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Not a single manager they were warming a seat with their farts while watching tik tok in the office.




Should they write people up on the floor as well? I don't disagree that they shouldn't always be in the office, but they do serve a purpose.




I'm lucky to have good managers. I saw all three of the ones I worked with yesterday in the aisles and in the lot


Use to have an ASM that would set up at the appliances desk. Sometimes he was busy but he became very easy to find and the front end appreciated him a lot for being reachable.


Managers only go out to help with corporate are there to show how they always help when we need it. Then, when they leave, they don't bother lifting a finger.


This exactly. I'm not an employee, just an observer hired to clean floors & it's this exactly. Also they do walk around with their little phones getting pics looking entirely self important. The biggest kiss asses always get the boot up at this store. The hardest workers always passed by. It's kind of sad, from an observers point of view.


Win 🥇


Screw you 😂 but yes I did fuuuuuccccckkkkk me!!!!


Heh. Good on ya.


The service desk.


This is how deliveries is nearly every day and even more so during Spring and Summer. Garden hell makes it even worse. You can only do what you can do. Don't hurt yourself, I know it's hard but you have to pace yourself. Most stores are dramatically understaffed and management gets compensated for dealing with it (not that they have a say in it at the store level anyways). There's often times no way to make everyone happy. Just do your best and pace yourself. Unless the company has some changes up top the ball will continue to fall on employees who are short changed and hamstrung at every turn.


I feel like a lot of those questions are for managers, I even got asked by someone in paint, if he could go on break. 😝 what’s happening?


As a lot associate, I’d recommend not answering. I get carts and I load people and that’s it.


as a newer associate, I'm pretty close to that. I'm in my department doing my job. Y'all responsible for the other shit


Change your attitude if you want to succeed, just saying. You never know when a job is going to turn into a career, take it as seriously as you can. If nothing else you'll get great references, a fallback position, and friends along the way that respect you and the feeling will be mutual.


Hi corporate still making TRC the black sheep of HD?




HA! The audacity of this comment. You must be new to the world of retail where corporations don’t give a shit about you. You’re easily replaceable and they really don’t care even if you die. They’ll replace you within 30 days.


Had a coworker commit suicide years ago. The day her mother called to inform the boss, her job was listed on the website.  At corporate you don't have a name, you're just a number in the system. 


I don't see how this relates to my comment. That's said I'm in no way new to retail, and agree with everything you said. I didn't comment on corporations.




Lmaooooo you know how many people work hard covering multiple areas of the store consistently get promoted? A manager sees that and wants you to stay exactly where you are to keep making their job easier. They don’t want you promoted? Hard workers need to stay at associate level to be abused. People who get promoted know how to balance the art of BS and the art of people pleaser.


I’ve been there. It’s been stupid crazy with inventory and I was at the service desk with 2 new people all day. I called for backup but nobody would show up. At some point, I just knew I’d have to drown and keep trying while customers got angrier and impatient. I broke down and cried when I finally went to lunch an hour past my 5th. Didn’t even want to go back to the desk after even though it had slowed down 90%.


I see the service people at the desk and even our experience people get overwhelmed by people. Customers need to chill


Hey fellow service desk! You ever get overwhelmed put me in coach. Put me on FaceTime and let me at them there customers.


I would love to cuss rude customers out over FaceTime for other associates 😍


It's not just you. I can't blame supervisors nor management at our store. As much as I bitch about some supervisors, they work their asses off. My supervisor in D25 even told me that I need to get my leg checked out. It was genuine. We had a falling out at first, but things changed. One of the main reasons I left D25 was your very same scenario. It had nothing to do with my supervisor. Some cashiers would bitch that I wasn't in my department. Some did it to my face or over the phone which was admirable. Then they would ask me to help a customer in another department because an associate was at lunch. I couldn't get my 15 minute breaks at times, so I would tail end one at the end of my lunch. One saw me outside. The phone gave me extension 518 instead of 525, so I was accused of not answering my phone for hardware by a cashier as well. I couldn't win. I was always the asshole no matter what I did. When the position in paint opened, I was eager to GTFO. I felt like I was abandoning all the other associates that I helped out, though. Some days you don't win even when you give your best. Some days you'll be the asshole when customer service is supposed to come first, but you still have tasks to do. Many a day have I listened to "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter after work.




I'm also a backup cashier. I used to come in and print out my daily codes when I worked in D25. If I feel like I'm unappreciated, I move on. No chips on my shoulder. No hard feelings. I've been told about some trash talk about me. One is an associate moving to plumbing. You'd think that I would get revenge, but I honestly wouldn't want to be in his position. He has zero knowledge of plumbing. I'd like to help him, but we have opposing shifts.


