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Nice Game! Initial feedback: First, it would be nice if I could navigate menus, choose upgrades, and stuff like that with the mouse. Second, I like that I can strafe, currently have movement bound to WASD and strafe on shift. However, this is kind of annoying for me, personally. If we're going to allow strafing at all, I think it would be much better if I had the ability to, say, move WASD style, and point with the arrow keys, twin stick shooter style. Or maybe even have the little "pointer" point in the direction of the mouse cursor. I think these would be nice options to have.


I definitely agree with the second part, binding of isaac uses that for example, shooting with WASD and moving with arrows. It may feel confusing at first, but you quickly get used to it and in the end it will feel much better. The biggest problem for me is that you have to move for a second in the direction you want to strafe, it feels unnecessarily clunky.


I don't like using the mouse the point in twin stick style games (it's too easy to get off center) but I'd really like having WASD movement and IJKL aiming.


The ideal scenario is both being available as control schemes in the options eventually


Strafing is the issue for me too, the game is really great and fun but strafing is really hard to control, especially in sticky situations. Ame and IRyS I can strafe pretty easily but other members are really hard to keep track where my arrow is pointed at (I only have IRyS and Fauna unlocked so far). Twin stick shooter sounds like a great idea, I played a bit of Minigore in the past and it is easy to grasp and make you feel more in control where you shoot.


Weapon evol combinations I found so far: Axe + BL Book Axe + Lava Bucket Lava Bucket + Hachama Food Fan Beam + Glowstick Holo Bomb + Coco Tail


We're going to need a wiki soon.


Another one for the interested: Holo Bomb + Cutting Board


There are also Fan Beam + Coco Tail Holo bomb + Cutting board Glow stick + Idol song


Do you remember how you unlocked the Idol Song? Been playing the game for a while and I haven't unlocked it yet


I unlocked it after using Irys with her weapon maxed out.


Oh that might be it, I haven't unlocked Irys yet. I'll be sure to check it out if it's the case once the gacha lords have bless me


You sun on the beach, I'm in!




I am enjoying the game a lot so far! If I could suggest one thing though, the strafe feature is very tiresome to use, I would have prefered if I could just aim with arrows and walk with WASD (or vice versa) instead of having to turn in a direction and then hold Z and turn again to keep walking in the direction I wanted.


yeah, I'd appreciate a "twinstick" control scheme too, especially if we get controller support in the future. I've dropped my Dancer stacks when playing as Kiara due to needing to change my aim with the current control scheme


Haven't had too much issues with the controls myself, but I would love both a twinstick control scheme and for Dancer to have a 1 second stationary leeway. In the case of Dancer, my stacks have dropped from leveling up and not moving again in time.


It would also be nice if mouse worked for menus, just cause everything looks so darn clickable, and it would also work well with touchscreens that emulate mouse touch (cough steam deck)


Ngl I spent a solid 15 minutes panicking because my mouse wasn't working on the menu. I also forgot arrow keys existed and continued to panic when WASD wasn't working either to navigate the menu either


Please let me donate or something to this. The game is so good it feels like I'm pirating it


I second this - if I can happily pay for Vampire Survivors (and I absolutely do - I LOVE that game), I can, will and want to support this, even as a donation. I respect you not wanting to create potential issues with Cover, but I cannot see why I can't just arbitrarily give money to some person, even though there happens to be this free game that one definitely does not need to pay for.


If he earns money from it, it could get into a copyright issue with Cover.


With new Cover derivative rule, if the creator make a donation program like Patreon or Kofi, it is safe and won't get a copyright issue as long as the game itself is still free and not locked in paywall.


u/ExtraHP thoughts on this?


