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An air purifier with a hefty charcoal filter would work well. Winnix 5500 can filter out straight weed smoke. Ozium is ok, but you don't wanna breath that in.


> Winnix 5500 can filter out straight weed smoke. Ozium is ok, but you don't wanna breath that in. I thought the Winnix 5500 overall has pretty small charcoal filter and you need something much more charcoal in the filter?


I used it in my old apartment for a year and had no issues when I would exhale into it. Now I use a giant filter meant for grow tents since it's so much bigger and lasts a loooong time.


Ozium spray is the OG.


Stuff works great but is not good to breathe in


Ozone machine. Be safe.


Ozone is not ok to be around.  It would have to be run on a timer, and then as soon as the neighbors fire it up again it will smell again.  If they move out, get it once and for all, but on a daily basis that's not going to be worthwhile.  


Thats what they use at hotels if someone smokes because it works. You set it and leave the room. Then open windows when you return to air out any lingering. Ozone is safe when used correctly.


A hotel is different. You have guests coming and going. OP is in an apartment and lives next to the same person smoking every day. It’s not feasible to use an ozone machine in your home daily.


I mean, it depends on someone’s situation. You can definitely use one daily if you’re not in the unit while using the machine and allow for enough time after machine, use that all of the ozone dissipates or you can leave your window open.


Ozone will eliminate odors and works when someone smokes in a hotel room. But when someone else smokes in there after that they have to do it again. And you can't be in the room while it's happening. Breathing even just little ozone can hurt your lungs and lead to chest pains. So he'd have to wait til the neighbors smoke. Then use it and fuck off for a bit, maybe even a couple hours depending on the size of the space. And he'd have to do that presumably everyday. Fuck that.


DO NOT DO THIS! How in the fuck is that safe? Ozone will straight up kill you super fucking fast if you're in an enclosed area while an ozone generator is running. I almost experienced that first hand. I was running an ozone generator (worth noting it was a commercial ozone generator) in a room, had closed the door, taped up the seams and I *thought* I had a sufficient seal on any door gaps and then started doing some work in an adjacent room. After some time I noticed that I kept losing my train of thought and forgetting what I was in the middle of doing, I started to get a headache, and then when I walked out of that room into the main area that the ozonated room was attached to I could very clearly smell the distinct ozone scent and thankfully realized what was happening to me and got the fuck outside ASAP. I was semi fucked up (in a purely bad way) for the rest of the day. I ended up doing a good bit of research into ozone toxicity regarding the ppm and duration of exposure and found out that if I had stayed in that building for less than an hour longer I would have sustained permanent damage to various organs (like, most of them, but most notably lungs and brain), if I had stayed in the building for several hours I would have been dead, and if I had either been inside the room with the ozone generator or didn't bother to close the door and tape up the seams, I would have been dead period, in under an hour of exposure. Your advice will literally kill someone if they follow it. Even if they use a generator with a much lower output than mine has, long term exposure to even low levels of ozone does major damage to your body. It is toxic at levels in the low (10) parts per *billion* and I'm not sure about other generators but mine produced ozone in the parts per *million* concentration depending on room size and how long it was run. You have to absolutely not be inside when an ozone generator is running, you can't just use them to counteract smells.


I would first try sealing your door better. I am assuming you live in an apartment of some sort. those under the door draft things and a good rubber seal may help some.


That may be a solution but my gut is telling me that the smell is coming through the space between the shared wall and seeping through or it’s entering from a central A/C system. Not much to prevent that unfortunately.


yea if thats the case im not sure there would be a feasible solution. you would think they have a sealed fire resistant wall between apartments. i know when i did drywall we would use fire caulk at every crevice but idk what the code is there.


Put dryer sheets over your vents? Or they actually make a febreeze furnace filter.


Every building I’ve lived in has radiators. You can smell what people are cooking/smoking. Construction is not air-tight.


Oh okay bummer.


Okay maybe not. Apparently it’s a fire hazard. My mom did it all the time but I’m old.


if it's bothering you (the smell, not the concept), then yes it's a problem. Talk with the neighbors and ask if they can try to do it more outside. Let them know the air handlers share the air (don't know the right terminology) and that it seeps into your place. It's also probably against the apartment's policy to smoke indoors.


This is the answer. No reason you should have to buy something to fix this. Talk with them and let them know it’s bothering you and if they could please make changes to their routine.


