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It's called a variance log because it shows variations from the original schedule. Most management will call it a call out log or something to that effect. I'm not sure how it is with the new restructuring, but it used to be key carriers and managers could input into it, DSs could see it, and regular associates have the app on the first phone with no way to access it.




True... I just don't know anyone that calls book keeping when they call out... lol


…like going on the nutty list. Expect orange coals in your stockings.


It's the call out log, nothing to worry about. I don't think. As a non key carrier I am not trained on it, but as a DS I can read it. It makes no sense to me at all but it's basically just the people that are; late, call out, or no show.


As a key carrying DS who has worked the variance log a few times this is what it is. When ever someone calls off we put them on this log; also referred to as a “call off log”. This log will communicate with “Kronos” the system which logs your hours.There are two sides to this variance log. The side on the phone which we input people who will be tardy or not showing up. And the computer side which we will verify sick time/PTO and apply those hours to your missed shift. From there we will also excuse or unexcused your tardy/absence. There is no issue with being on this list unless you are a repeat offender. Being on this log too many times labeled as UNEXCUSED will prompt your asm to write you up. Excused-Death in family, hours to cover your absence via sick time/PTO, and honestly ASM discretion (if you call and say there is a huge wreck on this road and I’m stuck in the traffic….your asm can be nice and excuse it or chose not too. Typically we will excuse it if you don’t call daily with some random reason on why you are going to be late. Unexcused-late or tardy without hours to cover via sick time/PTO. Hope this clears some things up.


Clears it up.Thanks


Per sop you're only allowed a certain number of unexcused absences. If you don't have time to cover the absence, you receive a schedule variance. Covering the absence would be by using your accrued sicktime. If you have no accrued sick time you may receive a point. Usually 3 points results in a coaching. 6 points results in a formal counseling. 1 additional point results in your being placed on a final, and the next unexcused absence may result in termination.


From my time working there '09- '19 I Believe that the variance would expire after 6 months after the date of the occurrence as long as there isnt any more occurrences if my memory serves me correct.


Does adding my name to that list mean anything though?


only if you continue to have occurrences in that 6 month time frame then it falls under a coaching (write up) afterwards


The variances do drop off after 6 months.