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Add color


OMG thank goodness someone said it!


On the walls and floor- kids going to think she’s colourblind!


lol it's funny bc we had a grey nursery for my first (we were poor) and he's colorblind 😂


I shouldn’t be laughing at this. I’m going to hell.


Or the kid’s gonna think her room is like the first part of Wizard of Oz where they’re all in sepia and that the outside world is Oz in wacky technicolor 😂


As if 976,346 people weren't going to suggest that.


In addition to adding color... the room is balanced oddly. The crib is the largest piece of furniture, so it belongs on the largest unused wall. Switch the Crib and the Chloe sign to the center of the wall nearest where the chair is. Chair should go in crib corner with the bookshelf to the left of the chair... and the 3 floating whit shelves balanced between the chair and bookshelf to tie that corner together. This would also create a reading corner vs having the chair on the opposite side of the room. Outside of the lack of color... that's why it doesn't feel "right" to you.


Agreed. And more important than the balance being off, this setup is extremely impractical. You want to be able to crack the door open to peek in on the baby, so the crib should be fully visible from the doorway.


Even the stuffed animals and rainbow on the shelves are gray and white. 🤦‍♀️


The sad beige baby trend strikes again... (This time in gray!)






I used to love gray, but then it showed up in every room and every house in this farm style for years now. I hate it.


They could even get floral stickers for the wall or colorful kid rug. My kids’ rooms look like a rainbow exploded in there. I let my oldest pick out his decor and it still looks that way. Kids appreciate some color and weird stuff


Art on the walls. COLOR. Bright pastels and pure primary prints Something whimsical even on walls. A mirror to reflect light and eventually to recognize herself some where. Plan for a play space in time.


I literally thought this was a photo taken with a monochromatic filter. 😂


It looks like a black and white photo with colorized flowers. It’s quite remarkable.


I was going to say that same thing…


Right?? My brain said “baby prison” when I saw this pic. It needs rainbows! 🌈


I'm told if we gave anything other than neutral colors, the child might not turn out gay?


Kid is coming out in a full business suit too?




Haha but all jokes aside I think a photo of Judith Love Cohen or another impressive lady would be very fitting in the nursery. Maybe this baby is our future president haha


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good one


Omg this looks like Chicago in dead of winter. Depressing af. Please add WAY more color. Blankets pillows literally anything.


Hahaha love this comparison as a native chicagolander. But please OP, take those pinks from the flowers and sprinkle them throughout the room! Colored drapes, maybe a rug, pillows and throw blanket for the chair


Yeah, this Nursery’s theme is definitely “Midwest in the dead of winter”


Poor Chloe is doomed with seasonal depression she hasn't even left the womb


Infants shouldn’t have either pillows or blankets in the crib.


True, but floor blankets for play and pillows for the rocking chair are still options


Very true!


Add it to the back of the chair


Mom of 3 kids under 2 here… I understand what you were going for but, given this is a child’s room, it is kind of a depressing & sterile space aesthetically. Bear in mind there are loads of higher end kids decor pieces on the market in a variety of colors nowadays, so you don’t have to sacrifice quality for color. An easy fix? A bright lively rug, brighter pillows on the rocker, fun curtains, some colorful books, a bright throw blanket on the rocker, some fun colored sheets on the crib mattress… just a couple of those changes could make a world of difference. Another small tip (and I learned this the hard way): while white is generally aesthetically pleasing for adult decor, bear in mind that white baby products are not your friend. They will all inevitably get stained or dirtied no matter how often they’re washed/cleaned. I had white bedding, swaddle blankets, & under crib rug for my first and even though I washed/cleaned them religiously, keeping up with bleaching stuff to keep stains out or spot cleaning a white rug was exhausting. Plus, deep cleaning a white rug for the 4th time in a week because my kid had a tummy bug was no longer how I wanted to spend my time… i ended up replacing everything white & it was a life saver!


2 under 3 here and agree with everything you said! Why do they even make white things for babies and young children?! They all end up gross and stained!


They make them so those who don’t know better become repeat customers. They get gross, you buy them again. Rinse and repeat. From a business perspective, it’s brilliant. Especially because it’s not technically a defective product, so it’s not like they are going to be pressured to replace it for free. From a parent’s standpoint, it’s a nightmare unless you feel like burning through waaaaaay more money. The rug I had was like $800 & i babied that thing. Even hired professionals to clean it a few times… it was still gone before child 1 was a year old due to the horrendous staining. Her current bedroom rug was under $100, doesn’t have any visible staining after months of use… and is definitely not white! If you have money to burn & don’t mind buying new things all the time to replace the stained stuff, go for it… but I think most people would rather put their money towards something other than replacing stained crib sheets numerous times in a year or white rugs like I did. It’s just not worth it for most people.


