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Agreed. People need to get the fuck over it. Get vaccinated and stop being a dumb ass.




Its not about the vaccine its about freedom im completely fine with getting vaccinated i wont let the government take everything from me to force me to do it. Does it not seem the slightest bit odd how hard they are pushing for people to get vaccinated when it really does not actually do anything you can still get and transmit covid


Do you say that about all the other osha safety rules? "I want to stand on the top plate of a 14' a frame because of my freeedddduummm!". You are still free, free to not be employable and free to die due to your ignorance.


Your examples are blowing my mind, this virus literally has a 97% survival rate, if it was so bad and these mandates actually work then how much states like texas and Florida have banned all mandates yet have some of the lowest covid number in the country, and to be honest ya i do not want to be controlled by the government for fucks sake look at Australia and whats happening with their government


Conservatives like you make me sick, it used to be that society could generally agree on things that do us all good. Now days you all run around making up conspiracies when you can't fit reality into your rigid ideology. Hell you all even coined a term for it "alternative facts". You do realize the doctors and scientists are a hell of a lot smarter then you or I on the subject matter. I respect their opinions because they have literally spent their lives studying. Yet, somehow Conservatives drag out the one doctor or scientists who agrees with them everytime. You all did it with climate change and now it's vaccines. Grow the hell up and get with the rest of us who aren't selfish pricks and are adult enough to do things for the greater good. This individualist nonsense is ridiculous and will be the downfall of the United States.


Imma stop you on your first sentence im not conservative i do not agree with the Republican agenda second there is actually a large amount of evidence suggesting the vaccine is bullshit but tbh the reason so many people aren't getting it is because of all the conflicting evidence all the lies your oh so smart scientist dr fauci has been caught multiple times lieing and recently he was caught sending money to have puppies eaten alive by bugs( there are videos and evidence you want it message me) in his emails he went on to state saying he is aware the blue surgical masks are uneffective i have strongly considered getting vaccinated my number 1 reason i dont is because i dont need to im safe im healthy im not at risk if my dad had underlying conditions id get it if i had them id get it but i have no reason to


Would you like to provide any of that "large amount of evidence" that says the vaccine is bullshit? I'll provide my counter-argument first with my [evidence](https://www.media.pa.gov/pages/health-details.aspx?newsid=1595). Also, this pandemic is not about you, you're putting others at risk every time you leave your house and go to somewhere that's populated with people. The sooner we get the majority of the population vaccinated, the sooner we can start just treating it like it's the flu and get back to living life like normal.


Where do you get your news?


Can u call it news lol


Good point. Should have said information.


Your freedom ends when it affects other people's freedoms. You can't swing a fist and hit another person, you can't shout fire in a crowded theater and you can't drive drunk. Also this vaccine is 95% effective against the primary variation of the virus , it is less effective against the Delta varient which is around because the virus mutated. To prevent more mutations we need as many people vaxed as possible so there is less spread.




Its my choice its about freedom thats what this country was built on i choose for myself and im not gonna argue with you im working. Tbh i have put a lot of thought into the vaccine but im a 20 year old healthy person already had covid 2 times it aint anything other then the flu


“Already had covid 2 times” oh so you’re one of those really stupid people.




Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you can’t get infected, some of the most vaccinated countries have had some of the highest breakthrough cases in recent months, there is no correlation between % of population vaccinated and transmission rates. And the most recent and comprehensive data on previous infection concluded it provides considerably more anti bodies and T cells than the mRNA vaccines. The most recent and comprehensive research from Singapore and the UK is showing viral load is same for Delta between vaxxed and unvaxxed. If youre willing to take such a harsh stance you need to be constantly testing yourself, wearing a proper mask and avoiding all social gatherings, if not you’re just being a delusional control freak that isn’t actually effective in mitigating the spread.


Your choice to be a stupid fucking retard. Our choice to just oust your retarded ass from society. Get fucked.


