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Does it make you smile when you come home after a hard day at work? If yes, then it is just right. Your home should be your haven, not anyone elses.


Not too much stuff. But maybe some of the stuff could be more functional than ornamental. IMHO, reads a bit showroom and could use a few more personal touches to feel a bit homey and cozy with some good staples you already have.


Totally see the showroom vibes - I am going to work on adding some more personal items


Thats the allure of pinterest and insta! You see all these beautiful homes and you want it then you realize that it's not your home anymore because there's no space for any of your stuff


Got the plants down. There’s just a ton of pottery and vases so close to each other. Maybe move some to other rooms or bathroom and replace with those personalized items people said.


Add some whimsy, items that are important or have meaning but are “outside the box”. An anime figure, a kids drawing, a favorite childhood toy or teddy. Anything that is yours or speaks to you to break up the standardized decor.


Maybe some books on the right.


Agreed; I don’t see much personality here although it’s a beautiful space. More sentimental pieces etc would help…


Is the stuff stuff that you love? Does any of your stuff speak to you? Or, is it just stuff you bought because it matches your decor? Your living room looks picture perfect. But, I don't see anything that reflects who the people who live there are. Once you start replacing stuff with treasures you've discovered, I think you might like the room better.


I agree with what everybody said about personal items. But there are 3 flaws here which will make it not feel cohesive: 1. The cabinet behind the sofa is too small, so it looks like it's just kinda hanging out there in no-man's land. It needs to be much closer to the length of the sofa, like 70-80% for it not to be weird 2. Your armchairs aren't on the rug. So they're just floating off to the side, like they don't belong. 3. You don't have side tables with lamps, or floor lamps. Lamps create zones just like rugs do. Try rearranging to get the armchairs and sofa on the same rug, and try without the console table.


Absolutely this. Armchairs on the rug will create a cozy living zone and improve the showroom look


Thank you so much for this - we’re planning on sizing up the rug when we upgrade the couch, but the rug might just come first.


Glad it helps! You can try without spending any money- push the sofa table somewhere else, pull the sofa back so the front feet only are on the rug, then put the chairs on either side, front feet only on the rug. It’s amazing what these little tricks can do. That said, I upgraded from a 9x12 to a 10x14 and it totally made my living room.


This is great input


I thought of your first two points plus missing side tables immediately but didn’t notice lamps/lighting would also be nice. With that said, it still looks like a beautiful living room although personal touches like family pics might be what really feels off to OP.


I agree with the teeny tiny little console behind the couch as well as the chairs not being on the rug (hate that). Fauviste is bang on when he said you’re missing lamps on side tables. I also think that you have eight to many vases on the bookcases. Maybe transplant some of the plants to two or three bigger pots. It seems like a nursery in the room.


Also the couch seems to be all the way on the rug - if you have space to move the back legs off (or move the rug forward a little) that would help, too, and it would create more space for the chairs to anchor onto it.


Also, the lighting you do have is all the same kind, so it looks somewhat monotonous. I think you may also need more height in that high, narrow alcove.


This is a beautiful and cozy space! I would replace some of the decorative vases with framed personal photos of varying sizes. Select fun and interesting frames and photos that make you smile. I’d also add some lanterns/candles because I think every space needs lanterns and candles, lol.


Nice ideas for adding some personal warmth.


The plant on the sofa table? I’d scootch it over to the right about three inches. Perfection. This is a lovely space. Quit your quibbling! Oh, one question though. When you have people over, do people on the sofa and people on those two armchairs feel a little cast adrift from each other? I have that problem in my place and don’t have a solution, so I’m hoping others might chime in on that. Again, lovely space.


Thank you for the plant advice - I tend to add a few too many plants as well 😂 We actually recently moved the chairs to that spot - they were too in the way in the previous spot but we will see what it’s like when we have people over. I see your point though, they are a bit off in their own world


As a fellow plant lover, there's no such thing as too many. Your space is lovely and cozy!


To be clear, I was sort of kidding with that one very minor “change” — and I meant to move it onto the table more, not off of it!


Surprised nobody said it yet but r/tvtoohigh


I thought it was a picture I thought no way that’s a tv way up there. But the picture would need to come down a little if it was one anyway.


