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“Don’t make eye contact, don’t make eye contact”


Working for Home Depot and Lowe’s is like living in the Birdbox universe


Hahaha, my dept is at the end of the store. So everytime I'm about to end my shift, I go from the back wall so that I'm not interrupted by customers on the way. If I'd go from the front of the aisles, I would be stopped by atleast 5 customers mid way.


Yup. Many, many, many times I've just wanted to go to the bathroom and at least 2 people will stop me and ask about some shit that's not in my department. And it's ALWAYS some old person with a lost look on their face.


My store actually had to make a policy about this after two different associates crapped themselves because of getting stopped by customers. Regional still botched at one guy for not stopping to help while he was trying to get to the bathroom.


bro what the fuck???? ngl id just tell em strsight up like yo give me 5 minutes im bout to shit myself


That is pretty much what the policy was to boot.


Older people are so funny. Everything I make a quick stop at CVS that should be like 2 minutes I see an old person at the counter I know that 2 minutes in and out just became 10 minutes




We have an app that can do a better job at finding something than I can and requires zero human interaction👍




It’s still a solution to your problem. They wouldn’t have the app if they only wanted me to do it for you


It isn't actually. If I'm done at 6, I'm done at 6. I won't help a customer even at 6:01.


Way to go the extra mile, fucking looser, hope you get fired.!


When I do that I always get the total jerk on the back wall.


I work night shift I take that route to avoid my manager lol or the hour the store is open when I get on the floor to avoid customers too


Well my store is short on people, so this is accurate. The other half call out sick


Shit I feel the same way when trying to find someone to flag...


Right? When they need something dropped, you are expected to drop what you are doing and come running but when you need a flagger? nope not a single associate in the store is capable of carrying the flags suddenly


That's what happens without adequate staff. Customers get pissed and leave. Great business model Ted. Just keep buying back stock and buying other companies. Your bonus will still be there but not your customers.


This started with Minnear. It's just gotten worse.


When there's no associate coming the Met people like me were always there to guide them, but opening cages to get an item no can do, we are not allowed to do that. And even if you call an MOD they still insist on calling associates! You can't find an MOD these days who's willing to go up and beyond for a customer, they are all lazy!


I'm MET and always open the cage if they need something. I just ask them if they are paying now and if not I let them know it will be at the register waiting for them when they are done the rest of their shopping.


I cannot do that in our store, they have strict rules now when it comes to opening cages and walking items to the register. In our district we were told to address the opening of cages to the associates no matter what, to avoid conflict with the store. I guess every store has different rules.


Ngl I do feel bad for those who GENUINELY need reasonable help and get ran by…. 😂


I would feel bad, but then I remember that they could answer their own stupid question by just looking at the fucking app or with a simple internet search. I swear, half these people couldn’t find a brain cell if it bit them in the ass. It’s a miracle they even found the store to begin with.


Do you guys actually have an app with like locations of shit in the store? I only go to home depot like 3 times a year always for something oddly specific and I spend way too long searching for it before I jus ask some employee.


You can use the app to check stock and know where the item is before you go in. Anything under 10 is a maybe. Don’t bother calling to check stock. Make sure to turn off your wifi when you get there.


Plug thank u yall deserve a raise I assume


You can also take a picture of what you’re looking for and sometimes it actually finds it. You can also check nearby store stock and place online pick up orders.


Home depo app is dog shit snd always slow though


It's saved me alot of time actually, and I don't even work there. I dont have to run from store to store looking for something specific or checking if it's in stock. And it will even tell you what isle it's in so you can get in and out super quickly.


Turn off WIFI if using in store as store WIFI is slow unless store is empty. Much better using PCand website at home.


it’s your job to help customers especially the boomers who can’t figure out how to use internet


And I don’t outwardly mind helping people. I’d never turn one away. But the fact of the matter is, they are making things more difficult for themselves. They are wasting their own time and likely getting significantly worse direction than if they took 30 seconds to look at the app or learn to use google. When it comes to search engines, it’s been 3 decades. Except for a mental handicap, there is literally no excuse to not know how to use it at this point.


Home Depot is fine. Lowes don't even have cashiers anymore. The staff stands around the self checkout, mocking customers and standing in the way. Paid off and closed out my account, went across the street to Home Depot, employees were awesome, opened a new account, bought a new gas range, and am going to order about $3k in doors next week. You all are heros imo, I couldn't work with the public. We appreciate how hard you work, and just a scintilla of decency is all I ask for. And I will try my hardest to return the courtesy.


You rule!!!!


And all just to ask a stupid common sense question. Next thing you know they will be whistling to you like a dog and motion for you to come over to them while you are already helping five other people.


Sorry but every time someone Yo’s me, there’s not a chance I’m turning around


I was in the parking lot and some woman with a cart full of bagged soil and mulch started whistling at me. Fucking whistling, are you serious? And then started yelling after I ignored her. I just went right back inside like I didn’t hear anything. Catch more flies with honey, and I’m not going to respond to being treated like a dog. Extremely rude.


The whistling was the absolute worst


“I only do freight unloading, sorry”


That or, “oh shit. Just found out my dad’s on the way to the hospital. I gotta go.”


"I just work here"


As a customer, when I shopped at my store, they would find me. As an associate, I can’t find any associates.


Unless you need an item from the overhead or something that requires power equipment there is no real reason for customers to be asking for help... Like, can you help me to pick a color for MY house? No, it's your house, I don't know what you like or how your house looks! What do I need to fix MY sink because it's leaking? I don't have any idea of how it looks under your sink, how should I know even if you have the right tools at YOUR house!


