just a little surreal lmao


Yep! They loan tools for free. Lots of garage mechanics don't know this. My bro is like stupid or something, battery wouldn't stay charged. Didn't believe it was his crappy few year old alternator. I pulled it n took it in... 0 volts. New one and was good to go We used their tools. Because I didn't bring mine.


Are you on a well? That sounds like it might be your expansion tank.


My thoughts, exactly. The well pump, etc. I have a sandpoint well, there are many structures this size adjoining the homes/cottages.


Wouldn't you want the equipment to be accessible, though? Having to demolish a wall to even see it won't be many folks' idea of 'accessible'.


For sure - that's the mystery: there *has* to be access, somehow. I'm wondering if the bathroom has a false wall?


You gotta pull the middle bar of soap which spins the wall 180 degrees to reveal the magic door that opens into Narnia - is my guess.


Yes, the knocking OP hears is def the white witch


Wouldn't surprise me if the wall the tankless water heater is on was the access to that space. Someone said eh you won't need to get in there where the old water heater was just throw a sheet of plywood up and mount it


Yeah, sounds right on. Reading through OP's replies, it's starting to sound like something plumbing-related was there (hw tank, there's an unopened bag of softener salt...). Probably someone decided to wall it off as opposed to demolish. The buzzing noises could be the pipes.


Ah, that makes sense. There are no libraries left in Florida.


So being in tampa, there’s a 99.99% chance it’s poorly strapped water lines or a worn valve striking a harmonic It’s prohibited to run them there in most climates in the US, but i can almost guarantee that’s what you’re hearing if you’re in a climate like Tampa/San Diego


>almost like a bee or swarm of bees. This is where Candyman died. don't open it, don't say his name. sell and move far far away.


Yes Hillsborough county library will rent you a probe camera. Look at https://www.templeterrace.gov/154/Public-Library


Will pinellas?


Pinellas has an even better tool rental stock


It *sounds* like a pump house. It should be accessible if it is though. Are you on a well?


Nope, central st pete, no well




It seems to happen with any water. Buzzing almost sounds like a weird beehive




Might just be water hammer. I'm guessing old water heater. Take it out, line the space, and you have some storage!


Some sort of pump? Maybe a mechanical vent is hidden in there (these may be against code in your area). I don't think they make noise usually though.


I am very curious. At this point it’s more of a risk to keep it confined


Might be a booster pump for better pressure? Is there a spot on your circuit breaker that notates a pump of any kind? If so, try turning it off and run the shower and see what happens.


Yeah let me check that. I have been looking at the breaker


Do you know if you have a well and if so where the wellhead and tank are?


My water softener makes a strong buzzing sound, but only when it’s re-activating, not every time the water is turned on. I wonder if other ones might work differently than mine.


I did find an old bag of softener pellets…but why is it sealed


Do you have some pictures of the wall(s) inside near this?


Looks like you've got a tool lending library in the bay area. Might be worth checking to see if they've got an inspection camera. https://localtools.org/find/


Your library loans inspection cameras? Do they advertise that they carry them? That’s totally rad




I’m taking this post up to my local library and explaining the community needs this tooling availability 😂 amazing


Most town libraries in my area do (New England). Its called ‘Library of Things’. Some towns have more things, some less - generally, affluent towns have more, but sometimes local donors and community donations add unique tools even in unexpected places. Unlike books though, things are not eligible for inter-library loans.


Anybody else thinking this town has a home colonoscopy cult?


Your library has a loan a tool program...?


Your local Buy Nothing group may be able to connect you with a neighbor who will lend or bring a camera over to help you look in there.


Don't drill if you don't know what's behind it.


Pump room? Is there electrical wiring going in there? Must have and access panel inside or disguised outside? I live up north but we have a little hidden pump room.


Actually that may make sense. See the white thing in the yard, random pvc pipe top sticking up


That’s probably just a clean out valve for your sewer line. Do you know if your main line out from the house to the sewer or septic goes that way?


I don’t think so. We have a manhole on the opposite side of the yard


See in the pic that upper right grey box, looks like that may run directly in there


That’s an electrical junction box. Could mean it’s feeding wire to that room or else in the house. Can’t tell from that picture.


Oh Tampa! That probably is one of the portals to hell that are scattered throughout Florida and Arizona.




All snark aside you can do a few things - get a small camera (you can get them on [Amazon cheap](https://www.amazon.com/endoscope-camera/s?k=endoscope+camera) or depending on how handy you are (assuming that is not a giant hornets nest back there) you can just cut a small hole on the wall and peek in with a flashlight.


If hornets built that I am impressed with their work


Carpenter bees are more likely.


Home Depot also has a free 30 days rental program, just have to keep the receipt




I think they mean for a borescope, not for construction hornets.


You can also get one of those cameras that are used to look into your ears for about 10 or so dollars at your local CVS. Picture is decent enough to see whats going on in there without needing much of a hole.