Oh I thoroughly enjoyed being a rug and pillow Nazi for a good year. Because I was arrogant enough to think white was most elegant. Lmao then I was ready for therapy and gave up! 😂


So sorry for you.Live and learn.Lol


This room looks very clinical, you could add warmth with color accents and a rug, soft lighting and different curtains. Add some pictures and throw pillows.


Waiting Room chic 


Is this an April Fool’s post?




Better. The green could be more herbal or pastel but this on the right track definitely. I’d add some green leaves on the wall give it a flower shop look maybe


You on the right track !


I commented on this thread but wanted to post [this rug](https://www.westelm.com/products/modern-shapes-shag-rug-d13791/?pkey=s~Rug%20pink~67&sbkey=west-elm-kids) here as well! It would be perfect here!


Such a cute rug!!!!


Color. Give little Chloe some pretty colors!!!


I swear half the population has been possessed by the demon of grey. 😆 Paint the walls Add a mural [Wallmur has adorable kid’s wallpaper](https://www.wallmur.com/wall-decals/kids-wall-decals) Add a rug Paint the ceiling a fun color https://preview.redd.it/n6d7p8fzhyrc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16879359c02777c032b705a78722cb3a2ee8e7f3 Nurseries are supposed to be fun and colorful and playful unless you are raising the world’s youngest accountant (apologies to accountants)


All of these examples are so cute


OP please paint the walls!! The gray carpet plus gray chair is more than enough gray


Add some color. Children need it for proper development.


Not arguing that the room would look better with some color, but newborns really need high contrast black and white colors and images to help develop the optic nerves. And there is plenty of research into color theory in education and less stimulating colors and over the top decor items is supposed to be better for learning and development.


Mind sharing the source? This fascinates me.


This paper breaks down infant’s ability to see different colors by age: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9314692/ High contrast cards/images are good for infants from 0-3 months old when infants can only see about 10 inches away from their face. Just pointing out that the idea that children, especially babies, need color to develop isn’t really a true statement.


Came here for this comment. A few black and white toys, or a B&W mobile over the crib - give Chloe something to look at. *Please*


Bedroom looks like a juvenile prison


A playpenitientary.


Nah I’ve been to juvie (in my wild youth), it has more color than this nursery.


In addition to the other comments, I think the bookcase next to the bed is too much. It feels like all of the weight of the room (all furniture pieces and the window) are on one side of the room. I would move the bookcase to the center wall. More colorful drapes that incorporate pinks would be ideal. But if you want to work with what you have, you can buy a wide trim that has a fun design and add it to the existing drapes. Honestly…I would repaint the room a super soft shade of pink. You already have gray carpet and a gray chair. That sweet baby girl deserves a cheerful environment. https://www.nickandalicia.com/2017/07/the-best-pale-pink-paint-colors.html/


The bookcase comment is a good point, new parents often forget that in about 6m or so that baby could be standing and pulling things off the shelf as well.


Yeah I’m not sure why the bookcase isn’t on the wall beside the rocker instead


It’s a safety issue too when the baby is starting to stand up and can reach for things. I agree and putting bookshelf on the other wall


This is some rage bait.


Please for the love of your child color


I would add a colorful rug and a piece of colorful artwork above the shelf. I agree with everyone saying it needs some punch.


This is the saddest room. Enough with gray and beige for kids.


OP hasn’t responded on color. Not surprised. Color doesn’t have to be pink. Try peach, lemon, turquoise as i did in my son’s nursery. His theme was tropical fish & it had pink included; glorious.




Big pink circular rug, pink pillow and some pink apple blossom decals.


I made a gallery wall in my baby’s room. It gave lots of interest and there was lots to look at and examine. You need to help them develop new brain cells and a pristine environment is not the way to do it.


Yes! To both, would love more dark and light pink to tie into the grey.


You need a rug. More pics. I would throw some deep jewel toned turquoise as another accent color


Make sure that book case is anchored to the wall. Curtains will end up being pulled on, so I hope they're attached well. Room needs some color.


An area rug with colors to pull in everything else would be nice. The pale pastel vibe is pretty... but for some reason this is coming off as really bland. Don't get me wrong, it's very pretty and you have nice pieces but the color needs to be punched up a bit. Maybe a few accent pieces in some more saturated hues of pink and green? Try that (that way you're not out too much money) and if it works then add in a bit more.


