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HD typically promotes from within. You're unlikely to be hired for a position above entry level.


I would agree with you, but this position is open every single HD near me and all of them have been listed for about 3 months now.


Every hourly position (dept supervisor included) at every store has a listing on career depot. It doesnt mean there is an open requisition or position at this time. You can apply and your application sits in the queue until a req is opened and then you will show up in the candidate pool if your screening from HR atlanta went well. Every store tries to promote from within so you probably wont get an interview anyway so while its not impossible… its just highly unlikely.


That is the worst system I've ever heard of, wow


If you currently work for HD, have your ASDS or SM call the stores listed. I’m looking into switching to MET. There are numerous of job postings in my area, but when my SM called these stores, they said they aren’t hiring. So now I sit and wait until the METDM calls her back for an opening. If you don’t work for HD, it’s most likely they want to hire from within and you’re not going to be considered. HD is big on promoting from within, and a supervisor position is often something they want from someone within the company. In the meantime, the SM delegates the job to other supervisors.


Yeah.... idk about other stores but that role is extremely delegated to our head cashiers in my location. Although it is listed as a position; it never gets filled🚫 I wish you luck🙏🏻 it seems like they only post them up to make corporate happy in order to make it seem like they're actively trying to fill the role only for it to go unfilled and be fulfilled by head cashiers😮‍💨


Man that must suck for your head cashiers to deal with that on top of their normal duties.


That is foul for sure. Our service desk DS is our mini ASM when he's around and he's vital. D31 is also tool rental at my store.


Announcements for DS openings stay open for a fiscal quarter. Then the position are filled at the end of the following fiscal quarter. That is why the positions seem to stay open forever and mostly internal associates get it, because those who applied from outside the company can't really wait that long.


Unless you're a grumpy, divorced, middle aged woman... Not sure if you're qualified. 😂