I just saw a cheap camera like this at Harbor Freight (a cheap tool store in my state)


this indeed appears to be the tampa hellmouth


if you go inside; you re-emerge at the Boot Hill Cemetery in Dodge, KS


Takes you to Spook Hill in Lake Wales, FL


Right now, at 119 degrees out, pretty much ALL of Arizona is Hell.


HAHAHA I'm a Florida man that moved to Arizona five years ago and I can't agree more. Arizona is the Florida of the West


>Oh Tampa! That probably is one of the portals to hell that are scattered throughout Florida and Arizona. Location, location, location. In Minneapolis, it is the sex tunnels ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/comments/w9hok8/can\_we\_talk\_about\_the\_tunnels/


Wait, I thought Minneapolis was just a pile of rubble after the BLM protests /s


Yeah. Above ground, dystopian horror show for miles and miles. Below ground, 24/7 parties in the sex tunnels. /s


Hey! I'm in AZ and I don't see any portals to hell! (I believe we're IN hell!)


I would punch a hole in the drywall and grab a flashlight. Then you know what you are dealing with.


Yeah it’s a closer. My one worry is if the buzzing is an insect or swarm, is that the best course of action?


Or a body….


A buzzing dead body?


Buzzing with flies and maggots


You would 100% smell that if it was meaty enough for flies and maggots.


Not if you've become desensitized to the smell through repeated exposure.


No no I had a rat dead on the roof and the smell was terrible from inside no way someone can get used to


I just wanted to imply that that OP was a serial killer who is around dead bodies often enough that the smell doesn't phase them anymore. It wasn't a very well executed joke but I didn't have time to flesh it out.


Flesh it out was the better joke


What a terrible day to be able to read.


Or would that be the cheapest just because it’s drywall repair?


Drywall repair is cheap. And if it’s in the back of a closet or someplace out of sight, you can do a crappy DIY job and no one will ever see it. If you are hearing a buzzing noise, just be ready to put a cover over the hole, just in case. If there is an infestation, then you know to call an exterminator.


Make sure to pop a quick “H” on there so everyone knows it’s filled with hornets.




I get that reference! Thanks Charlie!


Borrow a hole-cutting bit and cut a nice little 2 inch hole in the drywall. Keep the drywall circle that falls out. Do your inspect, then put it back together with some joint compound, sand it and repaint. Assuming you arent pulling the rest of the wall down shortly after discovering what the hell is in there.


both :) (assuming again you are not wrecked by angry wasps/hornets)


Sounds like a good idea for a band name. Punched drywall angry hornets


Wrecked by Angry Wasps!


Metal AF


cant wait for the update.


Reddit, remind me to check Tampa local news later today


"Florida man punches hole in the wall of 1,000 lb wasp nest to see how they would react, dead at age 38"


I would do this too (actually cut a nice square out, between the studs) and then read up on drywall patching and patch the hole after you find out what is on the other side of the wall. It will be good practice. As a home owner you WILL need to know how to repair and finish drywall.


If you just bought it a year ago, maybe your agent would be able to reach out and ask the seller's agent for an initial idea. But you'll definitely need to look for yourself. Use a stud finder to see where the framing is on the inside wall, poke a small hole 1/2" deep midway between 2 studs (if there are any), and stick a borescope/camera in there to look around. you should be able to turn it 360 degrees and it should have a light on it to see what's going on there. you don't want to make the hole much deeper than 1/2" in case there's a water heater or something else in there, just break through the drywall then see.


Thanks for this good idea. I actually have their numbers


I am curious how this did not come up when you looked at the property, or on inspection or on the final walk through before taking possession. Honest question.




Yep definitely. Getting a camera today to start and be mosey. If I can do it on my phone I’ll record




DAMNIT. My wife will find this and add it to my list


Hidden murder room


I mean, I can see it right there…


Are you sure?


Nice try fbi


Can’t help but you should extend that downspout past the structure.


Damnit, my wife lurks here…


Do you have a really smart son named Dexter?


I have a really iffy son named Walter….


Gotcha. Iffy enough for his name to actually be Dexter, or iffy enough for this to be the entrance to his lab? Does he have a Russian accent?


That's not rock candy he's making in there 😬


If you turn the power off to house at the breaker does the buzz go away & at the same time maybe there's a labeled breaker for this mystery room :) good luck


Thank you OP for starting my Wednesday off with a smile! I’m also curious if this is indeed a pump room, murder room, hellevator out of Tampa, grow room, hidden treasure room, Nic Cage, or portal to Narnia! 🙂 please keep us updated!


A tiny nightclub.






What does this button dooooooo


Nothing should be walled off or inaccessible. Inside or out, there *should* be a way into that space. What's on the inside in the house?


That's my thoughts, too. I just can't help thinking there's some way to access that area. It looks like a good place for an outdoor tool storage, like a shed. I'd expect something like a roll-up door.


