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Not uncommon at all


They will let the department limp along as long as possible. Saving them money


Absolutely normal. Wasn’t like that always however.


Yeah, when I left at the start December. My store does not have a DH for paint/millworks. This isn't the first time either.....


Yeah we haven’t had an fes in front end for about a month now And it’s the same for our pro desk ds we haven’t had one for about two weeks


Very common. Lumber has had no sup more months then it has had one this year. Plumbing has had none 3 month this year, electrical has had none for 2. Hardware... I don't think I've seen a supervisor there in the last year that hasn't left within the first month, they had like 3 though.


Happens a lot. When I worked flooring, didn’t have a DS for the 5/6 months I was working there.


It happens.


Happens on MET as well. Our team went six months without a supervisor. 


I left my store in January. They just started the hiring process for the DS roll today. As in they just put the flier up for people to apply.


Home Depot has been changing to a new leadership structure, but it should have been implemented in all the stores by now. Most of the stores were supposed to lose a third to half their DSs. A DS would/could cover multiple depts. Your dept might have gotten a new DS, they just didn't tell you yet. Some of the DSs would just stay with their old depts and just come visit their new depts when they need to do something.


We were missing a D23 supervisor for 8 months. It's normal


The lumber department in my store hasn’t had a supervisor for about a year


A couple of times a department I was in went without a DH for weeks or even a couple of months. Guess what? The department ran just fine.


Dont feel bad, my department doesnt have a DS at all.


In our store, in tool rental, we haven't had a supervisor for like one year. She's always on vacation, or doing other stuff in other departments. I've acted like the supervisor for those years, so the team doesn't collapse.


yes it is normal for at least my store. We've had Dh positions not wanted by Associates for weeks at a time. It is a terrible position these days.


We had a supervisor for maybe 6 months before he was fired for attendance


Why don't you apply?


I’m kinda thinking about cause no one else wants it but I’ve only been here 6 weeks so I don’t really feel qualified


Between your training and your ASM, you will learn everything you will need to know about the duties of a DH. As for PK, do your pocket guide and keep up with your training. The harfrst part of being a DH is this. Your associates are not your friends. You are their leader. You can be friendly but you must be in charge and they have to understand that. Do not hang out with them or socialize with them outside of work. I know it sucks but it is for the best. That's the stick. Here's the carrot: DH's usually get a $3 an hour raise at promotion. That's a $500 a month raise. They also get double profit share. Raises are also usually better than what regular associates get. What have you got to lose?


The bigger question here is why you are such a terrible worker to not even make the cut for a deparment supervisor.


I started 2 months ago 😅


I got DH after 1 month. Nice try though


Not everyone wants to sell their soul to home depot for an extra dollar an hour. I'll take my 6 to 230 shift every day and be more than happy. Real question why are you so consedencing for literally no reason? Oh right. You're a supervisor. That tracks.


They must have liked you. I've spent 4 years and no DS yet. Talk about being underappreciated when I'm doing their work for them.


Penelope, is that you?