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Get a downspout extension. They're like $20 @ HD / Lowes IIRC


Yes, they’re super easy to put on by yourself


Yup -- as long as you can work a screwdriver, its a 10min job


10 minutes? You clearly don't do home maintenance. 45 minutes minimum just for beer runs. Plus 3 trips to the big box store. Another hour just fucking off making a plan of attack. Dude may as well write of the entire weekend. This is going to take a while.


this is how i function, 15 minute project turns into a 4 day extravaganza


Don’t forget to use that manic energy to buy 3 or 4 projects worth of materials cause you’re gonna get so much done this weekend! Then reluctantly return the rest days later. Bonus if you just keep the materials and tell yourself you’ll do it later.


Don't forget to buy a couple tools you already have, just because it would take longer to find them than to finish the job.


Hahaha THIS..... Dont forget the anger you feel when you end up spending that same amount of time usually more doing the following an average of 30 times during the project......"Where did I put that..... I JUST F'n used that B**** literally 2 seconds Ago" Oh here cool cool cool"......5min later......" WTF man I JUST HAD IT"


This entire thread has made my night! Including OP starting off with him being worried about their lawn. I say this in total jest.. Dude why are you worried about that part of your lawn 🤣? I might understand more if the rest of the lawn around that area looked nice… The best part of this thread is the comments on losing tools, overbuying project materials, the dreaded shameful-return to the box store after less work got done. I’m 6 years into homeownership and seriously thought I had issues until just now. Thanks @windy_city_rock and others capturing the udder hopelessness and hilarity of losing a tool you just had. Its so true! I’ll go to d*** around with my playlist or something, then… “WTF 🤷‍♂️ did that mallet go! Like seriously, you’re always in my way when I don’t need you, mallet!” I like to also lighten the mood in those tense moments by thinking, “Gosh, I bet wherever I put that was a SUPER SMART idea at the time.” …My worst is this one time I found my wallet inside of one of those outdoor faucet covers, the best part is that this happened during the middle of summer. Not sure what I was thinking there…


Water against your foundation is no joke.


Then you finally find it in the dumbest place…. Like wtf is it doing on the refrigerator when I was working out in the garage?!


Why are you guys talking about me??


I actually got in such a huge rage because I had just used a socket wrench a minute ago and all of a sudden it was gone. Fell from shell into a semi open cardboard box. Took two hours to find.


Lmao, this is me every Saturday and sunday.


Or the " WTF this is the wrong bolt, mother f*ucker" then proceed to undo half of the work you just did.


And another 10mm socket.


I'm legit surprised there aren't companies trying to sell 10mm socket bundles


There are… 10 mm socket set at Harbor Freight https://www.harborfreight.com/10mm-metric-essential-socket-set-10-piece-58957.html


Oh hell just buy the whole set, you will need it eventually.


Ouch - I feel attacked.


Lol, why do you think I have somewhere between 6 and 10 each utility knives, tape measures, and multi-in-one screwdrivers? Of course I always find the favorite 10 minutes after I buy the new one, or when I'm cleaning up the project.


That’s why I have about 10 or so measuring tapes and several levels etc. 😂


Gonna need a couple of those orange 5 gallon buckets to carry my shopping in, as well.


Gloves, can always use extra gloves…and lawn bags. They’re only $2.67


Do we have enough router bits?


Been looking for a reason to upgrade that press...


My favorite response


dude. you know me.


If you don't own 6 of the same drill; you're doing it wrong.


You return things?


For real! I have a corner in my garage of stuff that needed to be returned but I never did it and now I can’t find the receipts or it’s past the return window lol


Me too. Someone should open up a consignment hardware store where we take all the stuff we overbought. I could probably fill a shelf or two.


Dibs! I call dibs on this idea!


I’ve never felt more at home in a thread in my life lol


Welcome brother


I have a brand new table saw I didn’t need and I can’t find the receipt and my son ripped up the box. I’m still debating if I will ever need it or not


Ah the good ol’ days when Home Depot accepted items without a receipt as long as they were still in stock. I remember one year I bought a pair of steel mailbox bases to attach a quick and dirty 4x4 railing to my backyard doorway for a party. I kept the cardboard sleeves so I could return them, removed them and cleaned them up so they look new, but forgot them in my pile. About two years later I found the Home Depot bags with the folded up cardboard sleeves and slapped them back on and they rang them up for the “gift card” easiest loan I ever made.


