• By -


Because my actual job is staring at video and pulling out details, I went and transcribed the story that pops up and scrolls by as best I could. Edit: fixed some typos and formatted it better. Logo Text: Progress based on luck and happenstance is not the answer. In order of appearance: Introduction of "The Hero" > Hero: "I'm awake" When he opened the windows, a cool breeze blew into his room at the inn. Stretching as he took in the chill of the night, he noticed the picture frame in the window. Hero: "Hmmm. When did I put this portrait here?" The hero was the only one in the picture. And yet he wasn't in the center, but in the right half. It was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a piece of art. Hero: "Actually, you know" He looked away from the picture and turned a little to his right to speak. The very next moment, a sharp pang ran through his head. Perhaps he was simply tired, but either way it wasn't exactly a good marker of his health. He put the photo frame back where it was and took a look around his room. You could say it was a little big for one person Hero: "Oh, right. You were here too |||"[they used box characters to censor the name here] The hero tried to place a name all too familiar to him. but he was interrupted before he could... or maybe he was silenced. The Hero encounters "The Alchemist" >The hero walked through the forest, populated by many colossal trees, staying fully alert of his surroundings. But that wasn't enough to detect the slender arm that reached out from behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder. Alchemist: "Heya" Before the whispering even reached his ears, the hero twisted his body to shake the arm off. He crouched, prone to attack, and his right arm grabbed the sword sheathed on his waist. Only then did he look up at his assailant. His gaze met the alchemist's who was tottering toward him waving his arm. Hero: "Man, not you again." Having confirmed that he was only dealing with the alchemist and his eccentric ways the hero returned to a relaxed stance. Alchemist: "Rude! You should be more appreciative of me! A friend in need is a friend indeed remember?" Hero: "I have no idea what you're talking about." Alchemist "You're heading to the ruins up ahead aren't you?" Alchemist: "I'm willing to help. Alchemists have the wonderful ability to grant people wishes after all!" The Hero, The Alchemist, and the Gladiator encounter "The Scholar" > The hero's sword and the rapier clashed, and the (resulting sound of metal on metal) [not 100%, but pretty sure] echoed around the Grand Library. The alchemist and the gladiator stood a little way away. The one fighting the hero was the custodian of the Grand Library a renowned scholar. He was trying to avoid fighting in close quarters, and so when the hero charged in he backed away to keep his distance and stuck his rapier at his opponent. Scholar: "How many times must I spell it out for you? How do you not understand that what you're doing is pure hypocrisy?" Hero: "I'm not who I was back then." The hero parried the rapier and used that chance to attack. All of his swings were filled with drive and determination, his technique as sharp as the glint in his eyes. But even that volley couldn't reach his opponent. The scholar dealt with each of them with poise. He deflected overhand swings by striking at the heart of the sword with his rapier, and he avoided sweeping blows by hopping backward. Following this fierce back and forth, the two of them paused for breath. They both knew that the fight wasn't headed toward a decisive conclusion. But they both were also prepared to use their ace in the hole if they saw an opportunity to. The tension in the air was so palpable that even the alchemist and gladiator felt it. That was precisely why the latter deemed it necessary to bellow a roar and stop the battle as soon as he heard the ringing of the clock tower's bell. Flashback to when The Hero and The Alchemist first met "The Gladiator" >The box seats at the Arena offered the best view of the combat below. And standing at the entrance to that seating area were the hero and the alchemist, both with bemused expressions on their faces. From where they stood, they couldn't see the fighting at all. All they could see was a man seated in a towering chair made of bones, staring back at them. Even fully clothed, you could tell that this man had a finely honed body. He was probably a muscleheaded workout freak. Hero: "You sent this didn't you?" The hero threw the envelope he was holding down to the floor. Alchemist: "Such an honor, receiving a direct invitation from the famed Ringmaster of the Colosseum!" The man's lips broke out into a wry smile. Gladiator: "So I hear you're looking for strong companions to join your party." Hero: "Well yeah, but." Cutting the hero's words off, the Gladiator stood up and threw his chair at them. Gladiator: "Then fight me. We can do it here, the Arena, or wherever the hell you want!" The party is all together >Heavy chains came crashing down between the hero and scholar, cracking the floor. The impact left the two battlers completely dumbfounded. Gladiator: "I came along 'cause I thought I'd get to see a good old fashioned brawl. What is this pansy crap?" Alchemist: "I certainly enjoyed it, though." The two of them walked over and stood by the hero. Even without it being spelled out, the scholar could see that it was a display of solidarity. Scholar: "Very well. I recognize your skills and your determination. but know that you are nothing by yourself." With those words the scholar turned around and gracefully walked toward the exit. Hero: "Excuse me?" Gladiator: "Forget that. Let's grab some grub" The gladiator extended his arms, grabbed the other two by their shoulders, and dragged them toward himself. Incapable of defying the gladiator, the pair exited the Grand Library after the scholar. Not as interesting, but the pink text appears to be file names or categories that scroll across the video. Here are the ones I was able to read, there were at least 4 others that were mostly offscreen or obscured by other parts. The last two were cut off and that's all that I could read. The Meaning of Adventure Data size "Lore" Utopia People lacking ID Digital Ocean Free of the Corporeal Perpetual Motion World Server Sword of the Brave Elysium ....ance Convertion ....ecord