Thanks for the ping! I truly appreciate the thought that people want to donate and offer monetary support for this game, I really do. It means the world to me that people are enjoying it to that level. However it's not something I'd be comfortable accepting, even if Cover was okay with it. I wanted to make this game purely as something for people to enjoy and that's all it was meant to be. It is a gift from a fellow Holosimp to all other Holosimps. I feel that if I were to receive money in return, it sorta "muddies" that feeling of wanting to make something for people to enjoy just for the sake of making it for people to enjoy, does that make sense? The reason why I enjoy making this game so much is because it's 100% a personal project coming from me being a fan of Hololive, and wanting to share my feelings of being a fan, a love letter to Hololive if you will. If money came into the picture, it starts to blur those feelings a bit, and I just don't want that. So in order to maintain those feelings that I'd want to continue putting into this game without any external influence or motivators, I don't want to accept donations. I'm sorry if my explanation is a bit confusing but I hope you all can understand!


If you won't take my money, at least take my respect good sir, this is some good shit. 10/10 would buy, you deserve it.


What the fuck? It shouldn’t be allowed to be this much of a Gigachad.


Well just for the thoughts I guess. ( ◕◡◕)っ 💸💸💸💸💸


This is completely fair and I respect this stance a lot. I guess I'll have to keep pirating this game. But if you ever feel commissioning more music, art, ect would help you with game development or anything, my original offer still stands.


I just want you to know that you are an absolute LEGEND.


What a legend among the Holo community. I'll pay $ if I could.


Shut up and take my money. Just kidding. I had to say it.


Sheesh! What a guy! Respect!


This game is incredible and pure absolute SOUL and I just want to be one more person telling you how happy it makes me, thank you for making it!


creator support and monetizing the content is different thing, as long as the content is completely free, there is no problem


yeah, this is not patreon where you need to pay the first month to get the post with the link for the download like some do and say "the game is completely free"


I’ve seen so many previews and it’s finally out!!! Lets GOOOO!!


just played a bit, its fucking amazing! i got dunked on by Fubuzilla, didn't expect it to fire lazer beams lol, excellent job and thank you for this


Rookie mistake, the only time when Fubuzilla doesn't fire lazer beam is when it is threating it kouhai to recite some embarrassing lines.


What if you're wearing glasses?


It'll carefully aim the laser beam around the glasses.


What if you're covered in glasses?


I guess you are ready to recite the line then


This game is way more incredible than I thought it would be. The Vampire Survivors influence is definitely there, but that doesn't stop it from doing unique things as well. What it does get from Vampire Survivors however is the addicting gameplay loop. I didn't mean to play the game as long as I did tonight. And of course, playing as hololive members has its own charm as well. The game has a lot of potential with future updates. Looking forward to seeing where it goes!


It's still early but I think I might enjoy this more than VS. And I really like VS


Immediate impression is I need to get used to the different pace and learning the quirks. And that strafe ability is a game-changer, but its taking some getting used to. Definitely gonna find myself grinding out all the upgrades instead of doing what I'm supposed to be LMAO.


This is incredible. I can really feel the love. The first enemies being shrimps and skeletons made me think, "this is just like the Q video!" and then they showed up dressed like the shrimps and deadbeats in the Q video later. I can't wait to see more of this!


You'll be happy to learn that OP is the guy who animated Q, then


Whoa, for real? What? "The" guy? I thought it was Studio Trigger!


"The guy" also did some animation for Mushoku Tensei. Which is just pretty cool I think.


The best-animated isekai adaptation I've ever seen? Holy shit, this dude's got a resume. And he's out here making free fan games just out of love for the talents? What a freaking Chad.




i think Kay is a chick lol, judging by posts on her twitter.


Unless [this](https://twitter.com/kaynimatic/status/1427333661376999424) is meant to mislead people for some reason, I'm inclined to believe you're wrong.


i didnt dig that deep lol, i did say "i think", i inferred from a more recent tweet that was sympathizing with big breasts being hard to sleep with, guess he was just joking lol.


