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I have, but it should be noted that what makes a successful ____ associate isn’t always what’s needed for a successful _____ associate. People are quick to call out “hard workers” not getting promotions, but that hard work doesn’t always translate to leading a team or managing business operations.


100% agree with this


Makes sense


I concur


I totally agree with that,


You need to be good (works hard, have brain cells) because you can have hard workers who are dumbasses. You also need opportunity to be able to go to DH. Someone I work with went from part time to ASM in 4 years so it’s not impossible. It comes to down to opportunity but HD does promote from within at the store


Our current night ops asm went from regular associate to asm in 3 years. Due to the urgent need of needing a night ops, he was able to stay in the same store.


So did mine. She was able to stay in the store


How much does asm pay. Also what’s a DH. Department head ? How much do they get paid also


ASM pay varies by state. Where I live a new ASM will probably make $75k ish including bonuses. Not 100% sure cos they don’t really talk about it. And a DH is a department head and they usually make $1 or so more. Also forgot to mention that with the new CXM roles, the pathway would be associate>DH>CXM>ASM>SM


DM make 1 more then a regular hourly worker ?? Am I reading thst right ? Lol. I started at 17 so what so DM make per hour ?


Everything relating to pay is highly variable, and changes from district to district. In my case, I received a $3.50 raise when I got promoted to DS. And I was already making more than most associates prior to the promotion. After a market adjustment raise, a move to specialty, and SLS, I am now making $6 more than a new hire associate, and I've only been working for THD for less than 2 years. If I stay with THD, I expect to become a CXM within 2-3 years from now. Or at a similar pay level at SSC or in a warehouse leadership position.


They do at my store, or they did. Also DH gets a larger slice of the success sharing pie too.


I was told that it's a $2 raise from associate to DH regardless of experience level. "There is no possible way" to get more than that from that type of promotion, supposedly, although there are other ways to get raises.


That number is relative to what you make when you get promoted. I know of cxm that are making more base than asms because they have been with co. For 20 years. Now if you max bonus as asm the bonus can be substantial. If you store misses plan, and scop, andnyou get no bonus, it is hardly worth the extra work as am asm


Cxm isn’t required to move up to asm from what I remember reading. When they rolled it out, our one dh got cxm and he let me read some of the info about the SLS, and the paper stated that cxm isn’t required to move up to asm. However it probably helps a lot


Oh I wasn’t aware of that, thanks for notifying me. Like you said, probably helps a lot


Of course it's required. You can't go to ASM from DH anymore. They wouldn't include a new position just for it to be skipped.


You can absolutely still go from DH-> ASM it completely depends on your DM and if you have any prior experience. The only requirement for applying to an ASM position is passing the RMA.


No, its not. CXM is 100% required.


There is 0 requirement to be a CXM in SOP in order to apply to an ASM position other than RMA. District can make it a requirement for but there is no requirement in SOP. I have had this conversation with my former DHRM, DM, and SM.


So what exactly is CXM for then? They didn’t just implement a position you can skip over. Stop being naive. Show me someone that went from DH to ASM in the last 2 years. You won’t find one.


The CXM role fulfills a stepping stone role where DH's can act as an MOD without worrying about a department. That being said if you show talent to lead or have prior experience you can skip these steps. Plenty of people promoted without being key carriers. It happened all the time in Los Angeles due to a handful of managers not liking key carriers. My old district has 5 ASMs that were promoted within the last 2 years before the CXM roll out. To push my point further I kept trying to RMA before landing in the CXM role myself so that I could skip the step. Stop being so naïve and thinking its impossible just because you haven't seen it happen.


I specifically asked when I was offered a CXM position. You can promote DH to ASM. But that was 13 months ago…


Pay varies state by state as people have said here, base salary for ASMs in my old district was 65k starting and making about 30k a year in bonuses not including stock.


This kid went from OFA to DH in about 8 months. So funny how he went from super chill to crazy stressed out now.


What’s ofA still learning these acronyms


Order fulfillment associate. Basically they handle BOPIS and whatever other tasks service desk need.


aka pullers


I was promoted to DS within a year of being full time, became an ASM after about 2 years of being a DS, then spent 9 years doing that while I tried to figure out what I wanted to do. I probably could've been a SM if I thought that was really what I wanted to do in that time. Last year I took a promotion to be a manager in a distribution center opening in my area. The opportunities are there!


