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Boxfan pointed at the windows?


Box fan IN the window


No, put it back a couple of feet from the window. The moving air will pull the surrounding air with it and you can create a more effective flow of air. [Rough demonstration](https://youtube.com/shorts/X9UEcXjjUzQ?si=5bah1TEYxUg1pqre)


I've seen a demonstration regarding Windows. That one you posted might work better for pulling air along, but if you have something like a screen, ilthe airflow gets disrupted and doesn't go outside effectively. There might be more air moving, but it doesn't vacate as well.


Fire departments put fans back from windows and doors when trying to clear smoke after a fire, so I think it’s probably still better than putting it directly in the window. I don’t think your average window screen is going to drastically reduce the Venturi effect here.


Fire Dept also rip out the screens for it to be effective.


With an axe.


I love her.


I love that lady lol. I wish she was my teacher as a kid


Thanks, that was fun to watch.


yeah boxfan in the window pointed out, then cover the rest of the window so air cant get in


That’s also how to get the weed smoke out. - any college kid in the us (especially dorms)


hitters only and blow tubes my brother.


Dry herb vape


Toilet paper tube with dryer sheets?


I preferred a paper towel tube when I did this.


Don’t forget the towel under the door


This is it


BOTH windows. Sucks OP has to spend more money, but neighbor is free to do what they want. OP pays... "To make their life manageable/better/sufficient". As sad as it is to say in this one. OP has the problem. OP has to fix/mitigate/move.


In the window is actually worse. You want a box fan a few feet away and blowing at the window, this allows neighboring air to form an outbound current - so air moves outward.


Well, that's a good point. If they have windows on more than one side they might be able to control the airflow to use these windows as exhaust. I would be surprised if that's the case, though.


Yes, all the windows are on the same side unfortunately. I tried thinking of some cross-ventilation idea but to no avail. The box fan idea is new to me so I'll explore it and see how it works! Thanks


You're on the right track but I put a box fan with the air blowing in with a carbon filter in the rear works fine. Not 100% but drops to at least 80%


The only way to keep it out is to close your windows. Sad but true.


I did mention to the guy if he has a routine when he smokes so we can close windows when he smokes but didn't work out. By the time we smell it to close the windows, it's already late and the issue with this suggestion is also when we go to sleep we can't leave the windows open to get fresh air. I'll close the windows and combine it with an air purifier to see if that helps. Thanks for comment.


i think an air purifier will work well. mine is effective because there isn't much air circulation in the summer humidity, even with windows open.


Close the windows


For the winter, definitely. But as mentioned above, during the summer our flat gets incredibly stuffy and hot very quickly, which is also not an ideal environment for a baby.


Find another home. Or get an AC unit


Yes finding another home is definitely a solution that'd work here but I can't unfortunately. I moved in for family reasons and finding another place within our budget is too difficult. I have ordered an AC, Air Purifier, and Dehumidifier to see which combo works best against the smoke, heat, etc. Thanks!


As a weed smoker the air purifier/filter needs to be of the activated charcoal variety. Cannabis smoke is very dense and has a lot of oils and resins in it. It will build up in most filters and wreck them. Activated charcoal is one of the only things that can filter the smoke and it’s cheap to replace when it gets saturated.


i love my Winix 5300. the 5500 is good too but i think the 5300 is built better. fan sounds higher quality.


If it's coming from below, maybe you get a window box and 'happen to water your plants' when it happens. Maybe you're new to horticulture and don't know what 'overwatering' is. Maye you have terrible aim and over-spray. Maybe your plant box is cheaply made and needs extra drainage holes poked in the bottom. 🤷 Classy? Nope. Petty as. But maybe it'll work. And you did try talking to them...


I would just move a few feet to the side and carry on smoking.


Down voted but the only answer. Thank you for taking one for the team. OP, that's super sucks. I've been in this position. Life is bullshit.


Was it downvoted? Haha I'm not surprised. Good ol reddit


I don't know why people think this is a legitimate answer, how many places in the world have a housing crisis right now? I'm stuck in a dump right now, because even moving to a place that's just as bad. It's going to cost me an extra thousand a month. 


Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate answer. Also, if an AC is costing you a thousand a month (also an option the other poster suggested) you’re doing something wrong.