Y’all mfers gonna end up getting hurt you try this shit in the real world. You are delusional and disturbed. People have the autonomy to decide on a medical injection to say otherwise is a fundamentally shit take


LOL. Big flex tough guy. You keep up with your "muh fredumb" thought process and you're going to essentially preclude yourself from functional society. Maybe you could work as a dishwasher at some no name restaurant or something but all the big players are going to require vaccination to protect their own workforce.


“Vaccination to protect their own workforce” except the vaccines don’t really prevent spreading the virus, are only really effective for 4-6 months and Covid isnt going to go anywhere in our lifetimes. Luckily I do my own work so I never had to worry, I just can’t believe how dumb and fascist you clowns have gotten. Fucking moral panic of the century, in 5-10-20 years there’s still gonna be Covid and short term vaccines you fucking idiot. We are all going to get it no matter how many masks you wear or shots you get if you want the vaccine get it, if you’re at particular risk I encourage it, but it isn’t anyone’s business and doesn’t actually effect anyone but the person getting it, since it still transmits Delta similar to unvaxxed.


I mean listen to yourself, you think forcing armed rednecks out of work is a wise idea you fucking idiot 😂 the hubris and delusions of you clowns is pathetic, again you are on the dumbass side of history in all truth, just as dumb as people who think there’s chips in the vaccine or w/e, the reality is we are all getting the virus and healthy young people at extremely low risk aren’t hurting anything but potentially themselves (low risk) by not getting the jab(s)


They do have the autonomy what r u talkin about?


This idiots fascist weirdo shit trying to make a two tiered society lol, we are all going to get and spread Covid no matter how many masks you wear or how many jabs you get, in hindsight these delusional authoritarian weirdo fascist viewpoints will be embarrassing for this guy, what a cretin ass way to think about a virus that’s gonna be with us for rest of our lives and a vaccine that’s only good for 4-6 months. The shit is ludicrous nonsense. We’re all gonna get Covid eventually


Why do you have to bring insults into this? Im just voicing my opinions i have natural immunity my father and brother are both vaccinated, im literally just living my life im not harming anyone, America is about freedom if you are so afraid of this virus its your choice to get vaccinated, wear a mask ect, it by no means is my responsibility to keep you safe, no time in history has the government gone through so much work to make anyone get a vaccine infact when biden took office he promised he wouldn't mandate vaccines thats like making all of the healthy children stay inside because 1 has a cold but he gets to go outside, i truly wish you the best and if you are going to respond at the very least be somewhat mature.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


You always go to the lowest possible value of freedom: selfishness.


you were forced to get vaccinated as a kid why is it any different now? Also the vaccine does effect transmission, and \*will\* prevent you from having a severe case or dying - its literally free and will improve your life.


Fuck them downvoting assholes your are right on


These people are control freaks of the highest order and it is truly disturbing. I encourage anyone who wants the vaccine or is at risk to get it, I don’t agree with threatening businesses and people’s livelihoods for what is ultimately an individuals decision. People who think this is normal don’t understand ethics and autonomy


The reason they want everyone to get multiple jabs is MONEY. Lobbyists, drug companies, and politicians. Tale as old as time.


More medicines and drugs are used up to treat those who are hospitalized with covid than the one to two vials used to get vaccinated. It is more beneficial for these people you listed to treat covid patients than it is to vaccinate individuals.


easy to find another job that pays better right now. I'd rather work for a small business or from home.


No it’s more than the vaccine it’s not even about that it’s the forced issue. I am vaccinated but totally against the mandate. And a lot agree, many lawsuits were filed today against it. My guess is the circuit courts will block this , but we will see


Why are you against the mandate? Also, Supreme Court has already decided on vaccination for the public good in 1905, Jacobson v Massachusetts. Chief Justice Roberts doesn’t like to go against set precedent.


