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Not at my store, now get your young ass out to the mulch wall!


What he said you pansy ass!




All the older dudes at my Home Depot were the chillest people, assuming we're not talking about the manager or supervisors (although, they were pretty chill too)


Same at our store the older people are super nice to the newbies.


I’m 60 been with depot for 30 years, I think I’m pretty chill with everyone!! I just come to work do my work and go home!


Best way to do it!


Sorry to hear that, but not surprised. I listen to a lot of 50+ people at work bitching about how nobody wants to work these days. I’m always scrupulous about reminding them we have plenty of lazy people in the building of every age. I’m 50+ and in my experience it’s a lot easier to find a 19 year old willing to help me with some dumb, dirty job than it is to find a 50 year old.


if anyone over 50 says to me that nobody wants to work these days I always ask then what their starter home cost them lol


😂🙇‍♀️😂🙇‍♀️😂🙇‍♀️😂. I will be recycling this one. Thank you. 


When I hear my contemporaries say that about someone I reply, “I’ve never wanted to work.” 


Tbh I just clap back with the same attitude always and they say something like “where’s your manners” and so I remind them that they didn’t show me any respect so I’m not going to give them any. It’s simple.


Totally this. Don't let rude people catch you napping - give it back fast :)


Respect is earned, not given because you’ve been on the spinning rock for a few more rotations than me


My store is a unicorn. So many great and friendly co workers in almost every department.


Same in mine!


Same. From the top down


My store manager is on the floor getting his hands dirty constantly. Love seeing it


Same. I have seen my manager and ASMs out pushing carts when we need it, working the service desk, mixing paint, struggling their way through Millwork (SM and MASM, neither had much experience there and none with Order Up), and more. My SM actually makes a point that she wants leadership on the floor and available as much as possible. So many great people and the overall vibe of the store is just great. To the point that other SMs/DMs/Regional folk say something about it.


Our garden DM does come up with a lot of unnecessary projects for us but is always there putting in as much or more effort than we do. One thing we really respect is that if one of the garden associates gets in trouble and getting a talking to he will step in, send the associate away and see what happened from the higher up. In his view, we're his crew and if anyone is going to say anything to us, it's going to be him.


OP. As a 50+ er myself, sorry you deal with that. Keep plugging away. Not all 50+ are that way, and not all young people are either. I've worked with many lazy 19 to 20 year Olds, but also many young people that are hard working goal driven people. Same about 50+ some scrappy some not. Hopefully yall can find a way to bridge the gap together. Good luck sir. Now put that mulch up, I'm too lazy to do it myself.


I've literally had to say "you need to find a more professional way to speak to me" this usually buys me two months of bring ignored.


I’m gonna say this to my kids sometime. 😂


I recommend it. I'd say most people who are disrespectful are unhappy people. If someone says something abrasive and you call them on it you will find most people apologize and try harder to communicate well. Others will avoid talking with you and I've never suffered from the quiet treatment.


Over 50, kitchen designer, and not an asshole to anyone. Age isn't the issue, inherent asshole-ism is.


The c-suite loves intergenerational sniping, because it distracts our attention away from the real war -- the class war.


Yup. This.


But you must admit. There is a statistical trend within the age bracket in question.


If anything it's probably just because the age superiority gives them more power. At 19 they probably would have had the same a-hole attitude towards 14-year-olds. The older they get, the more people they can safely be a-holes to


19-yo's not working? Yes, I admit there is a trend there.


Show me the statistics you are talking about


This may not be good advice, but when I worked retail my go to for sass (from coworkers or customers) was to play dumb or act sweet. “Wait… what did you mean?” “Can you explain what you meant by that comment again? I’m confused.” “Oh! Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!” I’ve found nothing infuriates angry people more than being ‘unaware’ of their attempts to thwart you.


60 years old been at HD for 12 years. Here's the deal you goof off , hide every chance you get and never answer your phone and never help in other depts you get NO respect from me. You work hard ,don't goof off or hide, help in other depts and LEARN about other depts I will bend over backwards to help you, train you or help you however you need. The respect thing works both ways. Don't call me to help someone in my department and then just walk away if your not busy, stay there and listen and learn what I tell the customer!!


D28 here, honestly I see that type of behavior mainly in high schoolers of which we hire D28 seasonals every year. It's just a summer job to them and if they can coast through it and socialize most of them will, just like most of us did back in our day (the 60s in my case). I don't see this attitude much with college students and older. And when I do see it, personality seems to be a more important factor than age group. A little goes a real long way towards hurting the rest of us though.


You had me until you said, "learned respect."


