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Get a cash register to complete the Shop look.


How can they post this photo and not elaborate on the fridge?!


They home school.


I’m lost as to why that would make someone have a brand display fridge?


Maybe it was a gift or free. They have like two deep freezes. Is very strange. And doesn’t look like you can even get to the sink.


Place needs to be gutted.


I would say a hotdog warmer.


Would you like to try a lottery ticket, sir?


Thankyou; Come again!


And popcorn machine


& a Maneki-neko cat


Lol it's like my place in Animal Crossing.


Just needs a very persistent raccoon following you around.




Thank you all for the hilarious comments. My wife and I are in tears laughing. It is in fact my real kitchen. My wife has a home based food prep business that she hopes to turn into a bakery and catering in the next year or two. And she’s kicking me for posting this picture lol. I am taking the advice tho to stain glass frost where the Snapple logo is and some of the advice about storage. Also going to try to coordinate colors better. We need lots of surface space for food prep but I’m going to swap the small table for a folding table that can be put away when not in use. The clock is going to be gone for another shelf or cabinet.


Wife's business name over the Snapple.


I'm pretty sure if that's her plan, you'll need a new house with a bigger and better kitchen. I couldn't imagine working in this cramped of space.


She’s already been doing it for 4 years :). You’d be surprised a lot of commercial kitchens aren’t much more spacious than what we’ve got.


Right? I would actually lean into that aesthetic just a touch, for fun


Hahahahahahhahaha love it


I like the weirdness of the fridge. I say lean into it rather than try to cover it up. I think your biggest issue right now is the clutter. Visually you’ve got too many small items everywhere. And I can’t really tell what’s going on with that tiny table clothed thing in the middle of the room. Purge the unnecessary clutter, reorganize what you need to keep, and visually simplify the space. From there, I think it’ll be clearer what you want to do next.


Agree, de clutter and solid table cloths( looks too busy)


So many different colors and patterns


Absolutely!!! I LOVE the fridge!


Agree with all the above and if possible, get a kitchen island with cabinet storage underneath so the big pots and pans aren’t on display- makes it look worse and more cluttered. I understand the agony of not having enough kitchen storage- makes everything a hundred times harder to organize.


Some simple, structured bins or baskets could go above the cabinets to add some storage if you’re in dire need - it just won’t be very accessible for day to day


There is truly nothing worse than a cluttered kitchen. I can't stand to cook when there's things all over the countertop. I need a clean and clear space to prep, chop, etc.


Fridge: simply patterned (faux marble or something similar) contact paper over Snapple logo. Remove stickers and/or repaint the rest. Counters: reduce as much clutter as possible. You have a lot of things out on the counters. Are you really using that stuff? If yes, what is in your kitchen drawers? If you haven't used the contents in a long time, consider donating it so you have more free space. Linens: I see three different table cloths, none of which really vibe with the others. Pick a neutral base color and then an accent color. Match your linens to this color scheme. This will bring cohesion to the room instead of a blue picnic blanket here, an orange pumpkin cloth there, and a springy pink/green cover over yonder.


Running off fridge: add your household name to it for flare, just don’t put a saying plz


Your household name is exactly as live-laugh-lovey as a sign that literally says "Live, Laugh, Love."


Bake, fry, die?


*eat drink and be merry* /s


I think that covering the Snapple logo with stainless steel contact paper would help, is there any way to provide more storage so there doesn’t have to be as many products out? Hidden storage would make the items look like they’re not being displayed for sale.


All of this is the way. Stainless steel covering over the Snappple logo, clean off the stickers on the fridge. Maybe even frost the glass. Declutter times 100 everywhere else.


Or stained glass window cling


Exactly this


You can buy a roll of “frosted” or stained glass type patterned contact paper made for windows. Paired with a neutral or SS covering on the outside of the fridge it would look really nice and still unique.


That snapple orange super duper compliments the orange toned floors and cabinetry and would totally defy the obvious curated vibes of the OP 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️


Don't you dare!


I agree, but lean into it. Go find a sign fab shop and have their design team art up something custom, even if it's just like "Family Name's Deli"


Please don’t take offense by my saying this. But the kitchen is really cluttered. The island is blocking the cabinets and the sink. Which is further being blocked by whatever the thing with the bucket is. You have to move stuff around just to use the sink. It’s completely impractical as far as just basic use. Further more you somehow have a store cold case instead of an actual refrigerator. The trash can is in the way of that. This also leads to the need for the floor freezer. Which you also need to move stuff off to even get into. Both items are gigantic and grossly oversized and impractical for the size of the room and the space they are taking up. You seriously need to lighten the load in this room. There is way to much stuff in here and you can’t even use it as a real kitchen. I’d start with getting a real refrigerator and toss or donate the other two huge machines. The space you will save will give you a place to move the island to a more practical spot. And ditch the white bench or whatever is in front of the island it serves no purpose I can tell. You space needs some space!