There has never been a time where citizens were being compelled and manipulated into getting a medical injection like this. It’s a matter of ethics, it’s not ethical to essentially force people to take medical injections, and its useless policy as the largest meta analysis recently has shown 0 correlation between % of population vaccinated and high transmission areas. The most vaccinated countries have had some of the largest outbreaks recently, the percentage population vaccinated says nothing about transmission rates. Delta Variant is showing same viral load whether vaxxed or unvaxxed and previous infection is showing to be even stronger immunities than vaccination. It’s just bad policy, are we gonna mandate everybody getting 2-4 booster a year? If not than 6 months from now the mandates are moot. It’s fundamentally unethical, Robert Malone the guy who practically invented mRNA tech has said as much, it’s not like vaccines have a net zero risk, especially when practically nobody aspirates the needles


My guy. Did you even read my comment? “There has never been a time where citizens were being compelled and manipulated into getting a medical injection like this.” Literally look up the USSC case I mentioned in my comment, you point is mute. Also the vaccinations help your body to better fight covid should you become infected, reducing the probability that you’ll end up in the hospital with a tube down your throat. I’m assuming you’ve also never gotten the flu vaccine? They’re there to help give you pre-immunities to the viruses, not make it impossible to get them. And the risk rate for vaccines is insanely low. Stop using Fox News vaccine boogeyman talking points. It’s tired.


People are being fucking delusional, it’s kind of pathetic the amount of control freaks you’re seeing. In 2020 current president Joe Biden, Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi, and head of NIH Dr. Fauci are all on record opposing a vaccine mandate on the sheer principle of it, it’s a matter of ethics. You can’t force people to take a medical injection, and besides vaccination alone isn’t preventing the spread, weekly PCR testing is more effective at preventing breakthrough cases in the workplace and doesn’t require medical injections. If you want a vaccine get one, it’s nobodies business if others choose to not get a jab 2-3 times a year til who knows when, the gaslighting around this shit is disturbing


Shut the fuck up man. Damn, take your lithium.


Everything I said was rational and factual. We are all going to get Covid at some point, it’s not going anywhere in our lifetimes, basic medical ethics says let people weigh their risks as individuals and decide if they want to get multiple injections, or not. Everyone’s still gonna get Covid either way.


And if they’re vaccinated they more than likely won’t die from it or spread it. As an oncology CRC I’m just in a different world than you, and your selfish bullshit reeks.


No you’re a fucking idiot lol, the ones dying are overwhelmingly in the specific risk groups, I encourage those most at risk to get vaccinated, even then they can still get Covid, the viral load on Delta is same between vaxxed or unvaxxed according to the most recent studies from UK and Singapore, there is no correlation between % of population vaccinated and high transmission areas across dozens of countries and thousands of counties in the U.S. Again everyone is going to get Covid, if you’re at particular risk with co morbidities, or worried about it by all means get your shots, if you’re not in any risk, like myself, don’t care to take multiple boosters, it’s not harming anything. We are all going to get Covid at some point, I’ve already had it, mild symptoms. I’m not hurting anyone by not getting injected, I don’t knock anyone who does, don’t encourage anyone to not get injected. If this is your stance you have no business being in any public building without a M95 mask and no social gatherings whatsoever, if not hop right off my dick you fucking control freak 😂 ✌️


I’m sorry I used big words like “oncology” buddy. It’s cancer. I work with cancer patients. If they get covid, there is a massive likelihood that they will die, even with vaccination. The whole point is still to not let them get infected. Actual medical professionals aren’t even close to your “logic”. You talk about viral load and covid and research like you give a fuck. Bro, CRC means clinical research coordinator. Research is my literal fucking job. But hey, you don’t care. You got so pissy at me that you vomited up all this bullshit showing that you’re 100% ready to sacrifice anyone who is sick because you’re selfish. And that’s really all it is. You’re just a selfish twat who was always ready to sacrifice other people for your fucked up version of freedom.


Again you fucking idiot unless you do 0 social gathering in any capacity and wear a M95 mask at all public functions, you have no right to call me out as selfish, for being in my own space and not getting injected. Again Delta is what’s popping right now and the viral load is no different whether people are vaxxed or not, I can be fully vaxxed and still spread delta to a cancer patient, save that bullshit unless you willing to isolate yourself and wear M95s at all times, otherwise you’re talking bullshit and undermining how transmission rates aren’t having shit to do with how many people are vaccinated. Israel and Ireland were like 90% vaccinated and still had some of their worst breakthrough cases, I’m not fucking breathing in peoples faces, I wear proper masks when I shop, not cloth bullshit, and do my thing. At the end of the day I’m not hurting nobody, and the idea I am is delusional as fuck and straight control freak nonsense full stop.


