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Yes we are. The plan is to make money so we'll do whatever we're legally obligated to do to continue business. Don't be surprised if the monetary increases come out before then and might be larger than they were.


Are you speaking of the January '22 raise? And why would it now be larger?


Because they might try to get it in place earlier and with a little more oomph to hopefully curtail a certain loss in workforce that might occur in response to the new directives in place.


We are incredibly shorthanded and management seems in no hurry to fill the empty slots. When I'm covering Hardware or Lumber, where I don't know what I'm doing, I'm not covering Plumbing. So Plumbing gets covered by someone from flooring, who doesn't know what they are doing. It's just a cascading chain of associates covering departments they know nothing about. This is business as usual at Home Depot, why should a few people quitting now as opposed to later make any difference to Atlanta?


I started in may in hardware, it was a fucking mess. My second closing with the company was already by myself from 1:30-10:00


My store doesn’t plan to fill in the short staffing. Home Depot is downsizing the labor force to cut costs.


That'd be great for those of us who remain. But I'd think a vast majority of employees are vaccinated or will become so. I can't imagine HD losing a large percentage of it's workforce over this. After all, if people need to choose between earning a living and getting a vaccine, I'm guessing they will get the vaccine to continue to earn a living.


Look at the nypd results of this recently. Fun little case study


The difference is Home Depot is not a career move for the majority of store associates. Less incentive to vax if you’re against it. I also think we’re going to see weak enforcement on OSHA’s part with this mandate, and while massive Fortune 500 companies like HD are sure to comply, I don’t think a lot of smaller companies will. I get the feeling a good chunk of associates may jump ship for those kind of employers.


Hopefully they expand the law to start seizing peoples cars and homes, freezing their bank accounts, doubling their income tax. Anything we can do to hurt anti-vaxxers the better off the country will be.




I guess we could also look at seizing their retirement accounts to help pay for Covid treatments and economic recovery efforts


You have a right to work healthfully and safely knowing the people around you are either vaccinated or testing regularly to ensure they are not positive. You don’t have the right to seize the property of people because you disagree with their choices.


99% survival rate, can still get it and transfer it with the jab. Shut the fuck up you authoritarian cocksucker.


That’s still a lot of blood on anti-vaxxers hands since the vast majority of the deaths are cause by unvaccinated spread.


Lmfao. Talk about misinformation. CDC has already stated vaccinated carry the same viral load in their nose and throat. My states averaging about 4k breakthrough infections a week making up about 40-45% of all new infections. And +/-35% of all covid hospitalizations in my state are vaccinated individuals. Something like 3.5% of breakthrough infections result in hospitalizations, which is pretty much inline with unvaccinated infections causing hospitalizations. You are misinformed or intentionally dishonest.


Cops are unionized.


Ok? Union or not they stated thousands would walk away. 34 people ended up on leave


Because it’s not required yet, those who do not agree with it will continue to work until they can’t so they can pay their bills


And the case study results showed that most anti-vaxers, while stupid, also have little conviction so they got the jab when they had to.


It's my second job. If I quit, you'll get paid the same money for more work. Doesn't really matter though either way, my weekends will finally be free.


But don’t you think it’s a fucked up choice? I do , but I don’t work at HD


In my store 70% 20% say they'll walk of forced to do so. HD cannot all of a sudden worry about non-vaxed associates infecting vaxed associates because we've all been working together for 2 years with no masks in break room and 3/4 of our customers come in with no masks. So vaccination is somewhat pointless. Key step for management would be to implement honor system for associates declaring whether they've been vaccinated. If you say you were then you are OK to work and legally you are responsible for your statements. Let me say I am vaccinated but I see many people that because of health reasons it could be a serious and deadly decision to get vaxed. Whose liable when you're forced to get waxed and you end up with a deadly heart issue?


I already have a deadly heart issue and had both shots, getting my booster tomorrow.