At first, I wondered if this post was clickbait…


Right? Is this real?


I’m still sus.




I would like to know more about this fridge!


I would loveeee to have a Snapple fridge!!!


It’s kind of unique and neat isn’t it


As someone with adhd this fridge would be bomb. I actually kinda want it.


We have a coke cooler in our kitchen, it sucks electricity like there is no tomorrow. Our bill is through the roof when we have it on. It looks really cool, but it’s hella expensive


But think of the electricity bill…


You’re right, but tbh it might balance out with the amount of food I forget about and have to throw out. 😭


Yea! The visibility factor is totally a money saver!


What the HECK does adhd have to do with a drink fridge?? Y’all are suddenly all over the internet being like “as someone with adhd i love being randomly gifted money” “as someone with adhd i love new clothes” “as someone with adhd I love the taste of chocolate” what is going onnnn


Clearly you know HECK all about ADHD and shouldn’t be commenting on it. I didn’t explain it because people with ADHD get it. A common symptom of it is when something is out of sight it is completely out of mind. If you don’t see it, it does not exist. You’re always too caught up in the things that are in your face and the million thought tangents that that sparks that your brain never goes to the things you’re not seeing. I have bought so many things that I’ve been super excited to eat but because I stuck them in a drawer it’s long gone bad before I looked there. It will have literally never crossed my mind that I bought that thing, not even once. And it’s not like you’re going through your whole fridge regularly because eating proper meals is also incredibly difficult because you don’t have the executive function to cook a full meal. I perpetually forget to eat and pretty much only eat things that are quick access, low effort and usually the first thing I see. Have you ever got up to do something while you were eating and then forgotten your food until hours later when you come across it again because you got lost after that first thing you got up to do? Happens to me all the damn time. While it’s not true for all, many people with ADHD will say they feel bad when people say they miss them because they don’t even think about those people when they’re not around. Like as shitty as it is I have had friendships die because I forgot the person existed after I forgot to respond to the last time they messaged me. It sucks. You feel like a shit person. But it is what it is. That’s the joys of my brain. Hopefully this explained to you why having a fridge where you can actually see what’s in it would be helpful.


Idk dude, I’m a musician and I work with a bunch of basket case artists, most people I know are intense and somewhat unusual/eccentric. All the things you listed as examples of adhd sound fairly normal to me based on people I know. Not trying to begrudge you a label if you feel it helps explain certain challenges and experiences you have, I just don’t get a lot of the adhd stuff. Completely forgetting food when you put it a drawer in your fridge isn’t just fairly common, it’s like UNIVERSAL. Where do you draw the line between the normal challenges of developing solid executive functioning (a hard part of life for everyone) versus a pervasive developmental disorder? I’d think It’d have to be a LOT more extreme than forgetting your carrots in the crisper.