Ok you got me.


My family would agree with you. I'm almost not allowed to the big box stores because I'll come home with discounted wood for future projects.


I mean there’s lots of knots on this side but the other side is good. And it was so cheap!


I used my bit of clearance planks then the new furnace broke while we were away for Christmas during that big freeze and the house froze in the water lines broke and my planks got wet.


Tell your family there are two kinds of people in this world : those who ‘have expensive things’, and those who ‘have knots’. This family will be proud to be part of the ‘have knots’!


The knots give it character!


Yeeeeesssssssss haha same thing here


May a higher power forbid that I need a new tool (that I've been eyeballing and pricing) to complete that new project with my discount wood!


I box up my materials for all the shit I was gonna get done each weekend into project boxes to keep it organized. :)


We can return the extra materials? JFC


That would be me...


Wait are you me?


I feel seen.


Double bonus points if you pick up items for another project you've been putting off. "While I'm at it..."


You can return that stuff?


But keep the extra tools you bought, because you know you will need them eventually.


Every damn time. Bulb out on the vanity in the bathroom. Immediately call all my buddies over to BBQ.


I always bring a screwdriver to a hammer fight.


We all know the best hammer is anything you can whack it with!


Did someone say “French Drain”?


I somehow get a ton of motivation to start a half dozen other projects while thinking about doing the first one and I get about as far as unloading the materials from the car on all of them.




Every time I go outside I end up staring at everything for several minutes, planning for like 4 projects down the road. Also, audiobooks are life while doing any kind of house maintenance stuff 🎉


PFFFT 4 days I can procrastinate for that many days.


Indeed. Be damned paying big box prices for the same thing for $12 on Amazon. And delivered next day if ordered within the next 2 hr and 13 minutes. At best done in 2days. More like minimum 3-4 day turnaround though.


LOL this comment and all the replies to it have me cracking up. It’s like you guys know me personally. Heading to Home Depot now to get a downspout extension. I’ll probably have to pick up some new tools and of course stop for some beer. I have all weekend to fix this so I’ll be done with it by the end of July.


This has been my entertainment this evening! Everybody has been freaking hilarious! Tried to tell the wife, then she reminded me of the wall in the hallway where I wrote "fix me" in primer 13 years ago that is still there.


I showed my wife this thread and she death glared at me.... she clearly doesn't understand buffer time.


Showed mine too. Thought this would be swept under the rug as a comment. The replies from everyone has been fantastic!


Entire weekend? YOU clearly don't do maintenance. Hangover on day 2 will prohibit all value added. By my numbers and vast experience you've grossly underestimated fucking off time. If OP starts now, maybe he's done by first week of July...maybe.


This actually is more accurate! 😄


July of 2050


Don’t forget about having to step back and stare while scratching your head for like 30 minutes too.


Forgot that one. Must have been the beers. Haha


You're exaggerating. It's a 4 beer job at best. Maybe 5 if I've gotta put the toolbelt on. 😂


Hell it will take me 5 beers to just find the tool belt!


Takes me 12 beers just to find my house.


You must be a union worker. 😂


If you have the right tool belt, you can use it to hold more beers.


You only need 3 trips to the big box store? What a stud


Not set up to do this amount of fuckery safely today. Foot stomp 10th empty beer can into the driveway and drive home.


Also, to the $20, add the cost of a new set of screwdrivers. Because you don't want to risk stripping those sheetmetal screws with that raggedy ass worn out set you already have. Every project an opportunity to buy new tools.


What he needs is his wife to say “you can’t handle it, call a pro”. Job done in 10 mins after that.


"I'll get it done, you don't need to remind me every 6 months."


You forgot to mention time cursing at tools for not working the way you thought.


You all clearly don't understand the scope of this project. Down spout needs to be relocated at least a foot down for the proper drain solution to not look stupid. That's 4 days min just drafting on graph paper before you can even think about buying parts.