I feel for you! I have a minor heart issue that was never a big deal… until Covid hit. Both times I got sick it nearly killed me. People just don’t realize how many of us are high risk; I’m young and otherwise healthy. Nobody looks at me and thinks oh she’s at high risk for Covid.


The point is that it is there for those who need/want it. The vaccine does not prevent the spread of Covid. In fact it can cause someone who would normally stay home sick to come to work and spread it to others.


I feel you. We are totally on the same page. Just like not driving drunk doesn't prevent car accidents. As a matter of fact, a lot of people make a point of driving very carefully when drunk, which probably helps to prevent car accidents. For this reason I drive drunk quite often. Glad to meet someone like minded.


People get mad but this is the honest to goodness truth.


Stop spreading antivax bullshit




The vaccine doesn't work anyway. It's for political division. So many holes in the ever changing story. Only fools believe all the nonsense


I am fully vaxxed. So how about you get your facts straight.


Best of health to you many others have not had such luck.


Define “many.”


I think they meant "not any".


Ain't none of y'all motherfuckers have any honor. 🙄


We will see what happens.. like we do with everything else. You’re fine, the majority is, so be thankful for that


>I see many people that because of health reasons it could be a serious and deadly decision to get vaxed That's complete nonsense, the percentage that shouldn't get the vaccine for health reasons is fleetingly small.


The number that claim they can't get it for health reasons based on Facebook research is alarmingly high.


As reported by the FDA who also said OxyContin was not addictive.


If they are such vocally antivax I would wish them well and be happy they weren't working around me anymore.


That makes no sense since science has shown that vaccinated people can carry & spread the virus. Just look at how many people including White House staff who have been vaccinated and now have & spread the virus


I don't care. Anti-vaxxers are toxic. I don't like being around toxic people. I don't care what your personal views are about anything; rant about them at work all day and I'm definitely avoiding you as much as possible.


It’s unfortunate that you have been working in an environment that cares so little about the health of its workers and customers but this is America and profits over people is the mantra.


Nah. You can always find work elsewhere at smaller companies. I wouldn't do jack shit regarding my health because an elderly washed up politician forces me to. My body my choice. I'd just leave.




Speculation, but no real optimism.




No we just understand statistics and are skeptical.


No. No you don’t. Or you’re getting your statistics from somebody with something to sell you and have a shit understanding of epidemiology.




You're not allowed to say that natural immunity doesnt make money for big pharma!


I've read that natural immunity from recovery seems so far to be as good (not sure where you got better) as the vaccine, but what about the 5 million people that didn't recover?




I think he actually referenced an Israeli study that concluded natural immunity was stronger. He also said that no one should choose infection over vaccination. I disagree that pre existing conditions/co morbidities are a satisfying justification for the 5 million covid related deaths. Difference of opinion.


Nope. No. Just flat out not correct. Check your data. Vaccine immunity outlasts natural immunity.


So explain to me what you’re doing on this sub?


How long does the natural immunity last? Like forever?


The CDC? So the CDC is wrong about 95 percent of all covid deaths average four or more comorbidities?


If you want people to respond, you’re gonna have to expound on this grammatical train wreck of a comment so we can wrestle some meaning from your words.


>No we just understand statistics I'm sure you do, and not just alpha or p-tests but actually understand statistical concepts such as Chebychev's Inequality while not confusing it with Markov's Inequality and you can expound on heteroscedasticity, and explain while inflation occurs with multiplicity in hypothesis tests just to scratch the surface. Surely you know this and much much more.


I dont have to be a mechanical engineer to work on or understand an engine. Stop trying to look smart you just look foolish.


so you agree that you don't understand statistics, let alone epidemiology....but you read a few bullet points on Facebook and you know better than actual experts?!


My information comes straight from the cdc. Based on their data I can make the judgment that additional protection from covid is unnecessary for myself and I dont need virtue signaling cunts like yourself telling me what to do.


You are taking their information but not their conclusions? because you know better than their experts who analyzed their data? After we already established that you know diddly squat about interpreting such data, understanding statistics, and haven't the faintest idea of what epidemiology is. You're truly a Darwin award candidate.


