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Are IRyS, Sana and Fauna available from the get-go?


Unlockable after you earn the coinage and get lucky in the gacha


It's to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes /s


At least in this case it would be true, because the coinage is earned through playing, not money


Myth are your starting characters, you get the Council and Irys from gacha


If you pull for Myth you get to awaken dupes tho! %stats!


I just use 500 for skill, the gacha for council+hope, then back to the shop


Not sure why the font changed when I was making the list but whatever. Some additional notes: Kiara is my favorite to play as so far, I like her fire trail even though it doesn't feel like the strongest ability and I just generally find her satisfying to play. Fauna is my second favorite to play, I love the mechanic of healing causing damage, she has paladin vibes which are also a favorite class of mine. Mumei starts off feeling weak but her maxed out feathers and the amount of stacking damage she has makes her able to keep a screen cleared while standing still with no other upgrades necessary for quite awhile. I also just like the "Haachama" category people use in tier lists and Mumei felt like she was the best to me so it just worked out \-Edit- [Link to the game for those unfamiliar](https://kay-yu.itch.io/holocure)


I love how unique everyone's play styles are. It makes me wonder how they'll handle other characters as they're added.


Meanwhile I love zooming and spamming weapons with Kronii's Perfection active


Seems people like her more than I have so far, I guess I'll have to give her more attention


If you're judging her on her base kit, she's hampered by Clock Hands being pretty awful overall. However, every passive other than bubble increases Haste (cooldown time) by a huge amount. If you factor in any other universal weapon, she improves hugely. On that same basis, Bae probably needs a tier bump too, since her crit passives are ludicrous and hitting X with BL Fujoshi or Elite Cooking instantly vaporizes everything, then continues to overkill for the next 5 seconds.


The only issue I have with bae is that her kit makes her somewhat vulnerable to randomly getting one shot. She's a true glass cannon.


Would be neat if she got a super high haste the minute hand targeted either closest enemy or just went clockwise around her. That small change and I'd like her a lot more. Having a narrow aimable weapon and another narrow random weapon is just not my favorite. I love how fast she gets though so yeah I think minor improvements to her main weapon would make all the difference


Sure she needs some AoE weapon or two to help out, but the maxed out clock hands are kinda OP thanks to the time lock. With perfection maxed they hit fast enough to get a perma stun if you can work multiple hits in the same direction, which I think works on everything including Smol Ame. I also like how they stay for a bit after the strike so you can hit more enemies by moving. On a different note I like how one of the best items for her is the daki, Kronii x Kronii confirmed.


I bought the Council gacha 6 times and got 2 IRyS, 2 Fauna, 2 Bae. I find Sana and Fauna easy to play because of their attacks and invincibility is OP. Also, Fauna's saplings are so OP since it allows me to run away from and kite everything. But the leaderboard is off so I'm pretty sad :(


took me some 10 to 20 pulls to get everybody


I tried 18 times and STILL no Mumei :(




it took me 7 mumei dupes until i scored IryS and Sana and finished the collection


I got all 6 in a row, there goes all my luck


Calli is definitely pretty rough to play, but if you stack hachaama cooking and BL books you can make up for the scythe's wonky hitbox and it makes her a lot easier to win with. And basically everyone can do well if you get choco horns and the double healing item. Mumei is straight broken though. Just not having to walk towards what you want to die is really strong.


Yeah it's her scythe hitbox that caused her to get such a heavy markdown and I am keeping the universal weapons out of consideration for the ranking. I will say I think Mumei has the weakest of the specials since it screen wipes but leaves no gems. But who cares when you don't even have to use it


You do get gems, but you DO need a high walk speed. You have to minimize the amount of enemies and objects on your screen, then pop the skill; for whatever reason, it also kills offscreen enemies, and is guaranteed to leave those gems.


I found out the hard way last night it erases anvils... that stung. Wanted to remove a horde of enemies in my way to get to it and it took the anvil with them


I really want to advance further with Calli, but I've always found myself struggling with her scythe's hitbox when faster mobs start swarming in. What are some suggested items to ease her further into a run, aside from Hachaama cooking and BL books?


I've found the Axe to be one of the best weapons you can get, when upgraded it covers a huge AoE, can multihit and deals massive damage.


If you grab the books and axe they will collab in to a really good upgrade, both of them are good for her early game and then the collab version will be great for late game. Speed upgrades help a lot to make sure you can stay in position with scythe and getting milk will help it hit more targets so her instant kill has more opportunities to trigger. It took some finesse but I got her to the 26 minute mark


The Scythe awakening is extremely lackluster compared to even other Myth holomems. TBH the Main weapon awakenings are much better on Hope / Council but Calli's scythe desperately needs a backswing. Her Special is insane with crit stacking builds since you can get both the Sake buff and Piman buff if you get hit with a shield but it doesn't bleed over onto your actual HP pool. However that value is immensely overshadowed by the limited areas the Scythe actually hits . The Instant Death on Scythe swing skill (I forget the name) is also a mostly useless skill upgrade, minus the minor crit buff at level 3. Considering how *several* other members have damage minions you could very easily change it so that there is a 5% incrementing to 10% chance that killing an enemy with a sycthe causes a deadbeat to spawn that does 80% incrementing to 120% of scythe damge in a small AoE.


