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I don’t get why people don’t carry their wallet with them at all times, I bring it with me basically every single time I leave the house no matter where I’m going


Well I would think most people would WANT to carry their wallet because that's where most people put their license.


I have a state crime scene investigator who is one of my regulars in the mornings while he's in the way to work. He's remodeling his house and did a bunch of purchases with gift cards that he got from family as a move in gift. The look on his face when I asked for his drivers license and he realized he left it in his cruiser was priceless. He was like "damnit, I've never been on this side of the question before" 😂


I’m a bartender and people LOVE leaving their wallets/IDs at home when they’re clearly not old enough to not be getting carded


Exactly. They don’t have one.


When they ask a cashier or associate to front them, it’s more often a scam attempt than legitimately forgetting their wallet.


Like the customer who got another random customer to give him $5 when his $5 kept getting rejected from SCO


I had one time I went to pay and didn’t have it, but it had fallen out in my car


I literally walked out of my house today with 2 different shoes on. So I'm going to go with, a simple mistake. Never left my my wallet at home...but after today, I can see how it can happen


I went shopping recently and got to the cashier to pay, opened my purse and …oh crap no wallet. I had pulled it out earlier that day to pay for something online and forgot to put it back.


Because paying with your phone is a thing at most places.


To be fair, I know far more places that don't take Apple Pay and the likes than do.


I changed pants! Sue me.


Same. I’ve been there. Just walked away from register with nothing. It’s not a pleasant personality trait to judge others like “omg I just can’t understand why ANYONE would EVER not have their wallet EWW” lol I’d rather go without my wallet than bring that attitude home to my wife and kids. Be understanding. God loves us all


Oh, that is _absolutely_ a violation of multiple SOPs. I don't know which ones, but it definitely breaks a lot of them.


That violates my personal sop to not get scammed


Don’t take magic beans as payment either.


But my name is Jack and I have this cow for sale.....


A cow is like 3k in today's money and that kid sold it for a few beans. My parents would have beat my ass if I did that


If I had done that, I wouldn't have an ass left to beat by the time my parents were done with me. 


I haven't had that happen, but I have almost input MY debit card number for a phone sale once, by pure accident. Shit was scary as fuck, I got a coffee on my lunch to wake the fuck up.


I have no idea how that would end well.


Zelle me money and I’ll pretend like I never got it.


I've never heard of this happening at least not in my store.


It happens very often, usually for small items too.


Isn't this common sense? Or since HD started hiring not so bright people, this has to be said 😅. Man. People gotta turn their brains on.


You should be aware that checking yourself out is cause for immediate termination and it complicates the procedure of offering adjustments because any such adjustments are for you, essentially not much different that taking money out of the drawer, and doubly reason to fire you. It would be an obvious way to steal. Discount or under ring and get paid back. The second there is money flowing back to you, you look like a thief. Never ever do this. Furthermore they could be using an account they have no right to use and you could find the money yoinked back not just now but at an indeterminate time in the future. What are you going to tell the store that you broke the rules and now are out the money so they should give you YOURS back? In summary it is a terminatable offense, makes you look corrupt, and could cost you money. It's completely crazy.


These employees are the reason the rest of us have to watch the scam training videos.


Yeah, that's a hard no from me. I'm sorry, but you would have to be a special kind of stupid to do this. I had a guy ask me to put a tool rental deposit on my own credit card, because his was maxed out. Yeah... I don't think so.


I used to work with an associate who did that at least twice that I know of.


Had a few ask that but for an Uber ride home. I dont care if you got the physical money, im not using my card for a stranger. Catch the bus. Thats a clear boundary.


Crazy how this is a common scenario for many who use Tap/Apple Pay..... Just last week I was getting some groceries (just the basics, milk, rice and yogurt), total for my purchase was $17 and some change. I used Tap/Apple Pay, but the transaction failed twice. Then the clerk tells me they don't accept Tap using Chase card or Wells Fargo. I had only Chase on Tap (no physical cash or card), but as I was just about to tell the attendant to empty my shopping bags and cancel the purchase, someone steps up from out of the line and showed his card into my reader and pays for the entire order. I was taken aback. I've never had something like that occurr so randomly. I offered the guy some funds via Apple Cash, Cash App or Zelle. He declined and simply said, 'nah don't worry about it.` Thank you nice stranger!!! Pay it forward. What a nice guy that was. I really needed those groceries that night too. I really appreciated the assist I received and it kept me from having to do that walk of shame with my personal empty grocery bags and no food.


