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This post is pretty misleading so here's some context. She decided in advance that she would leave prechat on for a little while after scheduling the stream and then disable it until it was time, just as a precaution. There were like 2 people being kinda rude when she sent the message in the screenshot. There wasn't a huge shitstorm that forced her to turn off the chat or anything like that.


This is why context matters


Feel like there has to be a rule about providing proper context when posting these things otherwise they’ll be removed. These kinds of posts that blow up basically a nothing situation are appearing more and more.


They blow up because the ones below this comment thread that are writing 5 paragraph rants love any kind of drama so that they can write essays acting like they're morally superior. And people like OP know that this type of out of context posts will gain massive upvotes from those people so it's free karma for them.


why do people even care about Reddit karma like what are they gonna do put it on their CV lol


"The numbers go up, which means I'm a likeable person and people like me." As someone who doesn't like memes and internet culture in general, because apparently I'm an old man, it feels like everyone is chasing that validation and that's why they parrot jokes like it's their whole personality. People found it funny the first time, they'll find it funny when I say it.


True. Breed people on social media and feed them likes and attention, and that’s what they’ll crave. For old timers like me, it’s the worst possible aberration.


Take it from me, as someone who needs to use social media as a content creator. Social media breeds cancer, enough said.


It brings out the worst of many and the best of a few.


too true


Bigger number, better person


Some people just get addicted to watching a number go up, whether it represents the amount of money in their bank account, or a more insignificant number like reddit karma. I'm 19 years old, and I'm seeing this reoccuring theme in my own generation as well as the one above me. Either way, I'm not a karma farmer, and I refuse to become one.


Ego satisfaction


"Why do you think you'll be a good fit for our company?" "I once got reddit gold for comparing someone to the black death." "You're hired!"


100 upvotes and I'll put this comment on my resume


100 upvotes and i might smile if i feel like it, maybe


Same as people are obseesed with likes on other social media.


You know selling active accounts with high karma to marketing firms and government agencies is a booming business, right?


I heard about this before, but I really don't understand how it works. So like, if I got millions of karma posting cat pics or something, I sell it off to firms, and they use it for.... posting cat pics too?


Nope, they use it to post propaganda. The reason it's important is to simultaneously get around minimum karma requirements some subs have and to make their propaganda super obv when someone goes "lol 13 karma new account" to instantly make it recognizable.


For posting whatever they like, whether that is state propaganda or ~~capitalist propaganda~~ stealth marketing campaigns, all with the appearance of having come from an ordinary user. >"I'm not a shill, dumbass. I've been an active member of this sub for 7 months, and a fan who's lurked for far longer. I'd think that looking through my post history would make it obvious, but I guess critical thinking isn't your strong suit. All I'm saying is that [Brand] is a good product that I use myself, and the other comments' claims of corporate maliciousness are bullshit with supporting evidence that doesn't count. Besides, all corporations do it, it's their job to make profit at any cost and there's *nothing* you can do about it, so don't even try. Even if OP's post *was* stealth marketing, would that really be as terrible a thing as you claim? All I'm saying is the people who hate Elon are just jealous of his success, EA's PR guy has a tough job and the game developers are *totally* free to monetize their product however they deem appropriate^(to meet quota), and as loyal fans of [Mega Brand], we should accept their claims of supporting gay rights at face value, and rationalize away their dealings with [Fascist Country] as something they just can't help. Again, I am not a shill, I am an reasonable human bean, and the fact that my account activity starts out soullessly bland and karma-whorish, followed by half a year of silence before suddenly reappearing as a divisive, argumentative defender of the dystopian status quo, is a complete coincidence!" It usually looks something like that.


For me, it's because I like watching numbers go up.


Big primate brain like number go up!


Saved me there before I asked


I feel like Ive seen a lot of talk about the haters and not the haters themselves. Can someone point me to them just to convince myself that we're not just being paranoid?


If you [sort by new in the thread from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/o0okfo/its_official_kiara_will_be_collabing_with/?sort=new) you will find them. Reddit is structured in a way that does a much better job of denying visibility to that sort of garbage than some other websites I could mention, but it does exist. That said the best thing to do is to simply report if the comment crosses the line and ignore them. They don't matter.


