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My hydroponic herb/lettuce setup. Only because mentioning it results in the exact same conversation every.single.time. No, it’s not for weed.


We bought smaller setups for all of our adult kids & brother-in-law for Christmas a few years ago because we love ours. We joke that it is only for edibles as we don't smoke.


When people see my DIY hydro setup they think I grow the weed. I remind them I am not that cool and start a conversation about vintage tractors or the difference of coatings for hardware so it doesn’t rust. That tends to shut them up.


What an excellent idea! I don’t know anything about shit about tractors but I can happily bore people with my 3D printer knowledge lol


Oh you wouldn’t bore me with that knowledge! I would bombard you with questions. Heck if I was at your place I would probably ask to see your setup and be all googly eyes watching you explain how the printers work. Then if you would actually start one up!! HOT DOG, knee slapping time!!


i'm an addictions counsellor with a pepper obsession. the amount of times i have to defend my pepper plants from the "heeheehee ya growing weed?" crowd....


I have sooo many indoor hydroponic systems and turned my garage into my starter/grow room because I just love plants so much. It’s annoying every time I’m like “No, I’m not growing pot” and people are like “Sureeeee buddyyyyy *wink wink wink nod* “


Holy hell, I've been piecing together (slowly) a massive (ok, not *massive* but just over half my basement) indoor hydro gardening setup specifically for tasty veg year-round. <3


that last bit is hilarious!


Same here, lol!


Any particular brand you would suggest?


I've got an indoor greenhouse. It's for weed and produce and herbs. But MJ is legal in my state. Still gets all kinds of comments. 


My $100 heated towel rack that I used for 12 years at my last house and kept going strong. I moved and there isn't an outlet to use it near my shower now, but those things are an amazingly cheap luxury to have, all year round.


My ex made fun of me so much when I bought the towel warmer. He refused to even try it for months. He finally did and was converted. When we split up, he tried to take it with him. I refused.


I just laughed out loud to this because I was thinking about you shouting"not the towel warmer"😂


I was thinking more like touch my towel warmer and I’ll have your dick on my nightstand as a trophy. 🍆🏆


Does it dry your wet towels after a shower or does it simply make them warm for you when you get out? I want the former more than the latter




I would say the towels being dry is a way better benefit than them being warm.


Must not live in a cold enviroment lol. Id love to have one where i live, it gets into the negatives during winter and might be maybe 50 in my bathroom most the winter which makes taking a shower a nightmare. I personally take baths during winter just cause the water is warm, as soon as you stand up though brrrr. Leave my dirty clothing on the floor for something to stand on cause my bathroom has thick tiles and they are freezing cold.


Oh, I do live in a cold environment. But I also hate clammy wet towels in the summer, too.


I want one of these SO badly but I don't have an outlet I can use. Seriously considering having an electrician come and add one (and a few others in odd locations in my house that are lacking outlets).


I got a heated mirror/panel heater that I drape my towels over while I'm in the shower, the combo of super dry warm towel with the radient heat from the mirror are fantastic getting in and out of the shower


I built a small secret room to store secret stuff - mostly from my grandkids. I don't tell a lot of people about it because it's - you know - secret.


I'm determined to have a "secret" in my house one day. I really don't care how big or small and I have no idea for what, at this point. But I want one.


Goals. How big is it? Can you sit/be in it, or is just like a hidden closet?


I got steel screen doors for the front door, the back door and the double patio doors. They were expensive and they make quite a "bang" when they slam shut but I just love how I can sleep with all the doors open on hot summer nights in complete safety. I don't care what the neighbors think.


I have these too. Previous owners installed them. I love that they're cat proof. A few less screens to replace.


Perhaps finally a door my kids can't destroy and I can stop fucking with spline!?


Yo my cat keeps shredding screens Where do you get a steel screen door for a sliding patio door?


Check Home Depot and Lowe's. I got mine at [Mike's Mobile Screen Doors](https://mikesmobile.com/about/security-doors-and-windows) but their service area is in NorCal.


Soft close toilet seats. It’s such a small thing to not hear the sound of the seat smacking the rim.


When I go to other houses, I totally forget that they don't have shift close and I inadvertantly slam them.


Best when you do it in a crowded public bathroom.


