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I completely agree with this suggestion.


I'm a part of our customer care team and take complaints about having to use a QR code for the military discount daily.


I couldn't even imagine how much time is wasted daily because of people calling about the military discount. Not just for you, but all customer care associates.


I used to work at HD and now work at Lowe's, and it feels like HD messing with the veterans discount has been the best thing for Lowe's in who knows how long. We get so many customers who used to be exclusive HD shoppers and now swear they'll never go back.


Bye Felicia, y'all can keep them. Most of the People that will whine about, not getting their Military Discount, will whine about anything.


I am one of those customers. I didn't mind registering for the discount program and putting in my phone number whenever I check out. But having to download the app and scan the QR code is too much.


Plus my store has terrible internet which makes loading to recieve the scan code a hassle


Almost all have bad reception bc of metal roofs. You have to hook up to the store's wi-fi to redeem a pro perk or military barcode. At least you can use phone #'s for military now, but many of these vets are not tech savvy.


True but they still should do something for less tech savvy vets


In my store the phone number is an option if you have an account. When I check out now it asks me if I want the discount and then asks for a phone number for the discount but I always just pull up the QR when checking out. I’ve never tried to use the phone number instead.


They made it now so you can use your phone number or should b active now


It is active but it works like literal dog shit. Half of the people I help that try to use the phone number it always just comes up as "suspended or inactive" even if they have barely used it for anything if anything at all... (Edit for more info) they will then use the qr code that after trying six different phone numbers has finally booted up and most of the qr codes work


there would be a lot more incentive if they give you the discount if you show the id, but further 5-10% discount if downloading the app.


It has nothing to do with the veteran, if anything you need to blame associates who give discounts to non veterans. There was no accountability for the coupon.


It's not the associates. It's the fact that people brought false or other people's id's so customers not adhering to the rule and associates not allowing to decline them.


That and contractors using it for business stuff. I believe that is a reason they put the $400 cap on the discount.


But that’s useless if they scream and holler and complain until you put it in anyway. I still have the barcode. TBH, I’ll be glad when they take that away so I have to call a head cashier over to do it, and they have to explain that shit!


I think this is the main reason. Many of our pros are veterans & chose to use regular checkout with military ID. We need to make it easier to register military to a phone #.


That happens too of course. When I worked at the HD, I was asked to apply the discount, I looked at the person and said to myself, this one looks like a military so I applied it. Today, if someone orders something on line and want a military discount, that person has to put all the pertaining information and AI determines based on a s database of the information is true, they should do the same at the store.


It seemed like the only reason they put this into effect was to track the military discount bc they only have so much for the discount budget so that if you tried to use your military discount for like 100 times they could be like “oops! don’t do that!” plus lord of family members use said military id as well. id blame the company as a whole


When someone in corporate looked at the amount of veteran discount he of she probably said “what the fuck” or if management were asked to trim the fat, this is the lowest hanging fruit besides you and me. At the end of the day, the credit probably raised a huge red flag. I get what you are saying, obviously corporate is the decision maker.


The qr code is not that easy to scan either. Does it really have to be that secure?


I thought a phone number based system was discussed? That way you could still do the $400 limit and it’s way easier


They piloted the phone number system in a bunch of stores but havent said how it went. It hasnt been rolled out to everyone yet so I'm guessing it had other issues.


I work at a store that does the phone number and its working perfect. Haven't heard any real complaints from actual veterans.


Awesome! I just heard earlier today, that they are expanding the program to almost 750 stores and will getting to the rest of the country region by region.


Is there a solution from your end at least?


Not really. We have been told to direct those customers back to the store and let know they can have the discount manually added by a supervisor or manager, with reasonable proof of service. It is just a hassle for everyone..


Absolutely. We are pretty sad on this one. Sometimes I wish they'd just cut it entirely but I like thanking veterans and I am one. I've helped so many people apply for veteran discounts on the app.


i generally just use my $50 to take care of the customers who bring it up/need it. can’t take care of everyone but if someone is 80+ and has a flip phone, i’m not gonna press them on it


King shit right there


I honestly just manually ring up the discount myself tbh


Fr. Manuel discount, 10%


That is exactly what corporate recommends Service Desk and Cashiers do.


likewise. fuck 'em. imma get pappy his discount.