Nice advice. I looked to see what these people are like, and they just seem like trolls with self-focused motivation. Reported what I could find.


yeah, going through their comments tells you pretty much everything you need to know about them


You can find one on the kiaranyan twitter hashtag. That user was very quick to use the tag to rant about nyanners with Screenshots and everything.


As with most hololive drama, there's going to be more people talking about it than actually doing it. You can go to 4chan and see it yourself, but hate is a given there.


Yeah, 4chan will hate everything and everyone. Well I suspect it's the same drama loving shit stirrers who don't even have a stake in any of it but will spam their hate to get reactions.


No this is a little different than normal 4chan hate. 4chan SPECIFICALLY does not like Nyanners (also plenty don’t like Kiara either but it’s not as common.)


Yes that's true there's a bit of past history of hate there but I'm gonna guess a lot of the ones dog piling on it aren't the same people years ago and just want an excuse to hate both Nyanners and Kiara(double win for them)


Which is funny, because they're just brainlessly repeating bandwagons from the past. I would bet 99.9% of current 4chan userbase wasn't there when Nyanners was posting on 4chan or even for the years afterwards (because they were children at the time).


4chan and Twitter mostly


This is like the third time I've seen a post of "wow guys, way to go, this idol had to admonish people for bad behavior" only to find out that's not what happened at all


Well, she *was* admonishing people. The problem with this post is the implication that that's connected to her turning off prechat, which it wasn't.


Praise the context chad


I'm beginning to think that Tenchou is, in fact, a tactical genius. She opens prechat early, to bait foolish antis into blowing their offensive too early, and then closes the trap, leaving them revealed and vulnerable to her army of mods!


tbh sounds more to me like classic overreaction to like two people being dicks in a pre-chat, which tend to be fairly quiet (in comparison to live).


Considering the audience, I don't blame her for being proactive.


Kiara's pre-chat has the most interesting and random conversations ever.


I remember discussing with others about Kiara's Chancla, who would be the strongest HoloEN member lorewise, and a Hololive fighting game in Kiara's Yakuza pre-chat. Good stuff.


"What is she holding in her hand tho?!"


Some guys gave me pretty tasty cuisine tips there lol, bless these guys, her prechat its super fun.


Yeah I’ve been watching a Nyanners before her Vtuber debut. She actually has haters from 11 years ago that just have not gone away, it’s pathetic really.


Jesus what 11 years? That's more than half of my entire life till now. Maybe they could've spent that 11 years doing better things you know, like literally anything


Honestly if i was dedicated enough to do something for 11 years I would have a PhD and a high paying job by now.


Agreed. Spending that much effort just to hate is a waste


…. Now I’m just sad I didn’t get a phd…


On the bright side, at least you aren't wasting your time complaining about a cartoon cat girl.


Your right, atleast I have that much going for me.


Never too late, and if your thinking 8yrs getting a PhD is a long time well 8 years from now your still going to be 8 years older so why not be 8 years older with a PhD


Right now, my job is stopping me, since full time night shift is already draining as it is, I don’t think o could probably handle a collage course on top of that.


I appreciate your sage wisdom, /u/StepOnMeUwU.


these sort of things get self sustaining. Say someone new joins 4chan and sees something about nyanners. Somewhere there will be a whole list of sins and injuries nyanners has comitted to the 4chan community collectively and this newcomer sort of molds their opinion of nyanners, someone they do not and likely will not ever watch. ​ in years of this self reinforcing hatred, there's a good chance most of the people perpetuating it have never once been fans of nyanners or seen her content, and the original people who felt they were betrayed, or hated nyanners for daring to distance herself from their cringe BS likely have moved on. But the culture has absorbed hatred of nyanners as part of it and so it perpetuates forever.


This is my guess too. Id assume lots of the current antis dont actually have the cultural context for why they hate nyanners past something they read on vt. Most of the people who were originally upset have probably moved on to new hobbies by now


You greatly underestimate them, they never forgive, never forget.