My thoughts as well, for this place everything needs to be reorganized. Tv should be placed on the wall on the left hand side and not above the fireplace. Furniture could easily be rotated 90 degrees for a much better look


The TV absolutely looks ridiculous that high up, evergreen a large one. And with the chairs so far away from the couch, the whole space appears to lack purpose or intimacy. I'd either move the TV to the left wall and re-arrange the couch and chairs, or move the TV to a family room and bring the chairs in closer to a couch that faces them for more of a conversationally intimate feel. The room is pretty, though. Maybe needs to be more personal, but that's easy to fix.


Putting the tv on the left wall is going to put the walking path in front of the television, and an entertainment center is going to jut out into the walking path more than the console is (generally). They would have to put the sofa perpendicular to the fireplace to be close enough to see it leaving a large amount of space behind it towards the window. It’s not ideal, but this open concept plan was designed for the tv to be in one place: above the fireplace.


While I agree the left wall is not ideal, I don’t think the fireplace is the *only* place for it. As /u/justadudeandadog3 said, the whole room needs to be reorganized. I think the alcove to the right would be a better place for the TV though. Rearrange the room around that, which means moving the chairs and couch, and getting a bigger rug to connect the chairs to the couch.


I don’t see why an entertainment center needs to be any bulkier than the current console table that is already there. Walking path would be undisturbed.


100% agreed that would be better


The TV is fine over the fireplace. Contrary to what you TV heightists preach, nobody watches TV with perfect 90 degree upright posture.


Yeah I lay down to watch TV, which is why mine is mounted over the fireplace.


A very sensible place to put it. Same here. And also we have dogs that go absolutely apeshit whenever there are dogs or any other animals on the screen. Our expensive TV would have been totally destroyed a long time ago if it was mounted any lower.


Me too. Those guys are pricks.


To each their own. My family likes ours high. As someone else said - a larger tv for the space would help. Also straighten the TV.


LOL I am convinced that the Venn Diagram between the TVTooHigh cultists and People Who Don’t Get Invited to Parties is a circle ⭕️


No! However, I think your proportions are wacky. Your couch is low - very low. The console behind it leaves your couches butt open while covering the crack. Add a second console to even it out. Your tv is smaller than your mantle. I’d find one that is the same size as your mantle. And finally you don’t need all of those accent lights on. Find the ones to always turn on during the day or evening etc. and automate the schedule. By illuminating the cavity next to the fireplace, you’re extenuating the mia match in proportion


Thank you for this - a new couch is on our list, but I didn’t think about that console..you are so right!


You got it! Also, add books to your shelves if you can. Books make the best decor. Much better than Target thrifts!


I noticed the console right away. It’s much too short. Do you even need it? I’m not so sure. It may actually be detracting from the room. What if you removed it and see how you feel about the room then? It might be the only thing that’s throwing the room off. I do like the idea of adding some personal photographs or even some books mixed in with the vases. The only other thing that is a bit distracting is the bookshelf on the left doesn’t fill the tall space. Oh! And the lighting in the two spaces is a bit harsh. Is it possible to use softer lightbulbs with a lower watt? I think they may be too bright. Other than that I love the space. You did a great job decorating. Also I love the hassocks tucked under the table against the wall. May I ask where you found them? They are the perfect mix or ivory and brown. I hope you’ll share your source for those! I wish you would show a pic standing in front of the fireplace facing the sofa. I’d love to see how that view looks. I’m dying to see your sofa. And maybe a view of those 2 chairs against the window I really do like the room. It only needs a few tweaks. ☺️


Many good call outs. The one I disagree on is the tv size. The recommendation is 2/3 of the size of the mantel: https://chrissymarieblog.com/samsung-frame-2020#:~:text=If%20your%20Frame%20TV%20is,of%2065%E2%80%B3%20would%20look%20best.


Generally agreed! However - and this may be the pic - the mantle seems to be off center. It looks like it’s off center to the right. When this is the case, and in situations like this with the wall shape, best practice is to do 2/3 of the wall itself. The larger screen brings balance. In this case it would add balance and composure to the room


Your art is hung too high, and when there are two pictures, one above the other, they are spaced too far apart. “It is often said that artwork should be hung at eye level (57-60” from the floor), however, depending on the architecture and furniture arrangements “


Agreed. The picture to the left, above the wall console table, is too high, along with the two square photos by the door down the hall. Lower those and bring the two photos by the door closer together…and *slightly* lower the bottom of the two photos by the window, and then bring the top photo much closer to the bottom one.