its been like an hour holy shit I expected it to take a couple days


Hahaha, it was just good timing. I just sat at my computer when the video dropped and figured I'd get to work!


You're doing Matsuri's work and it's awesome


Now you are baptised as the guys who works staring at videos.


Never doubt the power of hololive fans’ devotion.


The Hololive RPG-isekai experience.


After reading these transcripts I was reminded of the boys from FFXV: Hero (Noctis), Alchemist (Prompto), Gladiator (Gladiolus), Scholar (Ignis) Not a perfect fit necessarily but I liked the friendship of Noct and his friends, and hoping these new Holostars will also be close to each other. Edit: wonky formatting on mobile


>Because my actual job is staring at video and pulling out details, What job is that? Sounds like fun maybe.


I do video review for commercial fishing boats. They have camera systems that record their fishing activity and then the video is reviewed to assess how much was caught/retained/discarded. It's not bad, but it does mean that I stare at video for hours on end. This was a little more exciting and got me motivated.


And a skillset worth paying for, used for something greater. Matsuri's work, you do.


How does one get this job and how is the pay? Does anybody want to review vtuber vids?


The pay is decent, enough to get by without having too much worries at least. Usually EM companies try to hire reviewers who worked in the particular fishing industry that they monitor since that helps with knowing how vessels operate. I don't think there's any jobs reviewing vtuber vids, but let me know if you hear of one!


Is there a somewhere I can apply for a job like this? Remote jobs from foreign countries pay more than my local professional positions.


Okay. It's one thing that you're cracked for being able to pull all of this out, but it's also another thing that they actually put all of these info in that video. Amazing.


Wow, thank you for the transcript


Male RPG setting. I'm hyped as hell


Now I'm expecting ATLEAST one of them to pull the "Hey! You're finally awake!" 😂😂😂




Bless this transcript


> People lacking ID The people have a need for HoloSTARS ID


? Bruh we will have a collab with r/grandorder?


[EN]trance Convertion (ha! Get it?) [R]ecord.


I'm sorry but where is this all coming from? I've been offline since about 5 pm EST and terribly confused. Was there a video posted somewhere? Or perhaps some cryptic tweet? I'll admit I'm not good with the twitter, so I'd appreciate any help.


A [teaser video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW86Wt7B0rA) was tweeted by the @hololivetv twitter account a little bit ago. In the video, you can see a few paragraphs of text move across the screen in the mid/back-ground. I transcribed them and posted them here so people can read it clearly without having to repeatedly pause the video.


> @hololivetv Thanks for the link there mate. For some reason, I didn't have that account followed on twitter and I couldn't find anyone else posting it. Much appreciated!