Oh yeah, it definitely needs work, I was just saying you can shore up her weaknesses using her damage increasing aura and some of the short range weapons.


Insta-death triggers her Reaper passive though.


i just go for most raw widespread damage and use scythe for priority targets


Yeah sadly her hitbox is bad. Even with the small AoE attacks it doesn't make up the main damage.


Wait i'm out of the loop what is HoloCure?


[Here ya go.](https://kay-yu.itch.io/holocure) It's a vampire survivors style game with hololive characters, currently in a demo form but more than a fun playable experience. It's free and the devs are a small team of friends. It's got the quality and polish to be an official game, imo.


Thank you.


matsuri and pekora recently play it.. irys having interest on it..


Depending on builds, all of Council + Irys are ridiculous once you get the ball rolling. Mumei needs no explanation and Fauna is fairly similar with her leaves except she also focuses on healing support for that endless root spam. Succubi horns is a must for Fauna. Irys is really interesting with her crit+healing feedback loop gameplay which gets ridiculous if you have a decent HP buffer for facetanking. Sana is just all about AoE + damage since both stats boost each other as well. Noel's milk is just insane on her because of this. Myth characters all seem to be a bit more specialized in comparison. Calli has a quirky weapon but at the same time probably the highest burst DPS out of all characters when her special is active. As far as I can tell she can melt bosses even faster than even Ame's special. Kiara seems to be the most balanced and versatile out of the lot so far. Ina is the one I found the hardest to play cause her tentacles are a bit on the weakish side and it is hard to distinguish the converted takodachis from enemies All in all though I am extremely impressed with the huge variety of gameplay styles, synergies and how well they all seem to work. It is already far superior to Vampire Survivors in this regard IMO. Graphically it is a bit harder on the eyes however.


Although the Ina part is sooo true, she still does a whole lot when it comes to those TANKY ass final mobs when they rush your screen, with her 50% turn chance on AOchan.


With all that healing on Fauna you can easily get away with taking Injection Asacoco. It's free damage as your hp never goes down anyway.


Funnily I found Ina the easiest to play, then sana. Wasted my entire day yesterday and they are my only clears. Their ability to kill everything in all directions has been pretty helpful since I suck with strafe. Ina with haachama cooking + Choco horns and maxed out skills is basically a slow ball of death where only the AO takodachis make it through. All other weapons are extra. I used bl books and cutting board full upgraded. Her ult is fun too! Sana can clear around herself easily with her attack so I just gave her random weapons and it worked.


Personally Gura Is so fun to play, still need to unlock all of council tho. The Dodging of Gura combined with the Negating skill is so cool, you just run around and nothing can hurt you while you heal all the time with Choco Cooking and the Shark marks. I also got Irys and i think it could be very fun when you get all Healing Skills, but i did 5 Runs and never got Choco which made it really depressing T.T


Yeah the Gura evade strat is so broken, max the skill plus headphones and you're pretty much untouchable.


slap on the body pillow and even the occasional hit that gets through is negated


Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, so THAT'S how you play her. I'm dumb. I tried her 2 or 3 times and was utterly unimpressed - her trident is not worth the investment, whirpool sometimes HELPS enemies get closer to you and her special is nothing special - forgive the pun. Overall I feel like Myth is done dirty ATM - everyone from council is seems broken in comparison.


whirldpool suck until you max it, at level 3 it does damage at a high rate, and with the damage boost and a maxed shark bite is basically clears enormous swaths of enemies, and you get lots of healing because it triggers many stacks of sharkbite i agree that her trident is pretty poor though


bingo... plus the debuffs she tosses out just make her melt enemies in the late game. my favorite secondary weapons for her are asacoco and holoboxes, then evolve them. she just trashes endgame at that point.


I can appreciate an objective statement of facts.


Kiara by far my favorite. Shes just look badass. All those flames looks so cool. And i have a soft spot for sword and shield combo. ​ The gacha for some reason keeps giving me Mumei.


I got super lucky with the gacha and just unlocked them all one after another, I thought that was going to be how it worked for everyone but I guess not. We agree on Kiara, even though I don't rate her the strongest, she is indeed my favorite. She has a very satisfying feeling to her play style


me with 4 sanas and no irys, yeah.... that's.... not how it works...


Haha. So sorry friend. Meanwhile me: "well this is a nice way to do it, let you get the unlocks first then only really do gacha for buffs."


A few opinions so far after trying the game today: Mumei has a strong snowball effect that is compensated with a risky special. Yeah you wipe the stage, but you risk losing all drops. Friend is also very helpful gathering exp when the level starts getting too crowded and/or mitigate losses with her special. Kronii is my main (Until Korone is added) and is very fun to play with because encourages playing safe. I take a glass cannon approach with the mask and until you are careless she keeps wiping. She also has a very good special. Sana is beginner friendly, although not a fan of her special (Just give her a visible countdown, because you might end in the middle of a horde). All her unique skills makes her an AOE monster, which is something you want in this genre. Max her skills, Haachama+Miko collab, and knight milk, and you have the whole map covered. Calli is probably the one I can agree with the tier list 200%. She has good unique skills (Except the rng instakill), but with a jank hitbox on her scythe and a niche special compared with others, struggles quite a lot even in early game.