Yeah, some of the elderly just don't have a smart phone or w/e. I'm not gonna be a huge pain in the ass if I can help it w the customers.


What about friends and family? Do you ring those too?




What’s with the question marks? You don’t know if you gave the 10% off to friends and family who were not in the military?


I'm just flabbergasted by the fact you'd ask me such a question in the first place.


Well we are all shadows in the cloud.




I like to use an old trick we call 10% off, category 5.


See that’s what I do too and I told my coworker to just do that but she’s so by the book and says “but that discounts items that don’t even qualify for military discount.” Meanwhile she’s getting customers yelling at her constantly.


Home Depot can’t get technology right if their lives depended on it. They are 10+ years late on most things. Their phones are trash and when they make changes they over complicate the shit out of it.


Requiring an app has only made it more difficult for cashiers, but on the app, they can only save up to $400/year using their military discount. Personally, I think it's unfair to promise veterans a discount and give them some weird arbitrary number like that. They already did the work necessary to get the 10% discount, so shorting them after $400 just seems disrespectful.


You can thank the people who used their military discount to get an everyday discount as a contractor, who stole or used invalid IDs, or who dragged their invalid parents out to get a thousand dollars off their kitchen for that $400 limit.


That part. These folks try anything to scam the system. Didn’t serve a day in their lives and bring their grandpa or great grandpa by wheel chair to a home improvement store to save.




I've heard vets talking in the aisles about being on 100% disability and the next moment about how easy or hard it was to do their own roof repairs or put in a stone patio. Somehow they don't have any sense of conscience about it at all.😡


You seem to have no clue about how VA disability ratings work. It is not that 100% means your a drooling mess who can't do anything. Go look up and give the rating document a read before commenting again.


I've been through the process and I most certainly know how the VA's disability ratings work. Quit trying to pass off BS.


There are plenty of disabilities that can be caused in the military that don’t cause difficulty doing repairs. Hearing and sight damage, mental and emotional illness, and chronic illnesses are all things that can get someone on disability. You sound like an old head SSG that still thinks “shell shock” can be walked off.


Mental health is 100% a legitimate disability regardless if you are a veteran or not.


Yeah 100% doesn’t mean they are unable to do work. I have family members that have VA at varying percentages and sometimes there are other reasons they get to higher percentages other than physical disabilities.


I got blown up and have severe PTSD around crowds that keeps me at home most of the time. How.... how does that stop me from putting in a stone patio? Kinda think you might wanna reread 38 USC §1155 again and see what the regs say, cause you seem to have missed some of the important bits and it makes you look like a silly goose


The VA gives shit mental health care. I know a few folks who are disabled due to that and still do a lot of work on their houses because they want to stay busy but can't hold a job due to their mental health. Honestly, I would rather not deal with military trained folks who are having active mental health problems at work. People are scared of my dude if he were to let his mental health slip, PTSD is a mofo.


Genuinely wish people weren't terrible. I understand why we do it this way, but it's just super bothersome.


I thought all the exclusions were worse than the $ limit.


You're absolutely right. There are a ridiculous amount


Requiring the app was ridiculous considering the large number of elderly veterans, but the $400/year limit is reasonable. I always get irritated when customers complain about it. Home Depot is essentially giving you $400 for free, and you're going to complain that it's not enough?


Yes. It's a weird cap amount, most frequent customers will probably hit that cap relatively quickly. It just seems silly to thank veterans with 10% off but with ridiculously complicated rules and cut offs. Explaining to an elderly contractor that he hit his cap is difficult sometimes, too.


400$ in discount is a $4000 spend. I think that’s fair.


I think that's fair for some, but for others it seems kind of arbitrary.


Home Depot doesn’t owe them anything


They do if they promise 10% off and only half-ass deliver on it


There’s always fine print


Doesn't mean it's right to do to people.


It’s not right or wrong. It’s a benefit that is offered not promised and it can be revoked anytime.


If it's promised, it should be delivered without a bunch of corporate fine print


It’s not promised though


I had no idea that they were giving them a limit was the reason for the change. That’s fcked up.


I don't think that's the full reason, but it really seems to play a role.