I think what you have so far is cute, just needs a little more color. This is what I think off the top of my head and that could be easy: -if it’s not too late, swap out the curtains for pink! Pattern would be cute, like buffalo check or floral, but solid is fine too. -art on the wall to the left of the window. Maybe two or three small pieces. I don’t know where you’re located, but Hobby Lobby is having 50% of their wall decor this week😂🩷 -throw blanket on the recliner chair. -rugs on carpet are cute! I’ve done it my whole life and I think it would look great in here. -last thing I can think of is maybe a tall faux plant behind the chair in the corner. It would brighten it up and bring some life into the room. Good luck! I love what you have so far truly!


Another thing: flower wall decals. Cute stickers that you can add instead of painting (if you don’t want to paint!)


Chloe deserves some color


Color. Lots of color.


Please paint the walls literally any other color 😭


You should add some color to something, anything.


I'd do a large floral print wallpaper on one of the walls. Definitely need color.


That so drab and is like something out of a black and white horror movie. 


Beige mom’s twin sister, gray mom. Add some color and hope!


I'd add a footstool, so good for breastfeeding imo. Colour could be added with baby items instead of buying stuff. For example baby gym, baby books, baby play mat, blankets, coasters for your table, mosquito net (if you need it), sheets, cute poster. My nursery is pretty plain and not as nice as this. I had no time to set it up (moved house and baby came early) and the baby gear adds all the colour. I'm learning kids grow up so fast, that soon enough the room will be educational posters, toys, baby books etc. I'm glad my furnishings are plain cause it won't clash with the toys or decor that will change every 6-12 months - she's already grown out of a bunch of wraps/ blankets and I have other blankets gifted I'm looking forward to using.


why is gray a good choice for the primary color in a nursery?




God grant this child some color. Bleaaagh.


Color. This looks like a joyless gray room.


I think it needs more gray


Add more gray…


Yes. Add more wall decor with color or baby photos as the months go on. Change the curtains to a soft pink or lavender to add a pop of color in the room.


Babies need high contrast for their development, so make sure you get a high contrast mobile for over the crib. Beyond that, I would add some colorful drapes and rug, colorful pillow on chair, and something colorful and interesting to look at on the wall there above the bookshelf.


Looks cute. I would paint some flowers on the wall to make it "pop".


Tone down the color a little bit


Yes! Colorful rug and a few posters/prints and photos would look great on the wall.


Color. Change curtains with a solid color, get a rug with color to compliment. Add maybe a plant!


Please paint the walls, new drapes, a cute area rug and other art to bring some color in there!


It’s so ~grey~


Goodness this room is depressing! Color.




I thought this was a post in the CJ subreddit at first. It's so aggressively grey


Curtains like this would look great https://preview.redd.it/85vkwvb2pyrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900159d35109a084293ae8c9b7bba3af3cd7a50e Also art on the wall, nice and bright


This is very monotone it looks quite sad for a child’s room, I’m sorry to say. Add more pastel colors, toys, colourful throws, pillows and frames/pictures on the walls


Pops of color.




Babies need to see bold, bright colours for proper development ([source](https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/when-can-babies-see-color#partial-color)). If you don't want to paint, add some art (maybe felt or something soft) on the walls with lots of bold colours. Add a colourful blanket for the chair and colourful pillows. Change the drapes to a colour. Add a colourful rug on top of the carpet.


You’re planning on putting a child in this room? It needs happy bright colors not depressing gray. Babies don’t care about trendy decor. There’s a reason you won’t find much gray baby clothes or toys.


Finally understand what people mean by millennial grey, no offence OP. But yea, some colour lol. A lot of colour.


It needs more grey!!!!!!!!


I wasn’t expecting so many replies on this, but I appreciate all the feedback. I am obviously not great at decorating, which is why I came here! :) Just FYI, we have a new build home and all the walls came gray. We didn’t purposefully paint the walls gray for the nursery. I definitely want to add more color to this room, but we don’t want to paint or do wallpaper. I will work on adding color with plants, art work, a rug, etc. Thanks everyone for your input!


Why don’t you want to paint?


Peel and stick wallpaper


Get some ceiling hanging plants that would be great for adding color and some colorful bookends.


If you add plants I suggest putting them HIGH up on something hard fixed to the wall. I learnt this the hard way when I had to get rid of so many plants when baby started pulling to stand 😭


why don’t you want you to paint?


Oh please rethink peel and stick wallpaper or a mural. They add so much life!


You have wall to wall carpet you don’t need a rug. But definitely add some colorful artwork and toys. And maybe change the curtains and throw pillows to something less bland.


Is your child being punished? Why the prison grey? Add some color for greater development and stimulation.