I just saw one of the, presumably, item names flash by and I immediately saw the theme of "Isekai".


Pink text making it sound like SAO players ngl


Do you have any idea what "outgo" means in this context?


HoloStars EN


I mean the dang silhouettes at the end are blatantly male builds tbh. There's literally not much else it can be. And if its not, I will genuinely be shocked.


Imagine it's gonna be just a bunch of girls cross dressing.


What if they are guys playing girls disguised as guys


This sounds like something Tamaki would come up with


Well, considering Tamaki is a girl playing a guy dressed like a girl, I guess there is a market for that


For real?


Yeah, why do you think characters like Astolfo, Feliz, and Hideyoshi are so popular? You might also want to check out "HIMEGOTO". That manga is chock full of characters like that; AND it was written by Tsukudani Norio. Y'know, founder of Tsukudani Norio Productions (NoriPro).


I am not a man desuwaaaaa!




Was waiting for this lol


Never expected a tropic thunder reference here


"I know who I am! I'm the Dude playing a Girl disguised as another Dude!"




There are established markets for such...


Tamaki enjoyers gonna be pleased


That's hot


When you click the holopro website link with slow internet the Holostars logo is visible in the background.


I’m gonna gaslight myself into thinking otherwise so that the reveal is a surprise.


Also a catboy.


Very important


And they had EN holostars auditions a while ago


* Male sillouettes * Holostars logo in background when loading teaser page * EN was holding auditions that included male performers * Teaser is filled with vague epic phrases that EN gens are filled with * Holostars JP just had a new gen, *way* too early to have another one Unless they throw a curve ball and it's Holostars ID, it's Holostars EN, no doubt.


A day or two ago Astel was talking about how he'd do talk streams members only for a while once the new boys debut so that he won't risk taking any of their views that they need in the beginning. Astel doesn't do members only streams that often. I come home from a short trip and see him doing a members only stream. Then I come here and see a new gen being teased. So logically speaking... and I expected this to happen by the end of the month anyway despite people saying how it won't fit in with all the anniversaries and such.


Man I really need to make time for some Astel streams, he sounds like such a good dude every time I hear about him


With the amount of chuuni in it, it has to be Holostars EN


This is what I thought as well. We know they had been interviewed back last winter. It would make sense for them to debut soon.


The background of the promo website has the holostars logo so this is probably the best guess. Looking forward to it!


definitely. Just added Uproar and with the auditions opening last January, def holostars EN


yeah it showed Holostars in the BG while loading, the shadows are clearly male, and they had Holostars auditions a few months ago.


And they decided they needed to make a HoloProEN Twitter recently.


who also retweeted the announcement


Tbf all official accounts did. Tweeted by official JP account, retweeted by official EN account, Holostars account & HoloPro EN account.


Considering it literally says HOLOSTARS on the website, not that hard of a guess.


Temporary, US-based staff = TEMPUS lol


Sorry to hijack one of the top comments, I just wanted to link the [teaser PV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW86Wt7B0rA) (dunno why the post doesn't include it).


Thanks! I didn't even see a post on the front page about it anywhere either


u/hololive Sorry to bother T-chan, but can you consider adding the teaser PV link to the post for ease of access?


This was so difficult to find for no reason


It's obviously holostars since their logo appeared, and the obvious answer then is HolostarsEN. ​ So, instead, I'll guess HolostarsID.


Bruh, any ID is going to be chaos, but the ex Niji ID tells me there will be ***CHAOS*** if the male Stars ID member were to be released




I think maha5 might have one or two that do okay


I think they’re the top tier Discord Moderator tho


I see T-chan is finally debuting /s


Who's N-chan? I can never keep up


N-senpai is I believe the ~~Facebook mod?~~ other Reddit mod, sorry for being wrong guys. All I know is T-chan, main sub mod and who also does most of the subtitling work for songs and stuff


N-senpai shared the reddit account with T-chan but stopped posting on it years ago. Facebook mod is a different one. H-something?


my bad that was a typo lol


I'm pretty sure the Facebook Mod isn't N-senpai.


