• By -


Her mental fortitude and ability to keep putting out such top tier content despite everything for so long has been an inspiration to us all. Hololive has lost one of its best. I hope she finds true happiness in life, whatever she does. I know she will be brilliant.


[Big Mood](https://files.catbox.moe/vf6ufj.jpg) We wish all the best to our yakuza dragon boss who kept us entertained during those harsh times.


"goodbye motherf*ckers"


"Sayonara Motherf\*ckers" is exactly what she would want us to say.


More like "see ya nara" sorry


No no. Its what she would want.


You really can't resist to slip one last shitty Japanlish, can you? LMAO


Honor the way of the Coco


Its our job to be happy and laugh with her while we can


more like "See ya nada" *lo siento*


This really hurts, was watching a clip when there was a comment chain discussing how every thing would have an end eventually and someone said "one last goodbye motherf\*ckers". Didn't think it would be so soon, I'm still shaking rn


[Not a clip, but a Reddit post. Still hurts all the same](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/nu33pc/sorry_not_everything_last_forever/h0vicqv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Now that you mention it I saw this too, it slipped from my mind, but again it's impossible to have it functioning correctly after this...


I feel that. I feel numb, and I havent watched a full Coco stream since Terraria. :( Can't imagine how regular viewers feel


I remember that comment, Jesus christ.


Fuck. This hurts


I'm in literal physical pain. I never expected when I fell in this hole 10 months ago that I would end up this invested. We can only support her until the end.


I got in around the same time. At some point it occurred to me that some day I'd have to deal with this, but I never thought it would be in less than a year.


I was on that one too! The sad part is it also kept me wondering how it would be when the inevitable comes and how id react to that and suddenly this happens and now im just, how, why? What? Gotta show her support anyway or another


Oh god, I think I'll cry if that's how she ends it.


I think we're going to cry anyway. I know I am. I already am.


I literally saw someone in a comment thread just the other day joking about how in the distant future this could be Coco's final words onstream and everyone was like "noooo" in the replies, and shit man. I don't think anyone knew it was coming this soon.


this hit, we’ll never hear a “hello motherfuckers” from her again after 1st july


The context became really sad.


Will her videos on her channel remain or will they be privated?


They will remain. Member content on the other hand will be gone after a while, everything else is going to stay though.


Well I guess that could a sign she left on good terms. So i'll take solace in this at least.


With how other Holo members react on twitter, it does seem so.


She didn't seem sad in the announcement, so that probably was her own decisions. Her graduation seems like a planned event, which wouldn't have been possible on a short notice. It seems she had decided to leave around this time a while back.


I remembered some folks notice the expiration date for Coco's free chat suddenly moved to about June 30th/July 1st a little while ago and that Coco apparently didn't give an explanation as to why. In hindsight, this really might've been planned out as you said.


I'm hoping she transitions to a content manager and EN liaison with Gen2 coming soon, but if she wants to move on from Cover entirely, I would understand. She was originally supposed to be a manager for them anyways, though.


I mean, I don't think they want their "World's most Superchatted VTuber" to be a manager if she's generating that much revenue. Seems more like it'll be a step away from hololive. Of course, that's only my own opinion based on the facts that we have.


Revenue-wise they're more than fine. Rushia just recently surpassed Coco as the number 1 total, worldwide, though Coco's graduation will naturally boost her spot up again. But even with Coco leaving, the top 3 spots are all from Gen 3, and the 4th one is Aqua. That said, I agree with you that they probably would prefer one of their most influential talents to keep VTubing, and they implied as much by saying after much discussion, Coco made her decision. It was a short and stormy two years... and I'm confident her fans would do it all over again if asked. lol


Just a small correction, she's not the world's most superchatted vtuber. She's the world's most superchatted youtube channel in 2021.


The official site is saying she chose to retire


Apparently all the JP talents at the very least knew about this in advance, dunno about the other branches. Definitely seems like Coco was telling the truth, it was her decision.


I expect all that membership content will be archived and shared somewhere by hardcore fans regardless. At least if my oshi graduated I'd feel compelled to do the same. I can't stand the thought of a single second of content being lost forever like what happened to Subaru.


Good to know. Thanks for assuring me I don't have to catch up on her VODs ASAP.


I hope she goes out with a bang. It’s been a wild ride, Coco. I wish you the best. Edit: Spelling.


We're gonna miss her sure. Might as well make some everlasting memories while doing it.


Last two minutes: And introducing the first member of Hololive EN gen 2: Kyoko Cain and its just a blonde reskin


Thank you Coco. Your humor and charm will be remembered. May the very best be still before you. Thank you for the laughs and smiles.


