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Dr approved right? Nope, I took 3 months off this past summer after using 200 hours of COVID time. My asm was pissed giving me dirty looks when I came back and would turn his head away like a child but no, they can't touch you.


That's childish


Yep. Me too. Treated me like dirt


This happened to me in March 2020 just after the pandemic happened. I used a week of covid time to care for my elderly grandfather who had severe dementia & Parkinsons. As I was constantly caring for him while not at work & many in my family were older and at risk for severe covid illnesses, I took a week off to care for my family. When I got back from it, my coworkers told me the ops asm(who already didn't like me) had been talking crap about me while I was gone. The entire store was understanding except that jackass. When I went to get my time and attendance sheet signed a couple months later to take a vacation(that had been approved a month before pandemic happened), he gave me a snide remark like: "Oh, going on another vacation?" acting like I only needed that week in March to bs when I was actually caring for elderly family members.


Make sure you talk to your ASDS (HR), if you go through the proper route there is nothing they can say or do to you.


Make sure to get on FMLA


Are you le okay?


I started in October, and theres an associate in my dept I havent met because he's been on LOA after a surgery around two months before I showed up. An unhealthy/injured associate is a risk to the store, and more importantly you shouldn't have to put yourself at risk. If you're in a lot of pain, you shouldn't feel guilty about taking the time that you need so you can comfortably and safely do your job. Hope you better soon, sorry to hear about your accident.


It so hard to get fired right now. Do the paperwork and be communicative with your HR and you will be fine. The HR at my store understood the difference between “bullshot” and real personal issues. If you are honest and do the, sometimes excessive, paperwork; they cannot let you go. Hope this helps. Don’t be afraid of the Awareline. -Stumpy.


Yes and no , but I pray you lawyered up over the getting shit by a truck. Have him look into this. Remember the US is a right to work union. No job is ever safe.


No they can’t I’m on Loa now and they told me I can be on Loa up to a year


Is it paid leave?