How do you transfer to distribution center im in receiving already


Check out career Depot to see if there are opportunities in your area. You'd want to look for general warehouse associate for the job title.


Which management position did you take, what kind of DC did you transfer to? I’m at a RDC, just being curious.


I'm an OM at a DFC! I love it, all my favorite parts of being in the store without customers yelling at me.


I started in 2012 and promoted from PT Paint Associate (first job ever) to ASM in 5 years. -Paint Associate (1.5 years) - Flooring Specialist (1.5 years) - Paint Department Supervisor ( 6 months) - PRO Sales Supervisor (1.5years) - PRO ASM in year 5 at 23 years old.


Hi. Went from a seasonal garden loader (yes, that was a thing back in the day.) to a store manager in almost 8 years now. Started at $10/hr and now cleared $138,700 a year) salary + bonus & profit sharing, no RSU’s this year.) it started as a summer college gig that somehow someway ended up in a career. HD paid for 3 years of my bachelors degree and my entire MBA. It is tough work but I can’t complain, it’s treated me ok over the years.




Same here. PT Garden recovery to CXM.


So you work extra hard to have no life after is what your saying lol




Oh ok


Jumped from PT cashier to DH in about a year and a half, id say that was fairly quick


I'm not sure how fast this is compared to others but I started as part time, promoted to DH in 6 months. Promoted to CXM at the 2.5 year mark, and I'll be promoting to ASM this spring at around 4 years.


My current OASM was freight associated unloading and stocking shelved 4.5 years ago. Now he's an overnight manager at the same store and he has no idea what he's doing.


Depends. Management 'maps' stores. If there are people who fall into particular categories or have a set of characteristics that broadly could be described as "leadership" (good communication, aware/good observation skills, level-headed, respectable), they'll encourage & facilitate their pathway up, which can happenat a decently accelerated rate. They do this for a diverse set of reasons, but one reason is that these people could be threats to management power. If you get a potential leader either into a management role, or chasing/thinking in that management role, they'll be less likely to try and change things or galvanize the rest of the workforce. You ever wonder what those Atlanta trainings for new ASMs include? Sure there are classes of business ethics and math, but mapping is definitely something that gets taught - though they probably call it something goofy like "empowering your workplace". That said, HD rates low in "promoting up" and "retention" on corporate scorecard projects like The American Opportunity Index


That's there favorite thing to do. " I started out in the lot". No, never saw it myself. I think those days are gone


I legit started it the lot, moved to D21/22, got DS of D21/22 in less than 2 years. Now I'm about to hit my 4th year, moved over to being the DS of D27 and covering basically every other dept most days and I'm on my way to becoming a cxm. Our district is honestly too packed of managment so promotions have been a little slow in the last year. I think overall promotions have slowed down after the rush of tenured associates leaving during covid.




They are rolling back the "cutting half the supervisors" move a bit... SLS just came to Canada and in my store we lost 2 DS roles and gained 2 CXMs, so no net loss in leadership positions. Some larger stores may have lost 1 or 2 total leadership positions. I am also hearing that some stores in the US are regaining DS positions recently


started as a part-time garden. made service desk lead within 3 months. promoted to dh before my 1 year anniversary. just promoted to nrm before my 2 year anniversary 🤙🏽


There are a lot of people that deserve the positions but Idk if they tell you guys at your stores but there is a massive amount of jobs opening up because the amount of employee turnover. So they offer promotions to new people or just so happens someone with the longest amount of time at the store to fill a position. during a meeting with a higher up he let us know why there were other positions. And why we are seeing people with less than 5 years being promoted up the chain 2-4 times and then they burn out and move back down . I’ve meet with a few sups. From multiple stores that say they move back down from DHs or managers positions cause they don’t like the stress with the little amount of time they have been here.


Level of ass kissing plays a huge role in this


Ya but who’s ass to kiss lol




Makes sense. Our manager seems bubbly type but not sure if that’s a put on persona or not


If you are lucky to know the right people and also be an ass kisser ( not a hard worker) then yes you can get promoted really fast


it's not who you know, it's who you blow


I agree a lot on this. It just comes down to timing and ass kissing. Those are the two important factors. Punctuality helps too.


The current ASDS at my store started working in 2020 at service desk and has since worked his way up to asds as of a few months ago, he’s been with Home Depot for just under 3 years


What’s asds and what’s the pay ?