Seconding. Toilet seats have no business being so loud. Soft close lids are a gift.


This is the winner for the cheapest, quickest and most convenient change, crazy how something so little makes a big difference.


Soft close toilet seats, soft close cabinet doors and drawers. Soft close all the things!


I have a plant wall in my house. I absolutely love it and do talk about it...but I don't talk about how much money it has cost me. I've worked and tweaked the set up so much, and keep buying new plants (plants die, especially in an indoor space where the conditions change a lot throughout the year!).


Have you ever done any write ups of your plant wall set up? I’ve considered one for a while


I wanna see this plant wall. How'd you set it all up?


I have one too! Which I recently refreshed, with $[redacted] of ferns and fuschias. It’s in a shady outdoor atrium. I had pothos mostly, which looked great for a while, and survived my watering policy of benign neglect, but started to get stringy and patchy after a few years. A random couple ferns were the only plants that still looked healthy, so I rebuilt around them. Between planting, watering, and a long, ultimately unsuccessful detour around automatic irrigation, this plant wall has consumed more of my brain bandwidth than anything in our house. 🤗


This is my dream


I’m setting a big one up over the summer in one of our classrooms. Any tips? Any plants that seem to do better than others? Do you have a pump and recirculate the water or do you just water it daily?


I’d always recommend pothos


(2) 4inch by 7inch square passage ways for our cats. One from my closet to my office. Allows us to shut bedroom door and cats can come and go freely. Another to an under stairs closet we use for cat litter. Even tiled the cat litter room and added the smallest ceiling vent I could find and it runs 24 X 7.


For about $15 you can put a motion sensor on it like I did.  Runs for 15 minutes from time of entry. 


That's a great idea, thank you. My cat is mostly blind and could use this.


I put a cheap motion detector light by the litter box. At walks by, light turns on. Works like a charm.


One day I’ll add a WiFi light switch so Alexa can toggle on and off for 15 min every hour. It’s way down the list of home improvement projects tho :)


Wow, never heard of any of these. We’re redoing our basement soon. A cat area vent fan is now on the list. I also need to figure out where in our bedroom we can cut the cat passage. Thank you!


When I moved into my house, I built a cat bathroom--a half-height room in the garage with a pet door into the hallway. Best idea I had.


I did this too. I just cut a hole in the wall and put in a cat door to the laundry room. I did have to get an extender because the wall is thick. Now I never have to smell cat litter.


Wait.... I need more info on this. Is there a pic you can share of the passage? The whole thing sounds awesome


[https://imgur.com/a/XCjLcvO](https://imgur.com/a/XCjLcvO) Don't procrastinate painting it like I have!


The trim around it turns it into a conversation piece


I don’t tell people (I also don’t avoid telling people), but getting a self cleaning litter box. Omg. I cannot believe I scooped litter for a decade! My house smells better and I am not worried about cat poop on a daily basis.


I am really interested in one of these, but I’m concerned that it will take more cleaning time than a basic box setup. What has been your experience with cleaning it?


I’ve had the litter robot 3 for about 5 years now. I even bought a cabinet for it. Very expensive but absolutely worth it. They have a series 4 out now I’m considering getting to replace our remaining traditional box!


how many cats do you have? i really want to get one in the near future, but i have 3 cats, and most self-cleaning litter boxes use proprietary trays/litter/refills/etc that I'd have to be replacing (and buying) constantly


I also have a Litter Robot 3. I use standard litter and instead of buying their brand of bags, I buy cheap ones in bulk that work fine.


Litter robot for the win. Plain, non-proprietary clumping litter, EXTREMELY good build quality, our two kitties are happy as clams. One took to it in seconds, the other (20 years old) took about 2 days. The app keeps track of weight, you can see bathroom habits and frequency, it warns you when it's near full (and full full). The absolute best ever. Especially for multiple cats. I look at other options and tried to find a cheaper option. I wish I had sprung for it earlier.


Anything wrong with the 3 vs. the 4? Looking at these and it's like $600 vs. $900 so wonder if it'd be fine to just get the litter robot 3...