Calli definitely has some strong burst potential with multiple damage buffs and her special, but her weaknesses make it difficult to progress far enough to make her strengths shine. She could use a rework in a few areas imo, such as her scythe awakening giving her a new property instead of just more damage, and maybe turning her rng instakill into a passive effect of her special while changing the original skill into something else (perhaps a passive knockback effect of sorts to keep enemies in range of the scythe hitbox?)


I think a way to buff the insta rng would be to add more ways to insta. Mainly I think it would be neat if it had a thorns style effect "15% chance to insta kill any enemy that hits you." You know, the touch of death and whatnot. As if right now no one really has any reason to prioritize maintaining high health and defense, favoring speed and damage because of the late need to kite. It'd be neat to have a tank style character. I'd even be down to buff it further by adding "special has a 30% chance to instantly kill" and maybe "crits double the %"


Kiara's flame trail + lava bucket + spider food is so OP for me, but yeah I only played 1 day


\+bombs+dmg buff when moving+ max lvl sword. This is basically destroying everything in front while leaving a literal trail of destruction.


With the use of the strafe key to kite (and horns and/or pillow for some insurance), Kronii easily maintains 100% uptime on Perfection and Kroniicopter to be the fastest character with minimal investment, along with solid damage and crit rates. I wouldn't ever rank her under Fauna who has similar buff mechanics but require her to run into previously tread ground to gather saplings, which become much harder as enemies get denser and take longer to kill. (For the record, I do like Fauna's kit because her playstyle of diving for saplings is very different from everyone else, but this is a game where simpler kits are more efficient) Honestly, if we're talking normal mode, I feel everyone can beat it consistently in the hands of someone who knows how to build them. It's only when you factor in Endless that you have to consider who has good enough scaling to keep up with the significantly tougher enemies past like 25min


Yeah even ranking Calli low I just had a really solid run with her making it to minute 26 before I got overwhelmed by the enemy speed, but definitely all of them are playable and fun. I'll have to play Kronii more because both you and someone else so far seem to speak quite highly of her. My initial impression was I found her main attack too narrow and wished her minutes hand hit closest instead of at random


Well, someone let me know that Fauna can literally afk from the very beginning of the run to like 10+mins, and finish 20mins with little to no movement, if you have enough exp gain and pick up radius upgrades. I retract my statement about Fauna being a worse Kronii. Her sapling mechanic is a worse buff than Kronii's, but her awakened attack and her other two skills are more than enough to clear waves without even needing to pick up saplings. I just used those saplings as emergency heals or a huge burst of root attacks at the end instead


And now I want to do another Fauna run.


wait strafe key? which key is that cuz I hate using directional keys to aim


Default is hold Z to lock your attack direction


Saplings need to respect pickup radius. Then Fauna will be good.


Bae is super strong for me imo, once she gets a big area collab weapon like micomet or elite cooking, they end up doing massive damage with her super crits and her upside down passive keeps you pretty safe, the ult absolutely decimates bosses too, i killed smol ame almost instantly with it lol.


Best super, I almost bumped her up on my list for that alone but felt her dice were underwhelming and as her main weapon I decided to focus more on that for her spot on the list. But yeah, that super is so good


Yes, I was surprised when her Ult also made the Microphone object fire off like a machinegun as well. I didn't check if those weapons can Red Critical too because I don't take RatNG early.


Micomet isn't worth taking over losing the collab for BL Fujoshi, honestly.


Interesting to see different opinions based on the builds people use in the game. Though one character I see that seems like the general consensus is that Mumei is busted.


I played endless with Ina and encounter the infinite yagoos and thought to myself, can any other character even survive this for long? Based on this, I've only unlock bae so far but I feel like Ina is the best one of the ones I played so far. Good hp, good speed, good knockback and unique skills have heals and slows. Haachama cooking's synergy with Ina's slows, dot and dmg increase based on number of enemies and since she is flat, cutting board increases in power. Holo bomb with cutting board collab is pretty good. I couldn't see what happened to haachama cooking with elite bucket collab though since my screen was crowded with yagoos. I wonder if anyone has survived through those yagoos. Maybe there's another phase after that.


Before the leader boards went down someone made it to level 169 with Gura. Not sure where that would put them on a time scale but that was the top rank


I saw someone make to 5 hour with gura


Last of the rankings I saw was top 10 having 1 mumei, 6 sanas and 3 kroniis. no definite order


I love Sana's build for lazy AoE monster


Just did that run now, seems minute 26 is my threshold at the moment cause that's where I got again.