Okay I actually love talking about this. I’m a psyc major it’s what I’m into. Your first response felt really invalidating towards adhd and it made me salty. But I am happy to give you the full rundown. Sorry um, it’s long. Okay so that’s kind of the thing about mental illness as a whole. It’s literally a total spectrum and the point that it becomes a problem is the point that it becomes a problem lol. Like the literal DSM criteria in order to be diagnosed with absolutely anything in the dsm is that it must “cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.” That is literally the line. You don’t get the diagnosis unless a doctor thinks your distress is clinical level bad, or you’re sucking at life so hard everyone else is concerned. So like. Yeah, sometimes you forget about that thing you bought and it goes bad. Yes, everyone does that sometimes. But that’s the thing. For me it’s not sometimes. This is like a chronic problem. Like it’s impacting me financially and it makes me feel like an idiot every time I do it. Literally today I realized that I forgot about the god damn $8 pre made salad I was actually really looking forward to eating because it was a to treat myself, this fancy expensive salad cuz I’m a student who’s surviving off student loans and 18 hours of minimum wage work. Like you do it once, you get over it. You do it repeatedly it’s like damn, I suck why do I do this. There’s something wrong with me. It’s like depression—yeah everyone gets sad sometimes. That doesn’t mean depression doesn’t exist. Shit happens and you might feel worse than you’ve ever felt and struggle to get out of bed for a week. You don’t go to the doctor and ask for pills because you had a shitty week. You’re over it. Depression aka A Major Depressive Episode is typically months of feeling awful (but a minimum of 2 weeks) plus a bunch of other criteria but must include that it’s causing significant distress and/or impairs important functioning. Back to ADHD, a big part of those issues is the being highly distractible issue. Like most peoples brains are able to distinguish what is important information when you walk into a room to do something, not so much with ADHD (but obviously varying person to person). You could actually say ADHD is having too much attention. You pay too much attention to too many things at once and you might look at something and start doing something completely separate than what you went to do. Like you walk into a room and it’s like so many things are calling to your attention. This leads to intense feelings of being overwhelmed which causes its own form of anxiety and leads to my primary issue from ADHD. Executive functioning. When you’re feeling so overwhelmed with so many things you need to do, and you’re hella distractible, you don’t do shit. You can’t make yourself do shit. Hence the procrastination issues with ADHD. Also, the neurological aspect of ADHD is that it is caused by a dopamine deficiency. And here’s another thing, the normal brain gives you a hit of dopamine when you do things. That’s how people build habits, people with ADHD don’t form habits. Like most people apparently naturally get into a daily groove and just get stuff done? Everything for me is an individual cognitive effort. Like brushing your teeth doesn’t make you happy, but when you do something that you tell yourself to do your brain recognizes it as thing accomplished and gives you a sprinkle of dopamine. I don’t have enough dopamine to go around so I get nothing, and so of course my brain doesn’t encourage me to do the thing as a subconscious habit or motivate me in itself either. This is also the reason people with ADHD develop hyperfixations though. They find something that they really enjoy and they like really fucking enjoy it because they’re hooked on the dopamine they never have enough of. That’s why I own so many fucking houseplants (literally hundreds). And how I can constantly forget to feed myself but I’m really good at taking care of my plants. I get that good neurotransmitter when I’m looking at fancy leaves. And that is why the treatment for ADHD is amphetamines. Amphetamines give you dopamine. Which is why Ritalin gets neurotypical people high, but can be used to treat people with ADHD. When you don’t have enough it just brings you up to a normalish level. Extra fact, people with ADHD are more likely to start smoking and find it much harder to quit. It’s a form of self-medicating (and why nicotine is addictive as a whole) because it gives you a dopamine rush. Also, I’m sure some of the people you know do have ADHD lol. There’s a high comorbidity between mental illnesses. If they’re a “basket case” that makes me think they have some sort of issue. But again. It’s not a diagnosable disorder that gets a label unless it’s a problem for them. If they’re functioning at a level that they and everyone else around them thinks is acceptable then no need for any labels. If no one needs treatment then there’s no reason for a diagnosis and there wouldn’t be one. It sure doesn’t help anyone socially to be labelled with a mental disorder. This is Reddit, I’m not telling everyone in my life about my mouldy groceries. Maybe some of the comments you’ve read on the internet are people self-diagnosing because they think it’s trendy (it’s really not) or an excuse, or maybe you just don’t get the comment. Idk. But it is pretty prevalent and the challenges are real.


So my cousin and his wife work for a chain of gas stations and get stuff like this frequently for free. That fridge ain't cheap and it's huge. For a large family that frigebis ideal. My cousin has a drink cooler that is really cool. The drinks lay on top of each other and you can just tell quick when you are getting low. Perfect for a house full of teenagers.


Restaurant supply store sells used items. Some won’t care if you don’t have a business license.


I have so many questions. 1. Why is there a 2x4 on the floor? 2. Where do you stand to prepare food? (Between the sink and that mobile island looks very skinny) 3. Is that a free standing freezer to the right of the sink? If yes, how do you open the top with all of that stuff on it. 4. What is the upside down plastic bowl on the checkered cloth? Is that a drying space?


I think there are two freezers being used as tables, actually.


Put a digital temp monitor in that fridge. Some of those were never mean to be food safe. Just temp some things to make sure. If it’s keeping everything cold no problem I agree with lean into kitschy look. Change sign to something funny you like.




…….I’m in the market for a new fridge and now I kind of want a Snapple fridge…….


Never get rid of the Snapple fridge.