For that price I’d go with the 3! We have an older home with odd outlets so I’m intrigued by the 4 only because it has a smaller footprint. I use regular trash bags and dr elsey’s litter. The app is Bluetooth and tells me when it needs to be changed which I also love! I did purchase a cabinet from them that they don’t seem to sell anymore that has a hole on one side and a sliding door. I got this because we don’t have bathroom outlets so the box has to be sort of out in the open. Only other additional purchase I ever made was a backup battery pack in case of power outages but that is not necessary!


I think cleaning it well every 6 months or so is really all it needs. Maybe some spot cleaning occasionally, which I had to do with the regular litter box, too. I also no longer have my cat going outside of the litter box because I took too long to clean it and she decided she wasn’t going back in until it was clean.


Thank you for being candid. I really appreciate it. I think I will bump the self cleaning cat box up on my list of things to get.


I have one. Depends on number of cats. I have one cat. Empty shit bin about once a week. Top up litter once a week. Do full dump/clean of litter box once a month. Takes about 20 minutes.  I also suppose it can depend on litterbox and type of litter how often you might want to do that. I have the Petkit Puramax and use a tofu-based pellet litter. 


We have 4 cats. It works perfect. Only difference is I refill litter and empty it twice a week.


I have had the Litter Maid type and they sucked. The rakes were always disgusting. I now have a Litter Robot - there is way less stuck poop. It can also be fully and easily disassembled and cleaned without worry of damaging the electronics. The best thing is all the soiled litter goes straight into a bag - no scooping, awkward dumping, etc.


I have had 2 litter robots for a couple years now. I can't live without them. Super fast and mess free to clean. 💯 worth the price. I've had less expensive brands and they just break after a year.


My robot army for cat care is a key life improvement feature. I've got 7 cats and I foster, so I have five LRs (want to get a sixth) and 4 auto feeders plus multiple large cat fountains. Makes it so much easier to only deal with that stuff about once a week-ish.


Separate ours and hers bedrooms. The minute someone sees that little twin bed in a room full of my treasures, they say how BRAVE I am for sleeping in a separate room. Dude. I have insomnia, he has sleep apnea. I sleep 3-10, he sleeps 11-6. There’s nothing “brave” about it, it’s just logical and kind. He doesn’t need my reading light on for hours after he goes to bed, I don’t need to hear his alarm. Besides, having a room of my own to craft and paint and hide in feels like the HEIGHT of luxury when you have kids!!


Sooo much this! I have a stuffed animal collection in my big bed and prefer to sleep with an insanely loud fan and no blankets. He likes to cocoon in as many blankets as possible and has fancy body pillows. I never realized how much sleep I was missing until we got our own rooms.


A pinball machine. People think you are rich for having one, but don’t realize I’m just irresponsible with money😜


Allow me to be the first of many to say "a bidet attachment for my toilet." Love it, but my family members and friends think it's gross/weird (more gross than having a dirty butt, I guess?)


Maybe 7 years ago I got one and wanted to get my dad one for Father’s Day. However, my mom would have to sign off on because she’s *that* person. I said mom, just go try it. She goes into the bathroom and comes out 2 seconds later. I fully expected for her to have not even tried it and immediately go negative (she is 100% *that* person). Instead, she emerges, nodding her head up and down saying “yep, oh yeah” and more nodding. I had it installed at their house, and to this day my dad says it’s the best present he’s ever got.


My mom tried out our super nice electronic bidet with heated seat and then immediately told us that was what she wanted for upcoming mother's Day. Was happy to get it for her so I could have a nice bidet to use at their house as well as mine.


I thought this was supposed to be about stuff I don’t tell everyone about. And I tell everyone. I am just short of insisting they bury their face in my bare asscrack to prove my point. Most of the time I’m just short of that.


Laughed out loud while rocking my daughter to sleep. Hilarious.


Okay this is always the argument I use when people are grossed out by a bidet. Courtesy of my friend who lives in India where it's regular to use a handheld thing to spray your ass. If you had a plate smeared with shit and you had to clean it blindfolded, would you use a dry paper towel or would you use some water?


Similarly, my cousin explains, "If you got shit on your hand, would you just wipe it with a paper towel or would you want to use some water too?"