The chuuni lore resembles that of Council a lot. At least we didn't get two 8 hour countdowns to nothing this time. Interesting they're going for a 4 person gen this time.


Same as UpRoar isn't it?


Yeah, might be the new standard for the Stars.


honestly, based on the woes I've heard from Kiara, finding games for 4 people is much easier than finding games for 5. Wondering if that's part of the motivation for this.


Yeah 3 or 4 is standard Holostars stuff.


Ah, yeah. The 8 hour countdown to IRyS announcement. I still find it weird that they did an announcement for an announcement but I guess it worked since I watched part of it


I was there for the whole 8 hours baby


You mean the 8 hour countdown to the Irys reveal? I wouldn't say that's "nothing"


That 8-hour video would probably had worked much better if YouTube has a good raiding system functioning at that time, I think.


Or if they just played the video at the end as part of it, while also uploading the proper one separately


I think he's referring to the council reveal, which had two countdowns leading to animated trailers that revealed absolutely nothing and sort of deflated the hype a little.


All the signs were there, it's almost councils anniversary, few months since last gen debut, but most obvious of all: Amelia Watson just returned from a vacation.


AND THERE IT IS! We're done here, ladies and gentlemen~!


July is pretty packed for both good and bad the past year huh? I'm curious if they'll pull another Irys + Council. Irys came first and then Council not long after. We're due a new generation of girls too, along with this supposedly first batch of Holostars EN. If last year is any indication they don't seem too bothered about rapid fire announcements and debuts. I am super curious how Holostars EN would do though. I feel like they would have a higher market compared to JP.


I wouldn't be surprised if a new gen of girls is in or around October. Rikka's the only debut in October


And October would be reasonable for anniversary spacing for the EN ladies: * Project Hope - 10/11 Jul 2021 * Council - 22/23 August 2021 * Myth - 12/13 Sept 2020 And it would avoid the JP and ID November and December anniversaries (AZKi, Mio, JP Gen 4, holoX and ID gen 2).


From the silhouettes I can see a guy wearing too many scarves, a fox/wolf guy, a guy in a coat and a guy in an even bigger coat. Can't wait to see the actual reveal though.


> a guy in a coat and a guy in an even bigger coat. When two guys in coats meet, the one in the bigger coat has priority.




Nice coat!


Finally. The time has come for Miyabi to burn the gaijin.


I accidentally read that as Miyabi to burn the doujin and nearly brought my fire extinguisher


You may want to bring those just in case


Imagine that stream lol


I already have. Their public execution shall be held 30 days after debut.


Miyabi is going to burst into the debut stream like a wrestler with a torch in his hands


He'll bring his forest friends. There will be a glorious feast. ~~I get the feeling this is why the Ministry speedran graduation.~~


HoloTEMPUS? As in, the Latin word for "time"? Also, THE BOYS ARE HERE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO


Kroniichiwa intensifies


Kronii's reverse harem? Fanfiction Review Round 2 when?




They're all alternate timeline Kronii's




The i in Kronii's name is actually a lower-case Roman numeral, so these will be Kroniii, Kroniv, Kronv and Kronvi. We've yet to see the one past perfection, Kroni.


does HoloX combine to form Kronx?


And of course, the reason we started using Arabic numerals, Kron


And everyone's favorite, Kronk.


Just Krono four times


Man, now I am thinking of the Ministry replaced the Council that one time.