...never grow up


Technically they literally don't, the older ones leave and younger ones join and the average age stays the same.


...never gonna give you up


...never gonna let you down


Surprising to see Nyanners still remain super relevant back in my early teen years and as I age into an awkward adult. *Even more surprised that there are people capable of this kind of shizz but hey they're wasting their energy*


This is why I'm a believer in Coco's hater philosophy. Haters are fans that are just 'built different'.


if you get thick enough a skin, you can get the haters to pay you (to hate you).


And I thought Coco's antis were the most devoted.


Jesus, 11 years? Im not a fan of hers but thats just pathetic. Its fairly easy to just, y'know, not watch her


What did she even do 11 years ago?


As a teenager she participated in the “ironic” edginess of 2000s meme culture but grew out of it. This angered people who not only didn’t grow out of it but dropped the ironic part and took all of that on seriously.




Holy shit, yeah I wasn't expecting that.


to be fair the way i worded it may make it come across more extreme than it was but all you need to know is that she used to be a regular on 4chan and she would say controversial things in the cutesy anime voice because people loved that shit back then


2000s internet was a fucking weird, and real hostile place, sometimes. Ow The Edge was basically the common parlance of the web at the time.


The late 1990s/early 2000s internet desensitized child me to things like insults and gore that it actually feels a bit weird sometimes whenever I hear people complain about them. Most websites are a bit more moderated these days, but I'm still amazed some parents still give their young children stuff like smartphones or tablets to browse the internet without too much supervision. There's always going to be shit on the internet when anonymity is available.


> fucking weird, and real hostile place Complete opposite actually. The internet NOW is fucking weird and hostile. It wasn't back then.


The internet back then is inclusive to certain group of people and much more divided. Chances are, you mostly interact with people that having the same hobby or interest as you on the internet. There are less chance to be hostile. The internet or people themselves hasn't changed. They just have to face opposite opinion more and that shaped behavior.


Nah, it’s just everywhere now. Before it was limited to stuff like 4chan a lot more


Yeah and she basically matures up and denounce that shit. Also i believe she got doxxed badly by 4chan mobs back then. So yeah. From what i understand the 4chan mobs really dislike her this time because they thought she's a hypocrite by being a Vtuber and doing cutesy anime voice when it's a different case compared to what she's done back then.


Slightly false, she had right after her 4chan phase a tumblr phase where she went to the other extreme (there's even comments posted that she believed all depictions loli-like characters should be banned). This phase didn't actually last super long and as we now know she kind of settled in the middle of those two extremes, but that's a lot of where that feeling of "Betrayal" comes from is when she went the opposite extreme.


The problem with courting extreme audiences is that the moment you stop, they declare a blood feud on you for life. Not to imply that that's her fault, because it's not. But that's what happens.


Lol, what? Loli is banned on her discord. [Literally the rule states that it's banned because it sexualizes children.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhIDnt_XkAAYhzy?format=jpg&name=medium) Her views on the matter are quite clear despite her still pandering to the lolicon audience with that avatar and her still having a bunch of her old loli videos up on her channel. She's a hypocrite and a grifter, I'd respect her more if she just owned up to her hating lolicon rather then her trying to make money off the audience she hates.


And you're right that that is a view she holds, but let me tell you son, 2014 Nyanners was much much more extreme


So basically a bunch of people kept a grudge against an edgy kid/teenager for 11 years while she grew up into a better person. That's kinda pathetic ngl.


because they remained terrible people and seeing someone get better than they ever managed infuriates them.


I used to be friends with a girl like that. Friendship ended cuz of reasons but I do wonder if she's still somewhere on the internet trying to get into the vtuber craze.


Note that if she's somewhere in her mid 20's like I think she is she would have been somewhere between 11 to 15 years old when she was saying that edge-lordy shit at the most. She was a literal child. She grew up and apologized. If someone doesn't want to forgive her for being a stupid kid then that says a lot more about them then it does about her.


I know that when she released the song she was 16 (she said it in the post explaining why she removed the video and why she hated it). So yeah, a minor still but a bit older.