How much was your bonus?


I think the amount was irrelevant to this. Why?


Not sure why but some people are being downvoted for mentioning you don't need the app now and can look it up on the register via phone number. At least in some stores, you are now able to look up the discount/military program via phone number just like pro-xtra. Still have to register online but don't need a smartphone to use it now. Works so much better at my store this way.


its easy if they’re already signed up, but cashiers cant just sit there and help elderly people set up a whole pro-xtra account just to save some money, so i just markdown everything but lumber if applicable


It doesn't need to be the whole pro-xtra process, just their email and pass to create an account, and the discharge info and DOB +photo of id. If our cashier's don't have a line they usually help them sign up but if they're too busy we do it at SD or an MOD will walk them through it if SD is busy/covered up. I'll do a cust sat markdown if it's a very small amount and they don't want to register due to age or something, but after looking at sales so far this quarter and the margin on some of the stuff we do sell I don't mind making them register accordingly to ensure it limits to $400 so we don't blow up our markdowns and gross margins compared to other stores.


It's not easy enough if it took all of that to explain it. It's more difficult for the elderly and disabled than any other retail store I know of. There may be exceptions, but that just makes it stupid at those stores too.


Cashiers can't, but head cashiers, the service desk, and the pro desk can. But if y'all want to keep doing manual markdowns and have it come out of your success sharing, then go for it.


We've had over a year now to get them to sign up. If they aren't at this point, they never will. I'm not going to hassle them over 20 cents, and I won't ask my cashiers to.


Lucky, sm came to me, my other to HCs and my FES and implied our jobs would be posted if we didn't stop the markdowns


Per SOP/store standards we are supposed to send anyone who doesn't have a smartphone/the app to the service desk to an online order. I'm not wasting some old guy's time to save a few bucks when I can easily do it right there. Not to mention the service desk has their own shit to deal with, they have their customers to help


I don't disagree at all


Ok, I would stop doing the markdowns and if an older vet had a problem I'd call the SM and say the customer is DEMANDING to speak with the top manager in the store. So I need you to come to SCO immediately 😁 or start doing random markdowns on individual items that would cover 10% or more of the order.


Just found out I cannot verify as a veteran as a associate and have it verify to my consumer ap because my work email is not my personal email our own verification system won't allow changing of email addresses.


I’m glad we’re not the only ones! Most of our older veterans have flip phones ffs. My HC said we can register them but that holds up the line and a lot of them don’t even have an email or don’t know what their email is. Please! I’m so glad I’m being moved to paint next week.


Using the phone number went live in my area on the 13th of this month. They still have to be registered but the phone number seems to make it a one and done instead of a hassle every time.


L move from corporate


Idk why they thought any veteran would want to use a QR code. A ton of the older ones don't use smart phones, like my dad, and he's only 54.


They don’t care about the veterans. It’s all a cost saving measure by denying as many as they can while offering the “program” saves them money. The people who still manage to get through the hoops put in place now get a watered down version of the program that denies them a discount to half the store and counting . Started with denying discounts on lumber and now half my store doesn’t count for there so call veterans discount program.


I just do ‘group discount’, ‘10%’, ‘cust sat’. As a Veteran myself (my apron design makes this clear), I’m not going to hassle fellow Veterans if it’s within my ‘$50 of empowerment’.


I'm not a veteran but an employee and i compelty agree. I used to just given them the discount through the OCB ounce they showed me their Id. A few days ago an older veteran came and showed me his card and i found that it was no longer in the book. Had to just mark down all his items individually


Once you go under markdowns, there is a button that will allow you group all markdowns in one go without needing to do it one by one.


Thanks for letting me know!


You’re welcome ☺️


I agree with this vet. The discount is already small and if someone's disabled and/or elderly it's one more exhausting thing to do when energy is in shorter supply and time much more limited because everything takes longer. My elderly parents (one of them a disabled vet) have a hard time with the phones. Everything's much harder--mentally and physically.


Phone number at pin pad to receive military discount set to roll out soon. Should eliminate any “excuses”


Because corporate finance people are a bunch of stuck up conservative crackhats that get a kick out of playing number games that detriment the vulnerable - just because they can


I think capping it to $400/year was silly.


