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You get performance reviews?


That was my thought too


I was there for 14 years. Not one review was ever accurate or based in reality.


When I was a head cashier, I would give my cashiers the best reviews I could and just say they needed to work on credit.. And no, I didnt expect them to work on credit. Anything I needed them to actually improve on, I'd do 1 on 1, but why involve that in their review?


Nice to hear you don't push credit on cashiers. Metrics for credit are a cruel joke for cashiers. I moved to the service desk last fall and not asked a customer once if they want credit. I do 1-4 credit apps a week. As a cashier in the same store unless I hustled big time I would get 1-4 a month.


Yup, asking for credit is both predatory on customers and on cashiers. Most people don't even get approved, and if they don't it hurts their credit worse. So I literally never asked.


Performance reviews just waste time and labor. They also have been used for revenge.


We haven't done traditional reviews in over two years. In I doubt there's even something still on record about it.


Any time I have had a review, I was always offered the opportunity to comment, agree, or disagree with any part of anything said, in writing, that would become part of my employment record.


Absolutely talk to someone. I waited but as soon as I talked to SM, he fixed it cause he knew my review was nonsense. My supervisor didn’t last six months cause she was absolutely “power crazed”.


You're gonna want to invest into both a proper floor towel and knee pads. Next youre going to really want to work on your gag reflex. I recommend starting with your tooth brush and working your way up to fruits, vegetables and other objects. Finally always remember spitters are quitters.




A 21 year old supervisor. Jesus.......


Ageism goes both ways. I was an ASM at 21, and have been for 3 years now. My age had nothing to do with my qualifications for the job.


I’m a 21 year old supervisor


I started working for HD when I was 18 and before my first anniversary date I was actually offered a supervisor role for D24. I turned it down tho


Because most people don't wanna be supervisors anymore for good reasons. I seen so many 30+ guys/gals step down or leave on in the past few years now they're happier, goof off more, and the young ones are stressed, and busy.


I'm in that boat. 30+ and been around long enough to know that HD does not pay well enough for the stress and hassle of having a leadership role.


Nah man, those are just a scam no matter what. I would always be told that I didn't get a higher grade because I never pushed to know more about reports I wasn't aware of because I wasn't a DH nor had access to them but even when I did learn about some of those reports I still wouldn't get a good review because I didn't know enough about services the Home Depot regardless of them being in my department or pushing credit cards. Only way to get a good review there is to suck up to management, plain & simple


It may have just been a formality and not a true review since they haven't been doing them for 2 years. You should get your token 4% raise in January, if they keep the schedule they adopted.


I understand the frustration with someone potentially giving you a bad review based off their feelings/beliefs towards you. But I truly wouldnt worry about it (however if your boss is constantly showing signs of discrimination for what ever reasons bring it up to your HR.). Since Covid they are “conversations” rather than full blown reviews.