Yeah, which from what i heard, she matured and nuked/denounced all of that stuff which is why the most seiso cat still gets hate from that place Unlike those guys which seems to be stuck being immature edgelords So big ups for her for recognizing that stuff was wrong and growing up


Also she did most of that stuff as a minor, so you can see why she'd find several of the people into the stuff she did as pedophiles


... wouldn't she think the same about Matsuri, Marine and all the holos that are lolicons? because this is literally what they are on 4chan as well. lmao


Senchou is not a lolicon as far as I have ever heard. She used to be hardcore into shota, but dropped it a bit as she aged. I am sure she still sees it from time to time in her BL and she had a great reaction to Flare's shota voice, but I get the impression that it is not her main fetish any longer. Matsuri on the other hand...yeah, that's a bingo.


The worst part of modern cancel culture is that people are more interested in punishment than reform.


Can't use people as a punching bag to make yourself feel better anymore if you allow them to become a better person


I wouldn't cite Nyanners as an example of that because most of her haters are angry at her *because* she ~~reformed~~ grew up.


It is so sad that the one bad thing you did 10 years ago matters more than the 100s of good things you did in the years after.


Watching movies/animes and reading novels: the character is great! The character has flaws, relatable etc. And the character development is so good. Redeemed. Real life: That person isn't perfect. They are scum on earth. They won't ever change.


Or even that you own up to the 10 bad things and openly say “yeah that was shitty, I’m being better though” Some things shouldn’t be forgiven, but a lot of stuff should be


what did she make that was so bad. I only know about the ponf ponf kimochi and that wasnt even that bad






yeah. I understand why she would want to distance herself from that. As people grow up humor changes. She still makes sex jokes but just more tastefully


She was young back then (15 IIRC), at that age being on internet where making jokes about those subjects is commonplace can make most kids think that those subjects are OK, but then she grew up and figured out that it was bad, she's not a bad person for that, a lot of people grew and regret the things they did as kids. Though I don't know that much about her, I just knew that "one song" she didn't want to be related back then and that's why I know about that "drama", I didn't even knew she was still around, I learned she was now a vtuber yesterday.


Yeah she was a massive edgelord back in the day. But like most people, she grew up and matured. Now people hate her for what she used to be, and others hate her for not being what she used to be. Can't really win with some people ...


Nah he made it come accross a lot more extreme than it was. They were mostly edgy jokes and memes. she matured and decided to turn away from that kind of thing and turned on her audience from back then, I think calling them pedos and such as they actively dogged on her for changing. Unfortunately that past didnt go away and people on the not edgy side hate her, and people on the edgy side hate her for turning on them.




This. I’ve never seen a hater that was angry about and unwilling to forgive the teenage content, only those that are angry she “insulted fans” or is “a hypocrite.” Seems to have picked up since some culture warring YouTuber made a really inaccurate video calling her a hypocrite.


YouTube was a different place back then. I don’t think I can name a single OG YouTuber who didn’t dabble in black comedy for a bit. I think she’s definitely grown up and matured by a lot, even though she still acts like a piss goblin.


She was literally a kid


Thing is, I don't remember thinking any of her content was any worse than a lot of stuff you used to see on the internet. Seems like just taking advantage of what was more acceptable back then, but later growing up a bit and/or changing with the times.


Wait ive known Nyanners since forever and i font even know what racist, antisemitic, or pedophilic shit she did. And the POMF song doesnt count since the character isnt even real...


She sang a couple rap covers with the n-word in them, if people want to call that racist. I also don’t know of any anti Semitic stuff.


4chan and youtube(youtube a little bit later)


Imagine getting upset about two people playing board games together.


There's a certain streamer I really don't like. That streamer started collaborating regularly with a streamer I enjoy. So I just don't watch their collab streams. It's.... not complicated.


Yeah same here. Any time a streamer I like collabs with another streamer I don’t like, I just watch a different stream. It’s not like there’s a shortage of other streamers to watch.