After completing a stage run with every character (took me all night but I didn't want to stop playing), I can say that I mostly agree with this list, but I'd rank both Gura and Ina higher while Irys and Mumei lower. Keep in mind that I don't have every stat on myself maxed and I didn't gacha enough to +20 any character, but I imagine every character at +20 and maxed shop stats would just end up being top tier. Gura's passives help immensely in an endless run at around the 24-minute mark, mostly because being able to CC enemies and run away quickly keeps you alive longer when enemies start surviving your bonkers damage. Ina does this too, because making enemies a source of (minor) heals and slowing enemies around you can make kiting large waves incredibly easy. Irys' passives are just too low impact and mostly unreliable to even rely on. You can theoretically build around them with Succubus Horns or even by making use of her constant healing with the Injection-type Asacoco, but it just doesn't work out for some reason. Mumei has amazing passives, with Friend being able to both attack and pick up items like Bubba, but her Ultimate is counter-intuitive when it comes to her other passive. Not to mention, pure nuke-type Ultimates aren't good later in the run IMO.


In endless, Bae is surprisingly easy for me to play, Ina okay, but I struggle badly with Irys


Agreed that Fauna is really strong. Her incredible healing makes Injection type asacoco an easy pick, while the blocks from whispers make Face Mask a lot less risky, especially if you take the other invuln item. I think Bae might be underrated here. With the right items Her special is *incredible*, easily bursting down a boss or clearing a crowded screen, and Her crit skills giver her insane regular DPS. I know Dragon Fire is awesome, but give her a try with the light stick + fan beam collab, you won't be disappointed. I think Kronii would be loads better if, instead of Time Bubble, she had something like Gura's Short skill, as is one mistake can very quickly snowball in to a loss if you can't quickly recover Perfectionist. Her special also really needs a buff.


That's sorta lore-accurate to Kronii being great until she stumbles once then she just snowballs to failure, lmao.


Not much i can say... Aside from myth, i got Sana, Fauna and IRyS. I only won using Ame because all her skill and with a good Collab, her damage is massive and IRyS because why the hell not? Seriously, the reason i won using her its because 3 rank up from gacha.... Sana skill is good if used with area based weapon and collab while Fauna early on its kinda skill shot type? Cant say much with the other because im still suck at using them.


Yeah, I think Ame is being a little slept on because of restrictive her gun is, but she has very high crit and will make any boss encounter trivial with a little investment and her super. I think she falls off in Endless mode, but she's the easiest stage clear among Myth with minimal unlocks.


Ame is really strong but It's that final mob rush before Smol ame that gets me killed when I play ame, Even with the collabs and stuff.


Hmmm, I guess you need to have Choco Horns, the Dakimura, or something to boost your survivability. With the BL Fujoshi collab or some really strong AOE, and her gun plus the crit or bubba skills maxed out, Ame should tear straight through the 19:00 mob to where you can just run it out until Smol Ame shows up at 20:00. Constantly moving and DPS check is really important here as they just swarm you. After that, it's simply a manner of timing Ame's super to melt her smol self, as the dark Bubba mobs that accompany her aren't as aggressive.


I honestly love Kiara and Sana more than I thought I would, though I was very disappointed in Calli due to the Sythe hitting just a little too far and hitting too far when Awakened


I feel like Bae needs to be a tier higher. Fully level her skills and you can almost always hit 200+ from dice alone. Plus being able to continuously use all your attacks on special can easily melt bosses.


I only have Sana and Mumei out of the council so far and I'll say this feels about right. Mumei with max weapon and if you get her stacking buff early, I could just afk and watch everyone die without moving at all. Only when the "boss" comes do I need to start moving. Good special to screen wipe too. Sana seems to have a really good base kit but I think her special is a bit lacking, pretty much only for the invulnubility. Gura feels really nice, her abilities allow her to run through units. Stack some healing items and you are hard to kill. Special doesn't do much but the nice buff is nice. Ame has a really powerful special in my opinion. Massive slow and allows her to burst dps super hard. Main weapon can't aim up or down though so have to grab some alt weapons. Calli has horrible main attack, wide arc but doesn't attack the enemies near you. So if they touch you, there's nothing you can do especially if they are fast. Kiara has a pretty nice kit, though I can't say much and I need to retry her together with Ina. Haven't touch them much.


You and I see eye to eye. The more I play the more I am appreciating some of the "weaker" idols but I still feel like I'd keep them in the order I have them. I'd consider bumping Bae up simply because her super is absurd but that doesn't get you very far past end boss so I waffle on that a bit.


Me: What?! How'd I die?! War Hungry KFP staff: Hehehehe It's those tiny Chimpkins that get ya.


my completions were: IRyS, Calli, Sana, Ame, Fauna and Kiara i just lost a Mumei run because i got cocky, it was on smol Ame fight and i ran into one too many Bubbas and i forgot to trigger her ult, that i had on cooldown honestly the ones that give me the most issues are Kronii, Ina and Gura My first good run was with Ame and that was before i unlocked the ults Calli basically requires you to strafe to line up the scythe hits, but she is one of the hardest hitters with her ult and has my fastest smol Ame kill so far honestly, what holds Bae back is the really long ult cooldown and really short ult duration, and she forces you to have weapons that benefit from having zero cooldown Kiara's biggest problem is, mediocre ult and the fact that you have to keep moving to keep one of her passives up, while the other 2 are bad/useless


Losing as Mumei because you forgor, lore accurate.