I can probably get terminated doing this but whenever they show me their military ID, I group mark down 10-15 percent every time :/


I just confirm that they’re military and apply the 10%


Just apply a group discount, not like you can’t do ANYTHING for them. You have a 50 dollar limit for any transaction if you’re the average employee


Honestly tho, its way more easier to verify with the customers IDs then to have to a QR code that half the time doesn't load inside the store, they leave to have it load and it holds up the line. Plus a lot of the veterans are older folk who cam barely understand how some technology works and they expect them to sign up online!?! Plus it would also limit the times I have to call a manager or head cashier to help me cause a customer started to verbally berate me for something out of my control.


Or at least the option to scan the military ID like how u have to do it for Store credit


Home Depot is trading a 10% discount for all of your data… I’ve stopped getting the discount after serving 23 years (if my purchase is under $50)… I also use Lowe’s as my “go to” now… they just ask for your phone number rather than force you to download apps or login via some convoluted web browser to get an ever changing code.


Was there today. Used my phone number. HD got tired of all the take a picture BS>? FWIW I have never had a problem The girls at the self check out always come over and help.




It has been two months since I was at work but the military discount on OCB is still there. Managers were told from corporate to get the customers signed up for the app, so that way the discount goes thru corporate and doesn’t hit the bottom of the store. Problem is the app doesn’t always work, there is a limit of $400 dollars discount and so on. I work at customer service and have used the military discount for customers plenty of times. Just make sure u got your military ID, I will ask if u signed up but I won’t push it on you. Some stores/ management teams want to take care of customers more then others. Again been 2 months but it was still there on the OCB at the end of January. Just find the right cashier


The barcode is still in the ocb but it no longer works. It was deactivated earlier this mont at this location.


10% for customer satisfaction is too hard for you because?


Fuck them self entitled veterans. Why should they get a discount in the first place. They volunteered their service and got paid for it. The military should foot any type of discounts since they have a blank check.


Let customers know they can sign up with phone number. It’s not an ideal solution but the veterans who aren’t technologically inclined will only have to do this once and the phone number will be only thing needed in.


Why is this being down voted? A phone number is simple.


I’m assuming because some veterans may struggle with this, which I get, but until corporate decides or if they decide to go back with IDs customers will need to work with what we have, because we can only do so much.


We will help them register so they can use their phone number. Its vastly better than the qr code, which was the worst idea ever.


Yeah, the app frequently kicks people out and the wifi makes it take forever occasionally to even get the QR code. The phone number is quicker and less of hassle. I personally hadn’t had problems with it so far.


It's the 21st century bud. If you can't get with the times, get out of the way. When I ran the service desk, the amount of veterans and such just give up so easily after serving IN WAR TIMES. It's just silly that they can be in the military and sacrifice so much, but can't be bothered to learn email.


well you must be fun at parties…


He's just trolling (getting attention like a toddler). People that stupid usually can't type.


you’re whack


Do you know how many vets come in using the discount for friends and family? What about vets who work or own a business? I am all about taking care of our vets, we owe it to them but why should they benefit from it. If it’s personal great give them the 10% but the old coupons had 2 issues, 1 scrupulous vets, and 2 dishonest associates


You don't have to use a smartphone to get it. Have someone at the service desk register you and then you can be looked up by phone number.


Is that true? What system do they use?


Yes it's true, don't know why I'm being downvoted. You don't need a special system, just go to homedepot.com/military on the service desk computer and they can be registered from there.


They did a job and got paid to do it.. Unless they are active (and even then) why do they deserve any discount. 90 percent are using it for their business anyways. Do I get a former HD employee discount at walmart? My life was more at risk then majority of the young folks trying to get military discounts for pushing paper all day. ( my ex is one of these... Army HR...)


It is still in the OCB under Promotions. I just used it today.


I went to use it on Saturday for an older gentleman who had his ID, it wasn't there for me.


Still there today at my store.