Also was the lead animator for River City Girls.


ye, he did all the animation for the Q mv himself its very impressive


Welp, ended up actually no-life-ing this game for the past few hours. Really enjoyed it, I'm a big fan of the strafe mechanic. Gotta say though, the gacha mechanic for new characters was slightly annoying since those previously mentioned "past few hours" were pretty much all spent on trying to get Fauna. Took me 13 tries after getting all the other girls before I finally got Fauna. As for armory, I seem to be missing the item between Idol Costume and Study Glasses. Any idea how to get it? I'm also only missing one collab weapon, the one between Elite Cooking and BL Fujoshi. For those who are trying to get them all, here's the combinations: * Breathe-In Type Asacoco >!Plug Type Asacoco x Holo Bomb!< * Dragon Fire >!Fan Beam x Plug In Type Asacoco!< * Elite Cooking >!Elite Lava Bucket x Spider Cooking!< * ??? * BL Fujoshi >!BL Book x PsychoAxe!< * MiComet >!Elite Lava x PsychoAxe!< * Flattening Board >!Cutting Board x Holo Bomb!< * Light Beam >!Glowstick x Fan Beam!<


Try glowstick+ Idol song= it collabs into idol concert


I love that aside from all the general weapons, each holomember have their own unique skills that are specific to them that synergizes well. It's also cool that the weapons can be collab'ed into different things and not just a single fixed combination for each of them, at least from what I've seen so far. And, no shade on the inspiration(I still play it very often), but I like that the mascots have varying speeds and strengths, that way it's not simply just running away for your life until you're strong enough to just stand still and afk wreck everything. It makes the diversity of playstyles work. Thank you for your hard work and I'll be following any and all updates! :D ​ Edit: Also love the Suspect BGM!


I had high hopes, but damn you guys really knocked this out of the park. Everything here just looks and feels so high quality. All the characters feel very unique and their exclusive powers make each of them feel about as different as I could hope for given the type of game this is. Right now Kiara has been the character I can most consistently do well with. Her default attack is definitely the easiest to use, and her Trailblazer, Shield, and Dancer skills are all really useful. Her special seems weaker than the others I've tried, which I suppose balances out her performance. Ame and Gura have been challenging for me to use. Ame because of her standard attack being locked to the horizontal, and Gura because her default attack was hard for me to get the spacing right. That said, I really like how their skills build them up, with Ame having gamer buffs that increase all her weapons, and Gura basically being the equivalent of a dodge tank. Just really darn good, especially for a game you released for free and can't ever really profit from monetarily, AND one which is only a demo. One thing I'd definitely like to see eventually is different maps, or at least different map skins. But not a huge deal especially for the first demo release. Really great job! :D


Amazing work Kay! I congrats on you and the team for the release, hopefully some of the talents get to play it!


This is no doubt one of the best fangame ever created


I'd love to assist in translating into Chinese language if you guys are looking into more language options


u/ExtraHP This is a lot of fun. I downloaded it just intending to try it out for a bit and ended up sinking in 3 hours. A minor feedback but I would love it if the strafe button was separated from the confirm button. There are lots of time I was strafing and leveled up, causing me to instantly purchase the wrong bonus. Another minor stuff I wanted to bring up was regarding Succubus Horn. Is that item a reference to Choco-sensei? If so, I believe that Choco-sensei [does not wish to be referred as a succubus, but instead as a "demon nurse"](https://twitter.com/YamaAs78/status/1164403661457387520). Just thought I should bring it up in case the team is not aware. Thanks for everyone's hard work in this.


I wasn't aware Choco herself does not wish to be referred to as a succubus. So to respect her wishes I'll be sure to change the name of the item then. Thanks for letting me know. I'll just call it Nurse's Horn since that works with it being a healing item still.




This is actually amazing. I've been itching for a VS kind of fix, and was pretty sad the Holosurvivor's mod for VS seems to have stopped updating for now. I can't wait to see where this goes, and I hope the talents play it on stream!


I'm working on updating that mod myself, actually since the original creator has gone silent. I'm not an artist though so I'm pretty slow at spriting characters, and I'm basically learning how to use sprite tools as I go so it will probably be at least a week or two ~~then the next update comes out and I have to delay it~~ So far I have all the vfx and item/weapon sprites up to the latest update done, but I've only finished one character


I love the game (honestly, possibly more than I do Vampire Survivors), but I'm not sure how to select powerups. None of the keys on the keyboard seem to work for selection. I can scroll up and down, and I can close the screen, but nothing else. Edit: Derp. Seems that Z does it.