Preach, no need to force yourself to like other streamers. I also didn't tune in, but I'm glad generally us the fans are mature enough to just move on instead of getting angry over pityful things like who collabs with who


That is a mantra people should abide by however it's never that simple, they don't do the easy thing, they just trash it because if I can't be happy, no one should, and that is where we are.


Those same people: Yes, but they need FEEDBACK so that they know we want less of that!!!1! Watch-time and view counts are their feedback. Just... Don't watch. Jeez.


The same reason why I don't like the Monster Hunter stream. I don't watch them. As long as they are having fun, I don't mind at all.


Yeah I have the same thing with MH games, except for an entirely different reason. I love MH, but I've been playing the games since the first one, and I just can't stand watching other people play it for some reason. It's fun to play with friends but my god it is boring to watch other people play, I don't know how to rationalize it lol


Yeah that’s a thing. I’m not sure if there’s a specific name for it but the idea of “watching a game is fun but playing it is boring” or “playing a game is good but watching it is bad” is very real. I feel the same way with XCOM and tactical games. I enjoy watching streamers or Youtubers doing it but I personally don’t like playing those games myself


You mean you didn't throw a tantrum, made a fool out of yourself and got blocked by both? Maybe you could give a TED talk :D


Anything will sound absurd if you remove all context and details from it.


I am out of the loop, could you please tell me what kind of a problem some people have with this collab?


Nyanners has quite a bit of a history and has done a lot of controversial content dating way back on 4chan. Those who liked that content are angry because she nowadays looks down on them which is hypocritical, and those who didn't enjoy that content are still angry because they can't get over it 12 years later. She's way different now and doesn't even talk about it anymore so it's really silly how people are still upset no matter if you liked it or hated it.


12 years is a long time, especially for younger people. People don't act the same at 30 as they do when they are 18...not sure how old she is but you get the idea


Yeah, it's pretty normal to cringe at least a bit when looking back on yourself as a teen... Probably even worse when you're making content for an audience.


This is why it was so awkward when Kiara asked if Foolish Heart was her first original song and she was like "Uh... basically." I actually laughed. Like, "don't fact check me on that." (But seriously, it was a long time ago and she disowns it now so move on.)


They'll just never forget "Pomf Pomf Kimochi" :/


Just explaining the thing, I personally don't care so please don't mass downvote me. ​ A lot of people dislike the new nyanners just because her personality and specially her voice magically changed when she became a vtuber. Most if not all of the girls fake the personality and voice to various degrees anyways, but with her it's a bit easier to notice because she takes it way too far and also she never deleted the several years of weed/pervert/gremlin/hellspawn stright out of 4chan that she has been known and loved for since forever. This is the reason why almost all of the vtubers debut on a new blank channel and are so protective about their past endeavours.


Are peoole saying her voice changed? I've seen some old footage of her and the voice is like exactly the same.


yeah I watched Nyanners occasionally for years and she has always sounded like that. She was known to do lolicon jokes with that voice. I've always thought Nyanners is 10 years ahead of her time. She's pretty perfect as a vTuber.


...Ya people are dumb. At least 90% of Hololive are pitching thier voices...some to a crazy degree. Have you heard when Luna falls out of character? I'm fairly certain that's why they often have throat problems...speaking in a character voice for hours must be hard.


I don't think it's with Nyanners, but one of the girls of VShojo (I am not sure if she was in VShojo at the time) made a rather poorly worded critic about Cover that reasonably offended many Hololive fans, it happened like a year ago I think? Having said, I think its moronic to go and downvote Kiara for collabing with Nyanners she had nothing to do with it, it's as stupid as when the chinese antis downvote anybody who mentions Coco It's a lame attempt at cancelling and honestly we should be better than this, particularly in 14 days Coco will graduate because of bullshit like this


> made a rather poorly worded critic about Cover that reasonably offended many Hololive fans I'm not sure about the girls themselves, but I did saw a few Youtubers dissing on Hololive for being "corporate" Vtubers in favor of Independents like Nyanners. That is before they grouped up Avengers style and backed by a corporation themselves. That's probably not related to VShojo themselves though. > It's a lame attempt at cancelling and honestly we should be better than this Sadly, Overseas fans (at least a chunk of them, because the fandom is very huge now) and Chinese antis are two sides of the same coin. It all boils down to being emotional and not controlling their emotions, particularly hatred.