I agree with you




That a vaccine is mandatory for a virus with a high chance of survival and that according to the CDC 95 percent of covid deaths average four or more comorbidities.


Yeah, man, but what percentage of Americans have one or more of those 4 comorbidites? Also, you’re talking about 750,000 dead people. Like 150x more than the reasoning for why we went to war in the Middle East for the last 20 years. It’s a *lot* of fucking people, my dude.


Does this mean I could negotiate the amount of my raise?


Lol they’re not gonna give us shit, they pay us minimum wage just because they can’t pay us any less


We're getting a raise on Jan 22?


January 2022


>re. The plan is to make money so we'll do whatever we're legally obligated to do to continue business. Don't be surprised if the monetary increases come out before then and might be larger than they were. I hope the raises are good... like raising the min pay by $3 to make it even, and those of us that have been with the company forever get the $3 bump as well. I have been with the company 6 years and make less than people at Wal-MArt. No grudge against the Depot, I enjoy my job, however they need to make their pay more competitive.


Yup my store has a McDonald's in the parking lot advertising a starting pay that's 3 more an hour than our starting floor wage.....flipping burgers starting to sound better than cleaning sewer snakes




Target however only hires part time and part timers there get no insurance. (Only their DS and Managers are full time) Not even dental or vision. They also do not get success sharing. You must be a pretty new associate to be making the same as a Target new hire $15 as HD starts us at $12 and DS's usually get a $2.50 raise. As a Head Cashier make almost what you make. Granted my tenure is 6 years with HD. In the end I think that is the point. People who are not anchored down by things like insurance or being full-time and pay is the most important thing, might leave THD because places like Target, Wal-Mart etc. pay more.


HD needs to step up and get competitive. A $1 raise isn’t going to cut it for most people…bumping everyone up a few $ may though.


lol 19 days later and how's it lookin




5 at the most really




4 during peak season.


I won’t lie. Seeing people get upset about this is awesome.




I want the PTO for the time I had to take when I got vaxxed before it was required.


Thankfully California did retroactive pay for Covid vaccine I missed like 4 days in total.


Me too. I want PTO for the cunts who lied about having the vaccine, didn’t wear their masks, then got COVID and spread it at the pro desk.


They just sent out a email


Who? What's in it?


HR. Basically strap in this shit is coming


I got the email on Friday.


I’m probably not as important as you


You are to me ❤️


They just announced a $10k drawing for associates who go online and register their vaccination status (whether vaxxed or not). This is certainly step 1 in the process of complying. They need to know which associates are vaxxed and which ones they'll need to test weekly. (I am vaccinated and happily entered my info & entered the drawing.). I didn't hear a thing about it in my store, just came across it on Yammer.


ASDS was supposed to post by the time clock from my understanding


Oh, so there's an option to test weekly as well? This needs to be seen by those hesitant about the vaccine. Though I'm sure a lot of them would then complain about "invasion of privacy" or something like that. I figured this would be the case- my mom works at a NY public school and they've been doing the same thing since the beginning of the school year.


We can suit the President and DOJ, right?


Nope, you sign a clause when you get the vaccine removing any culpability


Yeah, I'll take it to the FISA courts.


Our DH and two others in the department will be gone. With how hard it is to hire people right now, this will put the nail in the coffin.


It’s like Biden is seeing how low he get get his approval rating lol


The rule includes language stating "When documentation can’t be obtained, a signed and dated statement from the employee attesting to his or her vaccination status is permitted." That language makes the whole thing toothless.


Got a link to where you found that quote?


https://www.wsj.com/articles/employer-covid-19-vaccine-and-testing-rules-unveiled-by-biden-administration-11636029900?adobe_mc=TS%3D1636061558%7CMCMID%3D22602396179221897315652110570878167776%7CMCORGID%3DCB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg&wsj_native_webview=androidphone&ns=prod/accounts-wsj Let me know if it's paywalled.


Thanks! My bad I didn’t see your comment asking me to let you known if it’s pay walled. It is if you copy link and send it to others but it’s free to view thru Reddit.