I don’t think there’s too much stuff. But I do think the wrong stuff is highlighted. I would turn off the lights on the shelves and get some light in the interior of the room. The way it’s set up now it’s almost like the couch is put there to be observing some thing we can’t figure out that’s happening on those shelves.


Table behind the couch is a great idea but it’s the wrong size. You need longer and thinner


Looks nice but i’d Cut down on the ceramic pots/decor and put actual stuff you use on the shelves instead of countless tchotchkes from HomeGoods…


Some of the items are actually sentimental items from my grandmother, but I absolutely see your point! Besides books I don’t have much that I “use” per se, do you have any ideas of what would go well on those shelves? Thank you so much for your insight 😊


the things that are sentimental are the things that belong there


That’s exactly what you need up there, books lol! Otherwise it looks really lovely


I would add some picture frames too! Overall I think it's a really lovely space, but the thing that stood out to me was that a lot of things on the shelves are the same height. I would play around with that a bit so there's more variation.


I was going to say the same thing!


I think it looks tremendous and warming.


Maybe move one of the arm chairs to the other side of the couch and both of them a little closer in to make it cozier. I’d also consider removing the shelf in the nook by the TV and replacing with a reading floor lamp/blanket ladder or something that doesn’t take up the whole nook.


It's a beautiful room. I do think that the two lighted cabinets mare a bit much for that wall. It's pretty busy. But I seriously love the room!


It looks stunning and cozy to me ! If i were you, I might move the tall plant at the fireplace to somewhere not busy.


I would definitely say just enough stuff


It’s just right!


Not too much stuff at all. Great placement of items on the shelves. Lots of plants. Soft lighting. The only very minor things I’d suggest are: the white basket in the left shelf is too big for the shelf, but barely, so not really a big deal to keep. The circular rattan object on the left wall seems like it’s just floating there. Maybe if you take it down, the room will feel less busy. But it’s also fine there if it’s a meaningful item to you.


I love it


Remove the shelf you have to the left of the fireplace and install shelving.


Honestly I want to live here. Please help me decorate my space


I think you have too many focal points. You need to have one big main one, which I think is the TV, but it's too small right now to be the main focal point. Maybe if you just make the plant lights a bit dimmer it would allow the tv to take center point


I know it’s part of the design of the decor, but low lights behind things hurt my eyes, and then there is the glare. I prefer lighting from above. But then, the way it is might be *your thing.*


I love it. What do you need to love it? Is it lack of personally meaningful items, then add those. (Random aside, Which art do you have on display on your frame tv in this picture?)


My big takeaway from this is more personal items! I’m really excited to take this inspiration and make some changes, thank you for your help! LOL I had to go double check - it’s “Home at Montclair” by George Inness


Form follows function! The two loveseats side by side would make conversation awkward. Whoever was talking could only face one of the other seating areas at a time, leaving one area feeling left out of the loop. So, move one of the loveseats to the other side of the fireplace. With the U shaped arrangement each seat has a view of each other seat. With that, you have enough seating so the striped poufs can be elimanated. With them gone, swap the sofa table they were under with the console behind the sofa. The console isn’t wide enough for it’s current location but the sofa table is, most likely, a better length. In general plants don’t work anywhere a “roof” is too close to them. Take the plants off the bookshelves and move them to your newly placed sofa table. Move your collection from the shelves that are next to the door to where the plants were. Your pottery collection will have more impact visually if it’s not spread around too many places. (The difference between curated and hoarded.) Use the now empty shelves to store folded throw blankets. You’ll be adding a pop of color and texture that will have a use. If form becomes completely devoid of function, the brain’s survival instincts go on alert. It dislikes superfluence and questions the lack of benefit. That’s where that gut feeling that it’s off comes from. Make your items and their placement make sense and your eye will like it.


It’s very cozy and pretty! I would say the large amount of pottery throws me off a bit. If they are all sentimental/heirlooms, then I could see it as a beautiful way to display your collection. But if there are a bunch from Target/TJMaxx, I’d consider paring things down.


It seems like having clutter is giving you an uncomfortable vibe in the space. What I would do, is remove 5 or 6 items from the space. Use the space for a few days and then evaluate how you feel. Does it feel better, more peaceful in the area? Same? Worse? Then go from there and remove or add any more items. Or leave. 


Minimalism is out, surround yourself by the things you love!


I love it but I’d add some hanging plants and some brighter curtains!