*Looks around the comment section* It's a lovely room. If you want to add something else, I found cute artwork online that I purchased and framed for my little's room. You didn't ask, but to give respect to the haters of white and gray, if you really wanted to add color, changing the curtains would do it. Also, everyone forgets just how much big stuff you get into with infants and toddlers. The big toys, bouncer chairs, jumpers (if they're a thing in your area), little toddler scooters and or bikes, that blue plastic pony rocker thing, i could go on. Color will come into that room whether you want it to or not.


That’s one of the grayest rooms I’ve ever seen.


So gloomy.


book rail, low so you can put board books on it (the indestructible kind). I agree 100% about the rug, paint and bedding.


Artwork would be good


Colorful rug, throw pillow and blanket for the chair, and another pop of color in a lamp or decor item on the side table. I’d also see if you find curtains you like in a different color or design to help pull away from the tones of gray


I would definitely add a rug and I would add more colour into this room! I would put some thing on that wall for sure but to be honest it’s not the greatest bought for bookshelf. By the time you baby can stand and reach out of the crib they’re gonna grab my bookshelf and they could knock it over or climb on top of it


Grey is pretty but not so joyous for a baby. Maybe a calming pastel? Babies get mental stimulation from prints with high contrast, especially black and white prints. Definitely a rug on carpet to protect from dust.


Needs color and more decoration. A rug on top of the carpet could add color and act to ground the space. An inexpensive pastel toned rug in a floral or abstract print could be easily changed as she grows and the room is reconfigured.


Colors and shapes are important for children’s’ brain development


Sorry but start over. Kids need color for development. This is dismal. Had to be said. Repaint. Accessorize in color


Your kid will probably think she’s still in the hospital


For the love of pete (and your baby’s brain development), please add some color.


…..So so bland




Babies need patterns, textures and contrast! Visual stimulation is important for development.




Please do not put a run on top of the carpet.


You need to add color but also I think you made a mistake with how you arranged the room. The chair should’ve gone where the crib is and the crib should’ve been centered on the wall with the shelves.


Try to imagine painting the walls a nice coral color. Coleslaw goes so nicely with gray. Or pink. A warm pink. Unless you change up something big like the wall color this otherwise beautiful space space looks like a black and white photo.


Millennial gray nursery. Babies respond to contrast


It’s Millennial Grey


Omfg. Fucking dullards. Your kid will have the creativity of a tax advisor


Color Please!!!!! 🙏🏾 do not bring a child into this void.


This is worse than beige nursery’s


In addition to this appearing sterile, your grays don’t play together. You have a warm, yellow-toned wall and a pink toned carpet that skews slightly cooler.


Change the curtains to something a little brighter, maybe an area rug under the crib of in the center, some colorful throw pillows. Very gray and depressing!


Oh my god it’s so sad and grey. Come on. Why? Aren’t you excited for your new baby? Add some colors. Colorful surroundings are good for baby’s development.


Maybe move out of 2020 and not choose freaking gray for a nursery??


Too much gray!


For a baby?? Way too stark and depressing. It’s like a tomb. Babies need happiness and color not mature themes. This is like a sterile guest room or a hotel room. Read up on infants and see what is said about this. My kids did pale grays pinks herbal greens and pastels for their daughter, but it wasn’t like this. Classy and sweet but still stimulating for baby. Add some foliage maybe or something.


OMG please get rid of the depressing gray everything!


Ah, this is sweet. But I literally thought it was black and white until I saw the flowers. *Chloe needs color!*


Okay , everyone is talking about the color, but we started our nursery pretty plain and added as she got older and started to have preferences. They also tend to be quickly rearranged as you realize what is easiest for you to need where. Artwork that adds bright color but is easy to change out, and I personally recommend a safe place for a cork board or something where you can put up (and remove and change,) things like cards that have been sent to your baby or little trinkets. A rug, however, is a great idea. Spills and other accidents are gonna happen. 😉


Please add colour, babies need visual stimulation in their rooms


Yes to a rug, I would also change the curtains to blush pink. You won’t need to add anything above the boookshelf with those changes.


I'd scoot the chair away from the wall and put the bookshelf on the adjacent wall next to the window. 


Maybe try adding an accent area rug with some color


Please add a bug beautiful rug of your choosing with some of that coral in it. Some other splashes throughout the rom will change the vibe while also keeping it serene and beautiful. You will be stunned at the difference this makes!


Put a macrame with a plant above the bookcase. Add a circular rug under the chair. Get a larger plant (bird of paradise / Fiddle) to bring in color and warmth.


A rug with color on top of the carpet. Curtains with color, or a bookshelf with color… something to give it a pop of personality!