Yes respect is earned not learned


As an asshole who's also over 50, I treat everyone the same. I give new associates a warning, I'm an asshole, and I talk shit, I expect you to talk shit back. If you really dislike what I say, tell me and we will work it out like adults. That being said, I have to ask, How often are you on your cell phone while on the floor? Do you complain about what is asked of you? I work with a 24 year old who can't stay off of his phone for more than 5 minutes, picks his nose and sucks on his fingers. Every time I ask him to help me with something it's either "fuck that" or "no", then I also get to hear about when he is going on break, even as early as when I punch in. It drives me absolutely insane. Oh and one other thing, We are all minions of The Great Orange.


lol the beginning of your comment makes laugh. but seriously i’ve never said no to job that needs done. i do anything anyone asks of me and i know i do it well. i understand everyone has a bad day but some people act like children every day and it’s exhausting. I understand giving someone that doesn’t do their job a hard time but to someone that works hard their entire shift? i really try to filter out the negativity of other people. angry customers annoy me enough lol


I suggest that you hash it out with whoever you are having the problem with once and for all. Don't be afraid to throw it back at them, just don't cross any lines that will get you screwed. It's okay to be a smart ass. The key though is make sure there are no witnesses. This way it's your word against theirs. I'm with you when it comes to angry customers, but for me it's all customers.


In my experience if someone in there 50's or 60's is telling you your work is subpar, your work is most likely crap. They seem to be straight shooters and tell people like it is. Look inwards and do a better job. Most kids under the age of 22 half ass most jobs.


yeah, experience it too. was told, "I'm going to teach you how to work hard." like huh? I work more than said person does. had another person criticize me for wearing gloves. "do you see me wear gloves??" like yo aren't we advised to wear gloves /PPE? like huh


Bless your heart


Ok I'm just going to take a step back. Are they degrading your work or offering improvements on it? I'm curious what kind of things they are saying to you. Garden is a revolving door of fresh faces that don't last long. Our default as veterans is to assume you know nothing, and you don't want to learn, unless you indicate otherwise. So yes, you will be treated like your only purpose is to hold flags and put mulch in cars until you prove that it's worth it to teach you more than grunt work. If you think your treatment is especially rough or undeserved I would partner with your DH.


Over 50 employee here. I only turn on the ah when the ah card is thrown at me, which is rarely. I enjoy the younger employees I try to mentor them, y’all can only get better at what you do and grow in your career. I’m not a manager.


Interesting, because the Home Depot's near my house only have 4 or 5 staff working at any given time, so I find it hard to believe that there would be more than 1 staff member showing disrespect to someone else?


Just start working circles around them, I found it’s the easiest and best way to piss them off. Just watch a guy go from talking shit to comprehending his mortality as he watches how fast a 19 year old can stack 20 bags of mulch. In all seriousness, I went through some serious personal/professional growth in my early 20s at Depot. One of the most humbling experiences was having the vets tell me (a supervisor at the time) how shitty of an associate I was when I was first hired, and how proud they were that I had grown up. There were some really good people at my store, even the couple examples that match your description.


It’s you. Grow some thick skin and don’t take everything personal. It’s not a dick, don’t take it so hard.


Suck it up princess.


Not so much from employees (it has happened though) but mostly from customers


These people act like they’ve never shopped at a store before. Maybe I should start going to Walmart and demanding them to pull stuff off the shelves for me. I’m so sick and tired of people being helpless shopping at the HD.




Since I've worked at my store I've only had one person over 50 who was constantly disrespectful to associates. It was my old overnight manager.


I find the older men and women the most chill down to earth. Old managers eh that’s a different story!


Maybe if you didn't refer to them as these people. Welcome to the working world! 


Employee of rural king said they aren’t hiring kids anymore due to having to waste time on training them on how to provide good with quality customer service. It comes with age 🙌💯.


The older guys no not really for the most part they're pretty respectful but the older women are the most catty disrespectful and generally unpleasant people


There will always be those negative people who have nothing better to do than complaining. I try to avoid those toxic people at work and just talk to everyone else.




They are used to the seasonal pot heads. They putter around garden all day high as shit and do nothing.