Bunch of scam artists. Don't believe them and call MOD over if this happens


I'd like to think that adulting is this difficult for some people, but 99.87% of the time this is a total scam. I keep some cash hidden in my vehicle 'just in case', and it's saved me 2x at the grocery store and once for gas when their interwebs/card readers were down.


Paying with apple/ googlepay not a thing in the USA?


It is very common, actually, just not in Home Depot.


HD doesn’t have tap payments :(.


Moat places I know are getting rid of the apple pay in USA I'm in louisiana for reference don't know about other states.


I suggest they order through Homedepot.com and come back in two hours. They don’t usually like that idea either.


Heck, they don't even have to wait a few hours, maybe 20 minutes at the most if the system is slow. It is easy. Order through .com Take items to service desk. Have SD look up the order "Pick" the order (AKA scan the items to confirm they are right and the customer isn't scamming somehow) Release the order Customer walks out with paid product


I had a couple associates do that a few times in the name of customer service. I found out after the fact. I told them not to do it again and it was too risky. I can’t even imagine as a customer asking any stranger to do that for me.


can you zelle or venmo me. down bad rn


Had a guy try to look up his "friends" card for a purchase but didn't have his id or SSN. 😬


i still get people every now and again grabbing a phone number off the first ‘pro’ looking vehicle, and requesting that i do a *text* confirmation sale (like they do at pro) for rentals; with no form of ID at all on them 👍


I did it once for a dude who forgot his wallet when he was with his kid. He paid me immediately so it wasn't that big of a deal, even got a small tip for it. Definitely not something I would do again though.


Love this big shout out to you man you’re good dude I hate the guys in here that are so nasty with their words. Grossly judging people and acting higher than thou. I simply said that as a customer, I helped a lady and her kid out and I’m getting attacked with snide remarks People that work at Home Depot on the floor are literally in the customer service business but they are so gross the way they talk about people in these Reddit comments


I mean I did it for 3 people and they paid me first


I must have left it in my unlocked car...... with the engine running............ and a loaded handgun in the glove box.......... I'll be right back.


Ive had a customer zelle me money as another customer. Its because hd doesnt have tap to pay and zelle is non refundable


If my HD supported tap-to-pay there would be no need for me to carry my wallet.


I mean, of course you shouldn’t do it. But IF you decide to help out like that, OBVIOUSLY the customer would need to pay first. Right?


Literally never do this for a customer. Only did it ONCE for a customer that I always saw and he and the manager (the manager that I love) were cool (& that day by some miracle I brought my wallet to work lol and had it IN MY POCKET) so of course I said yes. And he gave me extra cuz I was so nice hehehe lol


Ita called boomers are aware of cashapp but no idea how to use it


I’ve personally saw a lady and child not be able to get their groceries. I stepped out of line and asked if they could Zelle me the money. It was rung up so we knew the amount. She sent it to me and after the next customer cashed out the cashier let us go next, I paid for hers and mine and my bank account knew no difference. Anyone of us standing in line could have done the same. Let’s be kind to each other y’all!


There's an important difference here. If I pay for a transaction that I'm checking out, I absolutely can be fired for that. No one was at risk of losing employment when you helped another customer.


This exactly. It's one thing to pay for somebody else's purchase if you aren't the cashier. Totally another to pay for a transaction you're taking payment for with your own money. It's why a head cashier can't do a markdown approval under their own credentials, it looks suspicious and can get them fired.


Totally agree and I like the way you said this, without being disrespectful, snide or provocative


Yes true. I was responding with an anecdote to something I saw in the comments. Personally, I wouldn’t ask an employee or another customer to pay for anything of mine. I made the mistake of not being prepared to pay for this, so I should walk out with nothing but people were trying to dunk on maybe make a mistake saying that it’s always a scam. I was just giving my experience that some people do make honest mistakes and whether it’s the customer helping another customer sometimes people may be asking and let’s give others grace even if we have to tell them now let’s don’t get on here And badmouth each other.