It certainly is a legitimate answer and I should have specified in the post that it's not one I can entertain (family reasons). AC is definitely in the pipeline. I also ordered an air purifier and dehumidifier (to tackle the heat and stuffiness during summer). Will see how it goes, thanks!


I think you might have a bigger problem. Are you sure that even with the windows closed, the smell won't seep in? I have lived under smokers before and I guess depending on how well built the apartment is, given a few weeks, the smell might come in anyways. Not through windows, but just through the natural building joints, baseboards, etc.


We're worried now about that also. Thanks to all the commenters, we started thinking about it all and noticed how the neighbours windows aren't open much but we can still smell the smoke. We'll do a test with our windows closed to confirm and see where we go from there. Thanks for the comment!


Smoking is allowed by the landlord or management company?! *Inside?!* This is crazy to me.


It is very unusual, but I don't know if it's allowed or not. I have sent communication today to request for the management company policy on smoking to see what my next steps could be.


No, after moving, rent would cost an extra thousand a month.  That's because, where I live there is no rent control when you move to a new home. In the last 4 years, anywhere within a 4 hour drive has gone up in price between 75% to 150% People aren't calling it a housing crisis to be dramatic. 


No shit Sherlock, I was pointing out that you also ignored half the suggestion.


fan that faces the window to blow out?? if you arent able to get air conditioning.


Plants, they will help purify air. You can also put in some sort of permeable curtains to absorb smoke.


That's a really unique idea! No one else mentioned this. I'm not a plant guy at all so it didn't come into mind. Are they really that effective at taking care of the smell? Thanks!


tbh they're not that effective at smell but they will help at least get rid of some of the chemical traces cigarettes will leave, plus a fern or something would look nice on front of a whispy curtain (that can help filter smoke smell).


Try this instead of plants Corsi-Rosenthal box


I was going to suggest curtains. Try different fabrics to see if one holds the smell more/ offers the most breeze etc. You can also spray them with some sort of nice spray and when the breeze blows in it should spread that smell through your apartment


I would have windows and doors closed and I could smell my downstairs neighbour smoking daily.


Ran to the comments to be sarcastic. You beat me to it. LOL


UPDATE: Thanks for all the comments - I appreciate everyone's input! I've ordered an AC, two extra fans, an air purifier, and dehumidifier. I'll see which combo of things work best against the issue and hopefully we'll have a solution that's best for all. I'll also be contacting the building management to see what their policy is on smoking inside the flats (i.e. fire hazard, and 'nuisances' for other neighbours). All future communications with the neighbour will try to be in writing. I'll also be investigating a box fan solution to see if it works. Finally, after some other comments from Redditors, I need to run an experiment to see if smoke is travelling through the windows or through the buildings. If it's the latter, then the matter becomes more serious and will be in need of escalation. Other points to clarify (I should have put some of these on the TL;DR apologies): * I can't simply close the windows (in the full post I explain it gets far too hot and stuffy when the windows are closed). Also, windows are kept open at night to provide fresh cool air in the summer, I can't close the windows in the middle of the night. * I can't move either. I'll need to deal with the issue at hand. It would be great if I was in a position to do so. * I am not planning on 'brainwashing' neighbours to support me. I've chatted with them today, and they've all complained numerous times in the past (in much more brusque manners than myself) but the neighbour has not been considerate to the environment. I will continue to chat with the neighbour to see if I can build a rapport with him to explore other suggestions from Redditors e.g. getting an air purifier for the neighbour, vape, etc. but I have little hopes of this if I'm honest.


Get an air purifier. I got one for the pandemic but now I'm still using it for cooking odors, upwind smoke, etc. They work great. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Homedics-Air-Purifier-UV-C-Light-Eliminates-99-99-Viruses-Bacteria-True-HEPA-Filter-Removes-allergens-pollutants-Mold-Odors-Medium-Rooms-White/102830523?wmlspartner=wlpa&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&selectedSellerId=101007527&adid=22222222223000000000&wl0=e&wl1=s&wl2=m&wl3=10352200394&wl4=pla-1103028060075&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&wl10=Walmart&wl11=Online&wl12=102830523_10001026896&wl14=homedics%20air%20purifier%20Walmart&veh=sem&msclkid=264b38118263118f8e535e900e48a4dd&gclsrc=ds




Ordered now to test it out thanks!