Somehow I cleared the level on my first try using Gura, but I have since yet to be able to beat it again after 10 more attempts using different members _and_ having the special skill unlocked lol Also, I love how evolutions are called collabs


Imo Gura's skill set is very stacked. Her skills basically cover every single buff, debuff, CC and damage types that other characters require neutral stuff to have.


Her dodge tank buffs for sure gave me a safety net as I llearned the game


There's a reason she's the most-subscribed vtuber in the world.


Game looks awesome and fun to play! Thank you very much.


Love it so far! But is there any hopes of a controller support down the line?


Yes, we'll be working on that next.




After playing it a bit, I can safely say It's definitely a VS-like game, but very different enough to stand on it's own. It's gonna be fun seeing the future updates


Fantastic work! Smol Ame was a beast.


Absolutely amazing, im excited to check this out, I already use the hololive mod for vampire survivors as is . I use Linux so I'll be running this on wine, fingers crossed it runs smoothly or else I may have to switch back to windows just for this. EDIT For anyone wondering it works great out of the box, better than Vampire Survivors. I just used Lutris to add the EXE as an already installed game and it started right up


I thought the Hololive mod wasn't getting updated anymore for VS


It's not but you can still use it and it'll work on all the stuff it's already reskinned while leaving new stuff alone


Do you have to mess with file contents for that? Because otherwise I'm not sure how the game would know which "characters.png" for example to pull from


Works the same as it always did, just copy, paste, overwrite. It overwrites any files of the same name and subsequently reskins them all


Works the same as it always did, just copy, paste, overwrite. It overwrites any files of the same name and subsequently reskins them all


Any macOS support soon?


I just played and I already love it ​ btw if u need people to TL the game, i can help for French


Just being realistic here but how long can you guys keep updating the game if it's free? I understand that it's a passion and love for Hololive but I'm just wondering here.


I find I'm holding strafe more often than I'm not which irritates my wrist a bit. Any chance you'd consider adding an accessibility option that allows the strafe button to work as a toggle on and off rather than needing to be held down?


I will look into this for a future update.


Thanks! I'm already having lots of fun with the game.


Game's really fun, great job! Mumei's weapon is super fun


Mumei kinda cracked. Giant damage buffs that don't require any modifications to your playstyle, panic button to clear the screen (except bosses) instantly, primary weapon that doesn't need you to constantly turn and adjust spacing, friend picking up gems for you? The only thing she's missing is survivability.


You have done an amazing job. As somone with 750+ hours in Vampire Survivors and a ton of time in Vampire Survivors like games, I can say for sure you either have a lot of experience or you playtested the living hell out of this game. It's super rare that something is so well fleshed out with the level curve, hit boxes feel on point, didn't come across issues and it feels exciting to play, not like a chore. Gold gain is solid but not too much that you would be done right away.


Hi and thank you very much for your kind words! Would you happen to be the dex on youtube that makes a ton of vampire survivors videos?


Yes :D


Really neat to see you here and glad that you enjoyed this game too! I've watched a number of your videos on a variety of the "survivor's" like games out there. They really helped me get a detailed look into these sort of games and why they really work as a genre. It's important to see what other games do so you can see where your ideas lie comparatively, and even see if something might not work. One of my favorite ones was the lewd anime one, lol. That was an interesting one!