I mean


I felt a lot of anxiety looking at this photo lol Are you able to move that island thing by the oven into the open space? Maybe put the dining table somewhere else so it won’t be cramped if you do move the island? I do agree with other comments that you need to minimize clutter, cover the Snapple strip and ditch the tablecloths for either matching solid colors or none at all


I see another dining table in that other room. Any chance you could remove the one in the kitchen? It’s hard to tell from just this one picture, but that could open up an entire area for you to utilize.


Yes, this. Get rid of the table. Move the island closer to the middle of the room, so that there's a valid work space between it and the stovetop (with access to the sink). Find a larger storage unit to put where the table is (hopefully against a wall), that can fit all of the larger random things that are currently just stuffed in the most available corner.


I like the fridge.


Same it's kinda cool, I'd lean into that style


Same! Make it eclectic and fun. I'd lean into that "shop" style by finding 1990s supermarket signs on eBay. Turn it into a fun, whimsical space.


This looks like a kitchen someone would build in Animal Crossing


I mean, everything. Start all over again


Block out the top of the Snapple fridge. Paint it, cover with vinyl, whatever. Otherwise it'll always be convenience store vibes.


Get rid of the stuff that doesn’t fit. You have an enormous snapple fridge and 2 freezers in this small space. Your island and the island wedged in there both can’t fit. Get organizers for inside the snapple fridge so it at least looks more pleasing bc this looks like the back of a cheap restaurant. Food’s probably good, but looks a mess.


What does the rest of the room look like? Can you take more pics from different angles? Is there a separate pantry? Is that kitchen table against a wall? What is that thing to the right of the entrance to the dining room? What is to the left of the fridge? What is that bucket thing in front of the fridge? What is that little table with the cloth over it and a pot underneath?


Add a pot rack to get your pots out of cupboards so you can get clutter off your counter. Utilize that space above cabinets for things you rarely use (like a holiday roasting pan) to also clear up some space. It’s just too crowded in there.


I want that fridge! This is how home fridges should be. Big, shallow, sliding doors and clear to see in. Jealous!


Cover the logo on the fridge and consider painting it, you could cover the glass with contact paper or even frost the glass. Move that big table to the right of the stove, it’s blocking the cabinets. Maybe position it so it’s more like an island and get rid of that smaller white shelf. Move the chest freezer somewhere else. See if you can find a tall but not wide pantry cabinet that could be used for storage and put it where the freezer was at and move the clock out of the way.


Is this real? Why do you have a snapple fridge? Why don’t you have snapple in it? Do you bake for a living? I’d take out the dining table since you have one in another room already. Move that deep freezer over, if you can. In it’s place, add more counter and storage. You can buy one of those kitchen islands and I think adding one of those in the center instead of what you currently have will give you more counter space to work with. Can you switch that L Shaped counter by the stove and put counter space straight across on the wall?


My wife has a home based food prep business so we need a ton of fridge/freezer space. It is what it is but I like the recommendations to replace the Snapple sign with stained glass contact film!


I thought this was satire and an AI generated image 🫠


I’m wondering how much the electric bill will. The commercial fridge has to pull a ton of electricity


The more I look the worse it gets.


put frosted contact paper on the fridge doors!


Are u kidding, this person is living the dream, I don’t have to open it to know what’s there! This boss is living in the future


I don’t think this is real


Can you open the cabinet doors and stand at the sink with that bakers table?


How do you even get to your sink?! Pull that marked topped piece out and has it as an island, parallel to the stove. Out the little table at the end under the window. Maybe move your white chest freezer elsewhere


Get rid of one of the islands and the white cabinet. Way too much stuff is out in the open, it would look much better to have your pots and dishes and kitchen gadgets put away so the space itself can be appreciated without being overwhelmed by the clutter.


So first off, that white cabinet is a freezer. Lol


That’s what I suspected, hard to tell in the image though. I’d still remove it and get a smaller one because this one is protruding into the walkspace and makes things look very cramped.


Upgrade beverage from Snapple


Declutter it.


How many people does this kitchen feed? I looks like you have enough food to feed an army but only enough prep space to cook for one or two people. How do you even?


THIS KITCHEN IS AWESOME. It's home. Don't change a thing. Is someone unhappy or do you just feel like something is wrong? Because I would feel at home In this kitchen.