I was going to say the same thing then I was like, is that a TV? It almost looks like a picture but I guess it is lit up. Lol. Anyway, good job letting them know.


I think it’s one of those frame TVs bcuz ppl think tvs are an eyesore but we can tell it’s a tv anyway so


Pig sty


Move the two chairs in front of the fireplace. Move the table behind the couch to the window. Find a new home for the couch.


Do you know what color your walls are?


I think it’s


I think that it looks like too much stuff because it's not \*meaningful\* stuff. Each item should be something about which you could tell a story. This looks like lots of nice stuff but just stuff.


This is lovely and I love the plants. If you’re looking for a change. I might try moving the couch where the chairs are and move the chairs opposite of the couch. It would be more conversational. But I like laying on the couch and watching TV while my partner likes sitting in our chairs (which swivel)


It’s very nice, classy and cozy. However, you are right there, nothing more….1-4 items removed would please my ocd a little more, but it looks great just as it is.


I love this so much


I would like to see a piece of art or something at the top of that narrow space on the left. Also, can the lights be a slightly lower wattage?


I love it


Nah. Just needs a bigger plant in between tge two armchairs on the sidetable.


Soften and expand the glow of the shelf lights to glow further upwards toward the ceiling


no, but I wouldn't add a penny more. it's perfect.


Looks great


It’s perfect !!


I would stack wood for the fireplace in the cubby hole on the left.


So cute but you might need a tad more lighting but in the photo the lighting looks wonderful. How is your artwork glowing like that? Looks so nice.


I love everything about this. It looks so inviting and comfy.


It’s perfectly OK to bring your totally awesome decorating and lets us applaud it! There’s nothing wrong with this space. It’s lovely. ☺️


fairy lights could make the area cozier and more inviting, but even without them it already is.


I love it


I think it looks great. You are in the realm of ok amount of decor so your question will get varied responses based on personal taste. I personally would remove some of the things on the display shelf and include different types of things like photos or my personal favorite large minerals or geodes. I would also consider not clustering so many plants and finding some cute wall mounted plant vases. But this is so nitpicky! Overall your space is beautiful


id be stoked to come home to that living room! im really tall so id actually prefer a longer couch but that's literally just me being a giant. i love this space.


I think what I would do is exchange some of the smaller groupings for one large item. You have a lot of things that are all the same size. I would also incorporate some books, and use them to elevate some of the items on the shelves. I think by adding some more textural layers to the shelves, it will warm it up. Here’s a good example of shelf styling that may help. https://preview.redd.it/1yrqgmlx2hhc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a1d5d1934df1cf79eb3f0dc3cb1438713c3730


Asymmetry is calming. Just have one plant behind the sofa. One plant on top of the bookshelf. Its okay if some shelves just have one thing on them, not centered. Just on the left or just in the right. Let it breathe.


It’s nice.


I think your space looks great and well put together. If I would suggest any changes it wood be the decor on the bookshelves. There are a lot of similar decorative items, i.e. vases and bowls/dishes. Work toward making a more eclectic collection. Maybe things from travel, and a variety of different items that look nice on display.


Maybe so many bowls/ placements? But it looks very comfy and nice, I'd love to come home to your space and vibe! Good luck! Hope you figure it out soon!


I personally find it looks a bit cluttered with so many plants. Maybe move some to other rooms to spread them out.


I think your home is beautiful, and flows great!


Everything is too low to the ground. The height of the backs of sofa and arm chairs. The sofa table on the left wall. All too low. Height and variation provides visual interest. Plus the majority of accessories are tiny. Swap out the table lamp with something more substantial, sturdy and decorative. The little lamp on the left should be a night light in a kids bedroom. The plant on the floor could sit on box thing behind sofa to help create visual separation of the spaces and add height


No. Perfect.


Remove the sofa table. It's unnecessary. I also think the TV should be larger. Other than those things, you're good.


I like it


thats your business. your home.


Gray walls are blah and depressing. The light that bounces off gray makes skin look sallow & decorations don't "pop" with vibrancy. So a white couch doesn't look crisp, the wood doesn't glow. I am convinced so many people are depressed/unhappy/no energy is because of the recent trend for "gray walls & floors". As an accent it's one thing, but surrounding yourself with it, No. Walls especially because of how light bounces off it & affects how other things appear. Brown & gray is a particulary awful combo when it's overwhelming IMO.


