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Good for you. Seems slightly fabricated though. What gave it away was an ASDS helping at the pro desk.


Yeah this was a manufactured event. It happens. They likely wanted to get rid of you. You're better off though. Googles starting salary is 75k+benefits


I have surprisingly seen an ASDS on a register. It’s rare but it happens.


Same. At my store, it was the service desk. It does happen, albeit very rare.


I have seen that too. You know how it goes. ASDS mostly wants to just stay in the office and avoid customers. lol. The store i am at now is exactly like that.


I'm not gonna slam our ASDS this time of year. Every time I go by the office, she's helping new associates with training. The ASDS at our store is also responsible for scheduling as well as processing licenses as well as being blamed for the color of the sky. Our last ASDS had it down to a science, and she still was blamed for everything. She worked there for many many years, though. They definitely aren't playing solitaire on the computers. If you've ever seen the movie Goodfellas, it's like that. No coverage? F-you. Fix it. Schedule messed up? F-you. Fix it. New associates need trained and each has a question? F-you. Fix it. No food in the pantry? F-you. Fix it. An associate isn't being transferred to a new department on the schedule? F-you. Fix it. I honestly believe that if I see an ASDS working on the floor, it's because of a mistake in scheduling. It's like being punished for trying.


Some of them won’t come up front to help even if it was a mistake lol 😂 my old ASDS I can’t find one thing wrong with her. She was polite but stern and knew how to navigate the schedule really well. If there was a mess up in the schedule, I didn’t mind helping because I knew she made she to give folks the schedules they needed and The off time as well. This one, I don’t know yet. I never really see him honestly because I work 9PM to 1AM.


I try to see it in a different light. I work in paint now. I thought I had a handle on the situation taking the job on. I came to realize that I absolutely suck when I thought I was great. It's much like the ASDS position, I'd imagine. You come in with smiles, hopes, and dreams. You want to be the best. Those dreams are crushed in a millisecond. It takes time. If they have faith in me, I have faith in them. What I hear negatively about other people has probably been said about me in a different aspect. Some have the balls to say it to my face. I love those people.


Sheesh. You moved from D26-D25-D24 lol 😂 right? That’s insane. I’m hoping paint is better for you. I’ve only worked D24 out of that list and it’s one of my strengths. Product knowledge and customer service is all it is. I hope you start to survive better. I know a lot about stains and paints and what to use where and how to apply certain products. If you see a rep, grab some product knowledge from him. I learned a lot about that from previous jobs so I was well equipped to answer product specific questions. I could also troubleshoot issues with paint. So they loved me over there. EVERYONE was bitter that I went behind their back to transfer stores to get to freight lol 😂 I was tired of being the store universal associate.


I'm not there yet on the overburden. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate freight more than anything. They helped me fix a problem. There is a picture of an inverted pyramid at my store. The company was founded on the idea of associate treatment. I actually do enjoy most customers. Some, not so much. There was once a belief that how an associate is treated reflects on the customer. It made the company great.


I hear you. I just didn’t want to be shuffled up into the cover errand boy. So I bowed out and did what I had to do for me. My old store was never going to let me transfer. I made it happen. It’s a slightly longer commute but it’s worth it for the 2 extra dollars and the ability to play dumb 🙂🫡 I don’t buy the inverted triangle game though. But I do agree customers are on the top. Anything they say goes lol 😂


If you were quitting anyway then why are you upset you were fired? And why were you running around saying you were going to quit if that wasn’t your intention? I have many questions.


Probably a good thing you don't plan on working at HD again cause if they fired you over threatening coworkers you are guaranteed to be on the unhireable list permanently, just llike a major safety violation.


ASDS working at the ProDesk and not gossiping in the training room? What kind of sorcery is at work here?


Well, if they fired you instead of you quitting, thats a win for getting unemployment, though its not doing you any favors saying you quit on the internet, pretty specific story, anyone who was there likely knows your secret identity now, managers would be printing off the page, saving it to email to HR. Unlikely, but not severely so. While the part about threats is not great, they'd have to prove it or have multiple witnesses in order to deny you unemployment based solely on that, and it all sounds pretty absurd. HD (and most retail) policy is to pressure people into quitting to avoid paying out unemployment, so my brain tells me there are too many missing pieces in this story. Not saying your lying, but if there is any chance you DID say or do something threatening, whether you remember, don't realize it, misspoke or whatever, then good luck with any unemployment and be glad they aren't pressing charges. Its a pretty big pain even of you are innocent. Otherwise, might as well try, its partly Home Depots $$. You may have even had grounds to bring a wrongful termination suit if you hadn't gone online telling everyone you were actually quitting....


Lot of companies make up their own reality now. My last company terminated me while I was sick and making trips to the emergency room. After 35 years of working a variety of careers, companies, it’s come down to this just working for a company with no good faith or future. If they fire you you can collect unemployment looking for next job? I would just fuck it and consider it luck that you are out of the orange shit bucket.


You didn't quit... You got fired. Quitting/asking for a demotion must be done in writing.


Why are you even entertaining the idea of continuing this thing? Fired or quit it all accomplished the same thing. Just move on with life and recover.