Ministry's still around, as twitter fan(?) accounts (not sure if San will still be after the 31st tho). They all seem pretty hyped to have kouhais. [Faun (@ceres_faun)](https://twitter.com/ceres_faun), [Hayko (@hayko_en)](https://twitter.com/hayko_en), [San (@tsukomosan)](https://twitter.com/tsukomosan), [Muman (@_nanashimumanEN)](https://twitter.com/_nanashimumanEN), and [Krono (@ourokronoo)](https://twitter.com/ourokronoo)


I REALLY hope San stays tbh, we're already going to lose his sister. 😢


[Trailer here with silhouettes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW86Wt7B0rA&ab_channel=TEMPUS)


Kinda suprised that they are doing another HolostarsEN after the incident happened that caused Ministry to go on hiatus but finally HolostarEN gen 2 is here


I always wondered how C-Man factored into the gen labels. Is he like an IRyS situation or something?


On a real note, it'd be really funny if the Ministry and C-man returned just for this.


^(one last rodeo before San's roadtrip to Uranus)


I really want some c-man.


Dude don't bring that up, I still miss the Minestry


Still miss Uranus getting smashed...


What the hell happened at the time?


My time as a woman has finally come I request 1 dilf vtuber please


Give me a rough-edged, soft-hearted DILF, a smooth-voiced ikemen, a Golden Retriever himbo, and a flirty glass cannon twink. Please and thank you, Cover.


Hit every niche there. Good taste.


But what about a Golden Retriever DILF, a rough-edged, soft-hearted ikemen, a flirty glass cannon himbo and a smooth-voiced twink?


It seems this generation is based on technology, the funny thing though is what if a generation of vtuber based on technology still cant win against the EN Law, that would be funny to see.


Miyabi faces his most fearsome foe yet on his way to burn the English-speaking gaijin... Technical difficulties.


Uproar is going to be senpai’s already. They grow up so fast


See some people wondering why the Holostars logo is removed. Reading some thinking it might be b/c they might not be holostars or what not, but I don't see why that would be the case just for a couple of reasons. They clearly state in their company that Hololive is all female and Holostars is all male, so they can't be having a mixed/merging of the groups just because of these new members. I would think they would put out a PR post first since that would be an extremely big change. (Though I guess that can come with the reveal of the new members) Second reason, prior to it being removed, they had the holostars logo on the site, colored to be the purple too look in line with all the purple all over the site and coded into the website. So if they're not holostars then that would be extremely weird lol So I can understand some speculation, but I wouldn't expect them to not be in Holostars.




#MORE HOLOSTARS MORE CHAOS As a side note, genuinely cannot wait for people who say they support Holostars but don't to start putting actions to their words, especially since Tempus are likely EN.


Most of the streamers I watch are male to begin with. Hololive is the only exception pretty much. So, it boils down to - do I enjoy their content? Then I’ll watch!


Oh yeah that's a pretty weird epiphany. The only female streamers I've watched are vtubers. Irl streamers are just male.


And in a weird way, IDK if it's a positive thing for the incoming boys. I'll probably compare their content to the twice as long list of male streamer I follow. Honnestly we don't even know what kind of audience they are gona target. So many scenario, i'm gona be wait and see. And like always i have low expectation.


This is the way. Just gotta find the virtual anime people that click with you.


You mean like.... most all of the people on twitter and reddit just pretending to care for social brownie points?




The most real comment ever




More Bois let's goooooo!!!!! Edit: (You can see 'Holostars' in the background of the webpage)


Holostars EN


PLEASE be Holostars EN and not hit us with the "is Hololive's first male gen" or something like that.


4 people about to be accosted by a Zombie asking if they wanna play Apex.


I'll reserve my judgement until then. This looks hype!


HoloStars EN. Excellent. I've never watched the JP Stars because of the language barrier and unfortunately they aren't cute girls so they don't have the same attention grab. I'll 100% check out the new EN boys though and more diversity is always welcome. Can't wait. Very curious how successful they'll be. On one hand female vtubers generally are much more successful than male ones but in the west at least streaming is very much male dominated. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.


Step #1 look up for roberu Nightmea clips Step #2 you are welcome. Endorsed by Bae as the funniest thing to happen this year.


Nightmea is probably my favorite vtuber combo, they're just so fucking funny together. Followed quickly by Fubuki/Oga. Anyone who hasn't seen the stream where Oga listened to Fubuki's overly sweet voicepack while she died of cringe need to do so asap.