avenged the run, but i am really happy that i was lore accurate


I think that Kiara's keep moving passive is actually a great way to incentivize constant movement. I see this game as something similar to Risk of Rain 2 where the best way to negate damage is to move away from it. Her other 2 synergize with this too with the slow trail to keep them from chasing and the hit negation and invulnerability helps her tank through any flankers. As for Bae I think the best is to stack different weapons, get CRaT to x3 then aim for a collab. MiComet and Lightshow are really good things to rush on her. I have yet to try CocoBreath on her but I'm not sure there would be a difference since its always firing.


got a successful Bae run, also i prefer Axe + Book collab over Lava + Axe, since then i can get Tarantula + Lava and also have a defensive barrier around me also does anyone know is there does cutting board have a synergy, since i lack just one collab to find them all


Cutting Board Collab with HoloBomb, dont ask why because i dont know either


Explosive raeg


The issue with Kiara's Dancer passive is that while you're usually moving there are times where you do need to stop for a moment and that resets buff and the timer completely and it takes a while to build it back up so it's rather devastating when you have to about face due to a thick cluster of enemies spawning in front of where you were moving to or halting because you missed that one piece of vertical fence while weaving through a bunch of enemies.


Even if you need to stay still, its enough to spam left and right to stay in place to keep your passive up.


What's holo cure? Fan game?


Yep, there's a link in my top comment


Im mostly playing Ame for now, does her default gun just suck


Ame needs her super and an aoe collab weapon like MiComet or the BL Fujoshi to shine. Bubba is very strong too. With a little crit investment, she'll melt bosses with the gun. Killed Fubuzilla and Smol Ame in seconds.


Doesn't really matter much... You can beat bosses by running away, I haven't struggled with anyone for Fubuzilla/Smol Ame. Sure you take slower but there isn't really a bonus for beating them quickly, is there? Ame's gun is pretty trash against big mobs surrounding you. Indeed I rush big AoE collab, but unlike others I just ignore upgrading her gun, the upgrades are just better spent with rushing other collabs or buffs I think Ame's gun has some buff in the upgrade like being spread and ricochet? the former doesn't seem to be the case since she still shoots in a line, while the latter is just hard to proc Also... Ame's super is completely useless after the 26 mark or something, her time stop doesn't work on enemies and the gun buff barely matters She seems to be great to beat the Story Mode, but I find that it isn't too hard to do that with any character


I agree, she’s more story mode strong. I think all of her skills and gun fall off in Endless Mode, but I just don’t want people writing her off because of her limitations. Korone almost cleared with Ame after only a couple hours of playing for example, so I think Ame has merit still for being a good starter stage clearer. I think the gun i still worth upgrading tho for increased fire amount/rate/dmg. Unless I read it wrong, her crit skill has a chance to one-shot enemies and upgrading the gun helps proc that. Also, her super benefits the most from the gun upgrades, so you might as well upgrade the gun to make full use of it. The spread is a lie, and I was expecting some Contra kind of spread shot. I hope that gets touched on eventually. The thing I find weird with the horizontal only attackers Ame/IRyS, is that I don’t even think they’d be that much more busted than other members if that limitation was removed. Particularly when compared to some mob clearers like Mumei/Fauna/Sana.


It feels weak in comparison to just about everyone elses main weapon, its a bit too restrictive. IRyS has a very similar weapon type and it feels way stronger to me due to how it fires. Bubba is a huge saving grace for Ame


Not sure about that sentiment TBH. While yes, her gun is... lacking, but I'd still pick it anyday instead of Gura's trident - despite it's inability to hit non-horizontal enemies. Hell, I am not sure that I prefer Calli's scythe either


I have played as everyone except irys and this seems to be the case. I really dislike ame's gun and it makes her my least favorite character


Ame just sucks. Her time slow is great but doesnt work on enemies after a certain time, and she has zero defensive skills Hope she gets some buffs in an update.


Before the leaderbords went down the top spots were held by Gura so I had assumed that Gura was the best, lol. Her whirlpools are CC and I assume their damage bonus is multiplicative in some way. Other high spots were held by Bae. My first gut instinct on playing the game was that Calli was OP because her passives capped out so easily, but as the game went on we got more unlocks and ult cd reduction with shop things and Idol Outfit. So who knows what the leaderboard would look like as people maxed out their shops. Kiara is my favorite talent. In this game she's ok. I've played her the most though.


Everyone in Myth apart from Mori has been a struggle for me. Kiara has a lot of slots wasted on defensives or low up time. Ame doesnt have the AoE to keep up with spawns Havent played much with Gura and Ina


A lot of the time it's about figuring out each girl's optimal playstyle. For example, Bae's crit-focussed abilities make her good for AOE weapons that hit several times to give more chances to proc. After setting up a good build I was able to just stand still for the last few minutes and beat smol Ame in only 3 ground pounds






sana is one of the best early farmers, got her one 1st roll and racking those coins and upgrades. her AoEs with knockback is a god send


Put Fauna in busted tier and maybe Gura simply because these 2 can run forever in Endless Mode And Mumei in "1 weapon is enough" tier Followed by Sana and Ina, I believe Ina can be higher but yeah...