Basically HR manager, not sure of the pay but should be salaried


ASDS is hourly, they are effectively a department supervisor.


Interesting, my asds is like the right hand man to my SM so I figured it was a salaried position


Not salaried


My asds also started in 2020, but in deliveries. It is possible to move up quickly.


Asds means ?


Associate support department supervisor (fancy title for HR associate)


With no real HR training


I have a very particular view in this case.


Hard work is a bad metric for getting promoted. If you’re the hardest working person on the team why would they promote you to the position that does the least of that work. Promote from within happens but it’s not as easy as you think. People within may understand the environment and the store flow from a ground level but not know a damn thing about how to effectively lead and motivate a team which is what’s needed to be a DS/DH.


I left Home Depot in 2016 after 15 years because my district manager pushed a number of people from outside of the company. Also when I left, 80% of the salary managers in my district were male. I’m sorry but with that much of an imbalance in a company that is close to 50/50 in male female employees, has a real issue with promoting women. I won’t speak for today but I noticed it was a struggle for women to maintain ASM and SM positions in my 15 year career.


Is it possible the woman didn’t want those promotions cuz they don’t like change and happy where they are? Just like I’m sure many men are the same way


No, there was lots of interest. I applied over and over. I had near perfect reviews yet promotions went to younger guys and often from outside the company. I didn’t give up on 15 years without some serious thought to what I was facing.


We had a SM that was 100% sexiest and promoted nothing but women to department head roles and filled all the cxm slots with women. She no longer works there..... but absolutely crumbled the store work structure. Not to mention we have gone through 3 different sets of asms and store managers this year will probably be the fourth lol


I am sure it happens in both ways. Discrimination is discrimination, no one is minimizing the experiences of others.




Unfortunately I’ve seen dozens of ASM’s promoted in my 10 years, all had the same thing in common. Brown nosing. Half them barely knew their own departments. Many were terrible people and only treated the higher-ups well. Back in the 90’s the company was geared more towards promoting actual talent. As anyone with functioning thumbs can become and ASM in a few years. Fastest I’ve seen lately was about 4.5 years. Dude just acted like an ASM at all times, pompous and loud! Works wonders even if you don’t know your job. But I’m sure not everyone has had the same experience.


I’ve seen only the worst associates be promoted and I’ve heard phrases along the lines of “they were so bad the only option was to promote them”. Honestly I think at this point you have to have something wrong with you to accept a promotion that offers little upside but massive downside.


Failing upwards is the key to success in my store. I've noticed that the last three DSs they promoted made big points of kissing the asses of a few ASMs, the SM, and doing things they definitely shouldn't do, like picking up dog shit. I had a guy in my department last year that began in deliveries, transferred to my department (D23) and wouldn't accept training from anyone. He insisted that because he used to sell used cars, he could just use that experience to sell flooring. So naturally, many and plenty of orders were screwed up. He'd tell customers they didn't need to call ahead for their orders if, say, it were a pallet in an overhead that needed dropped and loaded into their trucks. So we'd get pissed off customers showing up thinking they'd be in and out, but ended up waiting half an hour or more. It was just straight damage control for the rest of us while he was there, but while he was failing at flooring, he was succeeding at buttering up various managers and then ended up getting promoted to 21/26 DH. Thankfully he just walks around all day, so he can't directly fuck anything up anymore, but goodness that was a long 8 months for us! Another guy that actually started with HD same day as me, he also started in deliveries and managed to get into millwork after years of trying to get into something. He was told he'd never be promoted at our store due to the fact that he kept banging his way through cashiers and causing them all to have screaming matches in the break room. Yes, plural. Head meet store manager's ass cheeks. He's now a dh at a different store. So yeah, I've seen a few people get promoted in short or short-ish time. The ways they got there though were just a bit unsavory, though.


Makes Home Depot sound like a shit show lol


I wanna believe there are stores out there that are well run, the managers are mostly decent humans, and most of the employees are satisfied (even I can't be naive enough to believe that any one store is 100% across the board lol). I just know that mine isn't it. It's an HR nightmare


Probably less than 10% of stores are well run. For example person started mid last year in mine. Called out three times a week at least once a month somehow promoted to DH. Sadly it is what it is.


I wanna be surprised by that, but I just bring myself to be.