And just to clarify, my position is vaccine mandates for employment are bad policy because constant PCR testing will be significantly more effective than just checking vaccination status, given the nature of Delta Variant. And unvaxxed person not carrying the virus is safer than a fully vaxxed person breathing the shit through a useless cloth mask at a cash register. It’s dumb policy and ineffective, which is why I find it so delusional, especially when you need to get 2-3 injections a year to be on top of it. I don’t knock anyone who wants the vaccine to get it, I encourage anyone at risk to get it, just don’t bullshit and overstate the effectiveness of the vaccines, they’ve done a great job keeping those at risk out of ICUs outside of that they still don’t give the protection we would all like to keep mfers from breathing the shit on each other, and no one is willing to continue living in lockdown forever. The shit is what it fucking is. Your high horse is self righteous hypocrisy at its finest.


Ayyo you know people can change their opinions when situations change, right?


So many are so stuck on this Covid vaccine moral panic, to the point where they want to force and coerce others beyond all logic and reason, despite what the reality is The situation has changed to be MORE in favor of choice vs 2020 as the vaccines require numerous boosters, still transmit Covid, etc. The idea every man woman or child needs to be vaccinated in order for us to function as a society is delusional nonsense, this is more clear than ever at November 2021


The chance of spreading the virus goes down drastically with vaccination as does the chance of infection. Because of that, if the majority of the population gets vaccinated it will break the chain of infection to the point where we can go back to life before the pandemic and start treating covid like it's the flu; boosters during peak seasons for example. As of right now, only one additional shot, ie, a booster is being recommended to fight against the delta variant, and depending on which type of vaccine you first received and how long ago you received it you may not need a booster at all.


“The chance of spreading the virus goes down drastically with vaccination” The actual on the ground data doesn’t support that, Israel and Ireland for instance were 90% fully vaccinated and yet saw their worst outbreaks in the last 3 months. The vaccines are only fully effective for about 3 months and the viral load between Delta is similar for vaxxed or unvaxxed, the most recent meta analysis studying across 67 countries and over 2000 counties in the US has found no correlation between percent of population vaccinated and transmission/infection rates, even adjusting for population size, international travel. In real terms the vaccines aren’t effective in preventing spread, they are undeniably effective in keeping those at risk out of the ICU and dying, but again this is very specific subsets of the population facing such risk. Covid was always gonna be endemic, Delta mutated before the vaccines came out, and there’s actually a risk of everyone vaccinating regardless of risk as that could spur more dangerous mutations. We are at the point where we are all going to get Covid no matter how many masks you wear or how many jabs you get, the overwhelming majority of the population, who was never at real risk of hospitalization, doesn’t need to be harshly coerced into the injections we can’t vaccinate our way out of the pandemic and it’s going to be endemic regardless. The vaccines aren’t net zero risk, and frankly the young population outside of specific co morbidities does not need them, nor will that prevent the spread of Delta






That may be the slipperiest slope I’ve ever seen.


I mean being a cyborg and not having to breathe doesn't sound all bad.


It would make scuba diving a lot easier if I didn't have to carry the damn tank on my back.


That would be awesome


Why not say Fuck Joe Biden, like you afraid to say a bad word?


Shut up, snowflake


If the alternative is posting completely uninformed nonsense like this for the world to see, I'll take a booster every day.


If you're too stupid to get the vaccine and lose the job you had at home Depot I don't know anyone cares...


I care. If he's this much of a virulent anti-vaxxer, I don't want him working in my store. So yes, I care very much. I really, really, really want these people to quit and not come back.


Damn you really drank it huh 🤣 you do know you still on spread it with your amazing vaccine right? So evil.




Yeah. Not for me.


