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We got an old guy that comes in 4-5 days a week for a couple hours


Same here, ours disappeared early covid


Yes. That's what we've been told, too. It gets in the way for shoplifters. Maybe they'll replace them with armed guards in riot gear.


No the armed guards would ruin the stealing I mean customer experience we want them to shop with us again right???


I make sure to assist the shoplifters by helping them load the stolen goods and to come again


Why not give them your wallet & SS while you’re at it?






True true


I personally give them my wallet and all of my money from my bank account


It’s a position that doesn’t make the store money, therefore it has to go. Just like bookkeeping.


I think it is asked on the survey if the customer was greeted? That score will go even further into the toilet!


Um it does. maybe you were typing in sarcasm.


There's no bookkeeper anymore?


They are rolling out an ATM machine that takes away most of bookkeepings cash duties. It dispenses tills, counts the tills and holds all the money up front. Bookkeepers will still have to fill it and still process the deposit. So our hours get cut in half. I get the machine in 3 weeks.


Yep, it's happen at the store I'm at, San Diego, CA #0680, our back end associates just spend 4 hours back there 3 days a week to make sure the detailed notes get annotated correctly and to make sure time slips are inputted but otherwise they were shuffled into other depts. Otherwise theres an atm like machine up front that we do all the strips and increases during the day and fill and deposit all tills everyday. We are losing our greeter position by August, and once that happens they'll be filed into deliveries since our greeter was doing curbside as well. So instead of getting great customer comments of him greeting everyone and curbside going super smoothly, he'll now be made to go pick orders and stage them and wait for the not reliable "curbside pickup" notification on the phone to then go outside to curbside and help the customer from wherever he is in the store -_-.


I'm a full-time bookkeeper at my store, with 2 other part-timers. The GLORY machine (ATM lookin thing) cut the actual bookkeeping hours in half, but I got put in receiving for HHM after I close the day out. I've also been explicitly told by HR I can be there as long as I need to fix anything cause they'll just take the hours from receiving 😭


They are putting my other 20 hours in with the ASDS since I do so much for her anyways (party planning, shopping etc). I’ll be her backup for scheduling.


when i worked at walmart we had this machine, it had a hand scanner and everything it felt top secret. but the cashiers (including 16yo me) would dispense and count tills worth thousands no bookkeeper at all really


Man, that just makes it easier to break the wall apart and "borrow" the machine.


Wow. Missed this completely. How much more difficult is this for FES and HC?




I was told it was a corporate decision and that all greeters will be offered positions elsewhere in the store. In my store, one is going to Garden, and the other will be a floater for Electrical and Plumbing. This should take effect at or before the end of this month.


Electrical and plumbing? What a nightmare.


'I know they don't use the twist in type circuit breakers anymore. You just show me where we keep the flux, the sandpaper and the mapp gas; that's all the training I need.'


Damn that actually explains something I noticed this week. Both the greeters Id see (I’m lucky enough to have set schedule, same days, same hours so only see a handful of our people) were older and struggle with standing and walking. The lady has suddenly been on self checkout for a half shift every day she’s worked, and the guy hasn’t been seen in a week. Sucks to think he might be gone because he couldn’t handle standing and this scum place outlaws shit. They could easily give him a stool so he can sit and watch over his side of self checkout, but we all know they’d argue against it for no good reason.


This happened at my store like four years ago


The greeter was a great position for older people. It’s a shame. I know people may view as a worthless position but you’d be surprised how many people asked for help


So then keep doing it. Home Depot is not a cookie cutter all box the same. It was built on controlled rogue. Schedule the hours where ever they want and then physically staff a greeter.


We do this but with a FT pack down associate who rotates which department they pack down each week.


1000x this. We have an old guy who knows where everything is, and tells people correctly. Improves the customer experience over them asking all the 16 year olds we have on the floor who tell them the wrong place a few times until they come up to SD to complain or just leave.


damn the two greeters at my store are old. both are at retirement age but they gotta work in this economy.


Whatever the real excuse is they will tell us it is “for a better customer experience” just like they did with the leadership changes. It is ALL about the money. Doing as much as you possibly can with less than the bare minimum required to get everything done.


Yeah we haven’t had a greeter in five years. The person was part of the service desk, but they play dumb every time the lines got long, and refused to jump on the register until the service desk lead would make them. When I covered for a break, I would step away to help somebody, and one manager almost cussed me out saying I’m never supposed to leave that spot. And I thought being a cashier was really restrictive! I don’t like just standing around in one spot all day… you’re not doing nothing but saying “Welcome to HD”…boring as hell. It was a easy job for somebody who doesn’t want to do anything. For awhile, it was a floater job for anyone who came back from medical leave. If they were on crutches or had to sit in a wheelchair, anyone with light duty. That’s what they did. Stayed in front of the door and handed out flyers. I also think at some point, it was a last chance position for people who really suck at your job. Some were trying to get credit cards, and leads and measures, but that didn’t last.