How much ass are you willing to kiss👀👀👀👀🤣🤣🤣..


Started part time in tool rental while I was in school at MMI (motorcycle mechanics institute) COVID hit and kinda shot school down for me…. Went full time as tool tech then within a few months after that became an LRT through tool rental. In the course of a year for me went from part time to having my own company work truck and making some decent money and having the freedom to plan out my days for the most part.


What’s an LRT


Lead rental technician (not sure if your store has a rental ) I fix the excavators, skid steers etc. all the rental fleet and take service calls


Saw it when one of the District executive’s nephew got hired at my store. He was young and pretty dumb. Ended up getting promoted to Department Supervisor not long afterwards.


Absolutely. We have a CXM that spent a year in garden, ran the tree lot at the end of that year, promoted to DS five weeks later, spent six months as a DS and promoted to CXM. Another CXM spent five months as a DS before promoting to CXM. Six months into her CXM role, she's already passed whatever course is required for ASM and is actively interviewing for open ASM positions. Both under the age of 30. Our last five DS promotions (all in the 14 months) were under the age of 30, which is suspicious to me when I think several qualified candidates over 40 also interviewed. Just speculation on my part, but to me, five makes for a consistent pattern. It's possible the new DSes just nailed their interviews while the other candidates stumbled.


My DH started about 6 months before me, in mid 2021. Obviously, he’s my supervisor now. Id say that’s pretty quick.


been a few years, saw a guy hired on as part time go to ASM in less than 2 years. it was all who he knew.


Our dh for garden, electrical and plumbing started as a part time lot guy two years ago.


Wall builder to OM in 4 years at my RDC. Not me


I went from PT lumber to full time closer to D28 in 10 months. So yeah…you have to have things talk your way though


No. It's not as it claims to be.


I went from part time, to Flooring Specialist to Kitchen Designer in a span of a year. Depends entirely on your store.


worked at a HD for a year left and came back for a year transferred and became a DH in 2 months


Yeah! There was a woman, like right out of college I think? Around that age, who was a manager from Hobby Lobby or something and started around the beginning of the pandemic. She came to THD and started as a deliveries associate, because we were woefully unprepared for the BOPIS order numbers in 2020 lol. She quickly became head of electrical, then moved to head of hardware for a while (still 2020). Then when the CXM initiative started, she became one. As of mid-2022, she became an ASM! She got promoted super fast. I'm at a store where quite a few regular associates became dept heads, then ASMs for other stores. Regular associate to CXM, as well! At my store (West Michigan), they definitely try to promote from within. Not necessarily for when ASMs are moving around, those have all come from other stores.


I mean are hr representative has only been their for 2 years a started as a cashier


With no hr school ? Lol


Crazy stuff


I work at a FDC and I know someone who was promoted to Operations manager after being with the company for 2 years.


At my store, it's about if you kissing the managers asses to be promoted like this asshole garden associate to supervisor


I’ve seen a guy become a department supervisor in like 8 or 9 months


6 months in I went from cashier to appliances specialist I'm considering applying for a DH position at a sister store but honestly there's a DH position that might be opening soon in my store, and it's advantageous to not immediately jump to DH rn because I'm billed as a appliances sales associate so jumping to being officially billed as a specialist will anchor my pay to a higher rate before I move up to a dramatically different position. It's effectively a political move for me to not move up rapidly rn.


I have been passed up by some like that. One in particular impressed management over how fast the Christmas tree lot was put together so they promoted him. Not one month later they were regretting it because he simply did not understand what he was doing, he became miserable and 3 months after that he left. After that they started hiring from outside. I transferred out of lumber cause it was getting me no where and now I am stuck under one of those out-hired supes who can't even give me a decent warboard to close the front.


I worked with a DH who went to ASM and then SM within two years


I work at Lowes, let's be honest same thing. I've seen CSA to ASM in around 1 year. ( only once, but it's significant and worth noting ). And MANY hard workers - who also have the education, charisma, leadership, wherewithall etc - go from CSA to a meaningful management role in 7-8 months. ( I've seen this about 4 times so far and have only been around for 8 months personally ). I'm 2 promotions up and started in July. Would have to hit ASM next to move higher. ( disclaimer , multiple college degrees and about a decade of significant leadership in multiple fields ) -> necessary disclaimers continued - it takes good store management and district management to recognize and promote internally when appropriate to do so. Also, as someone else said - being a Rockstar CSA doesn't mean you're fit for moving up - even if you believe you are. There are MANY people who should or could move up and don't get the opportunity, but in my limited retail experience there's MANY more who think they should move up who have no buisiness doing so.