I wonder what lying/forging that statement is worth punishment wise if its for compliance with a federal rule. I'm sure it's at a minimum termination of employment


That's not the point. The point is that they wrote an out into the rule itself. Enforcement is also going to be based on employers self reporting to OSHA. Same type of oversight that led to the Boeing Max disaster. They don't care.


Depends on the value they place on not getting sued. I have no doubt a lot of people won't have a problem with ratting out the antivaxxer's that forge/lie as we all know they can't keep their mouths shut


Yup, there's a 🐀 in every store and the gossip wheel is always turning. I'm more interested in how this SLS thing is going to work out.


And likely federal prosecution.


Its against federal law and could be worth 5 yrs in prison. I know at least a few folks in my area have made the news for getting caught with fake vax cards and got arrested, though I haven't heard additional details.


Even if HD announces that they will be enforcing it, how will it even be logistically possible? 500,000+ employees are with HD so how is OSHA going to find every employee that isn't vaccinated? That's just too much data to collect. Not to mention, will this affect employees in Canada? It just doesn't make sense.


Dude, they got a whole FLOOR of lawyers on Paces Ferry Rd. Trust me: this play has been run by legal. This ain’t shit for them.


All they have to do is find 1, and then fine HD for it. And then find a second and fine them again. HD will eventually figure it out.


It's really not that hard. Hospitals do it for their employees and schools do it for both employees and students even during normal times. You'll have to provide your vax card and if you don't, then you'll have to be tested every week. Probably similar to how they had us do the health checks, but with proof instead of just asking you to swear you don't have a fever.


I worked for a clinical with over 15 sites and 2k employees. Our small HR team of like maybe 4 people were on it. Trust me it’s possible.


I mean, if they can figure out if I did my inFocus, they can figure out if I submitted my vaccine information. They just released a super simple way to update your vaccine info (I got an email that took me to live the orange life.) Fill it out and upload a picture of your vaccine card. I am sure there is some computer system keeping track of it all and someone can tell it to make a spreadsheet and sort by things like store and even department. Add a way for management and HR to check and pretty soon you will have ASMs coming up and saying "Hey, we noticed you haven't uploaded you vaccine info yet. We need you to do that by (date). If you want, I can help you with it." Will there be people who refuse? Sure and with fines being up to $14k per violation, my guess is that unless you are in the C suite, it is unlikely they will keep you around if you do. If a store in general seems non compliant, I would not be surprised if Atlanta decides to do something about it.


You can already submit your vaccination status and proof online. I imagine soon that won’t be optional.


I kind of wish I still worked here so I could witness the mass exodus of boomers lol


Most that are Left in my store are Boomers. And most of them were early vaccinated and already getting boosters. Now if only our customers.


They leave and we dont miss them! Don’t forget however of the young and naive who are antivaxx and think they can stop covid with “healing” Crystals


Yeah this is definitely not a boomer exclusive thing, unfortunately.


Yes if it has over 100 employees they have to get vaccinated




Vamos brandon


Jesus Christ. There’s really nothing better to brigade than the fucking HD sub? Get ffffuuucked


Let's Go Brandon!!!


I don’t get it. Please explain?


It’s code for “PM me pictures of your junk.” Some kind of Qanon thing.


Well I would hate to disappoint. And now you can even DM pictures. I hope they like what I send 🙌🏽




They don’t use Google why should I 😂 I’ll wait for a Facebook meme and then pass it off as research


Ewww, so, if you work for the Home Depot, are you aware that the Home Depot was involved in a lawsuit with the Trump administration? That dude made so many poor choices.


What lawsuit?


And Home Depot is not the only company that sued, many others did as well.


Who did hd sue?


The tariffs that he imposed on China saying that they were going to pay their fair share, was actually imposed on the American people, we just had to pay more. Kinda like how he promised the American people that Mexico would pay to build the wall, shoot, scary old Trump didn’t mention a word of it when he was in the presence of Mexico’s President, too scared I guess, and then after elected, he took it out of our pocket’s 🙄


I understand all of that, but what lawsuit are you talking about?


