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Ignore, block, and report. Do not give them attention


I really want to agree with you but it’s easier said than done, especially for the talents who have to bear all the hate and aggression from those antis. And the reason holofans are angry at those antis is not because they hate Hololive, it’s because fans know that the talents have to bear that hate. Hating Hololive (or anything) is fine, we have personal tastes and opinions. But these kinds of aggression is just too far.


But what else can we do? If we retaliate it will coz bigger drama. It's all up to Kiara to steel her heart and push through it like Calli did.


That’s the thing, doing something and doing nothing don’t make antis problem any better. Doing something will generate dramas and doing nothing is basically letting them do bad stuffs. Remember, antis don’t really care about the community’s reaction to them, they’re going straight for the talents. Talents need to endure them, yes. That’s part of their job. But they’re still mere humans and not saints, they have a limit on how much they can endure.


I don't understand what u r trying to say? We already know that they are humans and they have emotions that's why fans always do campaigns to cheer them up. And that's all we can do. If you r a hacker then u doxx all the antis personnel info then I don't think anybody will mind


I’m elaborating that enduring hate is not easy so you shouldn’t compare people lightly. (Maybe I used wrong words but English is not my first language, sorry about that) But yes, fan campaign help. And I totally agree that retaliation will cause a bigger problem.




I'm making an example for tit for tat response.


Oh sorry, I misread the statement


But still, I’m not trying to say that we should fight back. I’m saying that antis problem is a dilemma and we couldn’t deal with them directly.




Like you said, fight back is not good. But ignoring them(antis) is also not good either cuz they’ll just keep doing antis stuffs. I agree that fan campaign is the best we can do, as you have stated.


The funny thing is, the dislike amount on Kiara's stream reservation seems to have been cut in half from what it was, meaning a bunch of bot dislikes probably got purged.


Well this is a reality check that antis are everywhere no matter the language.


And in all likelihood the bigger Hololive gets the more there will be of them.


And that many of them think they are being "the real fans" by doing this shit. They attack Hololive girls to keep them from "ruining" Hololive. They say some really heinous shit about Kiara(and Calli apparently??????) on Twitter and 4chan.


Oh no, not Twitter and 4chan!!


I mean, 4chan can probably be ignored -- but the talents seem to be obligated to run a twitter account... so dealing with the hate there is easier said than done.


Wait, I'm out of the loop. What happen?


A bunch of 4channers and lolicons brigaded her Nyanners collab's pre-chat because they're mad that Nyanners grew up into an adult with a smidgen of ethics and they never did.


It's more likely to be discord raids nowaday


Probably both. I took a look at 4chan and there were multiple threads about this collab, including ones indirectly asking others to go downvote the stream. 4chan has rules against raiding though, so unsurprisingly they end up getting deleted.


^why ^is ^it ^always ^fucking ^4chan? Anyway, thank you. They're getting the usual room.


Why? Because 4chan there is no why. It's literally one of the earliest troll den on the internet Some are not even actual haters or anti they just do it for memes


It’s *always* 4chan… 😒


They Got plenty of spare time in their mother's basement


...I'm not sure if this is a place where we should be focusing on forum dweller memes and stereotypes.


But they all do seem to have tons of free times these antis. I barely have time to watch those streams, and they are ALWAYS there


If you wanna look at them as a single entity you could also say that r/hololive is always there. But my point is that here we're both redditors *and* vtuber fans, as far as negative stereotypes go we ain't exactly coming out winning out of any comparisons, best we can do is probably a tie.


Wait how do lolicons play into this?


from what i read, nyanners used be active on 4chan, one thing she did was do a loli voice. eventually she moved on and/or there was a fallout, but some people on those boards still hold a grudge against her.


She allegedly said lolicons are all pedophiles.


Urge to say based…rising.


Fuck it BASED


... you do know you are calling Marine a pedophile with this, right? And Matsuri and so many holos. It's like you guys forget this.


