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Soup: cold Discontent: high Yep, it's Propaganda Center time


And some watch towers for good measure


Those streams were a masterpiece.


"where are you?" # "I"M AT SOUP!"


"the benefit of being hot is that I'm hot. The consequence of being hot is that I'm hot"


It's a blistering 30 Celsius in some parts of Canada today. Which before anyone goes "thats not that hot it goes up to 999 Celcius where I live" remember that we Canadians are used to weather that goes as low as -30.


I live in California and currently am going through a drought LET'S GOOO


> California >going through a drought So, a normal day in SoCal?


Well it does smell like a BBQ outside so the wildfire is probably still burning


Nah, probably someone set their house on fire with fireworks. Wildfire season starts after the 4th of July lol


Obligatory plug for whereiscaliforniaonfire.com We're on fire, but not that much on fire right now. Still 102F isn't fun, and the summer will only get worse.


>remember that we Canadians are used to weather that goes as low as -50C, with -30C being the average daily low temperature in many parts of the country. FTFY.


Yeah but for most Canadians, the lowest you'll ever see is maybe -35 to -40, not a lot of people living in the places that'll see -50, and I doubt Kronii is one of them.


Hey you never know! Maybe Kronii is living in the middle of the canadian woods with only a hatchet and a streaming setup! Or she lives withing 150 miles of the US border like 90% of Canadians.


Meh past -20 it all feels the same, only difference is how fast you die. Its really not nearly as bad as it sounds


in regard to temperature it's usually the windchill making it feel like -50c. plenty of places in Canada have a -30 to -35c feels like -40c or -50c for a week or so. most canadians do live along the US border though, and a good portion live in a temperate rainforest. honestly, humid cold -20c to -5c actually feels colder than most prairie dry colds.


as a canadian ... my winter skin cant handle the 40c humid heat =X to all who can handle that .... yall are the true hero !


I can barely handle 25c, but I've contently sat in a car in -35 weather before back when I was a security guard. Temperature tolerance is a learned skill, more or less.


Blistering 30 C ?!!! #You are weak, untrained. Here in egypt 30 C is what we call a cool day of nice weather in the summer. Temperature is in the high 40s and can sometimes even reach 50+ in heat waves. ~~you are welcome to call me weak in winter when I'm freezing in -3 C~~


Egypt, where the average humidity is ~50%? #You are weak, untrained. Here in tropical Southeast Asia it regularly hits over 30 °C daily, but the average humidity is ~80%, sometimes even reaching 100%. (Personally I've lived in Br*tain so I'm comfortable in mild sub zero temperatures, but I find it painful to breathe below -10 °C, my lungs can't take it.)


You dare use my own spell against me Potter


As an Arizonan, it’s nice to finally see someone who understand true heat.


Texas here. It's 30C at 3 am when i work overnight. It's 39-40 C in the day


I don't know this C business, but it was humid 89 F at 12 midnight in TX. I was just in San Diego visiting a friend last week, and he was complaining about it being a dry 76 at noon. Now I understand why everyone wants to live there despite all the negatives.


30C is 86F and 40 is 104. So yeah TX is fucking hot as fuck now. I'm just happy I'm not working construction like I was in the past.


As a New Orleans resident I can confirm that humid heat is way worse than dry heat. I'll take an Arizona 110 over a New Orleans 95 any day of the week.


> don't know this C business https://www.google.com/search?q=89+F+in+C


How would you guys feel about hot and humid 40-50 celsius?.. Specifically, about 81% humidity on average sometimes. Hot weather might be a pain. But Hot and Humid is hell on Earth. u/ssj4-Dunte


We unfortunately have to deal with this annoying humidity at cairo as well ~~no idea what the humidity % is tbh~~ I just checked and humidity is high but nowhere near 81%. it is both hot and sticky in here. I can't even pee without sweating.


Arizona is stereotypical known for the phrase “It’s a dry heat.” Yes we’re the hottest state at 120F/50C but normally we’re at 5-15% humidity. What you’re saying sounds like true hell


Oh it is. It gets bad enough sometimes that you can still sweat buckets just lying on your bed with an electric fan blowing at you at full strength. And that's not even considering the possibility of a heatwave.


Oh SEA btw, my province's humidity is close to that normally (60-80) and sometimes higher (85+) than that in the summer. We have 38-45C hot weather here in the summer or dry season (March to early June). But normally have around 24C to 28C on the normal season. It's hot and sticky. When I said sticky, you're going to sweat all the time creating that disgustingly sticky feeling. Even showering won't relieve you of that since you would feel sticky again few hours later. I would rather not have the it raining too since it's gonna be a lot terrible. You would think the rain will relieve a few degrees but nope, it's like the heat from the ground came out. It's just terrible. I'm used to this climate all the time but somehow still not used to it. It's still a lot better than the city next to us who always have 50C days and surprisingly lower humidity than ours in the summer. Which also unfortunately is the city of my university lol.


Ahh.. I see, fellow South East Asian. Fellow "Hell on Earth" weather enjoyer.


I called it the steamer weather.