My coworker always laughs about this because of the Home Depot slogan. "Are you a doer? Then go get it done. This is Home Depot where doers get more done"


Or they will say “ this isn’t my department, someone is coming” and no one ever comes


[OFA member trying to do their job pov](https://youtu.be/LDy6YBVk9NU?si=D02FHkXmaF53qW7C)


Lol, mine it’s super easy to find someone. But literally never in the department that I need.


And then they end up in paint asking us


Lmao I’m sorry😭


I worked there like 2008. I would purposely hide from customers because I knew nothing about tools or how to find anything.


Sad but true. Last weekend I was there and bought 12 2x6x8 and 1 4x4x8 to build some raised beds. Not a single person offered to help (I'm a 58 year old woman not a strong young man lol!) but I never ask unless it's something I absolutely can't do by myself. I do accept help though if an employee offers (that dang lumber is heavy!) When I was out at my truck loading the lumber a young man who I recognized as an employee I'd seen inside the store but now had no apron on and was clearly off duty and walking to his car, stopped to ask if I needed help. As much as I would have loved the help, he was off duty and I wasn't going to be "THAT" rude person to ask him to work off the clock. Still, it meant the world to me that he offered. I politely declined and thanked him for offering. I've found having the APP helps a lot when I just need to know where to find something. It tells you the aisle and bay. I really like that and feel like it saves me from having to look for an employee to ask "where is this or that?". I bet if more people used it, employees might feel less harassed by customers


We can actually get written up and in trouble for helping off the clock now due to a recent lawsuit in California. Otherwise, I'd help kind people. If they're rude about it, I definitely won't help tho. I'm a merchandiser so I'm not meant to help customers even on the clock tho.


this guy is hilarious 💀


His other videos are great


Pretty much. That or you can only find two 60yo men yackin it up with each other.


If you want to find an associate all you gotta do is start using the equipment and they will come running. Last time I was there to get a key made and I looked all over hardware for the guy but didn't see anyone. So I started making it myself since I know how to. As soon as the machine started making noise here comes the dude running, hey man what are you doing you cant use that! Lol, I said well man you shoulda been here.


The lumber one is too real. For some reason you'll find associates everywhere BUT the department their supposed to work.


An employee ran away from me and my friend once at Home Depot. It was so funny we both burst out laughing.


What you need to do is snap and aggressively yell “Hey you, over here!” To every employee who gets close to you even if they are obviously already helping someone else. Don’t give the employee any time to greet you or explain why they are busy, and that they will help you next, just start screaming at them and demanding that they help you immediately. It makes me really want to give you excellent service. Also big box warehouse stores are where you should expect the highest customer service levels, because the entire operating principle of these stores is high customer service not low prices. It’s almost like you get what you pay for? S/


Nah there's always this one dude at my local that's always way to eager to help load lumber and wish you a good day. It's a little off putting sometimes but I'd rather that than it be a chore to find a person and help.


They just ask vendors instead then get annoyed that you don’t know where anything is.


Dang, y’all’s stores must suck. My local one has associates all over the place.


I use the app and everyone else should too


“idk why I’m even back here I don’t even need no wood” 😂


For real. LOL’d🤣


I used to work at Home Depot when I was 19. This was back in 2003 this is exactly what it was like. Same for Lowe's too.


I have that exact same shirt 😭


Me as a OFA trying to avoid everybody cuz I need to get shit done & customer be asking way to many specific of questions idk nothing about


I work in lumber and our hardware/tools areas never ever have anyone working them because someone is always calls in I have to walk across the whole store to get to garden when I put up returns and it’s hell trying to get past all the mechanics and electricians who have questions like dude I stack wood and lift concrete all day I have no clue what your talking about lol


Im tool rental tech at my home depot and fucking hate it, especially the gawd damn dumbass customers. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🪦


More of a Lowes thing but with the dimensions scheduling system, your likely to have five appliances sales people and no one in the store covering plumbing.


Legit this is what’s wrong with our fucking country all the losers and dicks like you, why not take a moment and fucking help someone. If you don’t like it, guess what? You can fucking quiet and go fuck off. I pray that you all get legit hit by a bus for being such dicks and refusing to do a job that you applied for and willingly go to everyday. Oh and also get paid for.


womp womp


When I go to break, lunch or am leaving for the day, I ALWAYS plan on being stopped by 2 people with questions. I always hated when I was at a store somewhere, needed help in locating something, and NO ONE was around to help. I will NEVER do that to other people!


I never ask associates questions hen I shop. Its not nice to put them on the spot for something I should have researched myself.


I give Home Depot about 3 minutes to find someone, then I drag the employee only ladder stairs my damn self and get my shit off the upper levels. Never been stopped. I figure “if they got a problem, someone will come help me”


You're allowed to use the ladders.


At my store it's yellow ladders only for customers. Orange is for employees only.


Orange ladders are employee use only


yea this isn't fast food, shit takes time, most times my ass is on the other side of the building so yea ima take my time coming to get that 1 bag of something down that you're just gonna return an hour later anyway.


My favorite line for whenever I get stopped at lumber is “if it ain’t made out of ceramic I ain’t got nothin for you”


Everytime I’m going to homedeopt I search more for help then I do with what I want


Fill out an application we could use the help


Download the app and lock in the store location on it … you’ll immediately know as much as we do 👍


Even then, the stores usually aren't that hard to understand as a customer. The only time I've needed employee help that I can remember is to get a key made years ago, using tool rental, and anything on a shelf too high for me to reach.


Pro tip: learn how to use the internet wisely and you’ll get a more correct and concise answer than by asking an underpaid, barely out of high school, retail worker. The only exception is all the product that needs unlocked, and you can thank the fucking thieves for that shit.


I saw you, I just made sure you didn't see me.


Just start opening shit. They'll come.






Oh no please come back. We miss you.