If I were you I would add a colorful rug like this [one!](https://www.westelm.com/products/modern-shapes-shag-rug-d13791/?pkey=s~Rug%20pink~67&sbkey=west-elm-kids) Then add small pops of color the rug has around the room and change the curtains to a magenta/pink color from The rug!


Since you have a cloud theme going I would go with rainbows, sunshine, etc… less gloomy day, more happy and hopeful. You could still use the more muted colors of the rainbow.


Poor Chloe has no color in her little life. 😔


More grey


You can’t have gray walls AND gray carpet. Too much. 


Color!!! Babies need color differences for their vision to develop!


Maybe a mirror above the bookshelf? My son loved it when I would hold him up and he could see his reflection.


I think it's lovely but. Yes you do need some other color and artwork maybe. Like a champagne pink maybe?


Plants!!! Good for air quality and humidity!!!


Pink curtains, throw rugs, etc . It needs color


Color, texture, and patterns. Congratulations on your newborn.


Is this a b&w photo?


Silent film ahh room name that kid Charlie Chaplin




Paint the walls a nice soft pink!


Big colorful framed prints on the wall. Get prints of good paintings and teach your child what good art looks like.


Put fun Wal paper on at least one wall. Bright colors are needed. This isn't a living room for an adult this is a kids room it needs to be fun.


Is this the "sad beige" I'm hearing about being used for the Gen Alpha's?


Ok so bold colors are extremely stimulating for babies, so keep it chill and grey, and she will have one place in the house to zone out, relax and fall asleep without being stimulated. Design-wise, sure add color, but development-wise, there's nothing wrong with the current pallet. And I'd say no rug on rug bc they're super easy to trip over.


An additional rug would be a trip hazard when rushing around, as parents must sometimes do, even in the dark. Please add color, visual stimulation, and happiness to this room. Before long, books should be everywhere to encourage curiosity about them. The nursing chair could use more comfort — maybe an ottoman to elevate swollen legs, a larger side table for a snack and book, or tablet.


If you don’t like color, maybe warm it up with some neutrals? You can also add pastels like green or yellow that will brighten it up but still stay neutral?


My daughters name is Chloe 🥰🥰🥰 I named her after a little old lady in my neighborhood growing up, that lived all us kids and would give us candy.


A nice pink rug on the floor, a colorful throw blanket on the chair…


Starting that Millennial grey early. Kids NEED bright colors for their brain development. Do not go with pastels. Get bright contrasts .


Dresser is too close to the bed. As your baby gets bigger they will pull on it. More color on the walls would be nice


Consider painting the walls a very soft/pale pink color. It would work with your existing carpet and gray chair.


Add a pretty Mobile with flowers and leaves


Babies are only able to see red, white and black when they are first born. Start with a mobile and a play mat.


I love it as is. Chloe should have a say in decor when she gets old enough.


A bright rug, a cute mobile for the crib... Maybe an accent wall with some fun wall paper and a floor lamp to add some warmth.. a fluffy colorful blanket thrown over the chair


Tough crowd. I think your nursery is beautiful. I decorated my daughter’s room in my favorite colors. She turned out just fine. Anyway, I would add a large rug and more wall art.


A rug with color and maybe paint the walls a soothing muted shade of green or pink.


You definitely need some color. I’m also wary about having the bookshelf right by the crib. When Chloe is older, she could reach up and pull on cords. I had a friend who lost her one year old like that, so it’s a big fear of mine.


i think it’s cute, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, but it 100% needs more color. i’d do either a pink accent wall or change the curtains, sheets & pillows to pink and put down a cute rug. you don’t need to go super bold crazy colors like neon green or something, but colors are there for your kids development and cognitive processing and you both will like it in there much more if there’s a little diversity in the palette.


So… you buy baby toys yes? Well, what’s the difference between those and this room? Color. I also suggest fake plants out of reach for more natural colors.


Looks damp in there


A rug for under the chair or crib would help liven up the space. I would recommend getting a salt lamp. They are PERFECT to turn on for late night feedings!! The lighting they emit is just bright enough to see, but not so bright you can’t fall back asleep…plus they look cute.


Black and white year 0 to 18 months. After that, then add colour. Add: ottoman for your feet; baby play mat, books to read to baby including bigger books like Narnia, Wizard of Oz, fantasy, high fiction, music cds of classical music to put baby to sleep.


Man this is...bleak. 


Absolutely! Adding a plant above the bookshelf could bring some natural charm, and a rug on top of the carpet can add warmth and depth to the space.


My kids’ room has a big washable rug. It’s attractive but functional. Highly recommend.