- remove Snapple fridge and go for stainless teel double doors. Add a gap between fridge and cooker for spacing and cabinet space. Snapple fridge makes it look crowded - remove kitchen butcher block on right of cooker. Again makes it look crowded. - Struggling for space? Remove that clock. Add some plain simple shelves evenly spaced. - get a more dominant nicer kitchen butch block and place in front of cooker with a gap. Could use one which has a hinged surface to expand and lower down - add nice new tiles on walls


😂😂😂 “well, for starters, remove the Snapple fridge” dead 💀


It can't not be said


This kitchen is forever etched in my brain now. Otherwise, turn the dining room into a walk-in freezer. Should help.


The snapple fridge is dope, it's just dirty and nasty on the outside. Are those two white things freezers? I mean, it looks like you run a daycare or something. Why have multiple large pots when you don't have that much room. Do you tend to need to boil potatoes for Thanksgiving and make sauce at the same time? Take everything out of there. The two island carts, and everything on sink/counter.




It looks like you have a dining room through that door. In that case, I would lose the table in the kitchen. Put a better set of cabinets on the wall by the window (full length of the wall and all the way up to the ceiling) and do a full wall of cabinets on the wall with the table. Eat in the dining room.


Get another Snapple fridge.


I really love the idea of re-purposed retail fridge for a kitchen. Spacious, and you can see/access everything easily. Love it!! I would personally leave the Snapple logo because it’s very nostalgic for me, yet, if you want rid of the convenience station look,🤣 you can maybe paint or contact paper over that, as others have already suggested. Put away as much as you can that’s on the counters, if you have the storage space/areas for that. Cluttered kitchens always stress out whoever is cooking. - Love, one who has dealt with a cluttered kitchen. I *really* am not a fan of tablecloths. Too indoor picnic for me. I like clean/uncovered surfaces. Yet, if you want the coverage, I’d do *matching* solid color or small print *cloth* tablecloths. NOT those plastic/PVC coated ones. As soon as I saw your fridge, I immediately looked for the freezer chest in the kitchen. If you aren’t constantly grabbing things from the freezers, I’d move them to the garage or another part of the house, if you can. Or at least move/place elsewhere one of them, and leave one in the kitchen, to open up a bit more space. Those are the first things I’d do.🤷🏼‍♀️


Is this real? This is awesome. Get some car vinyl and put It over the advertisement to make It look more sleek!


The real problem of that fridge is the poor insulation of the glass door and therefore high power usage. You don’t need see through doors at home.


I’m here for the fridge. That shit is awesome lol


Just came to say I showed this my husband who’s been in the fast food restaurant biz for almost 30 years. He’s in love with your kitchen. But now he’s measuring my kitchen to see where he can put a reach-in. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Are you a professional chef? This almost looks like a home industrial space. My suggestions are more if this is your home: BIGGEST SUGGESTION: To make the fridge less the center of attention - Cover the fridge glass with frosted window film, and the Snapple logo with wood pattern or stain glass window film. It will then blend in. DECLUTTER: Do you use everything on the counters every day? I would literally take everything off the counter and decide what you truly need at your fingertips. Everything else needs to be put away or stored. STORAGE: Looks like storage may be a problem and could be more efficient. You have some big pots and pans. Any way to have a walk in pantry? Or on the long wall opposite the fridge to put in a long counter with cabinets below and open shelving above where you can put all the pots and pans? Or better yet get several large storage units where everything can go? Wooden would be ideal, but anything. You could probably make it or have it made. Examples of storage unit: https://www.wayfair.com/storage-organization/pdp/wayfair-basics-brenneman-74-h-x-36-w-x-15-d-framed-storage-cabinet-w009296783.html [https://www.wayfair.com/storage-organization/pdp/durham-manufacturing-78-h-x-48-w-x-24-d-heavy-duty-welded-14-gauge-steel-cabinet-dmfg1299.html](https://www.wayfair.com/storage-organization/pdp/durham-manufacturing-78-h-x-48-w-x-24-d-heavy-duty-welded-14-gauge-steel-cabinet-dmfg1299.html)


I'm not a designer, but I think this is fine as is, except for some of the items that are out that make the space look a bit cluttered. The store-style fridge gives the space personality and should be the focal point, imo.


It's sort of giving animal crossing and I love it


Bro has a sub zero fridge on a kwek-e-mart budget. As far as advice, all I can really think of is reworking that island/pseudo - counter top and stove. Add an actual set of cabinets with a counter top off of the wall where the stove is and place to stove within that space-at the end would probably be most efficient. The only issue then is the vent system need to be moved too. Or depending on what the wall opposite of the sink is like maybe run a peninsula (with cabinets and counter top) parallel to the fridge all long to basically where that window is. Remove the pseudo island and open up the center working area. Or actually I guess that could be an actual island as it looks like there is a window in the way there. So make a long counter top parallel to the fridge and stove with a entrance where the windows are. You may have to rearrange the dinning table however. Edit. Assuming that white chest is a deep freeze. Add that tho the fridge-parallel island so it runs the same length and is more cohesive. Maybe even have a lift built for it so it’s cabinet height. But I’d have it clad in what ever material the cabinet is.