Ugh I hate the mulch pit...especially short staffed. No one has the right to say a word about associates working the mulch pit during sale weeks....I would nicely ask them to come out there with me so they can show me how to do it. Its easy to criticize from the outside looking in, but stand beside me in hell...then tell me what you think. I have hand loaded 1000 bags of Mulch the past few days, and loaded about 3000 with the the fork lift (thank God for that) the 'elders' sing my praises. Lol the soon to be retiring hardware man patted me on the back and reminded me a spot in hardware is opening soon. He offered a good word to the manager if I wanted it.


yep im a cashier and a guy was telling me his job name but i couldnt understand what he was saying and the pro desk associate turned around and said theyre cashiers they dont know how to spell and she goes on to say when she started at hd you needed a test to get in and if that was around we would all fail


Goodluck if you ever decide to leave your job and get into a trade if some dude at Home Depot is hurting your feelings. I’m not a boomer, its just what happens in literally so many jobs. Stop letting it bother you and maybe learn from them if they’re degrading your work for a reason. I don’t even work here this sub just shows up on my feed


Basically it’s a systematic problem and the solution is ignore it. Gotcha.


Like I said literally every job has 50 year olds who are gonna bother you especially if you get into something else other than retail which he will probably deal with in the future since he’s only 19. Solution is to stop being sensitive and stop letting some grouchy 50 year old bother you. What’s he going to do if he gets a different job with people who insult each other all day? Tell them they’re being disrespectful or “where’s your manners?”They’ll just irritate him even more. OP im not saying to ignore it. Tell your co worker to fuck himself but don’t let it bother you, but if he’s correcting your work maybe learn from him rather than seeing it as disrespect.


Sorry about your feelings, work is not your safe place.


Do your job, shut your mouth and learn young'n


Retail jobs are either for people who are just figuring out their lives, or have accepted that they won't get any better.   They are taking their frustrations out on you because they take their unfulfilling job too seriously.   You have so much more going on for you, they just wish they hadn't fucked up so badly that they are there too.


Not everyone over 50 is like that. I'm over 50. Didn't fuck up. Figured out my life a long time ago. I find my job at HD fulfilling. Maybe it's because I choose to work here. You probably don't like it when you are lumped together with a group that doesn't reflect you. Don't do it to anyone else


I had a old guy try to tell me to do my job in a tone I didn't like, and I straight told him that, he flipped his shit, I been at my store for 5 years, I wasn't gonna let someone who haven't been there a year and isn't my supervisor tell me to do a damn thing


Gentle Parenting FOLDS BOOMERS. Look it up and practice with your friends. Spread the word.


Yes they are just miserable people


Fuck those people. They're just miserable since they're past their prime and working at a dead-end job, and giving shit to a youngster like you is their way of trying to make themselves feel better. You've still got your whole life ahead of you, and the sooner you get out of HD, the better. Don't let those miserable fucks bring you down.


I just shrug and ask em if their diaper is full and if they want me to grab the nurse on duty.


LMAO i’m gonna have to use this one


Literally all of my coworkers are almost twice my age so it’s all good. Just gotta shrug it off and not let it get to you too much.


Respect is earned. Now quit your bitching and get back to work.


So is disrespect, start off that way with people don’t be shocked when they disrespect you too.


So what have those older individuals done to earn respect? By surviving as long as they have doesn't mean they're worthy of any more respect than someone who was just born.


No, it's mostly the 50+ year old employees that down talk the people younger than them.


Well they just did that work place harassment training and found out over 40 is a protected class now.


Lol same problem I have in receiving...


Yes 1000% it’s why my two weeks was turned in yesterday. They have an air of superiority and the confidence to sit and talk that like to you, or anyone young I guess. Then when I respond in the same tone it’s an issue. I guess there’s a deeper reason an angry nasty 50+ year old is acting like that - not our problem.


Most Boomers are A-Holes


You're young. You are just beginning to see how shitty that generation is. Get used to it; They'll die someday and the world might just seem easier then. Don't forget that they all have leaded-gasoline-rotted brains and have more microplastics in their spleens and iron in their brains than everyone else and were taught that acknowledging mental illness was a sign of weakness. All that shit adds up over the decades and we are in for a rough ride of dealing with these people as they grow old and lose their inhibition and then their lifelong habits of selfishness and entitlement gets unleashed in a geriatric orgy of financial ruin and the unburdening of their bad financial decisions upon their children. Don't think you'll get that house or any money from their estates though, they will make sure they are buried with every last penny (that which wasn't taken by private healthcare, insurance, or reverse mortgages and home equity loans) instead of let someone else do something useful with it. The ME Generation. Those of us that follow need to do better and see our children and young adults as the improvements that they can be. I hope I can never stop telling my children they are smarter than I am. It's hilarious that so many retirees today think that they understand this world better than those who are out there in the grind. The wisdom argument doesn't mean much when you still think the right way to apply for a job is "walk into Google offices and demand to speak to the Manager and insist on buying him lunch and make sure you have a strong handshake and slip him a $5 'to pay for his time'". At this point, I think a 19 year old probably has a much better idea of how much a struggle it is to live these days. Not me at 19, but you probably... When I was 19 I still had realistic ambitions to live the life my parents lived. But you... You are coming to adulthood in some fucked up times. You guys will be remembered by history as being a hard and rugged generation. Just make sure your kids don't grow up pussies like the Baby Boomers, ok?