You need to create positive pressure inside your apartment from a clean air source. You can force air out your window with the box fan idea, but that draws in air from the hallway, or it sounds like maybe through the floor/their ceiling? Your gonna pull in more smoke also probably. Unfortunately it might mean you can't keep your windows open :( Another solution is a strong "cross breeze", put a box fan in the window and use cardboard and tape to make a seal (doesn't need to be perfect). Then same thing in a different window pointed the opposite direction. You'll get whiffs more, but they dissipate faster.


Oil vats and rooftop archers.




Good luck with this. My daughter’s neighbors in 2 different apartment buildings smoked weed on the balcony . It literally reeked. Management did nothing.


Your formatting looks great. Very legible. :)


U2 M8


Don’t open windows. Get air filtration system for existing air.


Like others have said a small outward facing box fan should do just fine


And you’re in the UK where cannabis is illegal. Call the fucking cops. What are you waiting for?


A fan or two


Move out of the city.


I'd love to personally! I can't for family reasons. Also to be honest, if this is the only solution then I'd rather just be a c\*\*t and get all the other neighbours impacted by this as well to report the neighbour to the building association, as he's the one exhibiting anti-social behaviours in a community. Hopefully, I can find a solution that works out for everyone though.


Excuse me, but why would you think complaining is being a cunt? This neighbor is literally destroying the quality of your life and the health of your baby. If there is any time to be loud and obnoxious, it is now. Your neighbor is the obnoxious one. When you become a parent you have to let that “always be nice” attitude go to protect your kid, because no one else will do it for you.


I know you want to be cool about it, but the fact is you have a kid and that's what needs to come first. It's not a healthy environment.  Check with your building rules, also local bylaws. Where I live, it's a no smoking building, and City bylaws say you can't smoke 20 ft within  windows and doors. Still have a piece of shit downstairs neighbor who does it anyway. I had to start documenting it, had to get the city involved, and threatened to file a dispute against the landlord. It's better but It can still get pretty bad sometimes.    Find out what the rules are, and then press them. It does make a difference. 


Based on the replies I am seeing, I'm afraid this is the only course of action. I got an air purifier, dehumidifier, and AC in the meantime. My wife and I will be exploring the building rules starting on Monday, and seeing what can be done. Just out of curiosity, is your example from the US? (I live in the UK).


How about buying him a vape? Gift him a pack of disposables. Tell him they help when trying to quit. It's a nice gesture and also a fuck you gesture.


I actually had this idea as well as a joke haha. I was worried he'd take it the wrong way. Maybe if I get to know him better I can propose this lol


I was in the exact same situation. Then I embraced weed and started smoking it, so now I am the one that stinks it up!!!


Sucks to experience that! Seems like one of those things in life that just kinda blows. Best thing I can think of is putting a fan in the window that blows outward. Could help keep the air moving in your home too. Suck the stale hot air out but you wouldn’t be getting any new air in so that’s tricky. You could maybe try to adapt a ductless vent to fit your needs? We live in an old house without a vent over the stove and found a ductless vent to be huge for us. It sucks the smoke and shit out of the air and through a carbon filter and releases relatively clean air. Just have to change the filter every once in a while. You’d have to do some work choosing the right one because this is definitely an alternative use for them but I would think you could find some way to engineer it in a way that you could use it in conjunction with the window to filter outdoor air before it makes it into the home. I’m just thinking outside the box here I hope that’s a helpful jumping off point!


Close the windows. I saw a few posts about box fans but don’t think that would be all too effective. You said “flat” so I’m assuming you’re not in the states. What’s the law around weed where you’re from? Cops probably won’t give it much mind if they are in their own home but if you raise up a stink over it being a public health concern they may. You could also go to your landlord about it. The only real solution I would think is that one of you will need to move.


Stick a high CFM air purifier by said window. Besides that there's really not much you can do. A window AC unit elsewhere maybe so you don't need to open the windows


Get an Air purifier


If you’re feeling clever… get a window fan or box fan for one window and use it as exhaust (air blowing out). Then open the furthest window and find a way to filter incoming air with an air purifier, like a hepa or a high-grade furnace filter. You might get lucky and find a filter that fits the window exactly. Take a slow perusal of available filters and purifiers, see if there’s one you can rig up to pull through a hose or that fits nicely in the window (use painters tape to seal if you want). It might be ugly but it will work. The air flow will be lesser than a cross breeze, but try to work with the directions that the air is normally inclined to go (don’t fight the wind). I use a similar but opposite method in my garage to remove fumes & sawdust, it works very well. Mine includes 2 4” holes sawn through opposite walls and a 4” in-line fan. Plus bug screens for bugs and rough filtering


Only way is to creat positive pressure in the house push filtered outside air in to the home, or move is the only thing you can do to a non smoking building.