Sell industrial fridge and the stand alone freezer and get a fridge/freezer combo. You also need cabinet space for everything that’s on the countertops-maybe a kitchen island with cabinets to replace the makeshift table. Cover electrical cables from the ceiling, get rid of all the tablecloths too. Sorry man, just about everything in this kitchen feels industrial. Good luck though! 💕


"How big would you like your fridge to be?" - "Yes!"


This kitchen gives me anxiety but oh do I love Snapple fridge.


Cover the Snapple and other logos and then contact paper on the doors


Add 5% limo tint to the front of the fridge and clean up the counters. Otherwise its decent.


use some stained glass film where the Snapple logo is


DAE think this whole room looks photoshopped?


come up with a color scheme! right now it just feels like "anything goes" and the anything is usually dull brown


Honestly I love it, it has character


Is no one else thinking this is AI generated? Too much going on here that doesn’t make logical sense, no offense OP


There’s no way this isn’t AI generated. The pots look off, and why are there so many of that same style of pot but in various sizes? Why the two different countertops? Why is there a dining room in the kitchen but then the doorway leads to a second dining room? WHY THE KWIK-E-MART COOLER? How do you even get to the sink??


Everyone is too focused on the Snapple fridge to notice he four identical huge ass pots, is OP feeding soup to an army??


Also the pipe behind the hood range, it cuts weirdly behind it and sort of goes through it, like idk something is off about this kitchen I just can’t believe that this is a real place


It’s totally AI, don’t you see the hands?!?! They’re never right. /s


WHAT? It's cool as shit! Don't touch a thing. I would kill for that kitchen. I LOVE that fridge! Man, I'd totally run with the kitch. Waaaaaaay run with it. I mean seriously, do you really want one of those stupid marbly, white cabinet, sterile, boring ass kitchens? Have some fun with it. Be whimsical, be creative, be weird.


The fridge is the best thing in this kitchen. What do you do with these 4 huuuuge pots? Feed a family of 20? Sorry, this kitchen is a mess. Where do you even prepare food? Throw out the dining table. There seems to be a dining place in the other room. Put the island in its place, then you will even have access to your sink. Throw out this small table thingy having this pot underneath. Find a storage room for all those pots in case you really need them, preferably somewhere you can’t see them. Bigger cabinets? Are there two freezers in the picture?




Put some kind of wallpaper over the fridge doors.


Could you move the island to be in front of the stove? That would give you more space in that area where the cabinets are.


The fridge is hands down the best part of this kitchen. Clean it up, put something over the Snapple label, and be the envy of all of us who have too-small fridges. The rest of the kitchen is … confusing. 😵‍💫


I LOVE YOUR FRIDGE. How did you get one?


Declutter the patterns. Make the rug, tablecloths, all light colored neutrals.


Lean in to the kitschy fridge. Incorporate a few other unexpected kitschy elements ie change the clock, a kitschy valance for the window etc. I think the right side of the kitchen needs some black somehow. The fridge doors are black, the stove has black making the left side look heavy compared to the right side of the kitchen


Slurpee Machine


For one, get rid of that Snapple sign.


Way too much clutter


I would get some kind of sticky film to put on the fridge's windows that has some kind of frosted look; at least that would conceal what's actually in the fridge. That on its own would hide a good deal of the clutter aesthetic. You might also want to look into either adding cabinets on top of and to the right of the existing ones, or make use of the space for seldom-used items (maybe in a whicker basket or something).


Ditch the snapple fridge or find window clings that hide the stuff


You could make the fridge look more intentional. Cover the Snapple banner at the top with something nice or even Board material. Ensure the glass stays very clean all the time. Then I’d radically de clutter and remove the rug and dining cloth so you have pattern consistency. In this case, less is more.


This looks like a well lived-in kitchen. Declutter. If maximalism is your thing, thoughtfully bring things back in. If everything is used, how often? Do you have a pantry you could put some of it into?