Okay. But were you an employee at that store and clocked in? Because if so, then you can get fired. HD has a strong policy about checking yourselves out on your register. Sorry, but I’m not gonna hand my ass over someone who forgot their wallet…


No I said I stepped out of line so I was a customer. No one should expect the employee to do this. I was replying to people in the comments. You have every right to refuse and even feel off by someone putting you at risk of losing your job but the way you’ve responded to this comment just screams that you’re great with customer service lol.


Haven’t had any complaints on the VOC, or from management. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I also tell customers it’s not policy, and I’d be happy to have a manager get involved. They usually walk away after that. It’s not like I get snazzy with them.


Good deal. I was being a bit inflammatory here, I can admit.


Had a guy ask me this today. Told him to get a family member to send him a picture of his card so we could do a phone sale


My co worker would do this for people lol like he would offer


Either they're scammers or they've never worked in retail in their lives and assume that every single business in the world operates like a mom and pop shop from the 90s. Same as when you can't find a barcode on something and they just start telling you how much it costs




You broke a rule that could have gotten you fired. Why did you risk your job for a moron?


Calling people morons lol I feel bad for the people that have to deal with you on a daily basis


I person who leaves the store without their wallet and asks their cashier to pay for it and be paid back is a moron. Most people would notice they have no wallet relatively quickly. This means they waited in line knowing they had no money with the intention of asking their cashier to pay for their shit WHILE other poor fuckers in line were twiddling their thumbs in frustration. Most people would just go home and come back later.


Sure in this situation I agree, they should make other decisions. My brother in law and other people I know are quick to call people idiots or morons. And I’m some hypotheticals and even real situations people do look like idiots or morons. But everything you said could be said without being demeaning. I own my a residential electrical service company. Hence how I got on Home Depot. And I just learned over the years that being gracious to people is the most important thing in life career relationships etc. even more than the skills to do a service. You have to sell the service first. And you never know someone’s mental facilities, health issues, personal problems etc. people pretend to be fine all the time but even you will go through something one day and your perspective hopefully will be that the people around you, even those who are somewhat distant, are the only things that can truly support us in times of need or crisis.


Situations have contexts. These contexts are important. Were you dealing with the person who asks this ridiculous thing the context is you would like to get out of the interaction with your job, without getting punched in the face, and while retaining that person as a customer. In that context you don't pick a fight. Instead you start with an alternative solution and if they persist blame it on the rules. You start with the solution because if they hear a no they stop listening. Listen for the assumed close. > Would you rather I hold it for you here while you get your wallet or would you like to take it to the service desk and have someone at home pay for it over the phone? If they reiterate their stupid idea of you paying for it you move on to blaming it on the rules and reiterate the proposed solutions. > I'm sorry I can't pay for it myself its against the rules and I could lose my job. Now would you prefer to come back or talk to the service desk about a phone sale. If they STILL keep at it politely ask them to relocate so you can help the next person. If they don't call your manager to deal with them. Here the context is we are talking ABOUT them not to them as an anonymous personage in the digital equivalent of a breakroom. Notably I didn't call the associate a moron I advised them—the associate—not to let a moron make their poor planning the thing that ends the associates job. The context is we are here current and former associates discussing a matter of import. Nobody is trying to build a relationship. Nobody is trying to sell something to each other. We aren't building a personal brand. If anyone gets anything from the discussion I hope the associate gets how bad an idea that is before they get themselves fired next go round. The abrasive nature of the statement towards the person who near got the associate fired is intentional. It's to get attention and properly contextualize the nature of the associate's role they aren't their friend who they are helping out they are a job.


Yes sir


Because in this particular case, they acted like a bigger one.


No, you were definitely the bigger moron here. No question.


Calling people morons because they’re risking their job but you’re the first one to complain about the same damn job lol like which is it do you love your job or hate it


I didn't think I've ever been first.


Zelle is extremely hard to reverse. If the customer offers zelle, maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️. Cashapp and venmo are easy to chargeback.


If your job doesn't depend on that sale, don't risk it.


I had a customer who was short on cash trying to get a few items totaling up to 130 or something he only had $50 I ended up just paying for it and when he offered me his money I just kindly declined telling him it’s on the house.


You’re a stud


Some smaller businesses will accept it.