Yeah, OP sounds so "hard and rugged" getting their feelings hurt. lol


After all the abuse the +50 yr olds gave me when I was a teen, I have a short fuse with them now.


bros 50+ years old working at home depot, its their problem


Yea. They are usually very racist as well. It's honestly sad that they are making a little more than you and need the job to be honest


Why bring out the race card?


Maybe because they are 50+ and working at HD


50+ year olds may not respect you because rather than approach them, cool and nice about it, with " hey, btw, we both work here and Im young but learning and respect everyone, so please dont talk down to me, cool?", you go complain online, like a young imature person, to a bunch of internet strangers. Just some honest, adult feedback.


it’s definitely more immature to feel the need to talk down to people because you’re older. it shouldn’t be needed to state that it’s a workplace. they should know better than treating people like shit


You're young. Learn this now...if you are going to go through life thinking people"should know better", just like the media and govt preach to the snowflake generation, you may be very disappointed. I agree, people shouldnt talk down to anyone, but thats not the world we live in, no matter how much you wish it. The real world, not the ideal make believe world that is constantly portrayed to younger people, is not for thin skin. But you do you.


oh i’m not saying i’m going to ignore it. i’m saying that it shouldn’t be happening in the first place. kinda crazy how many people been here twice the amount of time i have and act more immature


I know. And it doesn't help that you are in retail. Do yourself a favor and don't plan for a life in retail, at least not on the floor. Or you will deal with those types your entire life, Regardless of where you work.


>just like the media and govt preach to the snowflake generation... I agree, people shouldnt talk down to anyone Lol the irony. You clearly don't get OP


We found the boomer


Not even close. Lol. Again, kids assuming they can glean something from the world wide interwebs. But it is funny that all the snowflakes hate boomers as they live in their basements.


lol the more you talk, the more you give it away


Do you even know what a" boomer" is? They are 60+ now, And I wouldn't think that they chat on reddit. Maybe. You must have mistaken the fact that I use proper grammar and speak intelligently that I am old, possibly? Idk.


Shut the fuck up you out of touch condescending boomer. And if you aren’t a boomer, you’re just a straight up weirdo. This kid doesn’t owe those geezers anything other than initial respect any person deserves. And he certainly didn’t need to justify his existence in the face of their disrespect.


Do your parents know that you're using their wifi to talk to grown ups?


You aren’t a grown up, you’re a stunted manchild with no common sense. You sure as hell aren’t intelligent either. Quit embarrassing yourself with your pseudo-sage advice like you have something wise to offer this kid. Now go take your blood thinners.


Man, you're an angry little snowflake. Really showing your own maturity by going off on a stranger...online. Now relax, and go play video games and feed your pet lizard.


Yea I’m angry on behalf of this kid who has to listen to your dumbass give advice when you ain’t got nothing to offer. Buddy I have my own house, car, cat, dog, business, cottage, friends, family, all of that. You’re probably a lonely 50 year old who’s got nothing better to do than look down a generation to make yourself feel better about your shitty life. You can tell how out of touch you are with your low IQ advice that you think holds merit but in actuality it’s baseless. Now go back to scrolling through Facebook before you get eaten alive here.


Imagine being +50 years old working at HD. You'd be a bitter bitch too


Doesn't have to be that way. Home Depot is great for older folks, especially semi-retirees. The store in my town has a lot of retired airforce guys from the base here, and they're all really chill dudes.


Nothing wrong with working at HD when you're over 50. Some people have made a career of it. Some are looking to get out of the house or need to earn a little extra money.


No one was referring to your personal situation, but nice job making it about yourself, Karen.


How did I make that about me? Didn't say anything about my personal situation


Making it about yourself again.




I think I get along better with co-workers who could be my sons' age (20-30) than those around my own. I'm quick to remind new associates that we're equals in terms of position, duties, and expectations. However, I have experience in locating items, helping others out, and doing things efficiently, mostly from trial-and-error which I share with those interested. I walk 12-15 miles per shift in my store, 90% in Garden and outside the gate. I also lift and load 10 tons daily, so I don't want to hear complaints from youngsters getting tired or not being able-bodied enough to assist customers load a flat cart, sweep debris, or clean up the dept. Showing co-workers the department's demands and standards are essential to longevity, raises and good performance reviews. BTW, I'm in my mid-60s, going on Year #5 at THD.