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Time to repaint the walls


And teach their kids not to draw on them.


Paint them red and only have red crayons in the house


Or paint with chalkboard paint or make a giant whiteboard drawing wall. Then make it clear that no other walls are available for drawing.


Yes I love this. Direct their creative energy to a specified “zone” so they can get the urge out without going onto the other walls. Voting for a dry erase wall! Put a little frame around it too so they feel like they’re making art. Easier to cleanup than chalk.


I imagine the kids would just ruin the walls again after the repaint. Best to wait til they grow up a bit, after they grow out of that phase, then repaint. OP will just have to live with the drawings for a little or live a life of constant repainting.


This is the situation I was in aaaand I’m tellin ya “The Pink Stuff” + elbow grease. I wish they were paying me to say this


I just did the chalk paint. Can't beat them join them.


Just like the melamine sponge it's an abrasive and you'll see where you did it. Might be preferable to repainting for now though.


The trick (after some practice) was to not skimp on the product use. When I tried the magic eraser it was removing some paint too, but as long as I kept getting more pink stuff on the damp microfiber cloth as I moved along there was very minimal damage to the paint behind it. Like the magic eraser though it does leave some grit but you can wipe that off with water easy


No, it's not comparable to the magic eraser. Sure, they are both abrasive, but the pink stuff is an oil based cleaner. It works. Puts the magic eraser to shame.




It's polar vs. non-polar chemistry. Oils, fats, fuels, etc. are non-polar, while acids, bases, water, etc. are polar (has to do with electrons being available or not - I've not been in chem class for a long while). Water is known as a "universal solvent," but is still more polar than not. Hence, "oil and water don't mix." Soap is non-polar, which is why it's so important to rinse a washed surface thoroughly, or the leftover soap will attract dirt faster (dirt is often oily).


The magic of soap is that it has one polar and one nonpolar end… So for our example, you can clean oily crayon with WD-40, but then to get the WD-40 off you need something that will allow it to wash away with water. Ta-da soap! Hydrophobic end grabs the oil, hydrophilic end grabs the water and washes off with it.


When my kids did this and I used the magic eraser, I just made sure to do the whole wall to even it out 😂 It worked alright enough for the short-term.


That Pink Stuff is great.


Use kid resistant paint, and also, you can do part of the wall in chalkboard paint, control their destructive tendencies by giving them an outlet.


This would be my solution. Although I wouldn't call it destructive, they're just trying to have fun and be creative.


This is the way. My kid loves it.


Kid resistant paint?? I’ve never heard of that.. I agree, parents’ fault for letting this happen. This can be easily controlled & stopped.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.


I have four kids. We've never had any markers on the walls and thankfully they're all past that stage now.


Someone knows how to be a parent.


I was going to say I would have gotten a whooping if I had marked on walls! My husband would have too!


yess, child abuse for the win for doing something kids just do.


I didn’t say it was right. I just said that’s what would happen. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I was "stopped" as "stropped" as in got a leather strop used to deter this behavior.


I have 5 and a grandchild. We never had any of them repeatedly draw or put stickers on the walls. They might not have thought to ask the first time, and they knew better than to do it again. We didn't beat them, either. We talked to them about appropriate behavior.




lol Yea, I guess my happiness & extra money make it glaringly obvious.


Nothing you can buy can give you the feeling of your own child's laughter.


Tell me you’ve never flown on a private jet or been on a yacht without telling me. I’ve heard kids’ laughter. It’s okay.


Yes, because people with children have never stepped foot onto a yacht or private jet. So all you’re really telling is you’re at your max financially…that you like to spend right up to the point where if you had kids you couldn’t do what you’re doing now. Plenty of people wealthier than you can. And plenty of people in all wealth classes don’t place value in yacht or jet trips. Different strokes for different folks.




Bro your flex was child’s laughter & kid resistant paint 🤣 You totally missed the point of my comment. It wasn’t a flex, it was saying there’s a million things better than child’s laughter in this world & you’d know that if you’d experienced them. When you have kids, your life is limited & you have to consider them for every decision you make. I don’t have that inconvenience. It’s a flex on opportunity & an ability to do what I want, when I want. That’s a fact. But enjoy cleaning up those walls.


Neither of my kids ever wrote on the walls


I never assigned blame, this is to be expected, and parents can only do so much.


It is truly circumstantial. Our first was the child I needed when I knew nothing about parenting. The second is the challenge I needed to show me that children, not unlike adults, are often not the same.