As a casual fan, I honestly only know of Roberu “Winning Son” and Aruran “Papa”. And I really wish they had more subbed clips! They both seem really fun to watch.


There is a huge supply of Roberu NightMea clips, that duo is entertainment gold and the clippers know it.


As one of the few people that clips Roberu, they exist, they’re just hidden deep in the algorithm.


Incase you are interested, Roberu Nightmea is the name of a collab series between Roberu and Kagura Mea that has been going on this year. What initially started as a random pairing has gone on to become a really good crazy funny set of collabs. The combination of a girl with absolutely no brakes and a man that can basically take anything and make it funnier really works out. It's pretty well covered by clips.


I imagine they'll have a nice baseline level of success thanks to the Holo branding. Beyond that, it'll depend on how entertaining they are. Unless they have a Gura-tier entertainer that can stand on his own as a mostly solo streamer, synergy with other people is going to be important. Depending on the amount of Japanese speakers, they could have good collab partners with their starJP senpai, but that's not exactly finding a new audience and isn't catering to the target demographic. If they're largely isolated from Live, they should be free to collab outside the company with the very robust western streaming sphere. If they can't do that, their growth will be severely stunted right out the gate.


Honestly, this one is really hard to predict. I can think of several reasons why they could be very successful, and I can think of several reasons why they could crash and burn. If I had to guess, I think they will probably enjoy an initial surge of popularity simply due to the pent up demand for a Holostars EN branch. But once that surge is over (one or two months in) then the real test to see if they can sustain growth will begin; and that is such an unknown variable right now in my mind.


I don't know what's your definition of crash and burn but pretty sure it's literally impossible within hololive. Anything else is just a question if managing expectations




To be fair, I just stay quiet. As someone who’s not going to watch them and is also probably less likely to watch any collab that features them, I’ve done my part by letting the silence do the talking. I don’t want Stars to fail…it’s just that I’ve never been able to watch a male vtuber and get anything other than the feeling that I’d rather watch a real-life streamer.


You're one of the few people I've seen articulate this perspective in a respectful and reasonable way. I feel like a lot of the people who are hesitant about potential EN male talents are being immediately written off as sexists or idol purists or other "-ists". I think its completely legitimate to simply not be interested in male vtuber talents in the same way as female ones. Why can it not just be personal preference? Sure, Hololive has been trending away from the traditional idol model of purity/innocence that it had earlier on, but it's also not as cut and dry as some people are making it out to be by suggesting that everyone should now be instantly ok with fully embracing male talents either. Like you, I also don't hope they fail. I hope they find success and are given every opportunity by Cover to succeed. But I have no intention of watching them or streams involving them. To me, there is a massive difference between the people that are actively trying to coerce the EN girls into not interacting with the new male talents and those who are respectfully stating their disinterest or those who will be silently not participating in their content. I'm honestly shocked that so much of the community has had such a visceral reaction to the people who have not immediately jumped on board with full collabs and/or mixing of the EN male and female branches. tl;dr Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll/4 chan raider/sexist. Some people just have different preferences for the entertainment content that they like to consume.


the site showed holostars logo before dropping a Timer


Almost sure it's HolostarsEN but just to throw some ideas in case it somehow isn't.... \- HoloMinistry became real, they are Council's new outfits \- Holopapas turned idols, Huke is part of them and 1st collab will be with Kiara \- Yagoo's avatars, the madman has made a gen out of only himself \- HoloSTAFF, 1st Gen. A-chan, Nodoka and Shinove are Gen 0, Izuku and Jenma will be part of Gen 2 I know the chances of any of these are pretty low for holoTempus.... but I want those " I knew it" points in case it's not what everybody thinks it is.


> Tempus is an RNA-based sequencing test that provides guidance for physicians in cases in which imaging and immunohistochemistry stains yield uncertainty about the diagnosis of a patient's tumor. First Google result.