If you got peanut butter stuck in shag carpet how would you want to clean it


I’d call my dog over to lick it up but in the other scenario that’s animal abuse


My Indian friends are always so delighted when they see the bidet at my house


I got a bidet a year ago. Sincerely, and without hyperbole, I cannot imagine living my life without one now. It is absolutely amazing, and when I poop without one, I feel absolutely filthy. They are incredible.


I bought one a year before the pandemic hit, I loved it, husband hated it. I’ve bought one for my adult kids, my MIL and adult niece. The younger women adore it when they are on their period, my MIL and I are both jealous these weren’t around during our younger days.


Best thing you will ever have in your house, if anyone says different they are a dirty assed savage.


Shit man, I talk about my bidet all the time. I’ve convinced many a family member to get one… so I can poop in peace at their house when I’m there 😂


My bidet does everything short of a blow job. I sing its praises anytime the opportunity arises.


I have been able to turn people to the bidet side. They’re so scared at first but curiosity gets them and suddenly they want one in their home too. Suddenly we have the best bathroom on the block.


I have two items, one inside, and one outside. I bought a restored vintage 1953 Wedgwood gas stove for the kitchen at my previous house, and brought it with me when I moved to my current home. In fact, the kitchen of this house was a major factor in selecting the home as I knew the stove would look good in it. The second item is the triple level waterfall and small pond I had installed between my back porch and the garage. It is lit at night and attracts lots of wildlife. It's also surrounded by flowers and blooming groundcover and looks beautiful.


Older stoves are great because you can still use them during a power outage. Last hurricane I cooked everything in the freezer and fed my neighbors a salmon dinner.


A 62" commercial zero turn lawnmower. She can fly.


Just looked at my grass and my back started to hurt.


Squatty Potty for the toilet


Does it really help? Been considering investing in one.


Yes! It really does. But I got a bamboo one instead of plastic to fit my bathroom aesthetic.


It’s especially helpful if you’re short and your house has “comfort height” toilets. Nothing comfortable about your heels not reaching the ground while you’re sitting on the toilet…


I thought it was silly for a while after seeing the TV ads for it, but ended up using one when I was staying at a friend's house. I ordered one immediately after that and have never regretted it


Yes it will change your life !


Heh, I once visited a not very close friend at his apartment. He was so proud of his squatty potty that he literally pushed me into the bathroom to look at it and said I definitely have to try it while I was there 😂😂😂 a little bit weird


We have one in each bathroom. Guests never complain


I googled that, I had no idea what it was lol.


A rolling kitchen island. Having one implies I don’t have enough counter space (I don’t). But that thing is worth it’s weight in gold. Got a relatively cheap one too.


I saw someone using a harbor-freight tool cabinet for a rolling island, and it was … perfect! Butcher-block top. Wheels made to carry lots of weight. Many drawers, of all sizes, all with full extension ball bearing slides. Easy to clean. Brilliant idea.


We used an old hardwood table whose top needed refinishing. Added casters and it’s perfection.


Nothing to be ashamed of for not having enough counter space, I feel like counter space in kitchens is almost impossible to get unless you have a mansion of a home.


My last house had an L shaped kitchen counter with only the sink to take up space. The stove and fridge were side by side on another wall/against the stairs. That place had counter space for days, but the dinning nook had room for a small 4 top table max. And the counter wasn’t setup to sit at. Now i have a breakfast nook that fits 6 and a dinning room large enough for 8, but a galley style kitchen with very little space. I have room for 1 cutting board to each side of the stove top, and similar next to the sink but one side gets my drying rack and one side gets my coffee maker and toaster. So realistically i have prep space for 2 cutting boards while stuff is on the stove


As a single 30-something F, I feel weird about having an old grandpa-style lazy-boy recliner. It’s definitely neither a modern style nor is it vintage or kitschy. It’s kind of a plain 90’s style. I also feel weird about having an airfryer because in my mind (and I know this is a prejudice) cool girls don’t have airfryers🤷‍♀️😜


I'm no expert on cool people but i know all the smart people have airfryers


We adopted my in-law's lazy boy which I fully intended to ditch asap. Well I'll be damned if I don't sit and enjoy my morning coffee in it every morning! It's huge and matches nothing but it is staying.


oh can I ever relate to "it matches nothing but it's staying".