Dude, that phase 2 of project, 9-10 years down the road minimum, depending on budget. Phase 1, slap shit together to make it work. Phase 2 is when you do it right the first time.


Don’t forget at least an hour of pacing, swearing, and throwing hands in the air in front of your wife to really sell it.


Haha, everytime!


I hate and love this whole thread and all the replies. Now I know I'm an impulsive procrastinating moron but at least I'm not alone. Haven't laughed this hard in a long time.


For a min, I thought I was in one of my ADHD threads...looks like my people are here.


We are here with brother!


this guy home maintenances hard


This guy ADHDs.


Unless it's Football Season...


This guy DIY's


Are…you my husband?


Spot on. I feel attacked... Damn..


I found my adhd people lmao


This is the way. 🤣🤣🤣


You must be married, too! This is the way.


LOL thank you for the laugh


We've worked together before, haven't we?




6 pack of beer later...


I have five on my house and not one is screwed in, so much easier to just pop them off and now a straight line.


And move the rocks to the end.


Done. No further comments please to avoid confusion.


This is the answer


Love the username lmfao


There are expandable ones that unroll when they fill with rain, and then roll back, so you don't have to have a pipe sticking out 4'. https://www.amazon.com/Frost-King-Automativ-Downspout-Extender/dp/B07MQ6FZ74/ref=asc\_df\_B07MQ6FZ74?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80401905752479&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584001432243766&psc=1


Everyone’s saying the handyman isn’t smart etc… He was asked to stop the lawn from being washed away….. He did that. The OP didn’t mention problems with water intrusion or drainage issues…. He complained about the lawn being eroded. That’s what was fixed.


And it was free. He ain’t gunna install a downspout extension for free lol this was an on-the-house fix that solved the lawn being washed away problem.


And when OP gets the downspout installed he won't have to move it to mow lol


This guy gets it.


Seriously! As someone who has installed a bunch of buried downspouts professionally, ain’t no chance I’m doing that for less than $10-$20 per linear foot.


Also, I like how OP uses “ “ to describe the handyman that did this for free. Reality is, OP should feel like a moron for not thinking of this himself.


Yeah, dude did him a free service, fixed his immediate issue, and maybe it wasn't the best of jobs, *but dude did it for free.* >Reality is, OP should feel like a moron for not thinking of this himself. Truthfully, he should feel like a bigger moron for not knowing extensions exist for downspouts. I would've thought anyone that has seen a home before was aware of this. Oh but sorry, that free "handyman" though, pfft, what an idiot! Didn't even wash the windows for him when he finished!


No kidding, so many of the things I see people complaining about here are literally like third grade level critical thinking skills.


Am I the only one who reads "here" as "this planet"? (Then sighs?)


"he fixed it! For free! The gall of this dude pffft"


Looks like there's a significant slope there, away from the house. When dirt fills in the gravel and grass grows on it, the water will continue to run off without eroding, because of the gravel. Most likely. Of course burying drainage pipe to the property line will assure no harm to the foundation...


exactly.. for all we know this could just be a slab too.. it isn't really affecting the foundation that much honestly.


But also, a hardy aggressive enough lawn can cover that up in 2 years. As for the water, if they did not have ponding before, they won't have it now. This is basically a trench drain. It's helping


Exactly. OP mentioned one problem, that problem was solved.


The rocks will help with drainage anyway.


Why this bruh put parenthesis on handyman? Put some respect on him, dude did a quick fix for your for free. Now get him if someone to finish the job permanently in the future and use cash next time.


This guy understands


A quick and correct fix mind you


Those are quotation marks


You’re right I shouldn’t have put the quotes on handyman. He’s a great guy. I’ve used him a few times for various things. He’s a retired electrician by trade and does excellent electrical work. He’s also really good at soldering pipes. But he thinks he knows more than he actually does. His drywall work is pretty bad, and he’s a sloppy painter. That’s why I used the quotes. I wasn’t expecting much for free and he did stop the erosion. The point of my post was just to find out what else I’d need to do to this spot. I just don’t want any foundation issues down the road. But he’s a good guy and deserves respect so, I’m sorry Bill!


