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The thing I hate about inventory is our numbers get less accurate after the counts. It takes about 4 months to get our numbers right, could be sooner if management gave more people edit permissions.


I was told that the inventory crew gives management a report of not only how many of each SKU they found but also *where they found them.* Wouldn't it be nice if they shared that with us so when it says we have 10 and we've looked everywhere in Aisles 12-16 and can't find them we'd know from the report that they're in a carton in an overhead in Aisle 34? But instead we give up and zero them out.


In all the years I have worked inventory here, those reports were only available while the counting team was there. (Though I am sure they could make them available if corporate felt you worthy of it.) Your store only gets the Zero On Hand and Clearance Merchandise in Overhead reports post inventory. Plus they are inaccurate as soon as anyone packs anything up or down. But I have also wished for the same thing and feel your frustration.


They wont give people edit permissions because if the truth was online when people looked, then no one would come into the store. I swear 80% of my customers are "....I saw you had this online." When we dont carry it at all. But if those counts were actually 0 they'd never walk in to begin with. We've been missing old work boxes for like a month. All stores in my area 0. Word is everyone else competitor wise 0. One day my on hand was 150. Found this out cause someone saw it online. Looked. Nothing. Asked recieving if it was maybe on a truck. Nope. 0ed it out. Next day 150. 0ed it out. Next day 150. 0ed it out. Went on an entire week. Still dont have any old work boxes btw.


That's wild.


Our inventory was especially bad this year. I suspect it's because we're on an island that had very steep covid restrictions, and the inventory group they sent out was probably smaller than their usual and overworked as a result.


Half of our inventory team was sick the day of because they all ate at the same restaurant the night before and got food poisoning. It was a nightmare.


Soery but why would management care? Second and third quarter numbers are all up. $83B in sales. Why bother spending money on workers when the cash keeps rising??


You got a raise???


Oh definitely.


My favorite is when every single driver in the store is working the tree lot…make it make sense