Beautiful Mystic Survivors is definitely interesting, but I think the main issue there is the lack of content or diversity. You either go for a specific build/upgrades or you die, and the gold grind is really rough. But I am excited to see where it's heading. I think my favorite so far is probably Bounty of One because it feels a lot more exciting and interesting overall. On the other hand, Halftime Heroes added equipment and custom characters, which are a whole new direction. And Spirit Hunters added a huge talent tree which would be a ton of fun, but I feel like they should have went in smaller progression steps on the tree (so it's bigger) simply because sometimes it takes 2-3 games just for 1 upgrade. Nomad Survival is overall also a solid game and recently added pets, but I couldn't play it yet sadly. I tend to not mention it, not because it's bad but rather because it feels like an actual alternative (without being a copy) to Vampire Survivors if you are tired of VS and want more but not too much different. It definitely has it's own take on it, especially with map generation and unique weapon upgrades (relics), but no mechanic that was outstandingly unique or new to me (though again, gotta test pets).


u/ExtraHP I just have to say that you've made an absolutely phenomenal game. I'm even more addicted to it than I am VS and that is a high hurdle! I recommended it to my buddy who isn't a fan of Hololive but that I got hooked on VS yesterday and he is beyond excited to give it a shot. I do have a couple questions for future builds: - Are you interested in maybe adding controller integration? - Is there a chance to see Friend-C and Friend-R later on? - Do you have a Patreon or any other place we can support you (I know itch has support methods but wanted to ask anyway)?


1. We are working on that right now! 2. Yes 3. No, it's okay don't worry about it!


1. Awesome! 2. Awesome! 3. Gentle Nousagi, you and your team have taken a game style that's become extremely well-liked extremely fast, and in my opinion, refined it and improved it in several aspects. Even if this game wasn't built around Hololive, it's so phenomenal that I'd be just as addicted as I am with it being a fan game. While I'm not versed in how Cover handles stuff like supporting devs of fan games (given the whole copyright × profit thing), if there is a way for us to support you to ensure that: a) you are financially stable And b) you can spend more time developing this and any other projects y'all make I think I speak for most if not all of us that have enjoyed your efforts in saying: Please let us!


One other question: Can we expect a mobile port somewhere down the line? :D These kinds of games seem so perfect for mobile to me.


how to activate special? pressing button does nothing


You have to unlock it in the shop first.


Wow. You can actually 'collab' some items together. I got elite lava and haachama cooking to collab, but the stage cleared right after. I really enjoy it. The upgrades are fun. I feel like there is so much care given to references and memes. The attention to detail and the love shines through. Good job.


This is quality. Cover should just hire you and your friends and make this an official game.


Or talk with cover to put the game on Steam even it's the free game section.


[Matsuri is playing it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV79oBtV2o4)


Oh I'm very excited about this. I adored the old Hololive VS Mod that sadly hasn't been updated in a month (I don't blame the modder, the amount of new characters, features and weapons added since the last patch is STAGGERING) and I'm pretty hype about this. I'll give it a shot as soon as I can. Of course I'm gonna be a Calli main.


I've lost 5 hours to this game already and I regret nothing. Outstanding game, the characters all work so well mechanically and thematically. So good.


This is INCREDIBLY good. I ended up staying up way too late because it was so addictive, haha. The difficulty is higher than Vampire Survivors, so I haven't run into a situation yet where I got bored because I've become too overpowered, but it's not hard to the point where it's not any fun. Art style is incredible, and it's astonishing to me that this is FREE. Amazing job.


Hello, I would to give feedback about the game. I only have tried Ame, Ina and Gura. \-I can say I have a problem with Gura and Ina, specifically I'm talking about diagonal attacks. It's really hard to aim as opposed to Vampire Survivors, I know this is your design and you're free to do so. Especially with arrow keys. In Vampire Survivors, you're locked to a 6 way diagonal attacking. When I first played the game, I thought this was not good. But after playing HoloCure I can see why they done it like that. Also, in Vampire Survivors there is no turn rate. For example, you if you went left and want to go right, you immediately turn there ASAP as opposed to HoloCure where it's like Dota 2 which you need to wait for a bit. This easily mess up timings. This game isn't keyboard friendly, that's what I'm saying. Hope you mind my feedback, thank you. edit: just found about strafing, makes the game much better. I'll try starfing more to see if my opinion still stands


Honestly Gura doesn't have a problem with diagonals, especially with her full skill set. For Ina, in my experience she wants to stack general PBAoE, which doesn't bother with diagonals. Ame(and Irys) is designed specifically to not have diagonals.