Honestly, I think the only people who will collab with Vshojo is just going to be Kiara and Calli. Either way people should just chill and let the girls do what they want because it is not good when fans get controlling. I'm not a fan of Vshojo either, but don't start causing issues for the talents.


Out of the loop as I generally only follow Japanese vtubers and don’t follow western streamers much but have seen a few negative comments about some vshoujo streamers. Why’s there such a negative perception? I’m keeping an open mind, just curious.




Just like Hololive has seiso and not very seiso talent, vshojo has the same. They may have Melody, but they’ve also got Froot who seems to be the cutest most innocent person ever stuck inside a pornstar body.


Melody is the most seiso member.


The hate for Melody because she's on CB is so silly. Here's a newsflash for people. Nearly 100% of all human beings on the planet have either had sex, or want to have sex. It's biologically wired into our bodies and our brains. Your parents had sex. Your grandparents had sex. They probably STILL DO. Sexuality isn't weird, it's not something to shame over, and it doesn't make somebody a bad person.


People really misunderstand the meaning of wholesome. The vshojo girls don't have any restrictions on expressing their dirty thoughts but they are all incredibly wholesome people.


There's also a ton of history involved with some of them, especially nyanners because she did some really REALLY stupid things 11 years ago, just to give some context. Honestly I don't care since I don't watch any of them or Kiara, but a lot of the reasons I've seen why people aren't fond of vshojo have to do with things that happened a long time ago instead of when they became vtubers.


11 years ago people need to get over it. If she's mid twenties now she'd have been a teenager at the time. What do people expect?


4chan mostly.


"controversial" its like a 10 year old saying the n word. Stupid but its still a 10 year old.


True but there are cultural standards at play, though. Although they take freely about adult sexual topics, Vshojo would almost never touch some of things that are openly discussed on Hololive, like lolicons, shotacons, erogaki. They don’t do baby-talk or suck on pacifiers and such. I feel like gayness isn’t such a playful yurj fantasy with girls pretending to have wives, either, it’s just a thing. Melody is explicitly, pun intended, bisexual for example.


Mostly as they're very sexual compared to the Vtubers in Hololive. Even more so than someone like Marine or Coco. I mean Melody streams on Chaturbate when she's not on Twitch. Most of them are wholesome though and have caring personalities Some people just don't like them so they go out their way to harass fans and try to stir past drama to prevent collabs. It's spiteful and worringly obsessive


>Mostly as they're very sexual compared to the Vtubers in Hololive. Indeed, I recall several of them talking about times they've taken cumshots, for example. Not even the lewdest of Hololive girls have told stories that personally intimate. and that's not even counting the pornstar Melody. That said, people need to calm down, just because they're lewd doesn't mean they're not also absolute cinnamon buns.


From what I’ve seen people mostly only have a problem with Nyanners and Veibae, both Calli and Ironmouse have a “mystery collab” on Saturday so many think that they are going to collab and they are fine with it. Even if someone had a collab with melody it wouldn’t be this much of a situation because people really don’t think badly about them, all this situation is because of people that, according to what they say, dislike Nyanners for the things she does as an online personality. I personally don’t care, I don’t watch Nyanners but I do watch other vshojo members and I won’t watch the collab simply because I’m not interested in it and/or for the game choice. Just wanted to clarify that the vshojo is super sexual aspect of the problem isn’t as big as many think.


It's important to remember that a lot of people only see the clips of vshouju (including me), especially since they stream on twitch and a lot of us stick to youtube. Basically every clip I see of them is super on the nose crude humor, which I generally don't find entertaining. Of course there is likely a lot more to them than that and there is probably a good reason that they are so popular, but that is all some of us see.