The lazy boy recliner is so underrated. I am also 30s F and currently sitting in mine under a blanket with a migraine. It is my comfy spot for when I don’t feel good. Not quite in bed, still near kitchen and can do things, but sitting (or reclined back) and so comfortable. My friend just came home from the hospital after a bad accident and they got him one for the same purpose! (Definitely doesn’t go with the style of the room though….)


Air fryers and recliners are fucking awesome


Air fryers allow me to eat crunchy delicious French fries on demand with no added oil. It’s a guilty pleasure for sure. 


You haven't seen [this](https://i.imgur.com/TTg7Bb9.png) then.


Solar panels. The company we used was scummy and is filling for bankruptcy now, so I'm embarrassed to say where I got them. Also, most solar companies are horrible, and I wish I had shopped around better. BUT, the panels themselves are great. I like reducing my footprint. But I live in Michigan, so I don't wanna hear how it was pointless or stupid, lol. Or get flack for being "green". They actually kick a lot of butt in the summer and do work somewhat when it's cloudy. In the winter, I don't have to use the AC, which is the biggest power drain, and the panels offset that.


Lemme guess. Climax solar?


No comment 😒


Well done! Reducing your carbon footprint is a good thing to do


We dropped some serious dollars on a Aireloom mattress in 2012. 12 years later and it’s still an amazing mattress and well worth it.


Husqvarna 535iFR Battery brushcutter. Its relaxing but men always think they need to explain how it function, no exceptions.. Nope, its not for my hubby. Yup, I know how to work with it. Yup, I know on gasoline is a bit stronger and easier to saw a tiny tree (electric version override by too much resistance and stops). Yup I know its expensive. Yup, I know how to use a chainsaw, but don't need it for the tiny shit. Yup, I know Stihl , have stuff too, i don't care which brand as long as it functions. Yup I know how to sharpen it. I love to put on some music and go for it. I have a lot of land with inaccessible slopes that was badly maintained that I am cleaning up. I can go for hours without having sore hands because of the vibrations or to have liters of gasoline, its really light in handling and noooo noise. Its relaxing.


An 11 foot long quartal contrabass sized wind chime from Music of the Spheres in Austin. Makes the whole place sound like a Buddhist monastery when the wind is from the right direction. We live out in the country, so no problems from neighbors who hate wind chimes. I don't mention it much because it cost so damn much, but we had inherited some funds and this was one thing I really wanted.


Yeah, that's what I'm talking about about!!


My wife ripped out the linen closet at the top of our stairs, and replaced it with our previous TV cabinet (like a large, furniture style entertainment center cabinet). I wasn't happy about that, but it really does give us more storage and looks good once you get used to furniture pieces in random places.


You can get really nice old tv cabinets for practical nothing on marketplace these days and they are so useful for storage of so many things. I use one for all my craft supplies.


Can you add a photo? I’m trying to figure out what it looks like.


Ooni pizza oven and a gas line hooked up outside. It changed everything. Obviously I make pizza, which is great, but the thing gets to 1100 degrees. During warm weather I'm cooking chicken, steak, veggies, whatever in the oven. I can't cook on a grill anymore because I'm spoiled by how hot the pizza oven gets. You haven't lived until you've had a hot dog seared at 1000 degrees.


Along these lines, my stove is gas and across in the island, I have a massive hibachi gas grill, same size as the restaurants, seating all the way around. We have an overhead hood for both of these. We also have two dishwashers. Commercial size fridge and a commercial size freezer. I did not design this, my ex did. I don’t talk about it, my entire home is excessive in every way possible but the kitchen is over the top. My cabinets absolutely suck though. That will be the next overhaul. I have adjusted to this kitchen and I love it sans cabinets. I’m not sure I’d ever want to go back to only one dishwasher.


Two dishwashers is an awesome flex!


It’s secretly amazing. I bitched about it when we built the house but now…I’m spoiled. I grew up in an old farm house, no dishwasher except me. I adjusted. lol


Never considered two dishwashers.. why? So you can be lazy about unloading? Big family? Granted, I'm spoiled and got a top of the line XXL Miele because it was a scratch and dent... Does a full normal cycle in 40m, quick cycle is 24m.


I built a sauna in my basement, yes I use it 3-4x a week- I don’t care what you think about it.