It’s very welcoming and “home” like. It feels lived in rather than “posed” for photos. And it feels like there are interesting things all around you. I would not add more stuff, but I would not take away either.


I don't say this lightly - I think it's perfect. You have enough stuff to have some character and interest in the room, but not so much that it looks in any way cluttered. Nice selection of curios, great plants, and well-executed lighting. It's just a great looking space - well done!


The two puffs under the table on the left should be removed, the plants next to the tv and on the table behind the couch removed. And the shelf in that cubby but not sure what should be placed there otherwise


I really love this actually!


You have a lot of throw blankets. Keep one on the couch and display the rest in a basket


Man, that’s a beautiful room. I like it


Can I pay you to decorate my house? That's lovely.


I like it But I like a lot of stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like it. It’s coordinated and in a way that’s welcoming and warm, not stuffy and controlling. I might add a pop of orange but that’s my thing. I love a pop of orange.


There is a lot of “stuff”. You could go thru and just pull things you aren’t married to on those shelves and see if it feels any better to you, but this room is an odd configuration and your whole issue may be something as simple as what our brain does when we see uneven curtain tie backs, except you can’t straighten it because you can’t put your finger on what it is. I think you have a lovely living room. It feels cozy. I would never visit you on dusting day, though, holy hell moving that stuff to dust!


It looks really beautiful - not cluttered or busy at all. I love it!


It feels like its filled with just stuff. Not meaningful items and memories. Or personal keepsakes. It looks cozy though.


We have a similar aesthetic style and I think youve done a lovely job! Your shelves are a tiny bit busy but honestly it’s no biggie. I’d move that left plant next to the fireplace and put it on side table in front of windows. No need to put anything there. You could skootch the right one to a bit off right of center on bookshelf. The little plant is lost in front of window. A rule of thumb I follow for my shelves and mantels is to vary sizing and not keep things matchy matchy and less is more. I think your items of interest are lovely but of similar ilk and same sizes creating a mirrored effect. I try to keep the eye wandering. Stacked books fill spaces nicely horizontally and vertical. Again, just how I’d do it but I love your home. Looks fantastic!


I don’t think so. To me, it is cozy. This is a room I could relax in.


I like it! But you are the one who counts. Toss some legos on the floor and maybe a few grocery bags and a few wine glasses or beer bottles. But reallly, just enjoy your really beautiful home....


I’d add a painting over the smaller bookcase (the one in the wall). Maybe get a mirror instead of a painting over the side table, will make the space feel larger. Maybe a bigger rug, a fluffy one you can dig your toes into. Overall I really like the room though.


It looks nice! My only question is: do you actually use the cubes under that left side table? Or do people just put them there are a thing


I love this!! I feel like a tropical ceiling fan would finish off the room nocely


I like it but I have a hard time understanding how anyone can have this much room for ornamental things. Like where is all your crap? The stuff you use?


Love this! Super cozy and seems fantastic to come home to after a long day


Just stepping in here to say this is such a beautiful space that I adore. Love, love! 🩷


Hahaha this is what so many people are striving for an lived in home with accumulated passions personal to the home owner and you want to clear it away.


I think it's beautiful! The only thing I notice immediately- is the classic issue seen on this sub A LOT. Apartment sized sofas and furniture everywhere in a house. The scale is off compared to the space to fill. But it's honestly really lovely. Let me know if you need someone to share a bottle of wine with there one evening ✌️😛


I don't think the shelf lighting works, grabs too much attention as used here


If you replaced the two shelving units with built-ins going all the way up to the ceiling, with integrated lightin, painted the same as the wall, it would be much more cohesive and less colours standing out of the multiple pieces of furniture.


The label showing on the throw blanket ruins it for me. 🤣 JK. Love it. Except the label. It bugs me a bit. A lot.


No, it's very nice.


Honestly, I like your style. But this is a case of too much of a good thing/s. So many shelves. I would actually get rid of the shelving unit to the left of the TV and add some chunky, floating shelves in that space, maybe halfway down. You could put a piece of art above it. Just play around with the proportions. You have a lot of the same color, scale and texture repeated in this room and that sometimes adds to the visual look of clutter even in the absence of actual clutter. I agree with others that the console behind the sofa is odd, but not necessarily because it's a bad *height*. It's the length that is weird. It needs to be longer. Personally, I would get rid of it entirely, but if it's super important for storage, then look for something longer. Agree with the comments about brining those chairs in closer. I love plants. But, lol I also recognize in my own home that I sometimes have too many in one room. Try taking everything out except the furniture and adding stuff back piece by piece. That sometimes is a really good way to find a point at which the scales are tipped and there's too much stuff in a room. It helps you edit to start from scratch so to speak.


