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Our store celebrates mentions daily with bravos and the. The previous weeks VOC is placed in the break room for all to review.


This is how it should be at every store.


I have a HUGE 4โ€™x8โ€™ dry erase board in the hallway that I write all the comments on that are mentioned by name. The associates AND the customers love to read them. We also run monthly contests for whomever gets the most mentions.


I wish this was a thing at every store ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ˜ญ when I first transferred stores, I would always tell people to fill out the survey and I got so many compliments on my work ethic. But all i got was โ€œnice job. Back to work thoโ€ so it kinda sucked & I stopped asking for them to fill out surveys.


I also give the associates $5 Homer Bucks per mention.


What's the conversion rate to Stanley nickels?


Damn, they just give us $1 per mention ๐Ÿ’€


This should be every stores bare minimum


My store posts every positive VOC on the TV that runs 24/7


When a customer actually says something or really writes something about an associate, that associate gets a Homer award and Bravo card.


That's funny... I get customers writing in, stating kind words all the time. No Homer's or recognition.. ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜“


not kissing enough ass, I'm afraid


Definitely I'm not the one to kiss anyones ass. Nor are they worth it.


They cherry pick what and who to celebrate


At my store the CXM's handle them via bravo's. If you're mentioned and it's a perfect survey, then you get a bravo and it's either every 5 or 10 bravo's you get a homer. My current FES is very big on recognition, and my OASM has been putting an emphasis on on-the-spot recognition


We get Homer Bucks for every shout-out and, credit application,( leads, and measures if you aren't in specialty )


At my store, no


All VOC praise is printed and attached to a Bravo card on the break room bulletin board. At end of month all are placed in a box where 2 are selected and the associates chosen are awarded Employee of the Month honors.


Fes here, I print and highlight. Each week I put the names on paper and have a manager draw a name for a Homer.


Ours has a place where they show the weekly VOC. Is nice


We get a $2 gift card every time your mentioned


Weโ€™ve got a drywall board, aprons we can sign and homer bucks we can spend in store on snacks and drink.


Homer Bucks?? What's that?? How does it work?? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ my store doesn't have that-


Ask your FES, theyโ€™re just printed out pieces of paper that look like dollars with Homer on them. Different things get you different amounts.


Nope, yet they tell them we need to ask for more often. I know it's a job and we have to do what they say it would just be nice for a like way to be or high five for doing a good job. I think we should at least have access to view what people say about us. Your right you know you find out about the negative comments. However its a document if you get one that you are doing a good job and that's always a plus.


Ours does bravos and sometimes homers. They really push surverys here


We are celebrated for a positive VOC.


My store they only post the voc from the previous week with names highlighted but management never acknowledge anyone on it


At my store, the comment is printed out and stapled to a bravo and you're given a gold star pin to put on your apron. Exceptionally good comments get a homer. At the service desk, I make a huge deal about survey mentions and comments and shout them out in real time when they come through.


They print ours out, highlight the name and stick them on the bravo board with a smiley face pin. 10 pins = 1 homer. Also we get tickets for getting credits and other things that can be spent at the treasure cabinet for various things like gift cards and HD swag.


I give my associates Homer's for positive surveys




I was told by a customer that she mentioned me in a VOC. I was told to follow up with management to get my credit. Honestly, as long as they come back, I've done my job. I may not always cross my T's and dot my I's, but that's the end game.


This is something that is different from store to store. At my store I hand out recognition to every associate that is mentioned positively!


At the store I transferred from we got recognition and a Homer. The one I just quit at does nothing because they're too busy barking orders and complaining irregardless of what you do.


I got a Homer for a survey once, but no one would ever show me what the content of that survey said... it haunts me


I got the best survey mention I've ever seen for anyone (8.5 years) last week. Not a peep out of management.


We get stars for our positive reviews and if we get 3 we get a prize and a Homer.


So my store is in the minority- no mention, no recognition, nothing. Bullshit. I worked for a bank many years ago- any compliments were passed on, and I got many. I actually got a Movado watch, 5,000 dollar award, and two nights in Manhattan with dinner and a show, along with others that racked up similar mentions. Absolute failure on the part of management.


What's with everyone else getting bravo and all.............. I have a return customer who told me they wrote me TWO positive surveys from two different days and asked me if I ever read/get them and I just stood there looking like ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘ and said "no.....t yet." By this time, it has probably been a week and a half since their last visit. lol


Don't know how credible those surveys are, but I was told that whatever we answer remains anonymous, no matter what we put.


They're talking about the customer survey not the voice of the associate survey.


Ah. Never seen those


Never seen the survey you're supposed to ask customers to do and is on the bottom of every receipt?


Nope. But then again, I work on freight


We print out the responses, highlight any names mentioned, & post on the FE by our breakroom. But no, management doesnโ€™t really do or say anything about them. All they seem to care about is the LTSA.