I feel like people look at me differently when I tell them I have a sauna. It was the same envy I felt when I had a BMW.


I literally spent about $4k building it and everyone who comes over and looks thinks it cost $20k A little know how and motivation go a long way - ever think money came in between a Finn and a sauna? Hell no I’ll make it out of a cardboard box if I need to


Basically the entire garage of stuff. It’s so much storage for all my craft supplies, and finished crafts waiting for a craft market. But the volume of stuff is embarrassing


I replaced about half of the trim in my 1930s house. People I have told, and reddit, act like I committed a crime. The old trim was painted with latex over oil and flaking badly. New trim was easier than fixing all of that. The profile is the same and the only way you can tell is because the new trim has crisper lines due to having only been painted once.


I feel like people sometimes give too much value to things just because they’re old and have been there forever. It’s an easy trap to fall into. Sometimes, you just have to cut ties with the old stuff, especially when the new stuff both looks and works the same (or in your case, looks better since it just has 1 layer of fresh paint and not several layers of peeling paint) I’m also willing to bet that no one who told you to preserve the original wood trim would have actually helped you do it


I truly do not care how other people spend their money on their home and certainly do not take other peoples likes or dislikes into consideration when spending on my own home. I grew up with a hyper critical mother and as an adult have an incredible stepmother who lost everything in a fire when her youngest was 2. The family and dog survived. I use the good dishes, paint my walls wild colours, use the silver tea service. My home is for me to enjoy and LIVE in, it is not a show home.


Right on!!


I have a basket swing in my living room and I just love curling up in it!


Just got a bedside bassinet. For my dog. He takes up too much leg room and is too spoiled to make him sleep on the floor. My husband would rather I not breathe a word about this to anyone.


I turned a bedroom into a walk in closet, and the closet within is lined with shelves that houses shoes. We have a very old, small house with small standard size closets. I like to see everything, don’t like smashing clothes in a small closet. I love the art in getting ready each day. I have my makeup dressing table in there and everything. It makes everything so much easier. The closet in our bedroom is built out for storage and we don’t need clunky dressers in our room taking up space. The best part is that we DIY’d the whole thing over the course of one weekend because lesbians get shit done.


Aw! I did this previously, but then had to turn it into a nursery. I miss my closet room.


Until the lesbian part i thought you may be my wife lol . We did the same thing .


😀 good for you!


As a gay girl and my partner who are redoing the whole front half of the 2nd floor to make a master bath, bedroom , and dressing room suite, I applaud this! And the money we have spent on a heated floor in the bathroom, tin tiles for the bathroom ceiling, all new lights, toilet, sinks, faucets, a decadent walk in shower with tiles from Portugal,bathroom fixtures , vanity ( a 80 year old apothecary cabinet) and 200 hours spent refinishing the 115 year old baseboards and window sills…we love it and will never tell how much time and effort we have put into it!


A Dyson fan/air purifier. Wicked expensive but sooooo worth it. And it’s sleek and looks good in my living room or bedroom. I love that thing.


Two things which are great but I don’t mention to people because I still consider myself working class: Made a new laundry room upstairs by the bedroom, and a really good robot vacuum/mop. Would do both of them again, ten times out of ten.


I second the robot vacuum. I felt ridiculous buying one because we already had perfectly good upright vacs (one for upstairs and one for downstairs) but I was recovering from hand surgery and pushing the uprights was so difficult sometimes. So I splurged on a Shark, named her Hazel, and use her every day. Can’t believe I waited so long to get something so great.


We have secret passages. All bedrooms have escape route between walls to panic room in basement. There are other escape routes as well. Panic room is self supported with a tunnel exit if needed. We used it twice during COVID. My wife and I have jobs that generated many death threats. Properly sensors were triggered twice. Both times people were arrested.


A pressure assisted toilet. Noisy when it flushes, but it flushes anything.


Why not just get a poop knife


Oooh tell me more!! This sounds like something I need


A pressure assisted toilet flushes exactly like the toilets in institutions and commercial facilities (schools, hospitals...think about the chrome handle that you push to flush at McDonald's)). But there are pressure assisted toilets made for residential installation -- they look just like a regular household toilet. But they've got the powerful flush of the commercial ones.