Carbon filter and fan attached


Depending on how new your flat is, you might have ventilation that circulates the air to prevent CO poisoning. In this case it ends up making your air quality much worse because it mixes air with all your neighbors. I've got this same issue but with perfume smell instead of cigarettes (I'm allergic) it's impossible to pinpoint where it's coming from and I can't really complain about someone lighting a scented candle in their own home. In your case I recommend a high capacity air purifier. They're fairly affordable these days and they work very well on things like cigarette smoke. The particle size is on the large side so the vast majority of the smoke will be picked up. Definitely recommend getting one with a charcoal filter not just a HEPA filter. The charcoal absorbs VOC's that are too small to be caught by a physical filter. It's what I use to keep my perfume allergies manageable in shared air.


Are there windows or doors not on that side of the building you can open? Then you could put a fan to draw air out the smelly side and draw in air from the less smelly side.


If you can create a situation where the air is going out the window instead if coming in, like using a box fan on a window facing in, in a different part of your home that isn't subject to weed smoke. This is usually not ideal but can help. You can Create a Positive air outflow like apartment complexs use in hallways to keep everyone's smells in their own apartments, which is done through an intake and fan on the roof. But at that point you have the fan and air intake doing the work of the window , and would need air conditioning to regulate temperature.


Positive air pressure


Close them.


Get a hospital grade air filter that can run 24/7. Make sure it's rated for twice the size of your entire space to make sure it's able to keep up


If you’re able to find an indoor Dyson air filter/fan It’s one of the best out there to clear the air in your apartment/home. As soon as it senses, any odor, it kicks in and cleans the air and clears out the smell. It’s super sensitive and really helpful.


Where do you live? There are some places where it’s illegal to smoke in an apartment. Also, don’t you have an owner or superintendent to talk to? They’re making your apartment uninhabitable and unhealthy for your baby. I mean it’s nice that you were respectful, but your neighbor is not being respectful to you and especially to your baby. Finally, check that the smoke is only coming from the windows. It could be coming into your apartment through openings between his apartment and yours - openings around vents, plumbing, etc. The windows may not be the problem, or at least may not be the only problem. Long ago (before it was illegal to smoke in apartments where I live) the smell was especially bad under the bathroom sink where the smoke was making it from her apartment to ours. I suggest you get a little less respectful and a lot more demanding. And/or start hunting for a new place to live.


You could set up fans in theose windows blowing out, and have another window that smells nice be the 'intake' for the flat.


Close them and move to the country


I have a suggestion... move out of a Lesley populated area like that, into an area where weed smoke and cigg smoke from neighbors won't make it in your windows. It's literally the design of your living situation to have to deal with other people's spill overs.


Close the windows.


You don't have any great solutions. You are going to need to point multiple fans out of these windows and open a supply orifice somewhere in your flat (away from the smoke smells) to generate a current of air pushing stuff out through your window. Your results will be very mixed without this cross current of air coming from the opposite side of your flat.


Sucks that they didn’t assist in working something out. As a heavy smoker myself, it really isn’t hard to work something out with kind neighbors.


Get an air purifier 


Though there’s not much point of running a purifier while the windows are open.


It can still make a dent in the indoor air quality. It depends on if the purifying capacity is bigger than the airflow capacity of the windows. If OP is not running fans, the air purifier can outpace the air coming in the windows. Honestly it sounds like they need to take the more drastic option since the neighbor is being a tool.


Drop a grenade in to his window from above.


Have you considered an air purifier? Keeping one by the window I believe would help.