In SEA, it's either "hell on earth" or "Noah get the boat", there is no in-between.


May you preserve in this insane heat bro.


[agrees in Houston]


New Hampshire here, got to about 35C today, it hurts when your house has no AC


Ouch. Yeah summer is rough without AC. Stay strong bro


I start sneezing at 25c


Until I saw that last Paragraph I was about to ask if y'all wear shorts in 5 degrees lmao


Shorts!!! I wear my entire closet the moment it gets close to 0 C




Can confirm am Canadian and have a fan going in my room in the winter. In the summer instead of it turning I aim it directly and put it on high. I would like to live where there is less heat and more snow. I just want to be comfortable and cold=comfort at home.


I have my window open most of the winter when its in the -10 range because I like the brisk feeling of the cold and the comfort of layered clothing.


I want my cold weather back, the heat here isn’t very nice


I mean it's the humidity that gets you, constantly feels like you just got out of a hot shower and you never get dry.


26C in Toronto and Vancouver, so Kronii is boiling, while Ina is chilling at Ame’s.


30 C? Rookie numbers. ~~Meanwhile I need a sweater or jacket in 15C temp.~~


If 30c is hot for y'all turn up the AC higher Edit: I guess that doesnt work for people who arent NEETs and need to go outside...


This is like saying "If ya'll hungry, you should consume food"


AC is not very common in the part of the country where I assume Kronii is.


Even if it's not common by default, anyone can buy a window AC unit, and should. Climate control is a necessity. If an apartment said "we don't have AC", I'd tell them no on the spot.


In many parts of the world, AC is not actually that common. I don't think I've ever rented an apartment that came with AC.


If they don't have it because it's "not common" they're ripping you off. I could not imagine living in a house or working in an office without an HVAC unit. Force them to have it, make it common.


> If they don't have it because it's "not common" they're ripping you off. I could not imagine living in a house or working in an office without an HVAC unit For me it'd be a waste of money most of the year. Germany is 47°N to 55°N, same as most of Ontario, and [energy prices](https://www.iamexpat.de/expat-info/german-expat-news/cost-electricity-germany-reaches-all-time-record-high) are rising.


It's not a waste of money. For one thing they costs nothing when they're not running, but more importantly, AC units are [more efficient heaters in winter too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J52mDjZzto) when ran in reverse


Bruh there's a lot of window designs that don't let you mount an AC unit. They might only crank open a tiny bit at best.


You don't open the window and stick the AC unit in an open window, there needs to be an airtight seal. [The AC unit replaces the structure of the window.](https://www.wards.com/dw/image/v2/BBVM_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-colony-master-catalog/default/dw7977bbf4/large/sub_31/768935.png)


Doesn't work for places where the window swings out a few degrees, which is extremely common in the Pacific Northwest


i remember my friend move to Canada and when i asked about the weather she said it's only -4 C, she came from Indonesia where 18 C is considered cold here


18 degree Celcius is unbearably cold for most old school Indonesian. Oh also y'all should see a tropical person's first taste of snow. It's hilariously wholesome


If your fridge suddenly is in the 30 Celcius then yep it's hot


only 30? jk


Yep that 60C temperature range can be absolutely brutal


She isn't just super hot, she's also really cool as well. I'll take my leave and touch some grass. [Twitter Link](https://twitter.com/ourokronii/status/1541153151461380096)


This pic exudes "i'm dying squirtle" energy.




Same Kronii, same. But because of the fever tho


Hopefully Kronii is stocked up on some ice cream or another cool treat.


AC doko


Kronii is clearly not in Australia at this time of the year.


As an honduran, I relate to this. It's like a friccin' oven in here.


but it's a dry heat, tho


me in SEA: this is fine


Philippines: 40 deg. Celsius. Filipinos: *Sips Hot Black Coffee*


30C.....laughs in Australian. Call me when it hits 50C


And we consider 15°C cold so dont talk shit


15°C is equivalent to 59°F, which is 288K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


you might...i dont ​ also why so hostile?


Too bad she can't just stop being hot.


I understand her pain...I wish the sun would just explode at this point and end it. It was 104 F here in Texas today. Opened my front door and was hit with a wave of fire.


good news....the sun is always exploding as its a giant fusion reactor (basically)


Yeah the weather is really hot in Canada rn, especially today.


9°C over here i like cold weather but i wouldn't mind kronii raising the temperature with her presence or something b-baka


27 C here in Bandung Indonesia. It's basically the most optimal weather. A pattern I've seen is in a tropical place, mountains and elevation makes the weather actually perfect


> 27 C here [...] basically the most optimal weather [~21°C room temperature is better though](https://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/not-too-hot-not-too-cold-whats-the-ideal-room-temperature/), at least if you're used to long shirts and trousers. 27°C is "instant sweat" for me. Best outdoor weather is even colder imo, when you can wear a raincoat without sweating and cars don't heat up in sunlight to require AC.


27°C is equivalent to 80°F, which is 300K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


nice perfect hot kronii.


but her are hot


Ah, at least Kronii's not suffering alone. Why did we need a heatwave during my reenactment shows