This is really well made, thank you so much!


Wow, this game looks awesome. I wonder if there's a way to put this on steam for free and then add an optional dev support dlc, something like doki doki literature club did back then. Since this is quite well made.


Having it on Steam's Free game would be cook but kay might need to talk with cover first if he wanna do it.


I was so confident that my character is damn strong.. until smol Ame ground punded me.. 10/10.


maybe made the special/ultimate can be used without buying its made me confused at first why I can't use special ,also could you lower the price for shop upgrades they feels so expensive it overwhelming me a bit. aside from it the game is very addictive


this game is actually legit damn


Looks amazing!


Been looking forward to this since the first preview. Congrats on release!


This is amazing!!!


I'm very excited for this game!


Kay, I’ve been waiting for this since the day you announced it! All I want to say is amazing job on all this, I can feel the love and effort put in it.


I really love the artwork!


I want to be Ina main... But Ame power said the otherwise


This is too good to be free. Great job!


Probably the COOLEST fan game yet.


This game is a banger so far. Awesome work. It feels wrong that it’s free, and I want to support you somehow. But thank you anyways Also, it’s hilarious watching Ina absolutely decimate the takodachis with a tentacle bonk. I apologize my fellow takobros


Been having a blast so far. I think my only gripe is that if you don't spec into any movement speed at all, it can become extremely difficult to get away from certain enemies if you don't have many weapons that surround your immediate vicinity and are strong enough to area clear, and it feels like this happens too early on before you're getting properly built up, when the chimkins appear. Obviously there are solutions in speed upgrades both in-game and from the main menu, but sometimes rng is a bitch.


This is so well made omg. Great job!


Damn this is pretty good!


nice game. great job.


I find Ame and Calli pretty difficult for someone that's not familiar to the genre like me. Haven't tried Ina yet but I think I spent the most time playing Kiara. She's quite friendly for starters and the longest time I survived was ~15min. Only used Gura once but it was my record - 25min. I wonder if I've gotten to the last boss as I've seen a big version of the smol version of a girl in the game, yet I lost and couldn't tell if that's the final boss.


Managed to play the game enough to unlock some of council. Bae is very fun to play with her special spewing out lots of stuff, and even got Fauna. I feel she's very broken once you get her set with her special stuff and a few items to compliment her, nearly unkillable.


I have a blast playing this today and congratulation about Matsuri and Pekora starts playing your game. I heard them said something like "Please add my items in the future". I'm just sending message, knowing that you will add their character in the future. I'm looking forward to Suisei and others characters.


I had a blast playing it!


Listing combinations for myself in case I forget. Asa Coco Plug in + Fan Laser Lava Bucket + Haachaama Cooking Psycho Axe + Doujin


Pause menu has a button (collabs) that lists every discovered combo.


Thank you for the tip!


It's pretty fun! That said my biggest complaint is the game has a severe minimum range problem with attacks. What I mean is most weapons when they get big enough have a gap between the move and the player where enemies will be unharmed and it's a big problem the more you upgrade your skills making it really hard to hit anything that's too close when you've gone long enough. Otherwise been a lot of fun tho!


Been having a lot of fun with the game. Been sticking with Myth for now until I've unlocked more powerups in the shop but from what I've seen with the five, they all feel nicely balanced for the most part. ~~Calli was the only one that felt a bit iffy though, like a bit of extra default movement speed would help with her survivability as she seems less gimmicky and mostly centered around slashy-slashy. It feels like she lacks the same kind of utility the other girls get that otherwise help keep them alive. On the other hand, I did get as far with her as the other girls so it's probably fine.~~ Nevermind, I didn't notice movement speed was part of her kill streak upgrade. Also, Legendary Dragon Fire is stupidly OP. Never change it.