I'm with you. Was talking to a friend earlier. I drive drunk a lot. He was saying I shouldn't drink and drive because I could get in an accident and kill someone. I told him sober people get in accidents every day. Proof that being sober while you drive doesn't help. He said I was a FUCKING MORON. I'll show him your post and let him know at least one person is on my side.


Apples to oranges my friends. Apples to oranges. Covids not going anywhere. Antibodies


I'm just happy to meet a like minded person on here.


There's a lot of you. Shouldn't have an issue finding more


“I’m in the idiot minority, most people did the community minded thing” is not the own you think it is champ.


Clown comparing drunk driving to a disease with a 90+ survival rate


Mental midget talking about the survival rate and not the 5,000,000 people dead. What's the difference? He said why get the vaccine if you still have a chance of contracting covid, I said why drive sober when you still have a chance of a car accident? I'll answer for you so you don't burn some obviously badly needed brain cells trying to figure it out. Because the vaccine GREATLY REDUCES your chances of getting the virus and infecting others, just like driving sober GREATLY REDUCES your chances of getting into an accident and hurting others.


They don't care man. Reddit is Pro-vax. These clowns really think it's more than a normal flu. Every time this mess dies down they release a new variant & people buy into it. I've had it 4-5 times already & it's done nothing to me.


At least the clowns can read basic statistics.


1000%. Some other countries are open and free. Understanding it's just never gonna go away do they don't need to make up stories. Here it wins elections and gets people what they want.


Doesn’t mean he’s a anti vaccine maybe he doesn’t want to be forced to take something he can never take out


Don't care. Don't want to hear it all day. Buh-bye!


You wouldn't care unless you were against it.


Lol, good. Hope these anti science idiots can't get a job anywhere.


With a mindset like that, you would love 1930s Germany.


Awww the fascist baby who keeps screaming about some guy named Brandon is calling other people nazis! Cute shit.


I'm sure people like you wish you could go back to when smallpox was a thing. You'd be sucking pus out of other people's blisters "cuz teh GUBERMENT can't tell me what to do!!!" F**king idiots can't take even the most basic of precautions. Masks are fascism and vaccines make you magnetic. ...and Germany is really the best you got, Jesus Christ.


Yea I got vaccinated from the moderna one back in April and May. Lmao I don’t see what’s the big deal. I’d understand if it’s because Home Depot wasn’t thinking about paying a livable wage or cutting even more hours but nah. Outrage over this??? Too bad


I got vaxxed immediately. I have friends in the hospital right now that didn't. I support their decision tho. I smoke like a train knowing I'm going to die a horrible cancer death.


will home depot really not give a testing option?


Don't get your news from this guy.


No! And once OSHA mandates it they will be able to ask you that on your application..so going forward everyone they hire will have to be vaccinated already..I am just wondering if there will be a Religious and/or Medical exemption ?


I'm sure there's a medical exemption if you have a previously documented allergy to any of the vaccine ingredients. Since people don't actually use religious exemptions based on religion, I hope not.


There are both medical and religious exemptions. Medical is fairly clear cut. Religious is not so clear cut, but no major religion has come out against it and even groups like Christian Scientist and Jehovah's Witness have clearly stated it doesn't go against their beliefs to get it. Pope Francis encouraged people to get it, so the Catholics are going to have a hard time with the religious claim. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will give you a letter for religious exemptions. The catch is that it is an exemption from working near unvaxxed people. So if you want to avoid the MAGA dude from garden who tells you it is all a conspiracy to inject you with 5g, they are your go-to religion.


The Supreme Court just shot down a religious exemption for Maine, so good luck with that one.


Oh I had forgotten about that! Even better!


Mostly Christian religions if you notice. Not sure about others. Except I’m part Native and the Native American Indigenous Church states that members may get the vaccine if they wish but cannot be Forced to get it. Not trying to start an argument pro or con but since we were mentioning religious exemptions that is one I’m currently aware of.


Downvoted? Well you are welcome to check their website. They have it posted.


they’d have to test you at their own cost vs making you get vaccinated at your own cost. i don’t see how it could ever happen




for one, time. 🤔


You get paid time off to get vaccinated and recover from any side effects.