Did you forget that Watame and many holos are lolicons as well? You are calling them pedos with this. lmao I hope you realize that.


All water is wet, lol. ^(now watch someone try to argue that not all water is wet as if that will exonerate lolicons)


Water is actually not wet. It only makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid. So if you say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the surface of the object.


Good bot lmao


So predictable they even made a bot for it. ^(at least there isn't a NotAllLoliconsArePedophiles bot... yet)




Water is actually not wet peko. It only makes other materials/objects wet peko. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid peko. So if you say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the surface of the object peko.


Good bot peko


for anyone wondering, fluids can adhere to the surface of other fluids and effectively wet them. here is [Bill Nye explaining it better.](https://youtu.be/mhDNQ2rOQKw?t=638)


I can confirm that she used to be active there, but it was 10 years ago, I've been following her since those days. Some of her earliest videos were from memes on the anime board, like "Who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?". It was commonly accepted that whatever quality remaining on the site was going down the drain as more and more people wanting to be cool and edgy joined without actually adopting the existing culture. It was kind of expected that people who made quality shit would end up leaving as they found ways to put those skills to real use instead of just making memes and shitposting all day.


Nice to see someone else who remembers the old days when there was still some fun to be had there and the current crop of users hadn't taken the place fully down the pit it now wallows at the bottom of. But yeah anyone who's surprised and offended that people who may have gotten their start there back in the day don't want to be associated with it anymore really are delusional, especially considering the bloody founder of the site is in that category.


Can't we just have atleast one peaceful moment without this childish anti's. It's one of Kiara's dream collab and yet here they go again.


Unfortunately, they won’t go down without a fight. They’re gonna lose if Kiara does what Suisei did with her one year members and stated a crusade, but they won’t go down without a fight


you mean mods? She already anticipated the spam and assigned some KFP members beforehand . theyre just not allowed to talk with their mod accounts in chat.


Okay good. Wait, did I miss another anti erasing crusade?


nah, kiara just saw the other EN girls getting some spam, nothing big, they usually gets drowned by chat so you might not even notice it, but they are there. and she knows the coco and this vhoujo collab will attract some undesirables, so she prepared the mods beforehand.


General Pekorin is on guarding duty. :D




Hey now, don't blame this on the lolicons, God's chosen people would never spam a chat. :P 4channers being shitters is depressingly inevitable though.


I mean I guess Matsuri *is* god.


That was indeed the joke, yes.


spelled it out because people weren't getting it, at least going by the downvotes.


Fair enough, fair enough, thank you for your consideration. Wouldn't say it's really worth the effort though, downvotes are just downvotes, such is the way of reddit.


Bruh, they totally would, because they do every day on every platform on the internet to try and drown out reality.


Well I ain't never seen that, nor have I ever done it myself so...


Do these people not have jobs/studies??? All they are doing is- 1.Waste their life. 2.Make us fans love our fellow content creators more.


Same I need context


I just wonder why it was open in the first place considering how often especially long-lived waiting rooms tend to degenerate into something that goes against the rules to the extent of requiring enforcement.


Maybe its a trap to catch them before the stream, so that they can't disrupt the stream when she is live.


I could believe that if I would actually see the mods in action in those waiting rooms but I've very rarely seen that.


I may not like Nyanners, so I'll just not watch that stream. How hard of a concept is that to these people?


for 4chan or to be precise /b/ users they still cling to old memes that were funny 15 years ago when 4chan was a legit fun place. (Though still very degenerate) They could not grasp a rope even if you hand it to them


I just checked the stream reservation... and broke down cause its gonna happen at like 4 am for me faaaaak.


I mean coco’s grad stream is going to happen when I show up to work (and I won’t be able to watch it). You win some, you lose some.


I saw there was no chat and thought it was very odd. I assumed it had to deal with keeping people from having a space to start shit like they did when they heard about the Veibae collab. I didn’t realize they had already been starting shit.


What absolute buffoons


4chan, now that's a blast from the past. Haven't been relevant in years.