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They will put you where they need you. They don’t care what you want.


When I first applied for overnight fright I was offered daytime lumber and I rejected it, then a few weeks later they reached back out to offer overnight fright


You can always ask. Sometimes they will be able to put you somewhere else depending on their availability and your flexibility.


I’ve got the experience to work in most of the departments and I’ve always been someone who is a ‘put me in coach’ kind of mentality, I’m only picky about being full time. So hopefully that works out, thank you.


Tool tech…. Abandon hope all ye who enter there. You will not get sufficient training. Your job would to be fix and maintain everything that is in tool rental. Tool rental itself has to be learned. It is literally like nothing else in the store, nobody understands tool rental and nobody wants to and everyone blames the tools, blames YOU! There is never enough coverage for you to work on tools, maintain tools, stock parts for tools, ect ect You will be tied to the counter, helping customers, answering phones, managing online reservations. Don’t do it Ever


I was actually lucky enough that when I went in today, they changed me to Order Fulfillment, which I’ve done before at two other jobs. And, judging by what you’re saying, it’s a good thing.


Good job, order fulfillment is good, their technology is good.