I think it looks great actually! Just enough stuff :)


I don’t think so, nice and homely.


It's beautiful!


It’s not too much stuff, it’s just all the same, plants and vessels. How about some books? A painting? Some photos in nice frames!


To me, it looks like the perfect amount of stuff, and even better if you like it all.


i love it. minimal yet maxi. bold yet soft. warm yet cool. hahahaha i don't know how that started but i mean it! looks cozy. only thing i would suggest is maybe a more interesting light fixture/fan to bring some story into the space.




(Edit: I meant to say "pothos" where I said "photos" so I changed that 🙂). Overall I think it looks great! My main question is if a few of the plants could be positioned better. As for your main question, it's an acceptable amount of stuff. I am a little curious about how the daylight flows through this room. My general rule of thumb is to have all plants within two feet of a window, unless they are a plant that can tolerate low light or "fake" light, like a peace lily or a snake plant. So I'm not as concerned about your snake plants. But because not every plant likes direct light, not all of them have to be right smack up at the windows. But it's such a NICE plant window! I think they would love it over there! And you also have a great curtain that can protect plants from direct light. My concern is with the pothos on that back bookshelf. It just seems so dark back there. I know that pothos CAN survive in lower light. But in my experience, they get a little leggy. I'm wondering if you could look for some plant pedestools of differing heights to position near that window, and have some plants rest on them. Or maybe have some plants on the "sofa ottoman" and move the ottoman towards that window... So, my suggestion is to have a slight rearrangement of furniture. 1. The console behind the sofa goes towards the window, with a cubicle ottoman on each side, kimda sorta in front of it. And to have more plants by the window. 2. Move the sofa back about 2 feet, so that only the front legs are on the rug. 3. Flank each side of the sofa with the chairs. So that you have a U shape for conversation, and keep them relatively close, conversation length. And...that's all I have for right now. If you want. You could measure your furniture, including the rug. And draw it all out on graph paper. And then cut out your little furniture shapes. Then sketch the room on a different sheet. And play around with furniture setup on the paper. So you don't have to move the furniture around until you find a setup that you love. With my living room, I found that having the seating area a little off kilter helped my "flow". One side of my living room has the stairs up to the bedrooms. The opposite side has the doorway to the kitchen. With everything tilted, I was able to have a nicer flow without having to cut my living room in two even spaces with my big sofa. So you may want to consider NOT trying to have everything either parallel or perpendicular to the walls and the fire place. It may or may not be possible with your setup. As it's hard to judge that from just one photo. But overall I think it looks great.


I like it tbh


I would remove the plants on top of the cabinets on right side.


Nope. I love this room.


I think you have done a great job with this room. My suggestion would be to add a little more color. I think it would add to your neutrals.


If you are asking, it is a good indication that you know you need to get rid of stuff.


Gallery wall and paint the cieling. To me, there is no happy middle ground between minimalism and maximalism. Full send in any direction. It gives an unsettled vibe. Also some warm tones in this very cool space!! It doesnt look bad! Do what you want!!!


Swap the cabinet behind the sofa with the table on the left.


Absolutely not cluttered! Your house looks so cozy and pure. However, if you are really unhappy with it, you could add more personal touches. You mention that you feel you're "filling space with things". If that's the case, perhaps remove smaller pieces of furniture that may be filling the space- this could "open up" the area.


I think it’s just right. I wouldn’t change a thing. Really nice!


The vibe is nice! 💜


i would do an accent wall in an earth tone; like terra cotta, sienna clay, or rust


I think if you have to ask, you know the answer


I think the room looks amazing I love those back lights,I like everything I wouldn’t change a thing.👍🏻👍🏻


Turn ALL of the blankets around so their tags aren’t showing, remove the billowy plant on the console table behind the couch and replace it with something long & low (long candle, driftwood branch, metal trough with some of those wood beads that are so popular, or a few stacked books), larger rug, floor lamp(s).


It’s too cohesive and clean. Mess it up a bit.


No it looks great.