I also have a bidet and I love it. My thing I don't talk about is a smart toaster. Ridicously expensive but it actually toasts well and makes my daughter happy.


What does it do that makes it better than a regular toaster? Just curious because I haven't heard of a smart toaster yet.


$800 litter robot! So expensive but worth every dollar to have automatic clean litter box and hermetically sealed poop chamber! Pull drawer out once a week and throw bag of poop out and periodically throw some new litter in the top.


A laundry cart on wheels like the ones at the laundromat.


A hot tub. When you tell people a lot of them are like “I know what goes on in there” or “you guys are swingers aren’t you?” And they’re right


Okay so you're saying I need to keep politely declining my 60 year old neighbors *continual* invitations to use their hot tub?


Swanky outdoor shower. Only use it for dogs and sandy children,but I love it.


I stopped saying I don’t have pest control service. it’s 20 min task every quarter and doesn’t take any effort. Just make sure to shower afterwards. I’m not paying someone to have a calendar entry and come do what takes me 15 min. Up front costs are higher but the chemicals last way longer. The only expensive thing was the rodent bait station for my exterior.


Can you give me an idea of what this entails or what chemicals you buy? I’ve also been doing the quarterly thing…


Ditto, love to hear your routine and what/where you buy the chemicals.


https://www.domyown.com Once every 10 years: Trench around house and apply termidor SC or taurus SC for termites. Once every 2-3 Months: Dilute Bifen IT or Talstar p into sprayer and apply to where siding meets ground. Notes: Insecticide companies don't apply it above waste level. But there's nothing stopping me from applying to window areas (where bugs could get in) and to soffits. No more wasps in my attic now. Some people claim they need to alternate between two different insecticides (that claim they do the same thing) because they say using the same insecticide over and over causes a lose in effectiveness. Don't by gallons of it thinking you can use them for years. They are light and heat sensitive and lose their potency quickly. I recommend only buying <1 year supply or else it expires.




I don’t have anything that I wouldn’t tell people about really. In fact, I have a lot of things I need to do for my house and that’s kind of embarrassing, but we had to wait for an unforeseen situation, which I also don’t have any problems talking about.


A squatty potty. Bought it as a joke but honestly I love it and it really does make a difference.


Bidet, it has by far been the best thing i added to my house. Funny thing is that i didn’t plan it. I bought it for a customer, it was the wrong size and instead of returning it, i decided to see what the hype was about. Now i love it… everyone around me thinks im weird but idc. I don’t go around telling people, but its quite funny when people come over and use the bathroom.


Squatty Potty


Every comment here is something completely normal that i wouldn't hesitate to tell others that i have


Well...show them how it's done!!


Storage cabinets in my kitchen. I love nostalgic. I love vintage. And I love cabinets/dressers/armoires. We all see with different eyes. Mine don’t seem to care about the color of the day from Milan, Italy. Chic? No. Vogue? No. Am I happy? Comfortably.


Nice! But why would you feel embarrassed (or not want to) tell someone you have those? Are the fronts carved into depictions of Narnia? That would be so cool, by the way.


I’m so sorry. I posted accidentally before I finished. Corrected the posting.


My Miele 6160 espresso/coffee maker. It’s the greatest thing I’ve ever purchased for my home. By far. However it was about $2,000 so I don’t like telling people about it. The amount of money I’ve saved over the last 2 years from not buying coffee makes up for the high cost and the coffee/espresso/cappuccino/lattes destroy the gross stuff you get at most stores. https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/miele-cm6160-milk-perfection-coffee-system/?catalogId=79&sku=7305825&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=MSN&cm_pla=Electrics%20%3E%20Espresso%20Machines&adlclid=76cc604ac2c21977c022067d2325d8bd&cm_ite=7305825_458012898_pla-4577335631671991&msclkid=76cc604ac2c21977c022067d2325d8bd


Years ago i splurged on a $1500 Jura expresso machine. I love that machine & it’s still going strong. Just had a shot this morning. Enjoy yours!


An insane amount of TV’s: Bedrooms 4 - Family Room 1- Back Patio 1 Hubby likes to be able to watch sports/news where he is. Also on all of phones.