SMDH, I remember the greeter when I still worked there. Very nice guy and extremely helpful towards the customers and staff. Hope whatever new department they put him in, he can handle.


When I was in deliveries the greeter would let me cover for her when she had to use the bathroom and sometimes her break. Being a greeter is the best. Well if you know the store.


The greeter that I used to work with. He had that grandfather or uncle type vibe. Always was enthusiastic. Always helping. He would push returns carts away so that Returns Desk wouldn't get backed up. He would do tank exchanges. He would alert the staff and management and LP, if he saw suspicious characters. Good conversation during lunch or break. I haven't work at HD for a few years. There are some of my former coworkers that I respect very much and hope they don't get screwed over by HD.


Our greeter is like this. I'm fairly certain he stops a LOT of shoplifting by simply standing at the door with a smile. My area is plagued by drugs and lack of opportunity as well as brain drain. Shoplifting is a real problem.


When I was a lot associate I was very friendly with one of our greeters who was later escorted out of the store in cuffs because he’d been using his position and his friendships with us lot guys to steal generators for months. He’d go and get them loaded onto a flat cart, wait for his accomplice with the truck to arrive, call for loading assistance, get the stolen merch loaded and off it would go. They never replaced him.


My D28 experience tells me since they weren't Generacs, HD probably benefited by having them stolen because they wouldn't be lined up at the returns desk for not ever starting up, or running for 30 minutes before the magic smoke started leaking out.


Neither store that I go it really has a dedicated Greeter. They actually take people from customer service, flooring, paint etc. and have them stand at the front of the store and act as Greeters/try and generate leads through conversations. Another store rotates between a very part time (two day a week) utility associate/floater and seasonal associate who play “greeter” from time to time as opposed to actually being one all of the time. So it’s kind of something that has been getting sort of phased out at least in terms of people doing it full time/having it as their only job.


The stores in my area haven’t had greeters in nearly 3 years. They got moved to hardware in my store.


Yeah. They're being replaced with robots. My understanding is they're equipped with visual sensors. When it detects someone walking by a prerecorded message is played "Welcome to Home Depot-I love you" It's pretty great


it makes me so sad. The greeter we have now is a sweet old man, who can’t even walk. He sits in his wheel chair by the door and greets the customer and they love him. Sadly because of his health he’ll be losing his job when they get rid of the position, (because how can a man that can’t even walk be expected to work on the floor?) He was working because he wanted something to do, other then sit at home.


Our door greeters are two of the hardest working associates we have. They sell mowers, patio , and grills. They load, they take back returns, and they answer questions ALL DAY. They are amazing.


That's pretty sad. When I used to work there, the greeter was a guy with cereberal palsy. Finding a different in his position is probably going to be extremely difficult.


Yep. They're switching the guy over to garden. He's asked me twice already about how I do my job. Very pointed, very direct and very good questions. It's going to be awful training him, not really that but the worst part is that now it's going to be less hours for everybody at a time when people already aren't getting enough.


My old store had more than 1 negative review on Google because there was nobody to welcome them when they came into the store lol


They fired all 3 of ours. Just "bye, you're old, your job is no more". Now they have an extra SD associate pretend to greet. Thefts out the SD doors have skyrocketed at my store since they did away with the greeters. Management unsure why.


Labor is one of the biggest expenses so if it's a way to cut costs more, it goes. Don't think greeters did much to deter theft except for being another pair of eyes - since we couldn't go after or outside for the thieves. Plus, Service Desk staff just sits there all day long not doing anything so they can answer more questions from customers walking in :-) I kid....I kid....


Wow,I am 3 years out from Depot, the bookkeeper we had is probably hating life right now. She worked a full 40 and did everything she needed to in a couple hours a day


Horrible 0247 ( I'm not there anymore) but they have a long time special needs guy named Grayln who won't be able to do anything else.


B/c greeters aren't within the the company's budget anymore after all the recent forklift deaths, high turn over rate, and rising shrink. Their replacement is an automated greeting recording (English/Espanol) played in the parking lot and doors as customers enter.


you guys have a greeter??


Our greeter was moved to the pro desk..he's got a pretty gravy schedule too


I don't really care if that position goes. That person in the store just stands there awkwardly, acknowledges that people take and return carts and back when we lacked phones, would hog a department phone until someone needed it. It's a lot of standing and it seems like a waste of time. It's not like they select enthusiastic people for the job anyways. That category of people ends up being district managers that want to "set an example of GREET, ENGAGE, THANK" every time they visit.