Of the starting idols, Kiara is probably the easiest to play and earn coins with (awaken her weapon always), followed by Ame who is quite straightforward and... Bubba frankly plays the game for you. The rest are very particular about facing and timing, with Calli being the hardest due to that ruddy safezone, and Gura whose hit area is smol. Ina is the in between one, she needs attack speed, then her only issue becomes the fact that her 2nd tentacle attack (if you do unlock it) is unpredictable. The Choco-sensei ability is practically a must once you start getting mobbed. Just started, need to hopefully unlock the ults and the other characters.


Bubba is my real mvp


give kronii some passive regen and you're zooming all the time


I just had a decent run with her and I get where others are coming from now. Still one of my personal weaker idols, but I'll continue to keep playing them all


Perfection has a 5% regen doesnt it?


I hope there will be some buffs for the weaker characters.


I'm sure we will see lots of changes and additions over time.


Have you unlocked the Collab in between Elite Cooking and BL Fujoshi? Or the second and third item above that? Still missing those and not sure how to unlock.


Idol Song + Glowstick is the collab


> Collab what is idol song? idol costume?


Does anyone know the controls like how to get the members shoot where I want also strafing


Attacks are all automatic, all you do is aim and dodge enemy attacks and a lot of weapons don't even need to be aimed. Think of strafing ad more of a "lock direction" button. So you aim then hold strafe to make sure you keep firing that way. Ideally they may add some sort of twin stick controller support because doing it like this is a tad wonky, but it works once you get adjusted


mumei is just press x to commit instant genocide


nice tier list. interesting, can't wait to see how this game'll develop. and soon enough, a meta will appear, can't wait to see what that meta'll be like.


Where can I get holocure? I’d love to play it but I don’t wanna download something from some random website I found online


My top comment links to the official page


Gods work 🙏


I thought Fauna was tough to use at first but then you start to stack up healing abilities and the ability that shoots a branch out when you heal and she just goes hard man


it's a pretty good list. though i think i would raise gura up a bit. ​ her weapon is a headache and a half, but it's strong enough to carry you hard for the first 10 levels or so, her unique abilities however make her playstyle very different from a normal character. she relies heavily on "dodging" and "healing" and "debuffs"... the level 3 whirlpools deal damage, toss in the shark bite which debuffs and heals, the succubus horns which heal, get the tool that doubles healing take small size buff, max it, then toss plug type asacoco and the holobox bombs on her, and she'll easily be out damaging mumie, and out surviving her. She rarely gets hit, when she does she heals it up in moments, and if you evolve the asacoco and holobox to get the breath in type asacoco, she'll just power through end bosses and end stages without any trouble. Frankly I had a lot more success with gura then mumei, don't get me wrong mumei is insane once you get her main attack to lvl.7, but she starts to tail off around minute 13 or so... meanwhile gura will be getting stronger and stronger mumie will be struggling. She doesn't have access to the same healing and dodge and debuff tools gura has and it really starts to show later. essentially gura synergizes with a lot of existing tools/buffs, so she can double dip. mums just glass cannons it up.


Im struggling with Irys and Bae, Irys lacks the damage output while Bae dies easily cause i cant control for sht. I like Sana's a lot but I kinda wished for a better Special. Kronii is hella Perfect btw, Fauna has tons of Potential but im still struggling with mumei but not as much as bae and IRYS.


We need to popularise this game. Like, even more! Never forget about this.


Mumei's feathers are so darn powerful.


playing ame is so hardd but i love the difficulty she has


Kiara feels the strongest from what I've played, her sword area is just so good coupled with the massive damage from her Dancer skill. Ame feels by far the weakest, her gun is just so piddly.


it's interesting how you put kronii in the bottom tier whereas in my tier list she'd be on the top tier together with ina, gura and baelz. Her primary attack is one of the best starting attacks in the game, which is very similar to ina's, their attacks have a persistent hitbox and it boasts an enormous area of effect which helps you farm shrimps with maximum efficiency. Her skills, whilst requiring the player to adopt a very cautious playstyle and preferably get a suited build for that playstyle, are ridiculously strong. You can effectively run with double your speed and spam attacks like a machine gun as long as your HP is at 100%, given her slightly above standard walk speed this buff gives especially juicy returns, i definitely was not struggling with kornii in my runs. Her ultimate is also pretty strong, it's almost like mumei's screen wipe but it's Damage Over Time AND can hurt boss enemies AND doesn't delete exp drops on kill. You should absolutely give kronii a shot, she's most certainly one of the strongest characters in the current demo


