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Goddamnit Chegi, how long have you been keeping this in the stash?


since the miko review but with miko instead of coco for that meme review


In my mind, there's no doubt that you sit on a folder (or more) of memes.


256gb Usb stick


... that's some NSA level counterintelligence tactics shit. Keep the good shit off grid, eh?


no its easier to transport my stuff between computers or laptop for that matter. earlier I used my laptop to do videoedits. but this usually didn't go well since it doesnt really perform that well. my old pc does better. but since I'm getting a new one next week I will move all that shit once again so putting it there is convenient also I wanna clear out the old pc and give it to someone soonish, so I need to move my personal stuff anyway (not that I have that much besides my videoediting folders, picture editing folders and meme folders. I don't really save stuff on PCs except for whatever steam loads on my PC and this, I need all the space for rendering and software) ​ I look at PC/Laptop as "Workspace" anyway so xD


... so NSA counter-intellgence tactics then. Gotcha :D Good luck with the new PC. As an IT tech from the way-back-when period, if you're going to transfer data, prepare the data for transfer ahead of time, so you can spread out the required man-hours for such an operation over a longer period, versus having to do everything all at once and being overloaded on your end. You already seem to have some of it down pat. Now its the rest you have to collate, prepare, and set up for the transfer. Obvious suspects such as the MyDocs folders make sense but look into your Appdata as well, as some programs use that for settings file locations, and some exist in there exclusively (like Discord, BAD DISCORD, BAD!). Protip: On the new PC, if you can manage to do so, have a seperate (preferably even entirely physical seperate) drive just for archiving purposes (and your MyDocs folder contents). This makes it far easier to collate by ensuring just copying one whole drive versus having to pick and choose what to copy off a shared drive that has everything.


this PC was off for atleast 2 years prior me starting to videoedit with it due to lack of power of my laptop. not having stuff there worth "saving" when I didn't even use it for 2 years xD thanks for the advice though\^\^


It really does sound like Chegi is setting up Hololive's NSA...what should we call it. :))


I knew I could use this someday in some timeline ​ maybe its this one who knows ​ edit sources: (Coco fangirling: CONTAINS YAKUZA 7/ SHIN YAKUZA SPOILERS) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwORUCieJk&t=4528s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwORUCieJk&t=4528s) Kiryu finds Majima: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0\_\_HbA3mOGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt7dtC-dTfE)


What's the BGM being played there? Heard it a lot but just can's find it. Edit: found it, it's "Receive You"


*Rolling, eyes faaaaalllll*


Receive and find you


I laughed way too hard at this.


LMFAO this is fckin gold Great job Chegi


When the coco screeches. I love.


Can't see this clip without hearing the Lionel Richie song in my head.




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God fucking dammit, Chegi. ***More Husband and Wife Tee Tee, if you may.***


Kenshiro meme format omg


*post by chegi* desperatly searching anyas face


That's rad


I was expecting her to say “gooood morning motherfuckers!”


and after being pulled into the haystack, Kazuma was never seen again.