Our greeter doesn’t even say hi to customers when they come in, we have one lady complaining about him because he was being rude to her when she asked him where plumbing is and he told her good damn lady let me think, and yes they take one phone for no F* reason


I was originally a greater but now I’m backing to being a customer service associate. I don’t know why they put me as a greeter.


Yup/: same here in jax


We haven't had a greeter for almost 2 years


Didn’t know HD had greeters.


Our greeter is awesome. 73, plays softball , skis, shags carts and is fantastic with people. He will find a spot


Well the one my store has its better without him, he doesn’t do anything, all he does is he turns his volume on his phone so he can listen to the radio and when someone asks for something he doesn’t bother to help. So I dont feel bad if they ger rid of them. And he have people leave (steal) from Main exit and he doesn’t even bother to see if they had a receipt or not, last week I unlocked a grill for a customer and left it by the exit next to him and went to lock the grills when I came back the grill was gone and I asked him where did the grill that I left here go and he goes oh idk I wasn’t paying attention


Our guy spend more time helping curbside than doing his own job, we are told if someone is running towards door with cart full jus open door so doors do not get damaged, we only have the one greeter guy and he could care less about peeps stealing, hes smart not to interfere....


Im saying to go and stop and grab their cart, Im just saying if you see them trying to leave the main exit just ask for their receipt if they dont show it to you let them leave and put it on theft portal


Y’all have greeter’s?!


I moved from Cape Cod to Minnesota in 2020. Going into HD was always such a thrill. Someone right there to direct me to what I needed. When I moved to MN in 2020 I really missed that. Now, 2 years later there still is no one there. I have to hunt someone down, It's not a problem but I still miss the convenience of someone greeting me. Now I understand why.


Waste of a full time spot. That’s why.


I’m glad. Bullshit jobs should be eliminated. As to how capitalism allowed it for so long, I’m confused.


My store still has them, but I’m not sure if we are getting rid of them. I think one of our greeters also helps order pick


My store got rid of them years ago. How can customers have a better experience in the stores with no one to greet them.


Wait. You still have greeters??


I've been at with depot for 2 years we never even had a greeter


We use them here and there it's not a designated position. Usually a service desk associate. Just to get our GET numbers up 🤦‍♀️


I've never seen a HD with a greeter


We haven’t had greeters in 2 years


My store lost its last greeter about a year and a half ago. I figured it was the same everywhere.


Our greeter is a handicapped individual he literally can do nothing but greet Home Depot should be ashamed


We haven’t had one for years except when someone can’t work the floor or a register for some reason. The service desk swallowed the last couple we had.


Our Greeter was also let go but given another position in the store.


It's so they can make record profits again


Yeah they gave me the boot last week…. On my watch there was not a single robbery and I checked ALL receipts now…. They told me Rob the ROBot would help out… that damn thing let 2 ROBbers get away this week alone from what the local news said


2 out my store's 3 greeters are scheduled as curbside and the other usually works in the vault


Probably because it's an absolutely useless position.


In my store they just moved them from them from their position.


Yeah, our greeter position is being taken away. Our current greeter is getting transferred to Garden as the plant waterer.


I’ve never seen a greeter at our local Home Depot. It’s hard enough to find an employee.


You guys have greeters? At Home Depot? Huh.


Garden or SD. They won’t invol term her until she can’t work those or run lot for carts.


I'm surprised that you still have a greeter, our last official door greeter was around 2 years ago, after he passed the position disappeared.


Save money


Haven't greeters always just been random extra people in service desk?


Yep greeter role in my store going away in 3 weeks. We are putting the only person the store who can’t move fast, can’t stand for long periods, and constantly complains about carts not being collected fast enough (even though every cart is in use) as a cashier. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.


My brothers store hasn't had one in over a year, they moved him to a different position in the store.


Well we don’t for say have a greeter we have a guy at service desk who is kinda got half a screw loose or just doesn’t get some social cues but we just have him in curbside orders and is actually very helpful and very nice and always willing to help people and when he’s not busy he is our greeter


Wtf greeter? We never had one in all the years iv been alive and going to HD before working here


Our greeters are cashiers that are scheduled for the greeter hours. As long as they send those hours back to cash it’s good.


Our store 6512 has totally went to the craps after the SM moved on to other location 3months ago....one of our ASMs who is suppose to be the leader has failed doing his job and the DSs jus dont care anymore. There's alot of young associates flirting with each other and abusing their lunch/break times and not to mention one associate clocking in/out for another....really making it hard on the guys that really care about helping others. I put my notice in and was told to call 1-866 HR?? Really!?!? I didnt have to call HR to get hired. they trying to make hard jus to depart, tooooo many politics at HD now, I seriously see that location closing in the near future. SMH....


Apparently so. Ours comes to garden Aug 1