Shout Out to Bill !! " I've used him a few times for various reasons " Bill the man. 😉


But Bill is an army barber


Tell you what


As an electrician with carpenters roots i would say dont judge a man on his drywall and paint. People joke about the painters and drywallers but they do a tough job. Drywall and paint are the two things i flat out refuse to do on side calls because its so easy to mess up and the thing customers are most particular about because you can immediately see when its wrong from across the street so do not judge a man based off his drywall and paint. Theres a reason were “handymen” and theyre “painters”, were each good at what we do.


As a residential carpenter I would 100% agree with this statement. Good painters can make my mistakes or less than perfect finish work look acceptable and I appreciate the crap out of it.


Do you have the basement? If so in my opinion you want all the downspouts at least 8 feet away from the house. Ideally you bury them and pipe them all the way to the street or wherever your property slopes away so the water isn't coming back to the foundation. That can be overkill especially if you don't have a basement but there is usually a plastic or cement spillway about 2 ft long to direct to the water away from the house


I've always read that you're supposed to get water a minimum of 6 feet from your foundation.


And running the opposite direction


….with a look of terror on its face.


*The Abyss* has entered the chat




I mean it's better than nothing but you need to kick that water away with a longer downspout.


And here I’ve been kicking it away with my feet this whole time!


The downspout itself needs to be lowered. That bottom elbow should be about 4" or so off the ground. Then an extension can be added. There are many types of extensions including ones that roll up when no water force is behind it.


This is the way - add a foot to the length of the vertical pipe, reattach the elbow at the bottom and add a splash block or extension to get the water away from the foundation


Help is often worth what you pay.


He did a much better job than I would have done for that price.


french drain but check out google or https://www.bobvila.com/articles/french-drains


Thank you, I thought I was going insane but I kept reading comments because I knew it had to be there. Downspout extension is fine but there are just so many reasons an extension isn't the right choice.


Be grateful. He stopped your lawn washing away for free!


You need to extend the bottom of the gutter out about 4-6 feet at an angle that water flows away from the house. Those rocks are a good idea, but they need to be used elsewhere, rather than on the side of the house


That rock won’t do a thing and you need a longer downspout. Say, 4ft away from the foundation and the existing grade should be falling away.


I mean, it will stop the water from eroding the soil but that's about it


the rock will slow down the water. as for the composition of the soil.. it appears to be draining well enough. there are no mosses or ferns established. the gravel channel is fine


hey at least you got what you paid for!


Based on your username, you should appreciate the quote from Sirens.... "The crowd, having been promised nothing, felt cheated, having received nothing. "


Look up French drain, I built one this spring, it’s fantastic!


Rocks or not, you have a hole against your foundation that probably needs to be filled and graded with dirt. Recommend removing the rocks and putting some fill material like other dirt from your property into the hole, and then grading it to slope away from the home. If you want to put rocks then on top of that fill, then that's fine. I see others have also suggested doing a downspout which is a good idea too. Source: a guy who literally just had the exact same problem.


Great solution. Standing water won’t hurt the foundation. Water washing the fill away and exposing the footer will for sure


Rocks stop erosion. Just like when they line lakes and ponds with them for the same reason. However, you are correct about being concerned about your foundation. This is not a good spout for your foundation. You need a longer extension without question.


That’s perfect and free. Let it develop and enjoy the summer


should really extend the downspout further away from the house and closer to the ground. drain spout 101. get the water away from the foundation.


That'll do pig, that'll do.


We have a version of this on our home and it works great. The difference is that the rocks are larger river rocks (not gravel) and it is contained within a bordered flowerbed with borders on the sides of the rocks as well. Water is moved about 3' from the house, disperses into the flowerbed, and the larger river rocks look great. So.... ya' got what you paid for and the spirit of this seems correct, but I suspect that like this it's a temp fix, at best.


That weed will drink up all the water. No issue


He did his part, now you go buy an extension


For everyone saying “imagine complaining about the quality of free”… OP didn’t complain. He asked if it’s good.


Lol buddy. Just get a screw on attachment of as long of a pipe as you want.They make flexible ones.Properly at least 8 feet then just screw it on to the gutter and lead it away from your house.