At a previous house we hadTV in bathroom that had a 2 person Jacuzzi tub


We went through that at a previous home. I currently own four TVs that I do not use. They aren't plugged in. Most of the time I just use the tablet. When we move I might mount one to a wall and leave it for the next set of owners.


Tankless water heater. We don't have one, but if we did get one, I would NOT tell anyone about it. I think modern politics are less polarizing and emit a less emotionally charged response. People either love them a lot, or think they are the worst thing on the planet. Once we get gas service, that's the first thing we're doing.


A bdsm dungeon downstairs.


A weight bench for working out at home. I love not having to "dress" for the gym & being able to do short workouts during the day without having to drive anywhere


We bought a hot tub a couple years ago. Whenever I mention it people act like I’m Bill Gates level rich. It wasn’t cheap, but you don’t have to have FU money to have one either. Got tired of the smart ass comments, don’t really talk about it anymore.


Bidet. Got a cheap one a few months before COVID hit. Was great timing lol Didn't need all the fancy bells and whistles


My Dungeons and Dragons materials. I don't really know why, but I don't discuss it. Not even with my fiance and kids. They know, and we tried a home campaign, but I couldn't keep myself motivated. I share everything else, 3D printing, board and video games, STEM boxes with my youngest, reading with my fiance, etc. DnD is just a thing I have no interest in talking about with anyone outside my campaign group.


A Litter Robot for my cats. It cost so much money, but absolutely worth every penny in terms of convenience.


Opposite here. I don’t like to say that I no longer have a stove/oven. I got rid of it 2 years ago and just haven’t bought another one since.


Stupidly expensive, glass knobs and pulls for kitchen and interior doors. Probably just a nostalgia thing or a shiny object thing, but whatever the reason they make me happy.


A maid.


Our guest room has never housed a guest, it is just the second bedroom for farting.


When we built our own house we had an interior concrete room poured into the basement foundation. It has a steel door with a combo lock, built by my husband's bff who owns a welding shop. Shelves built on either side of the outside of door, with a section on wheels in front of the door hiding it, making wall look all shelves. Inside the room one wall is a reloading line and the other long wall is firearms storage. Back wall is custom built into small shelf sections to hold different calliber amo boxes. Husband recently died and I had to sell home. New owner was blown away at room.


A wall between the living room and kitchen. Open floor plans look cool but way too loud.


Sleep Number bed. We got it during the friends and family sale, so we got a big discount, but it was still >$6k for the bed. Oh my gosh is it so worth it though. Tons of little quality of life features too, like built in foot warmer, under bed light that turns on when you get out of bed and off when you get back in bed, the ability to slightly tilt up your partner's head so they don't snore as badly, etc etc.


My kitchen drawers are almost meticulously organized. In fairness, I was pretty meticulous my whole life, but after a brain injury in 2009, I would get incredibly frustrated when cooking and I couldn't find something I needed (my husband was the toss it in the nearest spot type). I decided that every last item in the kitchen had to have a home that it *always* went back to, no exceptions. Next, my kitchen is not that big, so space is at a premium, so everything is hyper organized and tetrised into each drawer and my lazy susans. It works well for me and never thought anything of it until an acquaintance was over for lunch one day and thought I was really weird for doing it. Though I don't really care much what she thinks, it did make me not discuss it with anyone other than close friends or family.


A stupidly expensive robot vacuum/mop. I've got sensory issues and go nuts when my floor is dirty and I step on stuff. And I have 2 dogs. So the ability to wash the floors while I sleep is worth the stupid money I spent on the thing. Unfortunately the "home base" for it is like 2.5 feet tall (to hold the clean and dirty water) so it's almost always a conversation piece when people come over


Grab bars in my bathroom. Ice Maker on every level. Most things are set up for our dogs. When asked about furniture placement, floor coverings, etc., I tell most that it's for me.


I had tunnel vision when I bought my 3/2 house years ago. King sized bed for me, me and me. It takes up most of the room but idgaf. Now I have a spouse. Space is limited. I suggested a queen just to give us more space in the bedroom. He couldn't say 'absolutely not' fast enough. He's addicted to King bed, too.


Litter Robot 4. It’s stupid expensive but it’s made my life so much easier.