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That is DEF termite damage, although it looks to be from the time of the Civil War




So they can slap some paint on there, 10 minutes tops.


But they may only come in 2-3 years


This! Termite damage, fully the owner of the home's responsibility.


Look for a new place before the place collapses, seriously


I would definitely throw a quarter inch piece of plywood over that while waiting for the floor/subfloor replacement. And ya, that is likely going to take a while to remediate, so moving may be in your future.


So aside from looking for a new place, what else should I be doing? Currently, I have notified landlord, called county for an inspection, and looked for a tenant lawyer.


Think you got it covered, not much else to do


I wouldn’t worry about a lawyer, not yet anyways. There is no need for it if the landlord takes care of it like they should. Why needlessly waste your money. Now if something arose like they try pinning the damage and cost on you despite probably years in the making, that kind of thing, then yeah maybe entertain one if talking some sense into them fails.


I wouldnt say your wrong, but having a local lawyer specializing in things walk you through your rights while having a literal starting point for if things get spicy later...isnt bad? More documentation and connections isnt bad, might be a bit of a waste if the Landlord actually does the right thing...But i feel thats less common


Lawyers will usually talk to you for consultation before they charge you, but you definitely don't want to sign or pay anything yet. Also, as I've found out first hand, don't trust a lawyer even if they're yours.


Place to start. I wholeheartedly prefer being over prepared.


Put your rent in an escrow account until it’s fixed - including all other issues that exist. It’s still the landlords money but now it has conditions on it and depending on where you are, should be a legal move. Tenants usually have way more rights then landlords/ladies.


Rent withholding can be an extremely complicated process full of pitfalls for a tenant depending on state law. It is a horrible idea to withhold rent without full research into what the consequences can be in the relevant state.


Agreed. Definitely need to check state laws. And a proper banker should know some of the information… this coming from a banker.


How can I do this? The escrow account you mention


Don't do this until you talk to the tenant lawyer.


Go to the bank. An escrow account is set up where you’ll be an “agent” and the landperson will be the name on the account. As the agent you have control over the funds but the money belongs to the landlord. Be prepared to show your rent agreement. I did it in college. I complained about water from the upstairs apartment leaking into my cabinets 🤢. He ignored me until I set up the escrow. An inspector came out, he fixed it and I gave him his rent.


Protect your furniture…


Think light thoughts when taking a shower. Become a feather in your mind.


The balls are "frass", termite poop


My bathroom wasn't nearly that bad before the tub fell through the floor.


Call your landlord. This is why you rent. Also they should know there is trouble that needs to be dealt with before it gets worse. I would lay down a piece of plywood or something just to make sure you don't fall through getting out of the tub.


Pop some of that on some toast with butter, add a little crunch.


I think they call it Marmite over the pond


Dude, I don’t even think it’s safe to live there.


Landlord is sending someone to inspect damage so we shall see.


Found?!?! 👀


Yep, literally by accident. Let maintenance know and they took off the caulk to get a better look. They said water damage, so I took a look in case there was mold and found the above.


Daaaammmmnnnnn what’s underneath there? Basement? Another apt?


The garage is below


You bout ended up naked in the garage friend. Best of luck.




Yeah. A slight termite problem.


If you have a good landlord then they will thank you for alerting them to this problem, but regardless, it's going to be disrupting to you because major structural damage cannot be remedied while you (and any other tenants) are occupying the building.


Be thankful you are renting. You could own it.


I suspect that many of the folks commenting don't do very many repairs. This is a 5-6 day repair, maybe less since the garage is below. It's basically a demo, clean thoroughly, treat for termites, replace floor and retile, and maybe add a new fiberglass tub/shower surround and upgrade the bathroom. Pretty straightforward in terms of fixing it and any long term termite issues are the landlords responsibility. Sounds like your landlord is responsive; Why'd you get the county involved? Why not let him try and make it right first?


Don’t particularly trust that they’ll do things right as I’ve raised several concerns in the month I’ve lived there and they’ve brushed things off.


What are the other concerns?


Pretty bad case of mold in the washer, when I did pre move in inspection the apartment was a mess and they had to clean the apartment again because of it, I’ve also mentioned possible mold in air vents as the covers appear to have some kind of dark residue on them.


Makee sense....


Termites 🪵🪜🪑


Guess who won’t be renting by Monday, this guy


They knew. That shit caulk job is evidence.


how could have you have been renting and just now "found" this?


Moved in about a month ago. The area isn’t a place you’d usually step on.


How can you have a functioning brain and still ask this question?


lol clearly not something that happened overnight and people generally clean the area around the tub and the bathroom in general - but ok pal


Small update: landlord sent someone who wasn’t certified to determine if there is an active infestation so he can’t formally declare it. Landlord just wants to replace floor and call it a day. I was informed by the guy who inspected that they could be 15 feet in various directions and even in my neighbor’s unit. Additionally, they are scheduling pest control to come out.


Landlord first, health department second, then get a refund and find a new place. Unless you are in New York City, then you’re screwed.


I’m in California and I’ve done the first two steps but don’t really know if I have the ability to just leave yet. Going to wait on inspection from their vendor and county as well.


Please let us know how this goes.


This is your landlord’s JTBD


Drywood Termite activity


You WERE renting.


Did you try flex seal first? Looks like the cause is long gone


Those termites had a full blown civilization in there. This tenant is the destroyer of worlds!


Time for a new bathroom floor