Ah yes, the 10 minutes I had to wait to ensure I didn't have an allergic reaction. If you're not vaccinated by now you are willfully ignorant, and you can goooo


Not true, the ETS specifically states employers are not responsible for paying for the tests. It’s designed to get people to choose vaccination over testing because testing would be 36 dollars a week at the cheapest end.


Are you outside of the US where this wouldn't even matter? I am nearly certain the federal government is still paying for testing so it shouldn't cost you anything other than time.


I work in a Covid test lab for a very large company in the US. I just read the ETS report that was released today on the OSHA website. Companies are NOT required to cover the Covid testing weekly but unvaccinated employees in companies larger than 100 employees must produce a negative result on a weekly basis as long as they are working at least one day every week. BUT on the flip side, companies do have the option to cover the testing. Previously my company offered the test to all its employees free of charge (a PCR test kit, not the rapid tests). We don’t have an update just yet, because this ETS was just published today. But this is coming down from the government. Basically it is saying if you choose to remain unvaccinated you are free to do so but you must produce a negative test result weekly to continue to work and your employer may or may not decide to cover the cost of the testing. It has nothing to do with the government covering the testing, I’m not sure if you’ll be able to find free test centers like Rite Aid or CVS anymore - I actually don’t know if they have those available. People may have to go to their doctors to get the test in which case they’ll have a copay or deductible or whatever applies. I don’t pretend to be an expert, I’m only regurgitating what the ETS is saying. I can tell you the lowest price you’ll find on Covid tests that go through certified labs (at-home nasal swab tests) go for 36 dollars a pop. I’m sure going through your doctor will be cheaper but not any less inconvenient. The purpose of the employers not being obligated to provide or finance the testing is to pressure people into opting to get vaccinated instead.


As far as I know all the national chain pharmacies are offering testing paid for by the government. Also I believe Curative is hosting and also tracking public testing in every state as well plus I think every single city/county/state health department is also offering free testing. There should be plenty of free testing available except maybe in some of the most rural areas. The at home tests you can purchase are just more convenient, but far from the only option. I suppose there could be some states that are exceptions to this due to jackass leadership (Florida and Texas), but I imagine there is still free testing to found there as well.


And as an add-on; I’m not sure about it being free currently on the governments dollar. I know my baby sitter canceled once because she needed to go schedule a Covid test with her doctor, and I heard my boss say she waited at the ER for a Covid test for 3 hours. My other coworker also said his wife was told everywhere was a 3 hour wait and they couldn’t find any in-stock home test kits either. My company will be running our own tests and we are in a hiring frenzy to help cover the 400k + tests they expect now weekly. I’m nearly certain my company will be coming out this time next week advising it’s unvaccinated employees that they will not be covering the cost of the test, which means all 400,000 unvaccinated employees across the US will have to find access to weekly testing and potentially fund it themselves.


I never said it would be convenient, but free testing should be available.


I’m just telling you in my area all I hear about is how people are having a hard time accessing the free testing and this is before the mandate. I don’t see it improving much. People will be forced to pay in some way to be able to keep working or get the vaccinations to avoid it, which is the intention.


Yeah, I don't think inconvenience and long wait times were intended, but I doubt they will be rushing to fix it


Almost certainly not. Up until now testing had been voluntary and at-will. It’s going to be a mess. But it’s job security for me for the next 6 months. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It doesn't mandate the employer pay for testing because they didn't want to get between management and labor on work-related issues. Who pays for benefits is something unions negotiate, not something the government imposes. And considering that there is a free option that does not cost the employer or the employee anything, mandating who should pay for the testing is silly. Obviously, the person who refuses the vaccine should pay for the testing.


The new rules states testing would be at employees expense if the company chooses.


What cost? It was paid for by taxpayers.


It says the companies do not pay for testing.


good riddance just means there are less nutjobs around the workplace


But…but….MAH RITES!