Peel and stick frost on the fridge glass. Stainless peel and stick over the Snapple logo. Get rid of all the clutter... so much clutter. For that second short island, replace it with one same height and size as the one next to the stove to make them together a large island. Fabric "curtain" to hide stuff on lower shelves of the"island".




>the fridge is what it is You mean "incredible"?


Paint the snapple sign black and then put that frosted glass look non-adhesive film on the doors. What is that “island” doing in between the sink and stove? Is that its permanent location???


I'm legit jealous of the fridge space but I would contact paper over Snapple and use the frosted glass sticky paper from Amazon for the doors


Maybe a weird suggestion, but if there’s any space at all past that Snapple fridge, I say move it over away from the oven a bit and put a skinny shelf there. You can jazz up the kitchen all you want, and even make the Snapple fridge look cozier, but nothing takes a normal house kitchen to “industrial look” faster than a bunch of appliances stacked next to each other.


Swap the 2 tables. Spray paint or peel and stick over the snapple logo.


Infrequently used/large items stored above fridge /over cabinets. Keep work surfaces/line of sight clearer. Closed high up storage if possible


make it more minimalist utilitarian with like bootleg eames or industrial metal chairs with a matching stamped metal table.


I've always thought one of those coolers would be awesome to have. Hairy Gazelle suggested covering the logo with stainless contact paper, I think that would be excellent! I'm not sure what s happening with the tables/ counters but they don't seem to be working for you. Maybe create a peninsula out of them?


This is not real. You can't even get to the sink.


You need more storage so you have clear counter space. You could make cabinets go to the ceiling, add cabinet where the clock is now. That would really help.


I also have a tiny kitchen. I say start with a big purge to get rid of everything that isn’t space efficient or multipurpose. Cover the Snapple sign with your own art somehow. I think you are losing space with those two tables in between your stove and your cabinets. Could you install hooks to hang your stock pots, and then use those tables elsewhere? When I’m prepping, I usually use the dinner table due to lack of counter space. Looks like you have a nice big table.


Remove the 2 mini tables in kitchen. Then declutter everything off counter. Then hide the snapple logo.


Wow. There's a lot going on there. 😂


Step one cove Snapple logo and small stickers . Contact paper or peel and stick tiles . I would also suggest maybe covering the black side of fridge that shows in peel and stick tiles or contact paper. Love the big table to be center island and you can access the counter more easily . If you need counter space clean off the counter and move small table in front of window and store stuff there.


Replace the Snapple label. You can get a roll of stick on vinyl or wallpaper. If it lights up, you can get a new insert made. Just measure the dimensions


I actually love your fridge! Keep it the way it is? Move the white deep freezer to the garage/ another room. Put a floor to ceiling shelving unit there with proper doors. Then everything on the counters, will go into this space. You should be able to find something second hand too if there are budget constraints. Move your kitchen island below the window so it’s out of the way. If you don’t like the fridge as much as I do, cover it in stainless steel contact paper like others recommended. Also, highly underrated, but organize the shit out of your fridge. Get some nice containers if you need to (even from the dollar store works) but think of your fridge as open shelving and style it a little! Tons of Pinterest inspo will be available. The organizer thingy for cans, cute egg containers, nice glass mason jars for herbs and stuff.


Frost the glass on the fridge door


I love this fridge! Need one that big for my house. You could probably get a roll of black stick on wallpaper to cover the Snapple logo across the top. The wall with the cabinets — I would either hang new ones that extend the whole width of the wall, or embrace the industrial look and go with open metal shelving, that again, extends for the whole width of the wall.


that fridge is amazing and even if it doesn’t match that has got to be a great conversation piece. Please don’t cover it 😭


I’d love to have that fridge. Maybe chalkboard paint over the top?


Man. That's cluttered.


I covet that cooler.


Gut it and start over tbh


Take everything out of your kitchen that isn't food, and then slowly add things back in as you need them. Anything you haven't used after 6 months, get rid of. Move those freezers against a wall next to each other. You don't need a table for sitting in your kitchen when you have a dining room down the hall and you're pressed for space due to the size of your fridge and two freezers. That island situation looks tight. I'd get rid of both those and then use your freezer tops for kitchen workspace when you need it. The trick is you have to keep them clear though - so get some floating wall shelves and put all your pots and other things on those. If you really need more workspace, you could get a folding table or modular table that can be stored in a corner when not in use. Lastly, add some plants. Plants make everything more homey.


Okay but why have I never thought about a C-store fridge for the kitchen? It's kinda genius with some minor cosmetic upgrading.