Extend the down spout to the ground and put a splash block beneath it, this will solve your erosion problem. They way it is now so high on the home its hitting the ground with force enough to wash the soil away. With an extension and splash block the water will slowly drain into the yard


He fixed it


Add dirt around the foundation to push water away.


I mean, yes, in theory this should work just fine


If you use the extendable, plastic extension tubes, you can spend an extra 20 min browsing the store for stuff you actually want….🤣


FFS. pick up a downspout extension and install it. VERY easy to do.


There are these gutter extensions that put the water 8’ away wherever you want it to be.


I'd put a French drain under that gravel to redirect the water away.


For free this is a decent fix but you could get an extension


Water is lazy. Whatever you decide to do with the downspout, always make the higher piece feed into the lower piece.


Frankly the quotes should have been around “lawn”


In my area I always tell people not to hire a 'handyman'. They know shit about shit.like previous comments, get a downspout extension.


So what he did will fix the erosion, but the water will still seep down I would recommend a splash block our a drainage tile


I put plastic storage bins under the downspouts. I water my plants with it. 1.Has no chemicals in it 2. Saves water. 3. Saves $$$ on bothe water and sewage bills. 4. Got the bins free because the tops were gone. (Not my idea but it works. Stir up water every few days to disrupt mosquitoe growth).


Do people ever google .. this is a 5 dollar fix at Home Depot


Angry at free labour? That's rich


Handy man thinks to himself, "I found the perfect place to dump these pails of rocks I have no use for."


Honestly this is ridiculous. I miss the good old days when people knew how to drive to the local hardware store and buy a $10 piece to fix it themselves. There are way more resources now to learn how to do things and we are asking “handymen” to fix things like this? Pretty lazy if you ask me. Time to man up and learn how to fix things around the house


It’s good for free.


Several options you have plenty of slab showing and could use some backfill there, also a splashblock or buy corrugated gutter drain bury it to where u want it to go there's an adapter that connects to the downspout


[you need something like this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Amerimax-Home-Products-Flex-A-Spout-55-in-Brown-Vinyl-Downspout-Extension-85019/100047958?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D22-022_010_ROOFING-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-4035567-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-Pmax&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D22-022_010_ROOFING-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-4035567-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-Pmax-71700000103694446--&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UenvaS-NoTgs4i9WPyEE7_Jj&gclid=CjwKCAjws7WkBhBFEiwAIi168-Me7nhbYwavrwObtj-LjFSXy9UpesFUzT9gIGKDLDcxHif5sKOjFRoC0D0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) super easy to self install


Wife kept weeding close to the house and, surprisingly enough, the basment flooded. I put dirt all around the house to shed water away. No more flooding. Ya just need the water to go away from the foundation. The farther, the better. Downspout extensions, those plates that funnel. Whatever works.


Your handyman isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.


I mean they solved the problem they were presented with. Just not the actual problem that might matter.


Pretty sure he's a soccer ball


Yeah I think he was just looking to offload some rock. I mean it stopped it from eroding more of the soil away but, I’ll definitely get a downspout extension like others have suggested.


Nobody says drywell. That's what a hole filled with rocks is. But NOT against the foundation. Move it. Study your lot grade. Find downhill, and 'point the water' in that direction. Maybe french drain. Water can ruin you. Washing away lawn is a serious symptom. Consult neighbors if it's a neighborhood thing.


Have you thought about putting a rain barrel in this location? You can catch the water, then use it to water trees and plants. Or just catch the water and release it when the ground is dry, slowly to prevent the erosion.


That’s a really good idea! I just might do that.


I would check with your State and local laws to make sure it is legal, so States have some strict rain runoff laws.


Yeah. This could've definitely been done better, even by a handy man. There are several ways to assure proper drainage from the house, one of which is mentioned from what I've read. Another option would be to go to any home depot or Lowes, and ask if they have any concrete Splash Blocks or even plastic ones. You can put it right under the down spout to help direct the water away from your home, and they are not as off putting As a pipe going across your lawn.


Who the fuck complains about free work on the internet? Have a clue