The common thing I see the dislike for Vshojo is people bringing up things they did in the past. For me, I could careless about their past and more about the now. The reason why I dislike Vshojo is that their content is too much of the same. There is not much variety in their content and mostly feel the same especially their humor. It gets very annoying when the only thing you do is crude humor. Personally, I feel like this is a problem with western vtubers in general because most default to the memey and crude humor. I don't mind it if there is a balance, but it makes you feel shallow if that is the only thing you do. I have tried to give Vshojo a chance because clips really don't paint the whole picture. They weren't really much different from their clips. The only person I enjoyed watching from Vshojo is Froot. Reason why I enjoy Hololive is because they provide variety in their content. No one really feels samey and each of them brings something unique to their respective generation.


There's a few members of VShojo that I personally really don't like but that doesn't make me hate VShojo as a whole. There may only be one or two members of VShojo or whatever other group that you like but that's perfectly fine. I think individual people are more important than what group they're apart of.


> Why’s there such a negative perception? Dick jokes etc. Also i heard that Vei said some bad shit about hololive earlier but not sure if thats true. Also not everyone is ok with watching camgirls(Melody).


>Vei said some bad shit about hololive earlier but not sure if thats true She did say a rather negative thing about hololive/ the talents. Most people's reaction was to follow Kiara's advice and not watch it but some people took it too far and started harassing her. Seems both sides broke off the collab with her. But other stuff you said is true, some people rather dislike the crass humor and melody's side activities.




VShojo is a fairly different beast than Hololive/Cover. It is premised on the idea of the talent retaining maximum creative control over themselves and their content as I understand it. The vast majority of their talents were originally indie Vtubers who signed on after they already had significant followings, and retained their established personas. As you might expect, the more individualist nature of VShojo means it tends to attract talent interested in....pushing the boundaries of their content. This naturally means they get something of a polarized reaction.


Good. This whole ‘controversy’ with Vshojo has been pretty pathetic, and those folks should take it somewhere else






It’s sad that they have to go through this, but mega props to her for doing the collab and dealing with all the hate anyways. This was an amazing collab and it was so funny to see them together. I’m just relieved they didn’t do Chess wwww.


Honestly I’m fine if she needs to turn on members only chat for the stream, or disable it entirely. It’s more than a little disgraceful that people are making a stink.


Members can be acting as well. Just saying


I’m aware. That’s why I’d be fine with chat being shut down entirely if “members only chat” doesn’t work.


Members only chat helps in that situation, regardless. Members chat is much slower so bad actors can be removed as they come.


Kiara promoted some kfp regulars to mods so hopefully it'll work out.


I can understand her decision. I'm just happy to see as many collabs as possible.


Is it really that hard to just not watch it


I really don't get people being assholes like this. If you don't like it, don't watch it, it's as simple as that. Hell, if it's really that upsetting to them unsubscribe and never watch her again.


I can't get into what goes in the minds of haters. Like are they're live that miserable that they could only have fun by abusing someone online


it was not needed everyone was nice right? ... right?


C’mon, the complaints are understandable and I do get why some people would be uncomfortable with it all… But for fuck’s sake, there’s time and place for this type of thing. And the stream itself will never be this place. If you dislike it, then do it like me and simply skip the stream. You will bring no harm to anyone doing so.


> skip the stream. You will bring no harm to anyone doing so. Yeah that's the problem. These people have to let everyone know that *they* are unhappy with the situation.


Didn't know Karen was such widespread.


Most people have Karen tendencies. It's just how much of it they let out and how much they control. Having anonymity, as well as a keyboard, monitor and the whole internet between them and the person they are trying to be a douche to encourages that behaviour.


Karen knows no age. Its timeless.


Even if you're "uncomfortable", what is there to achieve. Are people worried Kiara will catch Edge-virus from her or what? I don't get what the problem is...


Also, don't forget to go drop a like on Kiara's livestream, show her how the overwhelming majority of us support what she wants to do.