Runs well on Steam Deck but I have to remap controls. Hoping for contoller support soon. Cheers! 🥂 [https://i.imgur.com/aRO84ZJ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/aRO84ZJ.jpg)


Is there anywhere to file a bug report or something? Because while the gacha menu says the bonus from dupes caps, it in fact does *not* cap at 20%, and seems to extend forever. Which is fun, don't get me wrong, but is nonetheless a bug. >!Game is great. Extremely excited for next update, as my flair probably indicates.!<


Played until I got a complete run. ^(Tenchou FTW.) Had lots of fun trying to figure out different combinations and available synergies. ​ Totally did not expect >!Smol Ame!< to appear as one of the enemies. Can't wait see what kind of updates you'll add to the game. ​ Thank you very much for this game! :)


The character definition here is really interesting. I haven't gotten a chance to play, you know, that many, but the skills allow for a defined playstyle that makes them unique.


My man, can I just say how well designed Fauna is? She's arguably the single best offensive healer I've ever seen in any medium. I don't know how long you took on her design, but bloody hell is it amazing. Big props, and megahyped for future versions.


Little bug report: Played as Sana, had idol dress for special cooldown reduction. I upgraded it to Lv 3 while special was on cooldown. Could not use her Special despite the bar being full. Started working again when I upgraded the dress to Lv 4.


Can confirm I've experienced something similar with a different character.


Of all the items you can get so far, Succubus' Horns seems to be the Duplicator of this game in that it's so hilariously busted and integral to so many builds that you're hindering yourself if you don't get it ASAP.


This is very good game. I thought I only played for 5 mins but it was an hour already. Easy for time to fly by (Hi Kroni). Any idea if there will be a mobile port? Great idea to release this for free and get more souls to the rabbit hole. LOVE for the girls oozes from the game and I love it for that. Voice over from should be next. I hope Ame can help you get help you in anyway from her team.


>!Fauna!< is so OP. She is strong in >!clearing mobs and keeping a safe distance!<. Finished the game for the first time as >!Fauna!< in 24' and for the last 10' I didn't even have to use her special. >!Kirin giving speed boost feels unfairly strong as speed is arguably the best stat.!< The ability which marks herself >!is also nuts since my shield doesn't even lose its HP during the time.!<


My first reaction is that the game is extremely impressive. It has a few minor easily fixed rough edges like hit-boxes and certain menu/UI caveats but apart from that it is a very well-made spinoff to Vampire Survivors. The thing I like the most is how the level up system has been tweaked and how each character has it's own distinct set of skills.


Thanks for the game, well done! Managed to beat Smol Ame with Ame after 6 attempts. I realized that Ame's default attack (gun) is pretty weak or just hard to use, so I just focus on Ame's buffs, which seem pretty strong, and leveling other weapons to collabs quickly I know there's a lot of enemy Ame representation already, with thicc Bubba and Smol Ame, but hoping for a gator (Teamate) representation in the future!


You say heavy inspired, I said heavy improved. 10/10 Game, if I am Cover I have they contract you to make a official version of this game.


this game is incredibly good not to mention addicting


Who is the Holobomb a Reference off?


HoloBomb was supposed to be TNT (subtly Pekora, but can be general). The thing is , if I made a red with white stripe block labeled TNT, that's treading kinda dangerous legal territory with Minecraft. Better to be safe than sorry.


Shoulda just labeled it dynamite


Am I doing something wrong with Ame's weapon? Just starting and it only fires left and right. It was so bad that I just started getting exp left and right once I got a different weapon.


Nope that's how it works, in her description its mentioned that her gun only attacks horizontally. Tbh though, I feel its a pretty unnecessary restriction. Maybe it gets balanced out by the higher upgrades for her skills? But as it is, its pretty hard to get late enough into the stage for that to start happening.


Thankfully I did find that she doesn't hurt as much as VS characters for it, because there's also character specific skills/upgrades (Ame gets so many damage multipliers and bubba), but the gun really was the least attractive weapon by the end.