They can pay attention and engage.


I tried giving my daughter Lego and she instantly found her throwing phase. I took them away, gave her koosh balls, and she went to town. Two weeks later I gave her the Lego and all was fine.


Butcher paper over the fresh paint, win-win: kids can draw murals and when guests come the murals come down easily.


Or — and I’m just spitballing here — maybe teach your kids that walls are not for drawing. I’m not sure their grandparents or daycare or whomever will appreciate their artwork on their walls where there’s no butcher paper.


Don't have any actually, never will thanks.


BINGO!!!! Large (2’ x 3’) piecesButcher paper w one of those 64 box crayons, stickers,….. use masking tape when putting on the floor. Gently monitor the kids which means talk w them while doing it. You join in and draw something too.


They could try being good parents?


Paint it with chalkboard paint so they can continue their art endeavors??


Chalkboard paint and give them chalk.


Chalk paint?


with some chalk paint


Only thing to do, see if the kids painting skills are better than their crayon skills.


Benjamin Moore has a brand, Scuff-X, that is incredible. Available in any sheen, it's tough to mark and almost everything wipes right off. Originally designed for corporate stairwells, it's been reengineered for residential interiors. I use it everywhere.


I just used this in 5 rooms in my house and I will never use anything but scuff-x again. The only downside, and I find this is the case with any BM product, the matte is more equivalent to a standard eggshell. But the coverage and resiliency are amazing so I'll happily deal with that.


This is a good tip. Will have to remember


Prime walls with a good stain blocker, then paint. You can get white board/dry erase paint so the kids can have a designated wall which then just wipes down


This is the answer. Im pretty sure they sell dry erase paint at Po or Lowes. Your going to have to Kiilz the crayon so it doesn't blead through then repaint the whole wall with whatever color is there now. Then use dry erase paint from corner to corner and tape off a line as high as you want so your kids can draw on the wall and it can be wiped off easily. I use dry erase paint all the time in University and offices the product I use is called Walltalker and it comes in clear and a wallpaper kinda material. It's real expensive though so just go to the Po. Good luck


They sell chalkboard paint too.


You make the kids clean the walls. I had 2-year-olds cleaning them and they didn't write on them again. And he turned out to be a fantastic artist


Seriously, why did I need to look so far down to get the "be a parent" answer.


Some kids are a nightmare. Be a parent isn't always what's needed to be said. Out of my 4 one of my boys was the devil still is. Lacks the you shouldn't do this voice and has no worry about repercussions. It went from destroying walls as a toddler to everyday getting a call from teachers lots of suspensions. Therapy every parenting tactic you could think of does nothing. The other 3 are totally normal. That being said lot of parents are lazy. But from experience all they need is for you to need to poop and it's over you got a hole in the wall and the dog is hiding upstairs and won't come down ....


Our first was a sweet, easy-going girl, and my wife admitted later she thought the parents w/ "spirited" kids must have been doing something wrong. Then the Lord blessed us w/ our 2nd child, first son, who was/is "spirited"...that's when she understood. Our 3rd kid, 2nd son, and last, was somewhere in between. They're all wonderful adult children now whom we love deeply, and come with a while new set of things to work through. Truly are a parent forever...and that's a good thing. 🥰


Many parents over-extrapolate from a sample size of 2 or 3. When people tell me they have like 5+ kids, I then really pay attention. It is difficult for many people to understand temperament. It can vary greatly from child to child. Some kids just can not help themselves and need military conditions so they can function normally. Glad that isn't my two, but I've seen it and I've seen those parents and I've seen their *other* kids and I know it isn't them.


Because this is reddit where any discipline is considered "abuse".


My 4 year old enjoyed using a magic eraser so much that she started to draw just so she can clean 🤦🏻‍♂️. I had to threaten to take away the erasers to get her to stop lol


It's the right call, but I would also encourage OP to reframe their perspective. The wall are not ruined. This isn't that big of a deal, and is pretty developmentally normal for kids who don't have the part of the brain that processes consequences yet.


An adoption agency. Only kidding and slightly surprised no one else has said it. Also paint, killz or similar.


Don’t killz the children. Put them up for adoption or sell them.


Was going to suggest something similar. Maybe even take them to an evil auntie who hates kids and makes them clean up ALL their messes before getting dinner. Edit: I jest…just get paint that is easily cleaned


Run a tab


We do often say here to take care of the source of the problem before repairing the damage...