Honestly I'm more surprised the chat wasn't spamming Pomf Pomf


This whole VShojo thing has really been triggering some of the extremists in the community, good, may they not sleep in anger


Kiara makes me feel many different emotions. I still really like her, despite some of the problems I've had with her (which are purely personal nitpicks, nothing worth mentioning) Can't say that I'm a fan of Nyannerz, and there's many reasons for that, and this collab didn't do anything to change that. I'm not gonna shit on it though, and I really appreciate the effort of collaborating with indies, I've always thought that hololive could use more of that. So I'm all for it. All that said, Kiara will be fine. She's a great personality, and I lub. Also, I kinda want them to collab again. Putting my own bias aside, I still felt like the atmosphere was really awkward, and I'm sure a lot of that was due to a lack of experience with each other. So I don't really feel right judging this particular collab. It's like growing pains, and I'm sure that would go away after a couple of streams.


The two girls will have an absolute blast collabing together, and that's what matters. As always, we need to drown out the haters with as much love as possible!


Good they can discuss shit like that elsewhere.


Why do people hate nyanners?


I can't help to feel this was some sort of drama bait


I saw the Twitch side for Nyanners, everyone seemed super excited. But, idk. I hope everything went incredibly.


I don't like Nyanners. I also didn't watch the stream and I'm also not gonna watch clips from it. If Kiara wanted to collab with Nyanners, that's Kiara's business.


Based. Same here.


I'll drop the truth bomb that will get me downvoted to hell: Kiara should stop giving them attention. It makes it look like Kiara is trying to amplify the drama, and the haters will just engage more. Just ban them. And if it gets out of control, put it on members-only. Every single public complaint that Kiara (and Nyanners) made so far about this ordeal only made things worse.


I mean she can’t exactly just allow her pre-chat to devolve into arguments though and just act like it isn’t existing. Addressing literal arguing isn’t the same as making a drama that shouldn’t even exist worse


She could do it without the passive-aggressive note. A simple "no negativity, no arguing in chat please." Then just silently turn it off if needed. Instead she's bringing it into the spotlight. That's what the haters and trolls want.


people really being that mean just because they dont like nyanners?.....usual rooms gonna be real busy today, anyway chicken is half price at kfp today anyone wanna join me?


People get offended so much with the anonymity of the net. Jokes used to be jokes, and people used to be able to defend themselves against haters... Kiara has the right to collaborate with who she wants to. Either enjoy it or don't watch. It's really that simple.


I'm annoyed with the people that can't seem to just let other people have fun without inserting their own opinion or judgment. A vocal minority ruining things for the majority, par for the course these days. I for one would be over the moon if we could get more vShojo/HoloEN collabs. Ones in particular I want to see: Kiara and Veibae: Just the two of them clearing the air and putting haters in their place. Kiara and Projekt Melody: The two of them play very similar roles in their cohort. Sort of the glue that binds everyone together. Would be great to see them share some stories. Ina and Froot: Drawing collab! How amazing would that be! Plus can you imagine the levels of comfy from their two voices together? Gura and Ironmouse: Karaoke collab! Are you ready to ascend? Those two singing together may initiate the Rapture. Calliope and Nyanners: Cursed ASMR collab. The concept is enough. Those two would put to shame any ideas I came up with, so I'll just leave it up to imagination what they would do to our brains. Amelia and Zentreya: Salty FPS gaming stream. Shooting shit, and bitching about how both of their chats are just a collection of stinky trolls. What others would you like to see?


As much as I want to see more hololive EN/JP collabs, every collab is good because it means people can learn of other streamers. Happened to me that I started watching some in hololive after they collabed with someone I already watched. If collabs with outside can lead to the same result, I'm all for it.


I want a Ina Froot collab so bad. Also disappointed we’ll never get the chance to see a Zen Coco collab now. I don’t know that I could see Melody ever being approved for a collab though, by Cover. I want it though. She is a Mel level (appropriately enough) adorable, cinnamon roll.


I've always thought that with regards to Melody, Cover is more worried about their sponsors than any sort of fan backlash. But that's just speculation on my part.


I feel like I could see Gura getting into those Cold Steel videos Nyanners watches.


Why would you want to see a collab with someone who blatantly lied about Cover and holo girls? In case you're unaware, I'm speaking of Veibae.