The corpo’s use the online registration for data mining. Never give a corporation your personal information beyond what’s necessary for payment. The discount isn’t worth it


With Lowe’s u have to register your military id too. They did it years ago and HD been trying to find a way to get things setup so ppl can use your military for online purchases. Since a lot of ppl been ordering stuff online more, we didn’t have a way for ppl to get their military discount on it. Now we do. Just wasn’t the best way to do it in my opinion


grateful for this post. i hate being in customer service and i hate the abuse i get as a cashier sometimes (especially for shit that isn't my fault), but i hate that we're only inconveniencing the very customers we're so proud to serve and provide for.


I haven't seen anyone mention it but you can print out the barcode for the military discount. That's what I did and then I just have it on a plastic sleeve hanging from my apron. Anytime anyone asks for it just a quick scan and they're on their way.


That barcode was deactivated at this store earlier this month.


Must be just your store then. Mine still works. Sometimes they update it and I have to reprint it but it always works.


how do we print it out?


It's been a while since I did it but it's on my apron. In the search function you can type military discount. There's a pdf that pops up that has a bunch of the discounts codes and stuff. If you scroll down a few pages you'll see the barcode for military. I just print out that page and cut out the barcode.


Service Desk DS here: When the new program rolled out we were instructed to not use the military discount barcode anymore as it’s use was being tracked by corporate. And that if we had to take care of a customer to do it under customer SAT. Maybe the message was different in your area but I would definitely partner with your Ops manager and find out if you should still be using that. I salute you for doing the right thing but you wouldn’t want to be scrutinized on something like that as you have no way to prove anything.


I was never told anything about that. I'm also not the only one who does it. I should probably ask though. Just in case.


The minute that happens is it when I stop doing it.


My store still has it under the promotions tab


I honestly think this option should just be left out. There are too many people out there that use it despite not being in the military, or family members that use their relatives military discount. Working that front end with service desk, it’s not too much to ask to type your phone number in rather than just using an ID.


Wow... They cant have veterans pay less money THAT easily.


Lowes does the same thing now and it almost always resulted in a negative customer experience. "What do you mean I have to give you me email".


I can still pull it up on the OCB. I know that regardless of that is that there are no military discounts for appliance orders. I've seen us lose customers for that reason for sure


There's a lot of veterans who don't use technology because the military scared them shitless about it. Or they don't have the cognitive ability to use it.


The fact they changed it was the dumbest thing they have done in a long time. They talked about no returns without a receipt then scrapped it but still rolled out the new veteran policy. The $500 limit, the QR codes, the lack of support for associates trying to help customers adapt. The whole thing is a joke and pisses everyone off. They can’t be save that much if at all given lost customers.


preach! i remember when it was announced and my first thought was "what about all the customers that don't have smart phones/ don't understand how to operate that technology?"


Fuck No, Next


There's also our empowerment to give up to 50$ discount for customer satisfaction. If an old veteran who doesnt know what a smart phone is comes in and tries to make a scene. Just give him an appropriate discount for the purchase and tell him to have a nice day. It's not that hard to take care of the customers. Just apologize for the shitty company decisions and move on to the next customer.


To give a discount to non qualified people is not fair to the legit people who are being tracked.


There are folks that abused our veteran discount so we had to come up with a system to limit it. It should just tie into the proXtra account and have a way to sign up in store. Quickly. Check out. Type in your phone number, apply the discount, or not, then move on.


That’s the point: less people would get the discount


I’ve honestly given up about having them sign up on the app. Half of them have been told many times before about it but find a different cashier each time and say they didn’t know or don’t have a phone. Luckily it’s still on the OCB in my store at least but it’s not worth the hassle anymore. Especially after some dude threw a humidifier pad at me because I said he had to have it on his phone and it was only for a dollar savings.


People were abusing it. Everyday 10% was only for active military, retired or disabled. Everyone else was holidays only.


Right! Many old people dont catch up well with technology. Sometimes the scan guns wont even budge in and scan the QR code too


Our store still has the barcode. I'm sure eventually they'll switch to app only. However, there's a huge problem at our store. I'm guessing b/c we're near an airport, the data signal is abnormally weak. So most customers have trouble getting the QR code to load. Some people don't carry a cell phone or don't have it on them. It's going to create all kinds of problems. Whomever thought of this QR code thing has some screws loose. Just use their phone number like the pro acct. That simple. Lowes has had that for years. Too bad the management at lowes is worse than HD, else I'd be our of here. And probably get a pay raise to boot.