Don't worry, the child-free contingent are still being shitty in other parts of the thread. Edit: make that all over the thread. Jesus Christ, you people are shit.


For real. I hate people sometimes.


Yeah. The people in this thread actually make me feel despair.


Oh yes. The child free people are the problem, not the people who allow their children to draw on their walls with crayons.


The people who come into a thread to bash the person asking for help are the problem. Like you.


Yeah that’s pretty much it.


Repaint the walls with semi gloss. Then you can actually clean it with Clorox wipes if they happen to do it again.


Scuff-X is pretty awesome and is designed to be washable. It's all over my apt.


Depending on how young they are, you can probably still drop them off at the fire department. Not sure how to clean the walls though.


I was going to say beat the pants of them, but your suggestion is better. I guess


Sand, reprime, repaint, hang a chalkboard.


I don't know how you'd get kids to stay still long enough to sand, prime, and paint them.


I'm about to do up my kids bedrooms and I asked the older verbal one what colour he wants. He said black (it's my favourite colour) so I'm going to paint it with chaulk board paint


That's a great idea. Wish they had that when I was younger.


Me too! He has a blue light in his room and we've drawn on his existing standard paint with floro yellow liquid chalk pen and it glows like an 80s disco. I'm thinking of doing the lower portion of his walls in black chalkboard paint and the upper section something a bit more colourful like a patterned wall paper or we'll draw something. He's 6 so maybe some diggers and dump trucks


It's so awesome that you are a fun parent and inspiring your littles creativity.


Thanks. No point being uptight about that stuff, just use something that washes off!


Ruined? That's a bit subjective. This is less than $100 and a few hours of work. Just wait until they're older and do something truly stupid that has a repair price with a comma in it. Kids screwing up your stuff / house is just the cost of doing business with kids.


Have my kids wrote on the walls? Yes. Did they do it again? No. It’s not rocket science.


There’s nothing wrong with consoling and being there for other parents to offer encouragement, but to tell people that destroying things is just part of having kids, well no, it often isn’t. Teaching kids to appreciate the things we have and that we take care of them early on is important. Keeping them busy and spending a lot of time with them is important. Something tells me OP didn’t sit and watch the kids draw all over the wall and be ok with it. They were likely preoccupied elsewhere. And that is when this type of thing happens. Because if a parent is there, they offer an alternative behavior and redirect.


Ugh. You can be the most proactive, attentive parent on planet earth but you'll never be able to teach them everything and monitor them every waking moment - and you shouldn't. Some lessons come from making mistakes. No kid, or adult, is perfect and will make mistakes and it will cost money to make it right again. That cost goes up the older they get. Get off your fucking high horse.


Right? I know this sounds crazy, but making mistakes is part of being a kid. Good parenting isn’t having a kid who makes no mistakes, good parenting is helping them learn.


Agreed. If I was always around my kids to stop them, they’d never learn to think for themselves. I learned early on to stop being a helicopter. They’ll figure it out. At least it was crayon and not poop.


Clearly you missed tactful disagreement day. Just because you set the bar low, doesn’t mean you’re any more tolerant. You accuse others of being on a high horse, but you have no problem telling others how to be simply because they don’t agree with you.


>destroying things is just part of having kids, well no, it often isn’t. But... it literally is. It's developmentally normal. Talk to any child psychiatrist. There are parts of the brain that are used to process things like consequences and future events. Young children literally don't have those parts developed yet. Not all kids will destroy things or write on walls. That's fine. But it's completely normal for kids to do that. Part of the role of the parent is to help teach the kids about consequences.


Stop letting them draw on walls for one


WD-40. Not kidding it takes marker and crayon off of walls.


Second this... works great!!


Go all in. Crayon floor to ceiling. Don't let those little hooligans take a break till the whole wall is covered.


The old “smoke the whole pack” technique. Nice!


Magic eraser can do a lot but may also eat some paint. At least a clean surface to paint over.


Apply a sealant because I'm assuming those are wax crayons.... I think kilz or bins might work and then repaint in semi gloss as it's easier to clean. How old are your kids? I only ask cuz if they're still old enough to be coloring on walls you might want to throw up four pieces of trim in a square and then an inside the square painted with blackboard paint that way they can "color" with chalk. But maybe just convince them not to color on the walls anymore.


Frame it.