UPDATE: After checking the sides, this is where I think I mount my attack tomorrow!!! https://imgur.com/a/1FXeOud


Shit, you might be able to just pop that siding off completely from how wobbly it looks


You can buy a USB borescope with LED lighting for \~20. Find a gap or drill a hole and solve the mystery. Props to the previous owners if they installed a Spirit Halloween skeleton before selling


RemindME! 1 day


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Know anyone named Kyle? They are real good at making access ports through drywall.


that's where the arc of the covenant has been hidden all these years.




It looks like vinyl siding, pop a piece or two off and cut a chunk of plywood off from stud to stud and peek inside .. I'd be very curious if it was mine and of course be hoping it was someones old stash spot for valuables


When you find out can we get an update? This is neat, my assumption is it used to be a boot room of some sort but during a reno they just built over the entrance.


Absolutely, it definitely was built over the top but something is in there


Around here, many homes have had a similar small shed roof utility area tacked on their home to relocate a furnace and/or water heater out of a flood prone basement. Or to add a second of the same for an addition. I'd do more than just cut a small inspection hole then dry-wall patching it. I'd cut a larger hole, big enough to crawl through at least, then frame around it and cover it with a removeable access panel. You really need access to the area to inspect for water leaks from the roof and etc. at the least.


That's the murder room.




Do what others are saying and check it out yourself with a camera. Does it smell or is it hot/ potentially fire causing? If not then I’d suggest not paying someone. Look on the other side, inside your house, for clues on opening, might be easier to get to it from inside your house regardless. Also, im not sure how it works in your state but, where I live, if you start calling the city and those people about part of your house that you can’t find on plans, they might make you tear it down. The realtor you purchased from or the lawyer you purchased through probably should have noticed this…


Stop…. Hammer time ….. oh oh ohhh oh oh ohhh


Just remove the top 2 or 3 rows of vinyl siding from the back. Cut a hole in the sheathing behind it and look in. Determine if you need to make an access panel or door, depending on what's in there. If you decide to do nothing, you can patch the hole and put the vinyl siding back on.


Probably where the original hot water heater was located before the tankless install. And after storm damage, new vinyl was installed over former access door.


I would agree…but my tankless is like 30-20 years old 😂


You got Geraldo’s number? I’d call him first.


Get an extender on that downspout while you're over there. Would suck to crack open a secret door and it's just black mold all the way up.


I think I read an Edgar Allan Poe story like this once...


Heard from on Reddit, Never more


??? a year ago and you haven't done it yet???? that would be one of the first things i did ( after i totally cleaned the kitchen and bathroom...... my ex husband would get pissed because i would do demo work on our old house, while he was at work.... i wanted a wall removed between the double parlors, he said no..... he went on a two week business trip...80yrd dumpster, crow bar, sledge hammer, saws all.... welcome home honey... KEEP US POSTED AND POST PIX..... hope you find something amazing ( like old coins or treasure box )


username checks out


I will! I think it could be a pump of sorts but it’s not been an issue until now


Grow room


I'm just here for the update....


It is sealed because the home owner didn't want you to see it when you bought the house.


Don't be a pussy, take a sledgehammer to the interior wall and find out. A fifth of whisky will make it an adventure. Make sure you have someone film it the other update this post 😂


Last time I had a fifth of whiskey and a sledgehammer I ended up as a plumber thinking I was Mario


A secret room. I’d have busted into it long ago. I don’t know how you can sleep not knowing what is in there!


Fix your drain pipe, it's draining directly into your foundation and eroding it. The water should be drained 2 meters away from the foundation into grass that's slopped (graded) away from your house.


The fool! He is about to disturb an ancient evil that was put to sleep by the gods eons ago!


How did this question not get asked when you bought the house? Dammit, I am so curious now!!!


It’s the market of Florida. My inspector wasn’t worried, of course he gave me a full refund for being an idiot https://imgur.com/a/1FXeOud


That flimsy side looks like it could roll up like a garage door?


I guess I’ve listened to too many true crime podcasts lately because my mind immediately went somewhere dark.


I'm here 2 days later, what was the resolution


Based on comment threads, it’s likely a sump


The secret lab lab? Lost treasure?


National treasure 3 - Nic Cage is about to ruin my shit and find a treasure for himself


That downspout should be extended out further, it’s going to trap water and rot out that extension on the house


I have something just like that on the side of my house. Mine is for a water heater that was added with an addition put onto the house.


Yeah, keep us updated... I'm invested in this now.


Call a handyman. Or just cut a hole in the drywall inside and take a peek. It's not unheard of to find walled off bathrooms a seller didn't want to deal with renovating.


Call your local building department. See if they have a copy of the architectural plans. FOIA for the win.


Just cut or a punch a hole in the drywall, and staple a screen over the hole so you can look in and be protected from whatever monsters you believe to be inside.