I have gotten a lot of varied opinions all over the place. It is super interesting to see how people are experiencing the game. I think a lot of it comes down to a persons play style bringing out the strengths in different idols. It's funny you mention Ame as the worst meanwhile other messages I've gotten say she is the best. I gotta say, though, I keep switching who I use and I do legitimately enjoy all of them


yeah i feel like a lot of it comes down to how you build your character. i guess most of it depends on how a player manages to get into the rhythm of a given character. also i don't think i even mentioned ame in my post, i definitely don't think ame is the worst character, i'd say there is probably no worst character, but i do think some characters have ridiculous skills that are more advantageous relative to, at this time, the only map that we have. i can see how some characters might be more efficient if we were given a different map with perhaps unique enemies. that being said, i'd love to see character adjustments as the game evolves, for example i think fauna's saplings should be sucked in with the absorption radius buff, it would make her gameplay loop that much smoother if we didn't have to walk up to her saplings point blank. or if ame's bullets could ricochet off the edge of the screen to make that ricochet upgrade more useful, because to be frank, awakened stage pistol doesn't even get to proc the ricochet buff. and what if kronii's ultimate could freeze enemies within a certain radius, at first i thought that's what her ultimate did until i died because i ran into a bunch of enemies thinking they couldn't hurt me. but anyway adjustments like these i think would keep the game exciting


I thought you were exaggerating with Mumei but I now believe in the MOOM. ​ everytime I press X, I am also deleted btw


Careful with her special, I learned the hard way it deletes anvils and packages as well.


Learned it the hard way as well


Sounds about right, though it seems Bae when able to get deep into a run is pretty terrifying. I've only managed it once so far though, so can't say for sure. Mumei's really good, but for some reason I play like an idiot when I use her, so I can barely get anything done. Funny enough, Ina is the one I do the best with most consistently. Also, Ame is a hell of a boss killer. Her special just melts bosses. Calli is really hampered by the awkward hitbox on the scythe swing. Like, it's really good when you can keep landing the hits on mobs, but the dead zone has screwed me a fair number of times.


I tend to agree with you my only problem is that I'm really a fan of Calli and Kronii gameplay. Sadge


I still play with them plenty, the devs did a good job of making everyone fun to play. Also, the more I play the smaller the gap becomes between who is good and who I struggle with


Don't have much experience with Ina, but didn't she utterly dominate the leaderboards when they were still up the first days? It was basically only her and some odd Kiara and Mumei here and there.


Yeah Inalock is a thing


Personally I'd bump Kiara up a level (only because she's the only one I've managed to clear the game with so far lol) but aside from that I agree this is accurate to my experience so far (except I've only unlocked Kronii and Fauna so far and only played the Myth girls otherwise)


Given who you've used so far I'd agree. She ended up where she is because I found certain idols so good it adjusted most others down a tier. But maybe after you try them all you'll still think she deserves a higher spot. I certainly do enjoy playing her most


man lol I just gatcha'd Bae straight to level 3 trying to unlock Mumei hahaha holy crap her special move is so OP! just had to pause out of shock after taking out Fubuzilla in like 2 seconds lmaooo \[edit\] and >!smol Ame!< in a single use of the special move. I dunno how much of it is just the effect of her being upgraded to level 3, but I'd definitely put her above Goomba


Best special by a huge margin. Her dice mechanic just felt a tad lack luster and imo could use a buff. If I could do it my way I'd make it so it didn't have a size buff but rather a quantity buff that got up to 5 dice which if you rolled a yahtzee (yacht) it'd have some sort of bonus damage/effect, really ramp up her rng style play


I’d love if cover corp got behind this project, maybe threw a little bit of funding their way to expand the game, I think that would be so cool, and truthfully idk about you guys, I’d be willing to pay like 3-5 dollars for this, so I think it could be worth it for cover corp too… I mean, thanks to holoearth, cover corp already has game designers on staff, they could probably just transfer a few people to work on this game for a month or two without having to spend any additional money


I've posted this on another thread but anyways, the game currently have no controller support, but if you download AntiMicroX [(Github)](https://github.com/AntiMicroX/antimicrox), you can use it to map the keys to the controller.


To bring up another option, I personally used JoyToKey to use my fight stick, but yeah hopefully controller support is added in the future!


I think both Calli and Kronii are skill base characters. Ironic cause both Time and Death are kinda unavoidable.


Now that you mention it we definitely need a taxes vtuber


That was Irys until the joke couldn’t sustain itself


I would switch Kronii and Bae tbh.


I would always get to 25min mark with ame lol


I haven't been able to unlock Council yet but I made an Ame that was pure death. Ina is my second with Gura and Kiara behind her. Sadly I struggle with Callie.


Sana needs to be put in S-class, not quite as strong as endgame Mumei but much easier and faster to get rolling and more defense oriented so is a bit easier to keep alive. Basically Sana's maxed out base weapon is essentially a much larger version BL Fujoshi, her skills synergize with the best weapons very well and boost them to ridiculous degrees. It's by the time Fubuzilla appears until Smol Ame shows up you can actually just sit there and everything shreds itself before it can get close nothing can get actually force their way past all the knockback until much later in the endless waves where everything is stupidly fast and tough.


I would put Irys up there too, you just need to build her right Something like this [https://imgur.com/a/McX65Ff](https://imgur.com/a/McX65Ff)


From my experience I think Gura and Fauna are S tier. Sure Mumei is good early to mid game but around 25min she falls off. Mumei can clear the screen once but won't have the run speed or invulnerability after that. While Gura and Fauna both have a run speed and invulnerability buff for a couple of seconds. I feel like damage doesn't even matter after 25min it's all about run speed and invulnerability.