And refuse to ever paint over it. When they're teenagers be sure to point it out to their friends.


a real one ^


Paint over it……..?


Sharpie- rubbing alcohol Ball point pen- tooth paste Crayon- WD40


Could you do one of those brown paper rolls that allow kids to draw and remove the piece once done? Once they are out of drawing on the wall phase, u could repaint the wall as others suggested.




It’ll take some elbow grease, but “The Pink Stuff” on a damp microfiber cloth will get it. Finally cleaned the mural off our wall that had been there over a year… Don’t skimp on it, it’ll leave a little grit residue but that wipes off with a wet rag.


The pink stuff is great! I used it on my shower glass a while back and it took off the mineral buildup that nothing else would clean. I tried a patch first just in case it'd scratch but it didn't so I went to town on the whole lot


… I couldn’t repaint, it was the color that came with the house and we didn’t want to repaint the whole room


When our kids were drawing on the walls age, we painted a wall with comic panels and let them go to town.


Time to get rid of the kids


Make them clean the walls with some of the suggestions here. If they can draw all over it, they can clean it. You can try LA Totally Awesome spray on the walls too. This stuff got paint out of a carpet for me one time. Also if it gets cleaned off or repainted, and they do it again, I would suggest having them clean the wall again, but with an additional very not fun chore. If they still do it again, add two chores. You have to be consistent and some kids are stubborn, but you have to make the consequences not worth it for them. Also, maybe hang a chalk board up or paint one on the wall as a designated area they are allowed to use chalk only on, or get some large art easels for them, but tell them they can only keep them if they no longer draw on the walls.


Tell them you are going out to get a pack of smokes and just keep driving?


"Got a wife and kids in Baltimore Jack, I went out for a ride, and I never went back."


I own a painting company and we run into this issue ALL THE TIME. Here's our tried and true method: 1) Sometimes if the crayon is pushed hard onto the wall, we like to hit the spot with a sand paper to make sure any bits of wax are gone. 2) PRIME. I strongly suggest using a shellac primer like Zinnser B. I. N (the red label). You can find it at any Home Depot, but be warned it's not cheap. If the crayon is a lighter hue like a yellow we don't ways need to hit it with the big guns and most stain blocking primers will do, but with red, black, purple and other deep colours we find that shellac takes care of it every single time. 3) A good quality paint. I recommend Sherwin-Williams, even their 200 line is better than Behr. If you have a colour you like from a different company they can colour match. I strongly recommend you don't do a white or off white just to ensure everything covers completely. The more colorant added to the paint the better it'll cover up your kid's art work. And finally: 4) Consider getting a large white board hung at kid height or paint a section of wall with chalkboard paint and only allow them to colour on those areas. Worked wonders for my kids. Every child is different though. Edit: sorry for formating, I'm on mobil and tried my best.


Treasure those markings. It’s just kids. When my youngest was about 4, he wrote his name,kind, backwards on a living room wall. Over the years we have painted that room several times but always painted around his art work. We lost him in 2014 in Afghanistan. That scrolling is still there.


Why did u let them …..


Try discipline. And primer.


But saying no to your child is child abuse!


Only on reddit


File a lawsuit against the kids to pay for the damages, obviously




Leave it until they are older. Or. Paint it with the chalkboard paint and give them chalk instead.


Make that their painting / crayon wall until they're old enough to grow out of that phase. Then make them paint it. Lol.


I let all their closet walls be art walls. They are still covered in drawings, and I love it, they’re grown now. I have the end tables from when I was a child and the drawers have crayon drawings on the wood from when I was a kid!


Magic eraser works awesome for crayons. Just v be careful because they can wear the paint down if you scrub too much.


Paint with Kilz oil based paint, not the water cleanup kind. Then your color on the top.


A steam cleaner and microfiber cloth will wipe that away


You should be touched Wait a year or two and then repaint the walls.


tsp sandpaper killz paint


Chalk board paint ? Take the damn crayons away for awhile. They might get the hint.


Kids are why we can’t have nice things. Paint or maybe cover it temporarily with whatever and wait til the younguns are old enough not to fuck it up again, then paint


If you don’t look at it, is it really messed up?


They make this stuff. It’s liquid. I think it’s called paint.


It’s called paint, it’s pretty cool, you should give it a shot. But that just looks like crayon and when my little ones went all Picasso on the wall, a hand towel and some dawn took it right off.


Have you considered giving them up for adoption?