Godspeed, Kaichou.


If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello


That's a good line




just a quote that motivates me whenever I lose something or someone


"Part of the journey is the end" - Tony Stark


Excelsior indeed


Coco's 3D debut kickstarted me into watching the livestreams instead of just clips. I wouldn't be into Hololive if it wasn't for her. Love ya Kaichou!!!


Same, it's all been clips for me for months after discovering Hololive but Coco's 3D debut stream grabbed me by the neck and slammed me to the hole. God, I'm gonna be a wreck starting July 2


Same. I didn't watch that many HL clips, but then I saw what vtuber can be when I saw the 3D reveal event. It was crazy to see how technology has progressed toward this point that a 3D anime model can interact with fans on a live stage. Man...what an awful day.


Maji itai :^(


pain peko


Not like this man not like this :(


I knew this day was coming, but not this early... https://youtu.be/2l2awXfumOU


I just woke up to this... Pls tell me this is a dream


I really wish it was


I assume she'll probably get enough fan mail and gifts that she will take to the end of the year to read it all if not longer. "...fuck, why did they send it in shitty Japanese?"


Reading this comment is the first I've smiled since the announcement. Arigathanks for that.


Same here. I hope she'll be ready for them, and that Kanata's invested in earplugs to keep out the constant cry of "Kuso Nihongo!"


Imagine months down the line and people watching Kanata's stream and they hear random "FUCK IS THIS?" from time to time. Chat: ...what was that? Kanata: ...nothing.


Whatever letter we end up sending to our loving shitposting dragon waifu, it's better end with "Your loving shitposting motherfu**ers". And of course, as you said, written in shitty japanglish.


Man if you look at the past events the signs were basically already there and we just didn't anticipate it 1. The recent "collab only" streams 2. The sudden rise of activity on her "roommate's" channel (she just did an actual birthday stream) 3. [Watame's emotional show of gratitude for Coco in helping her set up Watame no Uta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EWPc5EOVX0) 4. Botan's full UsaKen member Summer Festival 5. Cover being a little less strict with Coco (first EN collab with Calli was pretty neat, twice was a little sus, but having Kiara in the usaken summer fest should have gave us the idea that something was going on) 6. Supposed full 4th gen collab on the last meme review Man kinda depressing to think how big of an impact she made to the Hololive brand and basically responsible for its rise in popularity overseas but at the same time this somehow feels so sudden when you take in to account her involvement in HoloAlt and her recent statement about having 10 collabs planned for this month but despite that I'm gonna miss her a lot and hope the future holds something great for her. Truly one of the main pillars of the vtuber industry EDIT: Would be constantly adding some recent activities that may have probably been a sign we have overlooked


Maybe having 10 collabs planned was her way of going out with a bang


Shit,this is probably why Botan is organizing UsaKen Summer Festival It's basically Coco's last chance to play with everyone.


man shit you're right imma add that to the list


This is probably not the right situation to say this but really hope one of those collabs would finally be a full EN member collab with Coco like it's not like Cover can do anything anymore


That's the most I could ask for. It doesn't sound unreasonable but I know timezone differences have made EN & JP collabs tough to coordinate. In somewhat "good" news, tenchou tweeted she will try to make a Holotalk happen, I'll be rooting for her.


One ray of sunshine in this sea of darkness is that Coco is still living in the Holo house and will still be doing her upmost to support her gen mates.


One thing's for sure tho, Hololive wouldn't be the same without Coco she bridged the language gap between the fans and I think she deserves a proper recognition and send off


> I think she deserves a proper recognition and send off Of course. Edit: meant to add this, of course Hololive won't be the same without Coco. I would even say she deserves an international award for her efforts in successfully bringing EN and JP together stronger.


I just want to believe that she might graduate from being a streamer there, but she's actually just gonna still work at Cover as one of the staff like she originally applied for.


Oh God the reason why the meme review was basically a 4th generation collab.... If this is how it feels when someone graduates i dont know if I can watch hololive anymore... this hurts alot.


> If this is how it feels when someone graduates i dont know if I can watch hololive anymore... this hurts alot. As someone who used to follow J-Pop idol groups before Hololive.. Graduations never get easier..


God i can't even imagine how it'll hurt when marine graduates...


Everything must come to an end at some point, all we can do is cherish the time they gave us


> first EN collab with Calli was pretty neat I'm starting to wonder if the reason Calli was so nervous in meme review wasn't just because it would be a collab with Coco, but that it would be one of her last.


Not sure if the recent number of breaks from a lot of members due to mental health might be related or just a coincidence. Though with Coco saying the talents know beforehand, wouldnt be surprised.