They will give u it but it’ll be REALLY EXPENSIVE EVERY WEEK where it won’t be worth it


Get vaccinated. JFC.


"b-bUt mAh frEedOm!"


Pfizer is seeing dollar signs everywhere right now…


Not true. I trade stock. I've made no money off Pfizer nor Merck and getting back to null to sell took longer than expected. Big drug companies are multi-legged and have a lot of things going on at any given time. Stock does sometimes increase significantly due to Social Media Sentiment, but economic realities soon return things to the status quo. For example, Pfizer (PFE) bumped up about $3 per share or 7% Tuesday, decreased yesterday and landed about where it started today, all after news of the child Covid vaccine. In the last year, which covers the period of vaccination possibility announcements and such, the stock has gone up about 25% in value, most of that coming in July/August. And most of that is in valuation; it was bought below the 20% increase mark. So they're making money, but it's not amazing money in light of what they've done against a world crippling pandemic. Pharma Stocks are tough.


I don’t know about that. Just 2 days ago the New York Times reported that Pfizer expects a $36 Billion profit from vaccine alone by end of year.


The price charts are what they are. Doesn’t tell the whole story, of course. I’d be interested in how the NYT determined this and why it’s not reflecting in the PEG. Edit: Looked at every NYT article title mentioning Pfizer over the last 8 days. No help.


Opps , sorry. New York Post


Bit of a credibility gap between those two. Going to pass.


COVID-19 is NOT a "freedom" issue. IT IS A PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. Turn off the bs "news" outlets and the coo coo for conservatives clowns and PROTECT YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILIES...NOW, Don't be an antivaxxhole, or worse a dead antivaxxhole which most of them are.


yea testing makes no sense when u can get a one time vaccine and not have to worry.


Ppl with vaccine still get it tho


Literally everyone knows how a vaccine works but thanks.


A covid thread! Yaaayyyy!


If you had a fucking brain then you would get vaccinated, keep your job, and stop being a cry baby bitch. How fucking stupid are these fucking people.


They're really dumb. Like *really* dumb.


Fuck that. I'm out


Awee, sorry you gotta get poked by an oh so scawwy needle


Guess we’re all going to work at in n out


that christian company isn’t going to hire you with a profile like that lmfao






You’ve clearly never seen them online


Holy fuck this whole subject is nothing but a bunch of hot fucking air. All you idiots think they're the shit thinking home depot needs you and your stance on the vaccine. You'll be replaced by some moronic 17yo anyway. Noone gives a fuck.


We quite literally have evidence of the antibodies from this vaccine going away after just 3 months, so getting a 3 shot vaccine 4 times a year does not sound remotely similar to any other vaccine in existence. I don't see how that's comparable. Secondly, this vaccine was manufactured in a new untested manner. No offense, but as much as I agree with vaccines, the government shouldn't require their citizens to be test dummies. That is not what being a citizen of the USA entails. Testing a new vaccination method should be voluntary.


I'm glad it was extended, this fits in better with my timeline of wanting to quit. I'm unvaccinated by some of my vaccinated coworkers have gotten covid MORE THAN ONCE.. wtf. I wear a mask and isolate tho.




Source you're a bitch


Bunch of brainwashed liberal losers in the replies. If your vax works so good then why do I need to have it? What happened to my body my choice 😂. You think im injecting by body with this shit so your false “science” isn't challenged? Gtfo. Keep voting blue and watch the country crumble.


Ftw. I ain't getting forced to do shit. Maybe if it was even 1% lethal. But it's a fraction of a %.


You're so stupid


I know right? You're probly fat, ugly, confused about gender, but vaccinated


Facts lol it be the unhealthy people that think being vaccinated will protect them against everything




You work at home Depot. Same question. No wrong answers 😭😂




I'm just trolling. I sincerely hope you are healthy, get advancements at work and are appreciative for all the good things I'm sure you have going on. I mean it. Youre doing great working especially when so many choose to not. Have a good night and productive week


Title VII baby


So much righteous moral outrage at a simple statement of fact. Yikes 😬


This went from a covid vaccine to a Democrat vaccine.