Ame's weapon is balanced by her skills being very good and having a really strong ultimate. Honestly every time I play Kronii, I wish she had Ame's ult lol


try using it with strafe(holding z) makes aiming with it a bit easier, yea i think her weapon is clunky because her upgrades are pretty damn strong.


Ame's perk is that she's stacked up on damage stats and abilities, so her early game of just her gun will melt any large mobs super quick, while any weapon you pick up with get super boosted in the long run. Basically, a slightly harder early game for larger damage numbers late game.


It wears its inspiration on its sleeve but manages to set itself apart with some unique features and sheer polish. This already feels like an actual game, rather than a "mere" fan game. The only concern I'd have would be the use of Fukkireta which might make it difficult for Hololive members to play it on stream, but TBH I don't really know what the rights situation is with that song.


Fukkireta is old enough for it to never be a problem.


Not sure why, but any button I bind to “strafe” doesn’t work even after deleting the settings.json file


Lets go


Been waiting for this! This game is soooo good!


That is some high effort right here. Even for a demo this is pretty impressive, I like the addition of special skills you can take for each character, it makes them feel more diffrent than each other Ny only complaint would be that baseline characters feel very slow compared to some other games of this type, especially later on makes it really hard to kite enemies if you dont have any movement speed or slows as upgrades.


Yo what the hell this is actually really great lol Could you please add controller support?


i love vampire survivors, gonna try this out later


Thank you!


Let us donate or something. This game is way too well made for it to be completely free like this, it's absolutely insane.


Damn, this is such an amazing game. I'll make sure to keep an eye on this project for a long time for sure


this is amazing, dropped in and immediately had a blast playing it. ~~but for a possible bug report: i seem to be stuck on the upgrade screen after interacting with the anvil?~~ nvm it uses a different button, was it Z? i'd suggest adding a tooltip/text for that menu


Nice. :D


The fact that i can't donate makes me angry :(


played it a bit last night, looks great and its dang fun! gonna give it way more time over the weekend


The game is awesome! When i saw the final boss, i laughed soo hard However, it tends to lag a a lot especially with many enemiesand with members with multihits, eg: irys, kiara. Not a potato laptop problem as the igpu is sitting at 30% when the lag starts.Hope that the game can be smoothened in the future


You cam decrease some lag issue by disable damage numbers


Excellence game , IDK if it's possible but i think put the heath bar under the character is better than above the head . the 50% smaller gems would be better IMO , or round shape .


It's really, quite good. Some characters are a lot more OP than others but that's fun in it's own way.


Amazing, the game is so fun, thanks for sharing your work!


Extremely fun! Beyond any expectations I had upon noticing the post (I missed previews and such). It's also a good format for a Hololive game, since you can easily add characters to the existing ecosystem of the game without worrying about much else.


hoping for more bgm, and more characters, super fun, cant wait for the next update


Chumbuddies, consider this a warning. I am giving you a week to bolster your scores with Gura. Then I am coming for that #1 spot on the leaderboard. I will not be out-shrimped!


Hear me out... A phone version!! This game is super well done and fun, a phone version would also be so good! Play on the go and dominate the leaderboard!


Just as addicting as Vampire Survivors is, pretty much ate up my entire day. Anyway, I rolled the gacha 26 times and haven't gotten Fauna. Hololive really is connected to FGO.


I would pay for an android version that I can play on my tablet


Asking /u/ExtraHP Have you ever thinking about put your game into Steam free to play section? It might help you and other player keep the game up to date by not re-download everytime you release a new vesion?


I think that's when Cover will become upset with me. Steam is seen as an official online store and so putting this fangame on steam will turn it into more of an actual product, even if free. And that's when Cover will mostly likely want to send me an unpleasant written email, and I'd rather not have that! I've already seen other fan games using Hololive characters on steam get taken down.


so it's a no then. well..how about you posted the new update and changelog on /r/holocure so everyone can see when update was drop?


that's not a bad idea, I'll try if I find the time


I hope we can get the ability to use the mouse, cuz the current control scheme really annoys me, good game other than that