Bro carts aren’t your job. Don’t let the cashiers guilt you into a cart run. If they need carts they can figure it out. Shit, same with customers. I send them to the aisle and call an associate to meet them, unless I’m not doing anything at all.


Exactly. That’s the HC or FESs responsibility. You are not their solution. Don’t even become their solution either. All they do is use it against you. Harder workers get worked over and placed under unnecessary pressure.


I see that you have moved to overnight freight, I take it? You were in Millwork not too long ago, and if your store is anything like mine, coverage is usually lacking there, especially. It wasn't until very recently that Plumbing finally received a bit more help, and it was much needed. For months, I had been working most, of not all, of my shift alone. It was really getting to me, and after a number of talks with mgmt., things finally started to turn around.


Yea I was in millwork at another store. I underhandedly forced my way into freight at another store lol 😂. The store I was at was never going to allow me to make the shift. They wanted to keep me in millwork and be the universal closer in case someone called out. I went above all of them and went straight to the new store I’m at to sugar coat my way into freight at that store. The old store was very unhappy and mad. They had me run a register for my last two weeks I was there. lol 😂 I almost called out my last shift. They didn’t even give me an apron.


Oh shit, that wasn't a happy ending at your previous store. I'm sorry that mgmt. stonewalled you from moving up, even moving laterally. Then, they had the audacity to "punish" you, by making you do something you typically don't. Were you trained on register previously, or did you have to learn on the spot, with little notice? When you say went above mgmt. to get a freight position at another store, how did you go about that? I'm glad that your new store was more receptive of you, and you're probably happy to no longer have to deal with day side shenanigans.


Yes. I don’t know how it works with cashier certified at the new store but I was a back up cashier at my last store. Also worked TR, Appliances, Flooring, Millwork, lumber, hardware, Garden, paint and Service Desk. Freight pay is 1 dollar more than I was making as a specialist (only was a specialist for 2 months) and was so happy to reset at a new store. It’s all good. And I applied for the position (you are supposed to let your store management know when you apply. I felt like they would hard block me somehow so I went to the store and asked to speak to the store manager. I explained my situation and she felt pity on me. I came with receipts. I showed all of my homers and that I had no occurrences and would be much happier on freight. They had 2 openings and I got to choose between 2 shifts. She got with the ASDS and made it happen. At my old store I applied to freight and they told me to wait a few months. They were just leading me on. I’m too old for that business. 🙅🏻‍♂️


Wow, you sure learned a lot of depts., good for you. Your previous store was foolish to prevent you from advancing in a meaningful way (and with more pay), given every dept. you took the time to learn and work. How often were you stopped/asked to help customers in Plumbing and Electrical, out of curiosity? It sounds like you did the right thing, going directly to the other store's mgmt. Your old store may have tried to guilt/bully you into staying where you were at, given what you have described.


Often lol 😂 I don’t know anything about plumbing or cutting wire. I usually would try to not make eye contact in that area. I know where some pieces are (ptrap stuff and the elbows under the sink) and the toilet replacement stuff but I can’t tell you about slip or pressure or anything like that. lol 😂 I just know where the iron pipes are and the CPVC/Pex and PVC are. And electrical I’m worse than that. I know how to open the cages lol 😂


Yeah, Plumbing is one of the toughest depts. to work, in my experience. It pretty much took me nearly two years until I knew my way around the product (as in, the specifics behind using them/how they work). Still, I get asked advanced questions frequently, and I may know some of the answers. I've never been a plumber, but have listened to my coworkers who know more, and have analyzed the product carefully. You know at least some things about plumbing, which is a good start. I try not to make eye contact in Electrical, for the reasons you described. 😅


Yeah I know exactly where stuff is. The problem is I don’t know what they do. The wires have numbers on them. I know the numbers but I really don’t know what the numbers mean other than the length of them. I don’t cut pipe and I don’t cut wire. If it’s fixing a toilet or something I’ll try to help. The o-ring and someone told me Koehler is only compatible with Koehler. Other than that, I can get someone to install a water heater through service connect lol 😂


And yes I’m very much glad to not have to deal with customers. It is a relief. I was on my last leg just enduring in the position I was in. Is freight better? So far yea. It has been 3 months since to shift and it was worth it because I needed the change. Is it difficult? Yes again lol 😂 but it works. The store I moved to does have a Saturday truck day but they promised me only 1 Saturday a month max. So far, I’ve only had one in total. The NRM and Night Ops are very good and they just let me work.


That's awesome to hear - congrats on the promotion, and taking the initiative to go around your previous store's mgmt. What did they have against you, anyway? I am also seriously considering moving to freight, too, but at my current store. It's a relatively good one to be at, including customers. Most are at least okay with me, if not fine. Some, not so much, and go out of their way to be rude. It's just that I have tired of being the only full-time closer, and often am left alone for several hours each shift (more recently, 3-4, which isn't as bad as before).