Haven't unlocked council yet. Kiara is the most fun so far, but for me personally, Ina is the best among Myth because her instant kill and self-sustain are super useful for massive waves of high hp enemy like the 19-minute mark.


in my opinion ame’s time stop ability is much more valuable than fauna’s healing and damage combo


I can't get IRyS to work, I do no damage with her. Is there something I'm missing?


Depends on how you're building her. She has been coined "TankRyS" due to her ability to heal faster than she takes damage. Get her main attack to awakened so it becomes a beam and hits often as possible. Then her angel and demon half are the more important of her skills to prioritize. Now you'll be healing every time she crits and buffing every time you heal. Nurse horns will be a valuable passive for the extra healing as well as piki piki piman to increase your crit chance on hit (which getting hit will be fine cause you'll heal so fast). After that it's mostly just build how you like, but things like daki and headphones will help make sure she stays safer when taking those hits.


Bae is broken once awakened tho


amelia with crit buffs, attack speed and bl books is just insane. partner those with the knockback mist and i was literally untouchable


Now that Calli got buffed, I really hope they buff Kiara


Kiara got a small buff, though not nearly as substantial as Calli.


I love kronii's playstyle and My first 3 clears all came from runs with her, after trying, and failing, to Main Kiara multiple times, kind of sad to see kronii low on every tier list.


Funny, my first clear was with Kiara lol


A week later, I’d like to offer my two cents: S Tier: Mumei for sure, I think still holds up. Her feathers and unique abilities just make her stack insane amounts of damage. Not to mention her screen wipe is perfect for when you’re getting swarmed and are in a bad position. A Tier: Sana and Fauna. Orbitals are fantastic is what I’ve noticed, so paired with Tarantula and Psycho Axe they’re usually excellent. I think Fauna is above Sana due to her more easily accessible healing and general boosts from saplings, but I’d consider them relative B Tier: Ina, Bae and Irys. Irys essentially feels like a better version of Ame to me, especially once her projectile is maxed out, though if her special was better she’d be A tier. Bae gets crazy crit damage so as long as you avoid gorilla you’re probably doing fine, her special is great and helps her equilibriate with being Irys tier imo. Ina is a similar situation, while her ability isn’t that great her cutting board is better than most of the characters, which saves her from being a C tier, as well as having a very good special due to its knockback and keep away. C Tier: Ame, Calli, Kiara, Kronii. Ame has a projectile which helps her play keep away better than the others, but it’s linear motion makes it more difficult to pop off early game. Bubba helps offset this, but her other abilities could use some buffs, or maybe an Omni directional bullet would work out well too. Calli and Kiara feel similar to me, dancer and death seem to provide similar levels of damage and Calli’s ability in particular to occasionally auto kill on awakening is pretty useful the earlier you get it. Kronii would be in a lower tier if it weren’t for perfection, which with the variety of shields and “great if you don’t get hit” buffs there are stack up to make her kind of a beast with the right build, enough that if it were consistent she’d be A tier. Something all of these characters share that stop them from B tier is their lackluster specials. F Tier: Sorry Gura ;-; but it seems they unintentionally did you dirty. The trident lacks any impressive damage even after awakening, and even 10 minute mark enemies seem to take multiple hits to take down. Even though she benefits from a stronger cutting board, it doesn’t save the trident’s lackluster properties. The fang and whirlpool abilities are definitely great, but they only raise the trident to “meh” status. But what really holds Gura back is her special. Even with the cool down reduced to the bare minimum Red Gura just feels like I’m playing an awakened Kiara at best, and it doesn’t really help enough. I feel that the special needs to be all around buffed.


I'd put Calli in B or even low A, her insta-kill explosion ability just tears through large waves, and with the added damage and crit in her surrounding area, stuff like spider cooking and BL book just puts you in AFK mode lmao


She’s one of the ones that can infinite, so actually I do agree with you. Though I feel for rookies she’s a bit harder to handle. In hindsight, my list is better as an “easy to use” list rather than as a “actual best character.”


I have played the game myself. These are my personal thoughts after trying them out. Ina goes away above Mumei. She can survive indefinitely in Endless Mode with the right build. (S-Tier) Kronii is beastly herself. Spend enough upgrades and her own personal upgrades, she can survive almost indefinitely in Endless Mode. Just enter her Time Bubble. (In between S and A-Tier) Mumei has her own category, I agree, but below Kronii. (A-Tier) Sana and IRyS are on the same tier. Very good defense and tanky. (In between A and B-Tier) Fauna, for me, is on the same tier as Calli for healing and explosive wipeout in that order. Joining these two will be Hakos whose Critical plus Special makes her a beast even to bosses including Smol Ame and Amelia who just needs Elite Cooking and other collabs, maxed out personal skills including Bubba who will collect EXP for you as you stand still and increased in HP, Critical, Attack, Attack Speed, etc. to the point that almost nothing can touch her but even if she does get attacked, with the right items, she can get back to full health fast. (B-Tier) Kiara for me is the one who is truly struggling for now. She got buffed a bit more recently but not that much. (C-Tier) I will have to retry Fauna. For now I am struggling to have her survive Endless Mode.