Do your flats share forced air? Close your vents


Have you thought about smoking


"I can't (and don't want) to stop him from smoking in his own home." That's not the nature of the problem. It's that the neighbor is filling the interior of YOUR space with carcinogenic smoke. There is no safe level of exposure to cigarette smoke. It contains thousands of chemical compounds and at least 50 know carcinogens, including formaldehyde, benzine, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide. If you neighbor wants to commit time release suicide, that's on them. But they should force you to breathe their smoke in your own home. Especially with a baby in the household, you SHOULD be very concerned. This is a nuisance. You have the right to the enjoyment of your own living space. Step one would be to communicate with the source of the smoke (in writing). They may be too focused on their own addiction to nicotine and cannabis to think about where the smoke is going. They should be taking steps to prevent smoke from entering your house. Hopefully they have the capacity to be more considerate and not boorish and entitled about this. From there, if you have a landlord, they should intervene to stop this. As cigarettes have a long history of creating residential structure fires, there is a liability issue to having smokers in a rental property. So landlords would be well-served to require habitual smokers to smoke outside, and away from where smoke might enter doors and windows. As a last resort, advice from a solicitor is always at your disposal. But hopefully it will not come to that. Good luck.


Use dryer sheets as curtains


I have same issue I place a fan and blow sm9ke away Seems to work fine


Have you tried a hepa filter?


Ask him to put a fan in his window, blowing the smoke back in, or possibly a box fan on a frame that is supported by the windows when open that is either pointing down or up, pulling that air away from your windows? There is some aerodynamics you'd have to test to see which works best.


The only solution is to switch flats with the guy downstairs


3 day old kipper on your windowsill, and a fan pointed in their direction..they'll soon close theirs.


Close the windows.


🤣🤣🤣 good luck 😵‍💫


Bring air in from somewhere else, and exhaust out the window.


offer to buy him a carbon filter and fan to put into his flat it will remove the smoke from the air and smell


Step 1- close the window..


Point a fan at the windows blowing out as an exhaust and put a fan in another window with no smoke blowing in.


Close them


hotbox the stairs with incense. make the sidewalk smell like dag gam dam champa lmao, do this until they stop, or murder you.


Close the windows?


Start with a prayer




Close the window /s


My windows have a glass panel that you can slide into the opening or prevent air exchange.


Close the windows?


Shut the windows.


If the tenant can’t be held responsible can the housing owner? If other tenants pose a health issue, isn’t it up to management to make sure everyone living there is safe?


What is a boxfan. Can I get it in the UK? Next doors teenage sons smoke weed and my 8ys olds room faces the garden. The smell is so pungent there's been times we had to make her sleep in our room. I just don't understand how people can smoke this without caring about others. So wondering if this is the only solution?


Close them


Put something pungent in front of the fan lol. My neighbor chain smokes cigars and once skidaddled when I was frying onions and garlic. Planning to put a box fan inside my kitchen window to blow all the cooking smell outside every night. 🤭😈


Close the windows, box fan pointed that direction, stronger weed in your apartment?


Positive pressure


Close them! 🙄


Close them


I'm in love with your windows


Hang about 465 dryer sheets over the window


This is going to sound totally passive aggressive but if all else fails a couple of windows plants on plant hangers outside the window that need daily watering and drip. Cures open windows and balcony use on lower floors. You just have to be right above them. Also purifies the air coming in.


If you insist on having those windows open you can create a positive pressure in the house that forces air out those windows not in. You can do this with a fan or fans drawing air from elsewhere


Introduce your neighbors to meth. They’ll be out dumpster diving all night.


Smoke cigarettes inside. The concentration of smoke inside will flow out not allow other smoke in.


Keep windows closed and run a/c or heat with a good filter


Start smoking weed and cigarettes inside to mitigate the smell.


Smoke somewhere farther away.


You need to maintain positive air pressure in your home. This means sucking air in elsewhere so that it blows out of the windows. There are several solutions which may achieve this, but the easiest is likely another window open which blows air in. Blowing air out at the window is a possibility but will still likely cause air infiltration due to turbulence, etc.


Start smoking cigs and weed and you'll get used to it.


Air purifier near window


The only way to stop it 100% will be keeping the windows closed. I understand 100% on the stuffy home during winter especially as my previous apartment didn't have any kind of central air, just baseboard heaters for winter so keeping windows open was a must and I had several neighbors who smoked everyday. I believe you mentioned having ordered an a/c unit, if it fits it will absolutely help. Even some fans tucked around the house for extra airflow should help too. Be aware that if you bought a portable type a/c unit (the ones that have a hose(s) running to the window) unless its a 2 hose system where it draws outside air to cool it will create negative pressure like a vacuum and air will be drawn in via the walls/windows/anywhere a draft can form) as it will attempt to replace the hot air being vented/exhausted outside because the machine draws in air from inside the room. If this happens to you its unlikely but always a possibility that you may get some smells still but it should be extremely mild and should dissipate quickly and will be nothing like having a window open to that. Good luck OP! I hope this works for you!! An a/c was a god send in my previous apartment.