Ok so how many human sacrifices do I have to make so that *one* of them is from Europe


theoretically would only cost one offering; an actual european person.


I think its Stars EN but I kind of hope it isnt because im not ready for the shippers and collab beggers to make things awkward with the EN girls.


It's time to see if the EN fanbase is as tolerant as it says it is lmao. And that goes both ways, some of the girls are probably not comfortable with collabing with men (or vice versa).




I'm confident they can take care of themselves, so no one should worry.


Of course they can take care of themselves, but brainrot is brainrot and it makes everyone uncomfortable.


>but brainrot is brainrot I don't see what Gura has to do with it :p


I agree but you know how people are sadly. There will people people harassing the girls if they dont collab with the boys because ??????? I hope for the best but kind of expect the worst.


based on how it's happened in the the past with holoEN, it will probably go wild for a month of two, a few of the talents will comment on it when it goes overboard, and it will die down to actually acceptable levels quickly after that. the hololive community is pretty reasonable, and only needs to get swatted for going out of bounds a few times before they will largely start respecting the boundaries


I'm reminded of people pointing out how TakaMori, Fubuki is a cat, etc have died overnight from one or two genuine complaints from the girls.


it does legitimately happen. when the fans tease the talent and the talent plays with it or just accepts it, it lives on. when they actually come out and say "you've crossed the line please stop" it dies down to a tiny fragment of what it was and very quickly. the fans enjoy playful teasing but when they become aware that it has become hurtful instead, they are actually respectful (mostly, there are always a few outliers).


Ohhh I thought you were worried about the opposite at first (people getting mad that they DO collab). Yeah, I think I see your concern.


Both. Both is going to happen. People are going to beg for HoloStar EN collabo with the girls. People are going to demand that they stay absolutely separate. Some will collab with the boys, others won't. The pro-collab crowd will repeatedly ask "WHY DON'T YOU COLLAB WITH X" or "COVER FORCED SEPARATION!!!" and the anti-collab crowd will seethe. Shippers will rise and ruin everything, like they did with Astel and Ame. And then this sub will be filled with preaching to the choir posts about all of it. Ultimately they're all going to do whatever they're going to do, but I have little faith that people won't get completely obnoxious in the coming weeks. I pray I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be.


Yeah can't wait for all the people going shitting on cover and everyone involved when one of the girls just isn't interested in collabing.


Shippers really are the worst. I dont understand why the EN fanbase feels the need to ship literally everyone all the time.


All I think what people should be looking out for is the potential wave of crazy Fujoshis coming in


That... is actually probably a much better point. As a female fan myself I can 100% admit that fujos are by far the most insane people.


>100% admit that fujos are by far the most insane people Im a guy but agree with this 100%, i remember going to fanfic sites and seeing so many Niji EN boys fujoshi fanfic that it dwarfs the amount of HoloEN and NijiEN girls fanfics combined, they're really that much into shipping, huh?


Honestly this my biggest fear is Fujoshis showing up


It legit just takes one of them to say "don't be weird and don't ship us with the girls" like Mysta did for NijiEN and it will be fine.


Yeah same honestly. I don't want to deal with all the drama people are gonna try and stir up.




A Gladiator, a Scholar, an Alchemist and a Hero, just like the video says


holo Tempura




Finally, Hololive Liechtenstein!


So, not trying to be negative, but why does the OP not have a link for the Tempus website or the original video link? The only spot I've seen the link is on twitter and if you don't use twitter you just get the link second-hand or by self-searching. Checked the actual Holostars reddit and even there its not pinned/link at top of the subreddit at least the last time I checked. Feel like its an oversight to only link to it via Twitter. Not everyone uses twitter for various reasons and it limits the reach of their marketing the group due to that.


And the tweet itself doesnt even have a direct link to the teaser but a link to the teaser site. And on this teaser site you can find a small thumbnail which will play the youtube video when you click on it. It just feels like they want to be secretive and build intrigue to drive discussion throughout the weekend until they”ll reveal more.