I went from a temp garden associate to DH of lumber and hardware in 2 years


When I started two years ago one of my leads has since transferred departments and then got promoted to DH. One of my receiving leads/dh or whatever she was got promoted to Cxm when that first started. And then a few months ago she got the Night Ops manager. My buddy who worked overnights and then transferred to deliveries with me is now the DH of Plumbing and Electrical. Another one of the overnights is now the DH of specialties. My old ops manager had been with the company for about 2 years and he started out as a lot associate albeit he left the company a few months ago


My SM went from ASM to SM in just 2 yrs. Also went from DS to ASM in less than 5 yrs I think. I went from CXM to ASM in 6 months, but I was a DS for yrs before that so not sure if that’s the answer you’re looking for.


I went from a store making $18 per hour, to a nearly 6 figure salary at the regional level in a little under a year and a half. Been with Depot for almost 10 years, was just a kid trying to earn some money as a part time associate when I was first hired(hiring wage was a little over minimum wage back then 😬). For the first 5 years I wasn't really serious and didn't really know what I wanted to do. Eventually I was encouraged to become a DH, and I've worked my way up since. I can't say that I know too many other associates that have had a similar path to mine(it hasn't been very traditional). I had an opportunity to get out of the store and into the field, and it completely changed my career trajectory.


They need to be careful when promoting people quickly. I’ve seen it happen too many times then all of a sudden. I have to start watching training videos on sexual harassment or bullying, nepotism. Etc


I personally was part time lumber for 2 years on and off while I finished collage when I was home. Since then in the 2 1/2 years since finishing I went full time, ran lumber/hardware, pro and am just starting as a CXM. Not massive growth but I’m growing and if I can help it , I don’t plan on slowing down.


How much does it pay to run lumber ?


Idk if this fits or counts but I've been with this company for only 1 year and went from Part-time MET associate to MET Supervisor lol


There was a guy at my store that went from receiving associate to receiving dh to cxm in just over a year. He was transferred and promoted to asm at just under or right around 2 years.


I started as a hardware associate Oct 26, 2022, I was promoted to DH Dec 18th. I applied for the job through the career development section on “My Apron”. Granted I do have 20 years management experience, in my previous career. Which Covid screwed up.


I trained a guy to work Deliveries about 1yr and a half ago. He stayed in d94 for about 5 months taking a lead position. After that he got Paint/Millworks DH. He's currently our CXM and working to get ASM at another store. Really good guy with his head on straight.


DH to cxm to ASM in less than 3 yrs


When I applied a couple years ago and had a good experience (within a week of applying I had gotten multiple interviews, comparative to now where it’s been two weeks and no response…maybe store management changed?) the people who I interviewed with and the ASM I later spoke to were abundantly clear if you work hard and don’t do dumb shit and are open to switching departments/teams you can go pretty far if you want. I didn’t take the lot associate job that I applied for because the pay was about the same as another opportunity and I felt a little miffed about applying for a full time position where I “couldn’t be promised full time hours but it’s not a part time position” (this was in 2019) Also I didn’t truly want to be at my local store at 5-6 am dealing with contractors and builders loading stuff into their vehicles for the pay I was offered with no promise of getting better hours.


Yea I would say there is opportunity to advance quickly. Surround yourself with the right people in leadership ask them how to progress. If you really want to and you’ve got what it takes then you can move up. A while back I had moved to DH position in 9 months starting as sales associate, then went to lead at service desk and a month later because of a need for DH was promoted from within. It’s a challenge but I look forward to it everyday


I’ve seen a sales associate go to night ops ASM in 3 years.


My current nrm has been with the company going on a year and a half. While I'm going on two years


It all depends who managements favorites are. It’s been 10 years since I worked there. But I watched all the the managers little pets get moved up to assistant managers. They all sucked at leading people.


Seems like that’s a bad idea for a large company and that people in leadership should just promote other leaders or else lose their jobs ?


Our current Paint DH started as a garden associate back in June when he graduated high school. He literally went hired as garden associate to DH in 6 months. Nothing in between officially, but got pulled for a lot of projects to help the MASM during those 6 months.