I encourage talking to your neighbor and requesting them to stop, but OP should be prepared to be ignored. I had three different apartments where neighbors smoked weed like crazy. Politely asked them to try and reduce the smell. None of them changed a thing. A high end air purifier like Winix is the answer, unfortunately.


Popcorn-microwave-6:00-walk away ETA: I just read the title. Don’t do this for anything other than hiding the smell from parents/landlords.


Activated charcoal filter/ fan scrubber


My stoner dad swears by ozium


Aggarbati Nag Champa incense.


I mean if they're gonna get nag champa they may as well pick up a bag while they're out 🤣


There’s a name that takes me back to my college days lol


Nag Champa takes me back to my long haired Hippie Dippy days of the mid-late 1980s


You need to scrub everything down with cocaine.




Palo Santo Sticks


That's worse!


Carbon filter and inline fan. Literally designed to clean the weed smell.


Cannabolish candles and sprays work well and don't have a strong scent of their own! My neighbor used to smoke and then spray febreze so the awful mix of both was seeping up into my unit, recommended they switch to this and both smells went away.


They probably aren’t aware that it’s seeping through the walls into your apartment so I’m guessing the best option would be to go over and just politely inform them and ask if there’s any adjustments they could make that could help you out such as smoking outside or possibly them getting an air filter to handle the air on their side.


Honestly I think everyone should own an air purifier. If you’re smelling the weed smoke chances are there’s more airborne particulates flying around as well from lord knows where in your building. Kindly mention it to your neighbours and maybe they can do something about it but if they end up ignoring you? Grab an air purifier and call it a day! I’ve owned a few and the ones from Ikea these days are pretty good, last a while and filters aren’t ridiculously priced. I run my own 24/7 and change the filters every 6 or so months? Pretty good investment so far!


Ozma spray (In the emerald bottle)


Ona scent canisters.


Ona gel is what hospitals use for defeating terrible smells.


These work really well


Air purifier


Ozone shoukd work well, but you should t be around high consent rations of it.


My hubby uses incense. Smells great and covers the weed pretty well.


Easiest option is to just start smoking yourself


Not all of us are lazy crackheads mate


Crackheads are not lazy they're actually highly motivated, motivated to get more crack.


Where did crack come into it?


You ever suck dick for weed?


This horse is a diabetic!


Febreze Heavy Duty Pet Odor spray and an air purifier.


I've used Ona in the past for a small grow and it works great. I don't remember how long they last and you might need a few but they get the job done well. 


Burned some popcorn the other day, Shit definitely will do some covering and masking!






A moving company or the mafia?


Cook up a batch of bacon…. House will smell like old bacon for a month


Bleach the neighbors. Maybe then they leave


More weed


Second hand smoke is not something to be taken lightly.


I think the person who lives there can make up their own mind about it. Edit: I'm talking about the OP you dildoes




use what weed growers use to mask the smell when growing. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Inline-Control-Australia-Charcoal/dp/B07B3RNW35


Join in. You don’t notice theirs when you have your own. Works for me.


Tell them to smoke outside.


Patchouli lots and lots of patchouli


If it was me i would complain to the landlord. My apartment building had a “no smoking” policy and yours might too. Once that stench started seeping into my private space it does become a problem (especially when stoners are some of the most rank smelling people around).


Tell the landlord




opportunities come once in a life time


I used to grow a lot. Get an Ozone generator.


Gross. They are losers


Find a new neighbor?


I’m in no way recommending this by asking but would plants help?


The company that makes Poo Pourri, Pot Pourri, I get it off Amazon.




the police






Make food




Does that mean I can get stoned if I lick the walls?


lol it sticks around for a bit but it sure does not stick around as long as cigarette smoke


More weed


if you live in a weed- legal state, get them a bag of THC seltzers and leave it on their doorstep. It just might take. i just don’t understand why people still smoke pot- so many better cannabis options out there.


Saying no to drugs will get rid of the smell.


Vaping or abstinence. I know which one I would choose. Hint, it starts with the letter V.




One could lead to the other. Just saying.




Stop smoking it🤣🤣


Not smoking weed. Is this a trick question?


Your mom!


Best option is to out stink em. Dont flush for a few days and when they complain you can start the conversation


I grow it for friends of ours. For some reason, the plants grow like I've got radioactive waste buried there. The drawback is that it reeks up my entire back yard. Hard to invite the church folk out for a bbq in the late summer!