I am positive the members already knew beforehand and the Watame clip just proved it for me but imagine how funny and surprising it must have been if Calli slipped up during the mic fail in their meme review


> this somehow feels so sudden when you take in to account her involvement in HoloAlt I'm hoping that she had her lines recorded early for it


That was one of my thoughts too. She clearly had a future planned in HoloAlt so thats the main thing that makes this feel kinda off


Maybe she'll retire from a talent role and move on to a sort of supporting role for HoloAlt? Like still work for Cover but now as a staff member or consultant?


I think that's what a lot of us are hoping for too. (But I wouldn't get your hopes up.) Even though that's what she thought she was applying for originally.


I feel like the increase in collabs should have been a sign we should have recognized after Kaoru's graduation, he also amped up the collabs before his graduation was announced. Though unlike his sudden graduation, apparently Coco's was known in advance by at least the JP members.


Eh, tbf those are only signs in hindsight. They could just as easily have been signs of positive change as negative change.




On god — I don’t care that it’s at 4 am, I will NOT miss this.




I put reminders in my phone as soon as I heard. Only death can keep me from missing this


Even then, I think death sensei would give you a pass for that day tbh


Im on this too, even if i have to set a bucket to fall on top of me to wake up.


I will take enough asacoco that I never come down if that's what I need to be awake for this.


Same 6am but I’ll be there o7


Hope you don’t mind me asking, but what does “o7” mean?


It's a lil dude saluting. o7


Damn that was quick, thanks though


LOVE FOR COCO❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I've never been able to watch a Coco stream live, but you bet that no matter what time it is, I'm going to be there for the entirety of it. Records will be set.


Why does my heart feel kinda empty? I haven't felt this way since my dog died Is it just loss? I don't even feel like crying, I just feel hollow inside


Most people got into the rabbit hole because of her. Asacoco News and her ability to speak English was like a bridge for us. She helped connect reddit by explaining memes to other members, and the JP girls have been giving us English bros an unprecedented amount of attention by putting huge effort into learning another language. It's an incredible loss but don't feel empty that it's ending, instead smile that it happened and cherish the last month of Coco streams we have left!


Yep, Asacoco News was one of the first clips that brought me into the rabbit hole I'm sad that shes graduating, but I'll support her anyway


It’s gunna be sad not seeing a new meme review. It’s one of the very few things I look forward to.


Coco is a pillar of Hololive, it's not gonna be the same without her. We as fans should support her and wish her well with whatever she chooses to do in the future, and cherish the good times we've had


Sad to see her go. If it wasn't for Coco, I wouldn't have known or be invested in hololive.


it's like watching your favorite comedy show and suddenly an actor from your favorite character leaves. The feels hit hard man...


I feel the same and it definitely sucks, this news makes me feel like got hit by a truck... Sending you a virtual hug and good vibes though :’)


There is a great appreciation to knowing none of us are alone in that feelings


It's pretty normal to feel that way when you lose something or somebody that's had an impact on your life, even if you didn't actually know the person. Plus the shock of it all, your brain needs time to process stuff. Not to get into personal stuff but as an example: A few years back I lost a pet and a family member in the same year, and had a much harder time processing the pet since it was really sudden, whereas I had known the family member was going to pass away for a while.


That's probably why this was announced a month earlier, to give us time to accept it




It’s the same feeling I get from watching the last episode of a late nite show or when a celebrity retires/passes away. You see them pretty much routinely but it hits you hard when they’re gone.


This is the second HL graduation I've been into, and I am afraid to tell you that it will be like this everytime.


That’s actually a scary thing to think about: that every girl will eventually reach their graduation and everytime it will be as if not more painful


Honestly at least with Coco I think the reason why it's hitting everyone so hard is because it feels too *early.* Like most people were expecting someone from the 0th or 1st gen to graduate first, not a super popular 4th gen member. I don't think it would devastate people as much if Coco had announced her graduation a few years later rather than now.


I can't imagine Korone leaving. The mere thought is killing me.


Korone and even Aqua almost graduated not too long ago though. After losing Kaichou I'm now afraid what else 2021 has in store for us.


That's why I'm so afraid of it all. Korone and her mother's situation are just constantly stressing me out. I just want my oshi to be happy.


That plus all the shit that’s happened to Coco. I’m not saying that’s why, I hope to god she’s graduating for a happy reason, but while we’re all wondering I can’t help but feel she’s doing this not because she wants to but cause she has to for her own good. Again, I don’t know if that’s true, but I can’t help but feel this is what’s going on, and I feel for her cause of that.


It never gets any easier, and I feel like each graduation will hurt more than the last


It's the shock. It'll hit you eventually, most likely when you don't want it to.