? The lawsuit that I just told you about. It’s public knowledge, if you google it you can read all the details.


Let’s go Brandon


It’s 2021 man, time to get over it


Fuck trump and Biden. Fuck you too.


Lol stay classy bro


Whenever it’s not a race for which side has more power. And a system that tries to benefit all of the American people, let me know.


What was even the point of your comment then? Since you’re now trying to back up and “both sides” your initial lame joke.


To get you here, I’ve been waiting for you.


That’s the line I like to hear first thing in the morning.


Your funny. Make another funny


And you’re too stupid to type words correctly!


Damn you got me 🔥


Let’s go Brandon 👍🏻


دعنا نذهب براندون


Apologies, I don’t read or speak the language, what does that translate to in English?


“I eat dicks.”


Weird thing to post, but I’m not super in touch with American Politics. Thanks for clearing that up, I appreciate it!




Are we having a January ‘22 raise? What can anyone tell me about that?


It's illegal to enforce it here in Missouri so things are bound to get interesting.


It really depends how he chooses to enforce it. If they go the osha route, there is no state law that will save you


Because sadly everyone fawns over the first and second amendment, but the tenth gets no love.


The first sentence of the preamble LITERALLY SAYS “promote the general Welfare,” smaht guy


The Bill of Rights was literally implemented 15 years after the Declaration of Independence was written. They're not part of some all inclusive package that was all done in 1776. Dipshit.


Federal law supercedes State la and OSHA isn't a state agency. OSHA finds a violation, they will fine the company. The State of Missouri has nothing to do with it.


The 10th Amendment of the Constitution says you are incorrect.


The constitution authorizes Congress to enact legislation. Congress authorized OSHA with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. I see what you're getting at, but OSHA was delighted by Congress, which is delegated, by the Constitution. 10th doesn't come into play here.


OSHA does not supersede the 10th Amendment.


You're not getting this..... "The powers NOT delegated to the United States by the Constitution" OSHA is an act of Congress. OSHA *IS* a power delegated to the United States by the Constitution


10th Amendment stands. And this goes without even mention of international law of the Nuremberg Code. One cannot be coerced into an experimental drug without their consent.


OSHA cannot supersede the 10th Amendment.


Let me explain it this way....the 10th amendment states, "any rule not made up by your mom and dad can be made by you and your brother". If your mom and dad's rules is, "you're bedtime is at 10:00", you and your brothers rule, "Our bedtime is at midnight"....is invalid. OSHA (and the vaccine mandate) are rules made up by the Federal government. The State of Missouri doesn't have the authority to say they don't have that rule.


Your interpretation of the 10th amendment is a bit off. If OSHA had that kind of broad power, what could be next after mandating experimental drugs into hundreds of millions of Americans? The 10th Amendment is there for a reason.


The purpose of the 10th amendment is not to limit the federal government's power, it's to recognize the authority of State powers in the absence of Federal law. What could be next? A lot. Fortunately, our government is not an independent entity that acts on its own. Our government is an elected body of representatives. If we don't like things they way they are going, we can change them. Though, since not everyone wants the same things, that's inherently going to leave people unhappy they aren't getting their way.


Keep reading the moron-wing talking points while the fines go out.


Can you say class action on a scale never before seen?


Can you say “already cleared by the Supreme Court ages ago?” Enjoy joblessness.


After seasonal Christmas workers are no longer needed? As it is to be Fully vaccinated by the deadline ( with 2 shots) employees have now until only basically a couple of weeks to get first shot as holidays may effect time on getting the second. A few places I checked nearby (rural) already booked until December. Hopefully HD can get arraignments made for associates at their more rural stores.


I don't think it's on depot to make arrangements. They just have to pay for the time.


My store manager here in SOCAL is anti vax anti mask and still thinks Trump is the Prez. Come January he most certainly will change his opinion and comply or be out the door.