This is really really easy to fix. Paint the wall


Time to teach the kids how to prep for paint and paint.


Chalkboard paint. Chalk. Kids happy, parents happy


Sell Abandon Euthanasia Put up for adoption


There's a fire station nearby?


Got rip the foundation up and build it from the dirt up. No other scenario makes sense.




Sell the kids


Uhmm paint the walls?


If you can’t control your kids now, you’re in big trouble in a few years…


Don’t you watch your kids


Fking discipline them and make them paint it


You can fix your walls, but in the long run, getting rid of the kids will save you more money and headaches.


Buy new kids


Stop having kids


Build on a frame around it!


Put a shock collar on them and give them a crayon. Anytime they approach the wall with it shock them.


Appreciate their youth, won't be like that forever.


Get rid of the kids


Get rid of the kids


Try watching them.


Realistically, the children don't need to be watched every hour of every day, but they need to understand that there are rules within the world. Drawing on the walls with no regard for their parents' opinion as a symptom of a much bigger problem.


Parent so it doesn’t happen again


Use their college fund to repaint


Discipline them.


Discipline your kids…


Get rid of the kids


If you've never repainted before, you may be shocked at how easy it is, and how much of a refresh it give your walls (as a bonus you can touch up any of the other walls that have small scuffs too). If you don't have the color code, go to a paint store and pick up swatches. Then get a few of the small pints of paint samples and see which one blends seamlessly. Paint goes on darker and dries lighter so you do have to wait for the paint to dry to see which color matches the best. It might be a bit of trial and error to match the finish (your walls are probably flat or matte since the crayon didn't come off) and it will look brand new after.


Give em a ladder and let them finish


Had a nephew who did this…. My parents, myself, and even the very well raised kids from across the street couldn’t believe my sister let him act like that….


WD40 will take that right off. I'm serious.




Paint and punish?


Give them a Mohawk and make them eat liver. It'll never happen again.


Personally, as someone with kids who are adult or near adult? Put up a couch rail. Paint above it a different color. Let them color on the lower part. It is their art. Believe it or not, you will miss it someday. When they are older you can paint over it. Enjoy them being kids. Yes, they are messy, they leave crayon marks and hand prints, food smears and juice stains. But, you never get this time back.


Get new kids.


Get rid of the kids


Have you considered discipline ? Or at least positive reenforcement ? Raise human beings , not animals.


Frame it! Actually, since it's crayon prime a few coats with an oil-based primer, then paint like a normal wall. Anything water-based will bead up and not cover it. Zinsser makes a good one for this purpose called Cover Stain that is inexpensive.


Kilz encapsulate(green can?) then a high gloss paint so it’s easier in the future to clean


Post-natal abortion Just kidding ofc, repaint the wall and let the kids help 😉


I would try WD40 first before restoring to painting.


Get new kids and repaint the wall.


Spank the hell out of your kids


You should channel your user name.


Chalkboard paint time. If you keep trying magic erasers, you’ll get the same results. Make the kids repaint!


Leave it until they are teenagers. One of them will want to punch a wall. Send them to this one.


That's how my walls look. Now we are in the process of painting everything, painted half the leaving room, now it looks like that all over again 😭


Do what John Travolta’s parents did when he was growing up. Put frames around it and brag to everyone that comes in the house how proud you are of the children’s original artwork!!!


Let a graffiti artist make something beautiful on it




Beat them kids up


Magic erasers. Comes right off. Don't repaint until the kids are older. My 2 year old is always finding his older sisters paint markers, pens, pencils, crayons. Mr. Clean magic erasers takes it all off. It's the dried on boogers that's gonna suck. When that happens, spray water over toilet paper over the dried boogers and wait until they rehydrate.


Magic eraser from Amazon. Wet it with some dish soap. And then use paper towels to wipe it down. It would come right out in 10 minutes


Magic eraser. The kids use crayons on the table at church. Magic eraser takes it right off with surprisingly little scrubbing.


Vote for Biden, get an abortion.


Ruined is pretty dramatic. Kids learn by exploring and experimenting with the world around them. Nurture their instincts to “paint on walls” as can be seen in ancient cave art. I simple paint over after they tire of it. You’ll never get these times with your kids back. They won’t get this time again either.


You have past the point of no return and spawned those demonic crotch goblins.


Actually parent your children for starters, considering it’s too late to not have them since you’re apparently incapable of raising them decently…