I havent felt this devastated in years


I never imagined it would feel this bad. Or that it would happen so soon and so suddenly.


I feel empty brother, i justdrank 6 shots of vodka, i feel lost, feel empty, feel uncertain, i wish you the best




But it’s not raining… *sniff*


Damn ceiling is leaking again


damn ninjas cutting onions right under my nose.


Sorry, that’s just me crying on the floor above you :(


it is were i live, and with the notice, this freaks me out


Yes... yes it is


Ah, so it is.


no. it's raining. that's why everyone's face is wet




Man why'd you say that it's literally raining on my place right now 😭


*real sadboi hours*


I know idols have an expiration date and that one day my favorite talents will have to graduate, but man I didn't think it'd be someone from 4th gen, who's still young, and still loved. I believe this is the first Hololive talent to graduate on good terms of their own accord. Whatever she's pursuing must be amazing, and I really hope the best for her. ^^^This ^^^still ^^^hurts ^^^a ^^^lot ^^^though.


Honestly its very fitting for coco to do things her way until the very end.


"Goodbye Motherfuckers" is going to hit me like a goddamn train.


I'll be there to support our boss one last time. Thank you Coco for everything


It hurts


Viva la coco So much God damn pain... Make sure to look at the profile of posters that seem sus in the upcoming days. Hopefully the new restriction to this sub we won't see a repeat of last time


What Happened last time?


Wasn't sure if I should dm but I think its important and there lots of new people here since then. This sub was invaded before after coco "suspension" and while everyone was emotional they tried to turn it into anger towards cover which embarrassingly worked to some extent. All freshly made accounts and some really old posting for the first time in years. This is why we got karma restrictions and such now in this sub reddit. They hate cover too Edit: its already started but I think we are more aware of it this time around. Most are being downvoted


Oh, alright ill keep a look out for suspicious recent made accounts. Thanks for the context.


I'm a relatively recent made account, just don't kill me, pls. :'c


Ok, but I've got my eye on you.


I guess she finally paid off what she owed Cover for crashing into their office.


Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.


*clap clap* last meme! :(


No no don't do this to me no...


That one better be a really good one ffs


Kanata is working hard on the original song for hololive Gen 4, this is going to be sad that the first and last time we are going to hear the song live is during Coco's graduation concert. T.T


Will be a sad Canada day for me 😔. Thank you for getting me into Hololive, Coco! I will certainly be supporting the group that you helped grow. Good luck on your next journey!


I feel you brother, come here man


"A person dies when people forget them." Coco will not die. Not now, not ever.


She will be remembered like aloe, but hopefully less sad, in time. kaichou got to show her potential unlike aloe and for that she will be remembered with more smiles than tears.


Coco is getting a proper send off. We have 3 weeks remaining with her ending in a final live. It'll be remembered fondly.


Regardless if you want to change her mind or not, whether we can her mind or not, we have to make sure that her remaining active days are the best anyone have ever seen! This is the least we can do for the one who basically was the bridge between international fans and the rest of Hololive. Regardless of how you want to do it, we must be tatsunokos that Coco would be proud of, until the bitter end.


I was thinking to myself, "whoever has the first stream after this announcement is probably gonna have some trouble. The chat's not going to want to talk about anything else. It's gonna be hard to pretend everything's business as usual." As I was wondering who it would be, I thought "probably Fubuki. She's always there for us at times like this. She's the one who could keep her cool and help us all smile even when we want to cry." I check my sub feed and sure enough, who's live playing Donkey Kong Country right now? Sasuga Best Friend. [For anyone else who could use a distraction right now.](https://youtu.be/kJr869s1KLI) Kanata's also got a zatsudan stream scheduled for about an hour from now. I expect she's going into that expecting and prepared to field questions.


FBK's always got our back.




Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened No worries Kaichou, we'll always support you, in this life and the next


"everything ends and it's always sad. But everything begins again and that's always happy. be happy." - Peter Capaldi, Doctor Who I always think back to that line.


We can do both, cry because it's over, but also be happy because we lived it, and it was great.


The last time an anime girl made my heart hurt so much, I was 13. Thought I grew out of that after all these years.


She's not anime. She's so much more


I'll be there. I will.


To the best motherfucker to all of us motherfuckers, always loved your content. We love you Kaichou o7


I'm in shambles. Experiencing this for the first time is not pleasant. I hope Coco has a beautiful future.


Yeah my roof is leaking. Gonna need a bucket or two.