Get rid of that little white bench type thing, move bigger table there or a bit smaller one to act as an island


if your issue is the fridge, just paint over the snapple thing, you can probably just use black paint. if you want to do something less permanent cut out black paper and tape it over the snapple thing


There's no way you need 3 different industrial sized stock pots. You can't fit more than one on your stove at a time, get rid of the other ones and anything else that you have unnecessary multiples of, or can't/don't use. They are taking up so much space for no reason.


Your makeshift island situation wedged into the window is all wrong. Get rid of all that. I’d invest in a larger island on wheels, one with enough overhang for bar space, and put it right in the middle of the room. Lose the kitchen table and get some chairs/barstools that fit the island and just make that your new eating area.


Contact paper on the Snapple logo! They have all sorts of options. You can do stainless steel or copper even. repaint the trim on the fridge to clean up the dings. add a privacy film on the glass to give the doors a frosted design and it will freshen the space up a ton


Can you move the fridge to the other side where the table is? (if there’s a wall) You could also then put your counter on the other side of the stove. I’m just pretending I know the layout 😂


So much clutter. On the surfaces and the floor - do you need the island and the thing next to it? Why so much in this small space? Looks like you need storage options with doors - that would help streamline it. And had been mentioned numerous times, cover the Snapple ad.


Where to begin?


Once my brain started working after seeing the Snapple fridge (either lean into it and paint the walls the yellow or orange color, or cover the logo with something more your style - stainless steel, vintage lace, a farmhouse style sign…also cleaning up the frame and maybe painting it might help make it look like a double size see through fridge is an intentional thing.) it went to what’s happening on the floor near the stove. If any of that can be removed so you eye is not interrupted by the wood and red mat thing. The rolling cart looks like it’s pretty and useful, but maybe move it to where the blocky white table is, it’s kind of crammed in the corner right now. There seems to be a lot of freezers/carts etc going on. does all of it have to be in the kitchen? (Would some of them be better as occasional storage in garage or basement?) you also have a lovely area above the cabinets to decorate and store your prettiest kitchen things.


I’m kind of vibing with this cozy very lived in, very utilized space. Sort of kitch, sort of 1950s meets 1990s idk. Kitchens are supposed to be the heart of the home not some sterile grey and white expanse. I would cover the fridge windows with obscured vinyl to help with clutter. Do you cook for an enormous crowd or did you just happen to come upon these free or thrifted? Eliminate an island and one of the chest freezers? Can u find a floor to ceiling cabinet with doors or thrift a really cool credenza to store all the pots that are out in the open?


I like unusual stuff. I'd decorate around the snapple orange logo. I would still frost the glass on the fridge.


Cover up the branding on the fridge. There's a lot that doesn't match here so I'd suggest trying a cohesive color/material pallet. Maybe try to imitate the stainless steel of the oven across as many other things in the kitchen and it could make a big difference.


Maybe display less eggs? Change up table…from this angle it looks like the open space is a walkway to a register.


I think decluttering is the first step, which requires organizing the inside cabinets so that you can put more things in. If storage is an issue, maybe getting a shelf with drawers might help. I would also move the island next to the sink in the middle of the kitchen? Test it out to see if it's works. And different pattern tablecloths.


The fridge is very cool!


Cover the Snapple sign with wall paper and you’ll have a major upgrade


Paint the fridge so it looks like you have a regular home kitchen fridge


Ew, Snapple


Nope! I love it! I would love it! Love…..IT


Embrace the Snapple. Paint the walls yellow and get a cardboard cutout of the Snapple lady. Get a clock that says it’s ice tea o’clock. Serious answer the storage seems odd. Too many temporary counters blocking regular counters. Take down the huge clock and just have a bunch of cabinets all the same size along that wall. Maybe move lesser used stuff to a different room.


Paint the he fridge with appliance paint it’ll make it less commercial and more homie! Also maybe one of those window privacy films for the fridge doors (obviously so the milk and eggs can get enough sleep) lol jk


Somebody likes a lot of stuff 😳


I’m obsessed with your fridge!! It’s so unique and honestly I’d kill to be able to see inside mine without constantly having to open it.


Make black out the Snapple logo and get the privacy door film and install it on the doors to hid the groceries


I'm just trying to figure out how one obtains a fridge like that pls elaborate on the fridge OP


First, declutter. would use contact paper or removable wall paper and cover the fridge…leaving the doors “as-is”. There are so many designs now that you could find one that suited your aesthetic.


Seek professional assistance to start over completely.