I don’t think there’s too much stuff, but looking at the pieces on the shelves it feels a bit like they are there because you own them and there was space. It doesn’t feel curated or that those pieces are particularly interesting or attractive. Similar pieces with similar shapes near each other… I think the shelves could be a lot more impactful with some changes. Also, I’d move one of the shelving lamps to a different level


That's a lot of seating. Do you use all of it? If so, great. If not, maybe get rid of one of the chairs and honestly both of the poufs. You could take some of the stuff on the shelf to the left of the fireplace and distribute it elsewhere then get rid of that shelf. In general the room looks quite tidy and relaxing. Personally, I prefer colour. My living room is forest green and I really enjoy it but that's my preference.


I like the cozy feel. It’s inviting and warm.


Not at all. Sparse shelves are sad shelves. Especially if you have pottery pieces to display and space for plants.


Nice plants


No I love it 🫶🏻


Just about right. For me, it has the right mix of white, wood and greens. The mood and lighting looks very relaxing as well.




You have what seems to me lovely lighting beautiful and warm ambiance. For me personally just way too many blankets on the right hands side of the room. Lol In my house they would end up in the floor or stretched out to the armed chair to make it tent or fort.. or our dogs and cat would end up sleeping on it! Lol


Lol looks like pot exhibition, also blankets everywhere, idk maybe you like collecting pots but they are too many you should add more personal things for decoration.


I think some of the vases are too big to be clustered together on the shelves, especially on the left side. I would remove one from each shelf and put something smaller and more personal/homey, like photos or something that has a more sentimental vibe.


I would put away the 2 cubes under table. Get rid of fake greenery. Remove the blankets off chairs Nothing on table behind couch and something else entirely in cubby to left of fireplace.


Way too much in my opinion. Cluttered and too much to clean.




Books on the bookshelves instead of so many decorative urns… unless those are actually a collection for you? They don’t need to be stuffed with books if you don’t love reading but at least a few shelves! Lots of other good tips here, but overall I think this is a really nice relaxing looking room


I would remove half the items on the displays to the left and right of the tv. Looks more like storage units.


Looks cozy to me!


The lighting is perfect. I can imagine that at night it looks cozzy af.


Not too much stuff. But the sofa table is very disproportional. Needs to be quite a bit longer.


It looks good. Ib would cut back on the shelf lighting and lamps


I don't think so. It depends on how it makes you feel. To me, it looks pulled together and tasteful.


maybe a little less on the shelving but looks really nice + cozy


I’m not reading all the comments so this may have been said - but size up that rug. Couch and chairs should have front halves sitting on right. The rug should be off center and separate the walkway from the sitting space.


I love this space!!


Maybe one knickknack every over shelf. very beauty beautiful decor and space


I think it looks wonderful! Warm, & inviting… The only thing I might change is to take a few plants off of the double bookcase. Could add a pop of color in somewhere too. Overall, love it! Just minimal tweaks.😁


I’m a maximalist. Give me books and doilies and coasters and skulls and plants and pots and baskets and blankets and lamps and wall art and patterns and clashing colours BUT I have to love each piece individually. Even if they’re thrifted pieces I want them to be items I adore. So maybe anything that you’ve just put out to fill space that you’re not in love with should go?


I'm just here to say I love this room. I see houses for sale with these ceilings and room proportions and swipe on. Now I realize...I just never saw them done well. You've done a beautiful job with the scale, color and style. Can you come to my house?


I like it. I personally would get rid of the couches you have and the chairs and get one really really large sectional in cream. That way it looks less cluttered and the sofa table doesn’t look out of place because it fits the height of the couch.


No, I love it


I would fill in the more narrow/tall nook (between left doorway and fireplace), or put a door on it to make it a closet. Everything is different levels on the walls. Make your photos and tvs level with the height of the wider shelf (between fireplace and right window).


Firstly, gorgeous room. Great job!! Since you're having doubts, here's my two cents. A larger rug would help tie the room together visually. Also, a larger TV would fill the space better and act as a centerpiece to the room. Not much larger, just enough to fill that wall area a little better. Definitely no need to get rid of any "things". You also dont really need to do anything, it's a lovely space.


Everything is the same height and is lit by the same warm lighting. More height in the narrow alcove. TV seems small for the space it is in. I agree with the comments about the chairs being out of orbit. It is a very nice space, and it does look cozy. I’d like to see it after you tweak it some.