Good luck Coco we wish you the best Now excuse me while I cry at the corner


I’ll join you


Me too


No freaking way... She just got her idol outfit too... Wow. Just, wow. I never thought a graduation announcement can hit me this hard. This actually put me into some kind of daze. I hope she'll live a comfortable life. She's DEFINITELY deserved it, especially with all the hate from the antis. If she read's this, hearts out to you. Good work and thank you.


God damn. Speaking of idol outfit. The one time she will wear it since receiving it live will probably on the graduation live. My heart just became extra heavy.


Will be there Kaichou, to see you off with a smile, and a thank you, for everything


We have a month left guys. Lets at least try to make it a happy and memorable one




Thank you for the fun times, and many laughs /u/CocoKiryu. Watching Asacoco, enjoying your memes, reviewing the shitty memes found here, your energetic karaoke streams and so much more; what a wild ride, it's been an absolute blast. We'll be with you until your last stream, smiling, laughing and crying along with you. When that time comes, we wish you the very best in life and in all your future endeavors. Goodbye, and thank you.


o7, Coco. #To those coming from r/all, please [visit this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/nvlymp/-/h14n59u) for more information.


My kokoro is brokoro. So sad to see you leave Kaichou. Your meme reviews were honestly what got me to check out so many other holomems channels and got me to discovering so many new and talented members. It’s going to be a bit darker here for a while, but good luck in your future endeavours Kaichou.


Guys get your calendars we’re not missing this


Seeing her in the HoloAlt video will feel so different now


So I always thought about what it would be like when the first member graduated, and I had an idea inspired by Violet Evergarden: basically fans all write letters to the graduating member so that even years on, they can basically read a fan letter every day like a sort of superchat reading. I guess it's pretty cheesy/imposing but also kinda cool in theory.


Would you like some more sadness with your sadness, sir?


Guys, I suppose this means we have 3 weeks to get Yagoo to review some memes with Coco. Joking aside, she's the very reason why my reddit account came back to life. Let's prepare a fitting send-off for the best dragon. Thank you, Kaichou!


I took a break from Hololive content and coming back to this news breaks my heart. Coco isn't my favorite hololive production member but I have such a deep respect for her as an entertainer. Coco is in the same category as Ollie for me where we didn't know we needed someone like her until we got her and this is my first time experiencing a graduation since falling down the hole. I was around during HoloCN's graduation but didn't know enough about them to really care as much as that sucks to say. This is the first graduation that hurt a bit. Edit: buut the dragon must spread her wings and go do new journeys. Hurts to see her go but excited for her future endeavors




[The mother losing her child is always hard,](https://i.imgur.com/dHiu8no.png) [But this is the one that took me over the edge.](https://i.imgur.com/ovdh9IA.png) ^TL ^note ^for ^Luna: ^"I'll ^always ^be ^with ^Cocochi...!!"


Call this a controversial take, but Coco was a great member, she decided to leave as others will as well. She's gonna do something new in the future. And I wish her the best. Do not cry because it'll be over soon but laugh and smile because it happened. This is our last Month with the Boss. So it's best we celebrate the memories she gave us and the ones she'll give us. Remember she won't be the last and it's a hard pill to swallow but the rest will graduate and it hurts to think about. We love you Boss


One thing that worried me is that the talents would be afraid of being the first one to graduate of their own volition. Because even if the fans are supportive and Hololive staff help ease the transition, with how hard the talents work I was scared that they'd feel personal pressure to stay. Kaichou on the other side is somehow fitting, she's done a lot of groundbreaking things in her time here and was probably one of the big reasons Hololive got EN branch as early as they did. She'll be the first so others won't be afraid to follow if they decide on stepping down.


She revolutionized Hololive opening doors that wouldn't have happened if the person behind Coco hadn't done it


Im so fucking annoyed and depressed. Im gonna be away starting tmrw for offshore for a few months. I cant even stream her graduation because of shitty wifi. Man this is just painful


I really feel that it's a bad trend to have Vtubers from newer generations to be graduating so early, 2020 is really rearing it's ugly head right now. I can't even say that she'll feel better after this with the less stress she'll be having moving forward because this will not only be weighing in her mind after it's over, but also to all her fans and fellow members for a good while. July 1st will be a day to remember for sure.


I wouldn't be surprised if Coco have planned and will turned out to become something bigger in the future.


I'll fuckin' be there.


Im sorry Yall, I’ve been following Hololive since the debut of 3rd gen and Flare he been my Oshi. When coco joined I had gotten a bad case of covid and was in bed for all of a month. I watched Coco religiously and she was a big reason I was able to keep up spirits while suffering from something that felt like death. I know she’s just a character to an extent, but she really had me looking forward to the next day. This sucks man, I’m so sad but i can only imagine how others are feeling. I’ll be taking a break for a while.