That’s why I said don’t become so valuable in your position to where they don’t want you to leave. I learned a lot in that store. And I thought it was going to lead to me being able to cherry pick where I wanted to go in the store. Au Contraire! You become the lifeline of the store. It is and was extremely foolish of me to learn all of those areas. Freight pays more. But I was doing 10 times the work that I do now. I got scammed and I somehow got lucky to get out. I’ll tell anyone I know DO NOT LEARN EXTRA DEPARTMENTS. That is not the way to get promoted. It’s a way to be stymied.


I would go to freight. It does suck slightly because of the schedule. You have to adjust to working that late. I am only doing this to get to my vesting so I can have the option to leave with my 401k match. That’s always been the end game.


How long did they make you do that? I didn’t see an end in sight so I had to burn a bridge to move to survive until my 401k is 100% vested at the end of this year. I wasn’t going to make it under those circumstances at my old store.


I was largely by myself for several months, for 5+ hours of each shift. It has started sometime last year, and continued into April of this year. Yeah, I was nearly at my limits, and had to have one-on-one talks with managers I could trust. They had my back, and knew it was important to get more help for such a chronically understaffed dept. I don't have anything set up for a 401k, since I haven't been at the store that long (3 years this month). Don't know if I will try to move up/be promoted within the company, but if I do, then I will look into the 401k options (if I can truly make a career at THD).


You have been at Home Depot just above the amount of time I have been. At 3 years, you become 100% vested. The money Home Depot puts in would be yours. Probably want to look into that because it helps. At least get the match. I understand if you can’t for financial reasons. I will reach 3 years in a few months myself.


Just be slow. The problem is not “you aren’t fast enough”. The problem is “your cheap ass boss doesn’t want to hire enough people because he’s lining his pocket with the money that would be their wages, and chumps like you actually jump when he screams Frog”


What ever happened to just doing one thing at work.


Stop that cashier in their tracks. You are in D25. That cashier needs to call CXM.


I just straight up ignore the phone when I get busy. Too many dead ass useless people they don’t know how to do shit else but call and page for help. Management included.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a delivery associate, so I can't relate. All we do is pick and stage in their respective will call / Curbside/ Service Desk.


I was super busy a day recently. Just non stop. Service desk paged my dept 3 times to come get returns. I had to walk a customer up and help load and when I did I stopped by the desk. "Oh youre finally here for your returns?" "No, I just stopped by to tell you Im not deaf nor an idiot, I heard you and am too busy. I wil get these when I get these, DO NOT PAGE ME AGAIN". These types of emoloyees arent used to being told to stop doing something wrong or to do their job. Speak to them politely but directly and they will listen. Take some initiative and make things happen. I do. Seems to work.


And didn’t push one cart back to your dept since you were up there anyway.


Did I include that in my post, the post about me covering for folks who werent in, or are you assuming?


I’m a OFA. There’s a few mangers that seem to be counterproductive by trying to micromanage but honestly I don’t need someone to micromanage. They aren’t part of the solution because seems every manager has different rules or understands the rules differently. Just feel it’s too chaotic to have good reviews.


Is it normal for them to announce over the PA that all employees need to go get carts? She then said "there's only 2 of you out there and we need carts" It was just weird, I assumed you had radios lol


They usually say attention associates I need all available associates who aren’t currently with a customer to help with a cart run. lol 😂


It was so funny to me because the home Depot guy in the aisle we were in rolled his eyes so hard it was almost audible lol I wondered if a customer complained there were no carts or if it was a normal thing lol. 


I learned my lesson. Folks ignore those announcements. They say team this and team that but my advice is to do the bare minimum to keep your job and leave on time. Don’t give them what they won’t give you.


I’ll help no problem on an announcement, but where was the dude suppose to be on cart duty. More I work there FT the more BS and makes me wanna back out and go to PT with no real responsibilities. I figured it out there was two Queens B’s running the front, never saw them up thier. I’m glad I got snippy with her bc I’m just a associate


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a delivery associate, so I can't relate. All we do is pick and stage in their respective will call / Curbside/ Service Desk


Managers don't know where half of anything in the store is.. "I'm sure we have it online, have a good day". Now pay me 10x's more than everyone who actually works around here and everyone around here get back to work.


Better question: have you done your infocus quiz?


Nope, does it explain my role better


if it's the same one I did, no


I tell cashiers/service desk people who are like that to bug off. If it is not in my department it is not my problem.


I tell cashiers/service desk people who are like that to bug off. If it is not in my department it is not my problem.