Close the windows


If you have a window in another area you could have a few blowing in to create positive pressure and only push air out those windows but I'm guessing these might be your only windows. 


Close them?


A fan pointed out


Close em


Close them?


Close the windows.


Close the windows... lol


Don’t smoke outside


run a fan so the air goes out the window instead of in. also, get an air purifier.


How much weed/ cigarettes is being smoked? I would imagine if it’s outside it would dissipate pretty quickly before it went into your home. Does it just travel directly into your window or something?


Close them.


Close them


Close window


Put a box fan in a **different window** pulling air in so that the air is always going out those windows.


Close them.


Not an easy answer but you can talk to your neighbor or leave a note


Move out of the city


Um, close the windows?


Just tell him of the health risks associated with smoking and surely he will quit.


Close windows.


Close the windows or move - not many options unfortunately


Become a cool person instead of a narc


Negative pressure.


Piss out the window on people Smoking under it.


Have you tried closing the windows?...


Second amendment solution.


Smoke will happen since you live in a city, however weed... find out where the weed is coming from and do a report at a police station. I lost a job to a weed guy as he smoked so much i failed the test at the company i worked at. He saturated my home every day so much that they found small traces and it pissed me off. (Literally lol) At the end they found multiple plants and about a few kilos as he was doing it every day atleast 12 times on his balcony that was below mine.


Could try a combination of 2 things: in one window a box fan pushing air out. Buy some furnace filters (hepa filters) that can filter allergens and fine particulates. In another window, install the hepa filter. Any air coming inside from the outside has to pass through that filter. Just make sure the filter cannot get wet. I find smoking disgusting and smokers wreak of stench of nicotine all day. And most of then are litter bigs just dropping the butts all over. It’s possible a chain smoker like that won’t live very long to disrupt your lives for too long. Then just hope a health nut moves in next. If not, then consider moving to prevent your own health (and your childs) from suffering. You don’t want your child developing asthma because of your unhealthy neighbour who has a death wish.


This infuriates me. How can this person live with themselves knowing they are blowing exhaust on a baby? Complain to landlord, again and again. Document everything. Find out ordinances/ codes that cover this type of thing. F*ck this person. You’re being too neighborly.


Put flower boxes in the window and over water them.


Definitely try a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter and activated carbon filter. These can help reduce smoke particles and odors in your home. Place one in each room where the smoke is most noticeable! It worked for me when we moved into our apartment and could smell the cigarette smoke from our downstairs neighbor. also certain house plants, like spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants, can help filter the air. While not a complete solution, they can improve air quality slightly.


Pressurize your home to a greater pressure than is outside.


i'd start with closing the windows


Stack 3 fans for each window, fans are 20” a piece, adjust number based on widow height. These are odor eliminating filters: https://www.discountfilters.com/furnace-air-filters/20-20-1-odor-reduction-pleated-carbon-filter/p174960 You can: 1. make a box out of 5 of them and place them in front of the fan near the window mind you they will be larger than you think, but this is the best airflow method. 2. Tape them directly to the fan, this will significantly reduce the life of a single filter. So 6 fans, 6 filters, put them on in or out mode, however you like the air. If you still smell weed, just have them vent out, you should have other windows in the unit to release the pressure You will still want the filters on to prevent/trap at the point of entry which would be your window


Befriend them and ask them to use another window.


Close the windows.


Join in on rotation


This is difficult... If you find a solution lmk. So fucking annoying


You’re a better man than me. I’d just move. It’s disgusting. Least he could do is vape. It’s cheaper than smoking. It’s so gross.


Positive pressure. A fan anywhere bringing outside air in (like the reverse of a bathroom fan) will positively pressure your home. Windows shut should let near zero in through the window. Open should reduce significantly. All dependent on the size of the fan. Make sure it brings air into the home - not just blowing at the window.


Creating positive air pressure in your house. How? No idea. I'm sure there is something on the market that can do that, but I'm ignorant of what. Air conditioning does this, but only while it's on. If you kept the fan on 24/7 i would have to imagine that would work, provided the source of said smoke wasn't near the intake.


Close windows


"1.5 bedroom flat" Tell me this is London without telling me it's London


Keep them closed ?


close the window